HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-10-27 Minutes �P MINUTES ORONO ARENA COMMUNITY CENTRE BOARD October 27,2015 Present: John Witheridge Elaine Dillon Gord Lowery Laverne Boyd Wendy Partner Willie Woo Jackie Moore Rorie Woods Michael Di Lella Guests: Murray Dennis Regrets: Call to order by John Witheridge at 7:30 p.m. Agenda: presented by: John Witheridge Moved to accept: Laverne Boyd Seconded: Michael Di Lella Passed Minutes from June 23,2015 meeting: presented by John Witheridge Motion to accept as received: Laverne Boyd Seconded: Willie Woo Passed Financial Report distributed June 22, 2015 by email and attached to this report. Motion to receive the financial report without prejudice for September 30, 2015— Elaine Dillon Seconded: Gord Lowery Passed Willie Woo questioned the Pensions and some discussion was held on the topic. Rory will investigate and get back to us. Correspondence: Distributed October 27, 2015 and emailed earlier,the Facilities Strategy from George Acorn. Motion to accept as received the Facilities Strategy report: Willie Woo Seconded: Wendy Partner Passed New Business: Wendy Partner presented ideas on how to move forward on who runs the arena. We need to develop a strategy for the Arena Board to move forward. To do this I think we should set up a meeting with the Arena Committee (OAAA) to define our respective roles and how to improve our roles to move things forward in the Orono Community Once we have done this we will need to go back to the Municipality to get a draft agreement where we can make any further changes to these agreements that is felt are needed, then our Municipal Solicitor will draft the final document for both parties to sign... When we do meet, we need to decide if there is truly a need for this Board to exist since the OAAA for all practical purposes runs the facility. Ask ourselves, Is there "Value Added" by having this Board? One Option is The Municipality can just as easily set up a municipal capital facilities agreement between the Municipality and the Athletic Association that would deal with everything (e.g. insurance, ownership of the land/building, accountability). The public would not see anything different in terms of service delivery. The only real change would be that Municipal staff would be responsible for seeing that things are being managed well by the Athletic Association under a Municipal Capital Facilities Agreement as opposed to our Board doing it through the service contract that currently exists. It could, but it would not necessarily have to be a Board of Council but it would be something that the Municipality would have to discuss with the Athletic Association if Council decided that it was the best way to go. Staff will have to take whatever direction the Board gives them. Discussion was held on how to move forward and it was decided that a meeting including all parties must be held in the near future. Wendy Partner will work with Andy Allison to set it up. Openly discussed dissolving the Orono Arena Board and having the OAAA reporting directly to the Municipality with the possibility of Fair Board members attending the monthly meetings. Wendy Partner stated that the Municipality does not want to take over the Orono Arena, that is not their intent. Municipal Capital Facilities Agreement need to be written by 3 parties together and decide to dissolve the Arena Board. Investigate setting up a new structure involving these parties: • OAAA • Fair Board • Arena Board • Municipality—Willie Woo, Wendy Partner, Fred Horvath, Director of Operations and Andy Allison, Municipal Solicitor, and possibly the Mayor Wendy Partner to talk to Andy to set up the meeting of the Fair board, Orono Arena Board, OAAA and,Andy, Fred and Mayor Wendy Partner notified us that the schedule for the accessibility audit will not be produced until next week some time. Last meeting Wendy had stated this will be happening in the near future. Motion to adjourn at 8:40 pm: Willie Woo Seconded: Gordy Lowery Passed Next Meeting: Will set one up when one is needed. John Witheridge Chairperson Page 1 Orono Arena And Community Centre Balance Sheet As at Sep 30,2015 ASSET CURRENT ASSETS Petty Cash 250.00 Term Deposit 119,204.61 Bank A-Payable -2.291.67 Bank-Operating account -7,432.03 Cash Total 109,730.91 Accounts Receivable 0.00 Accounts Receivable Y/E Adjust... -3,073.90 Accounts Receivable 3,073.90 ReceivablesNet 3.073.90 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 109.730.91 FIXED ASSETS Furniture&Equipment 4,644 00 Accum Deprec Furn&Equ p -3 2.7e 61 Furniture&Equipment Net 1,369.39 TOTAL FIXED ASSETS 1,369.39 TOTAL ASSET 111,100.30 LIABILITY CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts Payable -4,998.16 Accounts Payable YE Adjustments -2,592.58 Accrued Liabilities 0-00 Accounts Payable 13,896 67 Vacation Payable 2,306.56 Vacation Payable 0.00 Employee eductions Payable 000 EI Payable 455.84 CPP Payable 1,395.23 Federal Income Tax Payable 1,981.65 Pension Payable 15.98659 Rec Gen Payable Total 19,821.31 1NCB Payable 2,553.47 G S T On Sales 16,833.30 G S T On Purchases -42,652-43 G S T Remitted -7,714.53 G S T Payable -36.00 HST Paid on Purchases -13,810.16 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES -16,392.55 TOTAL LIABILITY -16,392.55 EQUITY RETAINED EARNINGS Term Deposit 133-91 Retained Earnings 148,245-94 Current Earnings -20,887.00 TOTAL RETAINED EARNINGS 127,492 85 TOTAL EQUITY 127,492.85 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 111,100.30 Orono Arena And Community Centre Page 1 Comparative Income Statement Actual Actual Jan 01,2015 to Jan 01,2014 to Sep 30.2015 Sep K,2D14 Percent REVENUE REVENUE Bank Interest Revenue 9225 2 940 00 -96 86 Rental-Ice Rental 161 48425 151.376.50 6.68 Rental-Arena Floor Rertai 0.00 4,965.00 -100.00 Rental-Booth 3,076.00 2.750.00 11.85 Rental-Hall 8,452.00 9,416.00 -10.24 Meeting Room Rental 350,00 250.00 40.00 D.A.F.B.Ref BFI 0.00 0.00 0.00 D.A.F.B.Ref water 0.00 0.00 0.00 D.A.F.B.Ref-Supplies 0.0o 0.00 0.00 Gas 000 000 0.00 Public Skatinq 1,40.00 2,475.00 -41.41 Fund Raising 0.00 407,25 -100.00 Ice Equipment Clarington contricbu 0 OD 0.00 0.00 Skate Sharpen 0 OD 25.00 -100 00 Miscellaneous 2,657.11 0.00 0.00 Donations 0.00 3,500.00 -10000 Board Advertising 1,850.00 4,260,00 -56.57 TOTAL REVENUE 179.411.61 182,364.75 -1.62 TOTAL REVENUE 1;9.4'1,61 182.364.75 -162 EXPENSE COST OF OPERATIONS Arena Maintenance "0,581,68 10,368.11 -36.52 Arena Supplies 6,640.08 6,901.78 -3.79 Fees&Dues 0.00 50.00 -100.00 Audit Fees 900.00 0.00 0-00 Bookkeeping 1 309.79 95692 3688 Bank Charges&Sundry Exp. 1,339.36 163.40 719.66 Gas 8,522.75 7,721 07 10.38 Propane For Olympia 0-00 0.00 0 00 Gasoline 000 25682 -10000 Tractor Maintenance 189.95 150.00 26.63 Grounds Maintenance 1.750.00 1,830.00 -4.37 Hydro 32,721.21 37.565.12 -10.23 Ice Equipment 26,542.53 3,832.59 592.55 Refuse 1.16076 2.024.50 -42.67 Telephone 2,995.15 2,689.61 11-36 Water 5.199.75 5,066,16 2.64 Advertising 290.DC 25.00 1,060.00 Office Supplies 548.42 613.20 -10.56 Miscellaneous 1.274.98 4304 2.862 31 Training 767.66 coo 0.00 Wages 81,275.07 84,845.35 -4.21 EI Expense 2.177.83 2,239.40 -2.75 Pension Payable 12,34257 1.604.00 669.49 CPP Expense 3,146 27 2,657.60 18.39 Balancing Source Ded for 2011 0.00 0.00 0.00 WCB Expense 1.622.60 2,019.91 -19.67 Payroll Expense:Total 100.564.34 93,366,26 771 TOTAL COST OF OPERATIONS 20D,298.61 173,623.68 15.36 OTAL EXPENSE 200,298.61 173,623.68 15.36 IET INCOME -20,887.00 8,741.07 -338.95