HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-11-17 Minutes CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting November 17, 2015 MEMBERS PRESENT: Joe Earle Victor Suppan Todd Taylor Paul Davidson Councillor Hooper (7:40) Katharine Warren (Attended until 8:00) Peter Vogel (7:10) REGRETS: Robert Malone Tracey Ali Steve Conway Ruth Goff (ex-officio) Kim Vaneyk (ex-officio), STAFF: Brandon Weiler J. Earle welcomed everyone to the meeting. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST None declared. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 15.21 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by V. Suppan, THAT the agenda be adopted. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 15.22 Moved by T. Taylor, seconded by K. Warren THAT the minutes of the Meeting of October 20, 2015 be accepted. 1 | Page DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS BUSINESS ARISING 1640 Concession Road 9 Alterations At the October 20, 2015 meeting the committee received a presentation from Dana Snow, the new owner of the property, and discussed potential changes to convert the former church building to a single detached dwelling. The committee has had a chance to review the staff report and the proposed draft designation by-law. The committee was pleased with the draft designation by-law. 15.23 Moved by T. Taylor, seconded by K. Warren THAT the proposed alterations to 1640 Concession Road 9 to convert the building from a former church use to a single detached dwelling be accepted and that the new draft designation by-law be accepted Drafting Heritage Designation By-laws The committee used the draft by-law for 1640 Concession Road 9 as an example and an opportunity to discuss what information is required when drafting a heritage designation by-law and what the by-law needs to capture about the heritage value of the property. V. Suppan provided the committee with a presentation that was given by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport staff to a previous committee that highlights many of the key aspects. The committee engaged in discussions on how much detail should be in the by-law, especially when identifying listed items, and if non-original elements of the structure should be listed. The key message that was highlighted was that it really is a case by case basis. Depending on the property and the heritage value of the property it may be important to capture either old or newer elements or both. It is the same case when discussing the level of detail identified in the by-law, it will depend on what the committee and Council feel is important to ensure the preservation of the heritage value of a property. This could include very detailed descriptions of specific elements or more general comments about the style of the building and the materials used. Jury Lands Foundation (Camp 30) Maintenance has completed the works on bush hogging the sides of the trail, clean up of large debris and reseeding of the area disturbed when the new section of trail was constructed. The owners of the property have also cleaned up portions of the site around the buildings including cutting back long grass and cleaning up large debris. The brushing and other works are to make the trail safe for public use and to show the public that there is positive steps happening on the site. It is hoped this will encourage trail users to help steward the site, activity and eyes will help avoid further vandalism 2 | Page and debris dumping. The owner has installed signage along the trial to identify that the portion of the property, including the buildings, which is private property and not to be used by the public. The Jury Lands Foundation, staff and a representative of the owner presented at the National Trust Conference in Calgary on October 23. The presentation was very well received and contacts made at the conference can help the groups work moving forward. REPORTS FROM OTHER COMMITTEES Bowmanville Community Improvement Program No news to report Orono Community Improvement Program No meeting to report Newcastle Community Improvement Program No meeting to report Architectural Conservancy Ontario, Clarington Branch No news to report Newcastle Village & District Historical Society No news to report Museum Resignation of Charles Taws as Archivist, search for replacement underway. Heritage Week Working Group Meeting November 25, 2015 CORRESPONDENCE AND COUNCIL REFERRALS 1640 Concession Road 9 The report, which was sent to committee members prior the Planning and Development meeting, was received and accepted at Planning and Development Committee. Councillors thanked Dana Snow for her work and vision for the property. There will be an ad in the local paper identifying the proposed designation by-law and the public will have 30 days to provide comments. PROJECT REPORTS Subcommittee Reports: Public Outreach and Education Committee Members from the committee met to discuss a work plan for this committee and to formulate ideas on potential projects. J. Earle indicated he would send out a summary of the meeting to all members. Some of the projects that were identified included the following: - splay boards for when they attend public events - Creating a presentation that can be delivered at schools for students - Durham Region and hosting workshops/presentation for networking and to identify what projects other committees are engaged in. - Reaching out to Kim Vaneyk to identify if there is a role for the committee in the barn book. 3 | Page - Reviewing the Heritage Clarington website and providing input for updates. - Creating a new calendar for fundraising Heritage Home calendar was discussed. - Continuing with heritage property owner engagement by continuing to collect information from home owners and using that information in future projects Municipal Inventory and Register Committee The committee has not met yet. V. Suppan indicated he would try to set up a meeting in the coming weeks prior to the December meeting. NEW BUSINESS 2016 Committee Meeting Schedule The schedule for 2016 is attached to the minutes. Meetings are the third Tuesday of each month with the exception of July and August. Committee Memberships The committee made the following motions relating to memberships for the 2016 year. 15.24 Moved by V. Suppan, seconded by K. Warren THAT the committee renew their Community Heritage Ontario membership for 2016 in the amount of $75. 15.25 Moved by V. Suppan, seconded by P. Davidson THAT the committee renew their Clarington Museum membership for 2016 in the amount of $25. Committee Budget for 2016 The committee discussed what would be an appropriate budget for the 2016 year. After the report on the ideas of the Public Outreach and Education sub-committee the committee felt that there may be an increased need for a larger budget than 2015 ($1,000) if some of those projects were to proceed in 2016. 15.26 Moved by P. Davidson, seconded by T. Taylor THAT the committee approve a budget for 2016 in the amount of $1,500. The committee indicated a willingness to request funds from Council during the budget review process for 2016 to help with education of committee members and to help fund raising efforts, including publishing books and calendars, house tours, etc. The 4 | Page committee felt that they needed those funds to continue to create new publications and projects. To be a true resource that Council can rely on it is important for members to be educated and current with emerging heritage practices, this is gained by attending conferences or workshops. The committee agreed that they needed to request Council funds for committee education. The committee will continue formulation of such a proposal at the December meeting. V. Suppan moved to adjourn the meeting. Next meeting: December 15, 2015, 7:00 p.m., at Clarington Municipal Offices in Room 1C 5 | Page Clarington Heritage Committee 2016 Meeting Schedule CHC Meetings are scheduled for the third Tuesday of each month as follows. All meetings will be held at the Municipal Administrative Centre in Meeting Room 1C Entrance through the Library Doors and up the stairs to your left 7:00 p.m All meetings of the CHC are at . January 19, 2016 February 16, 2016 March 15, 2016 April 19, 2016 May 17, 2016 June 21, 2016 September 20, 2016 October 18, 2016 November 15, 2016 December 20, 2016 6 | Page