HomeMy WebLinkAboutTown of Newcastle Fire Dept. 1980 Annual Report TOWN OF NEWCASTLE FIRE DEPARTMENT 1980 annual report TOWN OF NEWCASTLE FIRE DEPARTMENT 1980 YEARLY REPORT HIS WORSHIP MAYOR GARNET B. RICKARD, MEMBERS OF COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND COUNCIL: Ladim and GentU,,men: I have .the honowc o6 again ptLm enti.ng the Annuat Fii to Report 6oA the yeah ending DeeembeA 31, 1980. I The Fii to Department Responded to 514 eaUA dwLing the yewL, an incne"e o6 4 ca -6 overt the previouz yeah. The e6t,i.mated 4iAe to&s 6oA 1980 was $ 676, 315. 00 a deeAease o6 $ 183,400.00 oven the previouz yeaA 1979, with a totat, azzmsment o6 approxtmatety $ 42,023, 141. 00 which rep)tuents onty . 106% o6 property vague. It iz with AegAet that we tepoAt one death by 4.1Ae on DeeembeA 17, 1980. DuAing 1980, approval was Received to upgrade the department with the puAch"e o6 thAee add,i-t%onae pieces o6 equipment. ( 1 ) Hunt Toot - (Jaws o4 Li6e) hydAau,?.i.c ext}r ication equipment. This toot has been used on 6ouA occ"ion6, also demonAtAations at Orono FaiA and duAting Fite PRevent,i.on Week. (2) A one-ton uti-P i ty Rom wheet dni.ve tjLack waz puAeh"ed on which W" mounted a 200 gaPton water, tank and pump, both Aemovabte. This unit iz cased in conjunction with equipment maintenance, hone pick-up, 6iv e supprersion natuAat cover 6iiLe5, etc. (3) A 250 G. P.M. pojrtabte pump was puncha-6ed to be used in conjunction with Awca2 6i, e protection water suppty. Approvgt 6o4 the purchase o� a new Tetucoping Water. ToweA and Audit LaddeA was granted and tendeA was .het to PienAeViUe Fite Tyutckz Ltd. with deti.veAy date 6oA nate 1981 oA 1982. The Fite Department pAovided �.Ae p}oteetion {or "HEAT WAVE" Festi,vat, Mospokt PoAk, Augwst 22nd, 23Rd and 24th, 1980, With a compti.ment o6 Six pe-uonne- opehati,ng on six, eight houA shits 6oA a total o6 288 man houAz. F,iAe Department unit 3-9 and 1-11 weAe toeated on ,site. Fi)Le Station #4, Coutice has been in opeAati,on 6or then Aiut 4uU yews. Pe zonnee aAe veAy co-opm t-i.ve and show a keen inteAest in the Department and otheA aetc:vitiez. The 6tation responded to 48 atcoLms duAing 1980. i (2) The,ke ways an incAease in the number. oA ineendioAy type �)vAea dwbi.ng the yeak, 11 o� which wvte .investigated by Dunham Regional PoUce and Fike MaA�shab 044ice, With one conviction and 3 pending. I wouPd .e ke to exptuz my thanks bon the ea-opeAation and a,s,s,i,stance received thkoughout the yeah 4itom you zeP-4, Community SeAvicu Committee, Town Counci e, Town Hatt Sta44, DepaAtment Heads, Dunham Regionae and Pt ovinciaX, Poti.ce Foncm, News Media, Woks Department and Sta44, Buitding Depaktment, Utit t.i.ez, Mini stAy o4 the Sotic i ton Genera,, ConsumeA and Comme}r.c,i.at Re2.at i.anz, U quok Licence BoawLd and to the many otheA onganizati.o", citizens and individuatz who have azzisted the DepaAtment in any way duAing the yeah. In eancPusion, to a.i tkict Ch,i.eAA and 044iceu, to att member, o4 the Fike Depantment, my spec%at thank {ion your co-operation and toyatty ,Leceived throughout the year. Rn pee t{uUy submitted, James F. Hayman, Fike Ckie4. JFH/d i i i i i Fire Emer enc 9 y CARTWRIGHT Town of Newcastle Fire Departments MANVERS ,Q ✓w I Vlll 1 r c I •I il , ' I V11 AN N��TN V IV' _'I N I VI I' I r V I } i L� CL <E i V y v ala a •,,. 11 ;; ..,� 1 I� ANVllll 1 I I I 11 I A 1 D. F " --- - .. ',•r " � ( ilii Loke Ontorlo - �.:. ,.;..• Fire Station Fire Station N Fire Station Fire Station Number 1 Number 2 Number 3 Number 4 ROW Man A IYV I L L E NEWCASTLE ORONO COURTICE h a 1980 i N-7aF�SI=- FIP— DEPART= O_p-ANIZATICN CHART Ta%Nl COUINC= �C nity Ser%rices C mittee Town manager j Fire Chief t _ I Division of Division of Division of Division of ministration Fire Prevention. I Training Apparatus & r I E quint t Division of Fire Szi=cession, I Rescue, Salvage & Ccl=. -. nication C Districts I I h _ Fire Station T-rl-1 Fire Station #2 Fire S'�anon 3� Fire Station K- 2 Pull-time District Chief District ChiefE 5 Captains T- I -T- I 4 Captains Deputy 0nief Deputy Chief ---� 13 Fire Fighters 4 Captains 4 Captains- 12 aptains p 12 Fire Fighters 12 Fire Fighters 10 Fire Fighters TOWN OF NEWCASTLE FIRE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS STATION #1 - 132 CHURCH STREET, BoWMANVILLE i FIRE CHIEF J,E, HAYMAN PERSONNEL FULL-TIME WILLIAM LYLE - FIREFIGHTER, FIRST CLASS GRAYDON BROWN - FIREFIGHTER, FIRST CLASS VOLUNTEERS CAPTAIN - ROBERT SMITH CAPTAIN - HOWARD DAVEY CAPTAIN - LLOYD FORSEY FIREMAN - JOHN CARTER i FIREMAN - GEORGE MOORE FIREMAN - GREGG CORDEN FIREMAN - BRUCE GOUDEY FIREMAN - STEVEN OKE FIREMAN - JOHN LYLE FIREMAN - DOUGLAS BARNETT FIREMAN - MICHAEL MURPHY FIREMAN - BRUCE SMITH I FIREMAN - DOUG TAYLOR FIREMAN - RONALD CARTER FIREMAN - IRWIN COLWELL FIREMAN - BRIAN SMITH FIREMAN - RAYMOND KICHKO i FIRE STATION #2 - 247 KING STREET EAST, VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE VOLUNTEERS DISTRICT FIRE CHIEF - SAMUEL BRERETON DISTRICT DEPUTY CHIEF - ALFRED ALLDREAD CAPTAIN - PETER DEJONG CAPTAIN - CLAUDE MILLER CAPTAIN - DONALD HOLMES CAPTAIN - RONALD POTTER FIREMAN - DONALD OKE FIREMAN - TED SCHEFFLER FIREMAN - JEFFREY ALLDREAD FIREMAN - CECIL MILLER FIREMAN - WAYNE YARROW FIREMAN - WILLIAM COUCH FIREMAN - JAMES ALLDREAD FIREMAN - GARY WOODCOCK FIREMAN - FRANK HOAR FIREMAN - ROGER PEEL FIREMAN - CHRIS COOPER FIREMAN - GERALD HUBER FIRE STATION #3 - MAIN STREET, VILLAGE OF ORONO VOLUNTEERS DISTRICT FIRE CHIEF - Ross MERCER DISTRICT DEPUTY CHIEF - JACK MERCER CAPTAIN - HARVEY PARTNER CAPTAIN - GERALD DUVALL CAPTAIN - MEL HARTWIG CAPTAIN - FRANCIS TENNANT FIREMAN - R. JACKSON FIREMAN - P. SCHMYR FIREMAN - JAMES HUTTON FIREMAN - TERRANCE HARDY FIREMAN - JAMES PARTNER FIREMAN - DAVID FORRESTER FIREMAN - RON TALSMA FIREMAN - ERIC PATTERSON FIREMAN - JOHN CLAPDORP FIREMAN - RON SUTCLIFFE FIREMAN - RON WHITE FIREMAN - DONALD TENNANT FIREMAN - DON MCLAREN FIRE STATION #4 - TRULL'S ROAD NORTH, COURTICE VOLUNTEERS CAPTAIN - MARION HocKNEY CAPTAIN - JAMES MC I NTYRE CAPTAIN - ROBERT MARSH CAPTAIN - JOHN PITTENS CAPTAIN - PATRICK DRUMM FIREMAN - RANDY COLE FIREMAN - ROBERT HOcKNEY FIREMAN - BEV HEATH FIREMAN - MAURICE WICKS FIREMAN - WILSON REID FIREMAN - CARL PHILLIPS FIREMAN - DEL RUDMAN FIREMAN - GABRIEL MERKAC FIREMAN - STANLEY WATT FIREMAN - ROBERT WILSON l FIRE LOSS STATISTICS YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 1980 ALARMS FOR 1980 , , , , , 514 BUILDING VALUE $ 13,727,900,00 BUILDING LOSS $ 494,400,00 CONTENT VALUE $ 2,539,645,00 CONTENT LOSS $ 181,915,00 VEHICLE VALUE $ 616,200,00 VEHICLE LOSS $ 454,050,00 OTHER LOSSES $ 1,200,00 PER CAPITA LOSS $ 21,23 (A DECREASE FROM $26,18 FOR 1979) BURNING PERMITS ISSUED BOWMANVILLE - 190 PERMITS NEWCASTLE - 23 PERMITS ORONO - 11 PERMITS I ANSWERING SERVICE LOCATION #1 - 317 CALLS LOCATION #2 - 437 CALLS Local I oN #3 - 389 CALLS VISITORS TO HALL HALL #1, BOWMANVILLE - 454 PERSONS HALL #2, NEWCASTLE - 185 PERSONS HALL #3, ORONO - 75 PERSONS HALL #4, COURTICE - 126 PERSONS i FIRE LOSSES MAJOR FIRES DURING 1980 THE FOLLOWING REPRESENT MAJOR FIRES DURING 1980, FEBRUARY 4 DWELLING IIANCOCI< ROAD $ 35,000, FEBRUARY 16 BARN R,R,#1, ORONO $ 45,000, FEBRUARY 24 MOUSE BOAT TAUNTON ROAD $ 25,000, MARCH 12 DWELLING TOOLEY'S ROAD $ 32,000, MAY 22 RESTAURANT HIGHWAY 35-115 $ 50,000, AUGUST 20 MEMORIAL HOSPITAL BOWMANVILLE $ 225,000, SEPTEMBER 28 BARN R,R,#1, NEWTONVILLE $ 33,275, OCTOBER 6 DWELLING R,R,#1, BOWMANVILLE $ 22,000, OCTOBER 11 DWELLING R,R,#1, KENDAL $ 48,000, DECEMBER 24 DWELLING R,R,#3, BOWMANVILLE $ 13,000, i i 1 i TOTAL FIRE LOSS 1978 - 1980 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 900,000 800,000 700,000 600,000 _ i 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 a-, 0 FIRE DEPARTMENT YEARLY REPORT (1980) FIRE ALARMS FIRE STATION #1 - BOWMANVILLE 321 FIRE STATION #2 - NEWCASTLE 77 FIRE STATION #3 - ORONO 68 FIRE STATION #4 - OOURTICE 48 TOTAL CALLS 514 I BREAKDOWN METHODS USED TELEPHONE - 436 CALLS MUNICIPAL PANEL - 30 CALLS (STATIONS #1 AND #2 ONLY) i RADIO - 11 CALLS VERBAL 2 CALLS i POLICE - 35 CALLS I FIRE DEPARTMENT ACTIVITIES 1980 THE FIRE DEPARTMENT RESPONDED TO A TOTAL OF 514 ALARMS FROM ALL OCCUPANCIES DURING 1980, DWELLINGS 128 RESTAURANTS 10 SCHOOLS 6 WAREHOUSES - BARNS/SHEDS 16 CHURCHES - CARS/TRUCKS/PLANES 76 LUMBER YARDS 1 SALVAGE / JUNK YARDS 2 LAUNDRIES/CLEANERS/LAUNDROMAT 4 FALSE ALARMS 10 STORES/OFFICES/PLAZAS .5 APARTMENTS/CONDOMINIUMS/ROOMING HOUSES 1 HOSPITAL 12 PUBLIC BUILDINGS/HALLS/RECREATION COMPLEX 1 GRASS/RUBBISH 104 SERVICES STATIONS 1 FACTORIES/SHOPS 11 HOTELS/MOTELS 6 BOWLING ALLEYS/POOL HALLS 3 INSTITUTIONAL RESIDENCES _ BANKS 1 ARENAS 1 REST HONES/NURSING HONES 8 j MUSEUMS 2 ASS I STS TO OTHER HALLS 8 TRANSMITTER FACTORIES 3 MISCELLANEOUS 75 i CLASSIFICATION OF CAUSES CHIMNEY FIRES 62 MISCELLANEOUS 18 GRASS/BUSH 68 OIL FURNACES 14 COOKING EQUIPMENT/GREASE FIRES 18 ELECTRIC WIRING/MOTORS 26 SMOIERS MATERIAL/MATCHES 15 OPEN FLAMES/HOT ASHES/EMBERS 8 SPRINKLER PRESSURE SURGE (ACCIDENTAL) 10 FALSE ALARMS 24 ACCIDENT: VEHICLE 38 STEAM/SMOKE/ODOURS (MISTAKEN FOR FIRE) 28 GASOLINE WASHDOWN 13 FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS 7 PUBLIC SERVICE 61 RUBBISH 32 VEHICLE FIRES 29 REPAIR GARAGE/WORK SHOPS 9 INCENDIARY NATURE 3 i i PROPANE BLOW TORCH 2 SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION 5 LIGHTNING STRIKE 5 ASSISTS 19 Total . . . . 514 SUMMARY OF FIRE PREVENTION INSPECTIONS ASSEMBLY: Schools, Churches, Clubs, Restaurants 138 INSTITUTIONAL: Nursing Homes, Special Care Hospital, Pineridge 47 RESIDENTIAL: Apartments Motels, Hotels, Private Residences 115 BUSINESS AND PERSONAL SERVICE: Shops, Dry Cleaners, Offices 26 MERCANTILE: Department Stores, Shops, Supermarkets 34 INDUSTRIAL: Garages, Factories, Spray Painting 61 BUILDING PLANS; New Construction, Alterations, Department of 59 Planning and Development PETROLEUM PRODUCTS: Flammable Storage Tanks Handling Codes 31 MISCELLANEOUS: Complaints (Yards, Alleys, etc.) 17 HYDRO DEFECTS: wiring, Electric Panels, Extension Cords 17 DEPARTMENTAL INQUIRIES: Regarding Fire Department 137 Total . . . . 682 Incendiary Nature Fires 11 Pending 3 Charges Laid p Convictions 1 J Fatality by Fire 1 1 TRAINING REPORT Training is an essential factor in the administration of a fire department. Firefighters must understand what they do and why they do it, if they are to be efficient in the protection of life and property. IIhere are five training sessions held monthly, a minimum of 2 hour duration. These sessions are held respectively at each fire station (4) . January: 16 M.M. Training film. The Torch-Arson Investigation Overhead Transparencies - Fire Stream - Section 1 Hand Lines, Supply Pump, Eductor and Foam Application February:, Advisory Personnel - Red Cross Instructor Emergency First Aid -Instruction Course Four fire stations. March: 16 M.M. Training film. Water Foam Foam Application - Flammable Liquid Fires April: Outdoor Exercise. Use of hi-volume hose. Static and Residual Pressures, Deluge Monitor 16 M.M. Film - Using Water Wisely Fog Against Fire Basic Hydraulics - Nozzles and Pressures Overhead Transparencies - Tank Truck Fires May: Outdoor Exercise Master Streams - Hydrant Pumper Port 4" hi-vol supply Line Drafting - Static, Residual and Fire Flow Pressures Operation of Select-O-Matic Nozzles Portable Pumps - Floating Dock June: Outdoor Exercise - Works Department Yard Flammable Liquid Fires - Gas, oil, diesel fuels. Foam Extinguishment - Protein, A.F.F.F. , U.H.X. and generator Use of Jet-X and eductors - fixed and adjustable July: Outdoor Exercise Advisory Personnel - T. Love, Wilson & Cousins Evaluating nozzles - Fire Flows and Pressures Piezometer Testing Equipment Operation of Pumpers - Hydrant Hook-up Master Streams Drafting, Porto-tank, Portable Pumps, Hand Lines 2z" and 11-2" Water Storage Reservoir - Drafting, Hose Lay, Hydrant Hook August: Station #1, August 9, 1980 Pre-Planning - Dennison Manufacturing 1 (2) September: Outdoor Exercise Hurst Tool - Hydraulic Extrication 4" Hi-vol hose - Master Streams Working from Hydrant - Ventilation Ladders - Respiratory Protection October: 16 M.M. Film - Where's the Water Ventilation - procedures Hi-vol hose - storz connectors November: 16 M.M. Film - Chlorine and the Firefighter Liquids Can Burn Use of Respiratory Equipment December: 16 M.M. Film - Cars that Crash and Burn Emergency First Aid Flammable Liquids - Transporation Emergencies Use of Firefighting Equipment - Station #4 Durham Region Mutual Aid Running Cards Hurst Tool - Hydraulic Extrication Equipment In April, the fire department was host for Durham Region Mutual Air Firefighters Association, guest speaker, A. Geoffrey Carpentier, Ministry of the Environment, District Pesticide's officer. The meetings are held monthly at various fire stations throughout the Region, attendance 43 personnel. The Durham Region Fire Chief's Meetings are held quarterly, at alternating stations throughout the Region. TWo meetings with all fire department officer g p personnel were held, these meetings involve discussions on fire department procedures, report forms, proposals, requirements and general operations of the departments. Fire safety instructional courses were held for staff of Public Works Canada, Memorial Hospital, Nursing Homes, Newcastle Utilities, Day Nursery Schools. I i I COMMUNICATIONS REPORT Radio communications are now generally used by all Fire Departments, with two-way radio equipment in all vehicles and fire department stations. Also portable tone alerting receivers in the homes of all firefighters which promotes efficient utilization of both the equipment and manpower. During 1980 communications were completed for stations 2, 3 and 4 with the purchase of 13 personal tone alerting receivers which enables all firefighters to be alerted through radio tone alert- ing encoders. Fire Station #1, Bowmanville, received a portable transmitter receiver to be used in conjunction with pumper unit 1-3. One additional shelf and components were added to the Municipal Fire Alarm Panel Station #2, Village of Newcastle. Facilities are now available to permit telephone emergency lines to be terminated and controlled from one central dispatch (Bowmanville) . Serious interference is still being received on the VBF radio in connection with the Fire Department of East York, Toronto. j i i i I TOWN OF NEWCASTLE FIRE DEPAR'IYyIL'N'I' VEHICLE INVENTORY All vehicles are radio equipped. TRIPLE COMBINATION PtWERS 1940 Ford - Bickle Rotary Pump - 420 G.P.M. This unit is not in service. Restored to near original finish and used for parades, etc. 1950 - Bickle Seagrave - G.M.C. Chassis - 6 cylinder - 500 G.P.M. 450 gallon water tank Carries: 1 - 24 foot extension ladder 1 - 14 foot. roof ladder 700 feet 2L inch hose 400 feet 12 inch hose 400 feet booster i 2 Scott air pales Miscellaneous firefighting equipment 1959 - King Seagrave on Ford Chassis - 625 G.P.M. - 3 stage pump 500 gallon water tank- Carries: ankCarries: 1200 feet 2z inch hose 800 feet 12 inch hose 400 feet booster 1 - 35 foot extension ladder 1 - 14 foot roof ladder 1 - 10 foot attic ladder 1965 - King Seagrave on G.M.C. Chassis - 625 G.P.M. 500 gallon water tank Carries: j 1200 feet 22 inch hose 800 feet 12 inch hose 400 feet booster 1 - 35 foot extension ladder 1 - 14 foot roof ladder 1 - 10 foot attic ladder 2 Scott air pales Miscellaneous firefighting equipment i 1964 - King Seagrave on G.M.C. Chassis - 625 G.P.M. - 2 stage pump 500 gallon water tank Carries: 1200 feet 22 inch hose 800 feet 1� inch hose 400 feet booster i Vehicle Inventory (cont'd) (2) 2 - 35 foot oxtonsion lacido��s 2 - 14 foot roof ladders 2 - 10 foot attic ladders 4 - M.S.A, masks Miscellaneous firefighting equipment 1971 - King Seagrave on Ford Chassis - 840 G.P.M. - 2 stage pump 600 gallon water tank Carries: 300 feet 3 inch Hi Vol 1400 feet 221 inch hose 800 feet 1-z inch hose 400 feet booster 1 - 50 foot Bangor 1 - 35 foot extension ladder 1 - 14 foot roof ladder 1 - 10 foot attic ladder 1971 - Emergency Van - G.M.C. - Step Van Carries: Variety of emergency and rescue equipment Portable Generator 3000 W Air Fan Rescue Kit Chain Saw Stretcher Blankets Partner K. Saw Air Paks and Bottles Foam Supply Pumps Hurst Tool (Jaws of Life) Hydraulic Extrication 1974 - Tanker on a Ford Chassis - 250 G.P.M. - P.T.O. Pump 1500 gallon water tank Carries: 500 feet 22 inch hose 600 feet 12 inch hose 200 feet booster 1 - 24 foot extension ladder 1 - 14 foot roof ladder foam equipment 1000 gal. porto-tank i Vehicle Inventory (c:ont 'd) (3) 1977 - Tanker on a G.M.C. Chassis - 250 G.P.M. - P.T.O. Pump 1500 gallon water tank Carries: 500 feet 22 inch hose 400 feet lz inch hose 200 feet booster 1 - 24 foot extension ladder 1 - 14 foot roof ladder 1000 gallon porto-tank 1979 - Pierreville Truck on a G.M.C. Chassis - 840 G.P.M. - Waterous Pump 2 stage 600 gallon water tank Carries: 1200 feet 21 inch hose 800 feet 1�A inch hose 200 feet booster 1 - 24 foot extension ladder 1 - 14 foot roof ladder 1 - 10 foot attic ladder Portable pump and generator Foam Equipment Miscellaneous firefighting equipment Departmental Cars 1979 - Pontiac Station Wagon - Fire Chief This car carries portable fire extinguishers, oxygen tank. I 1 - 14 foot aluminum boat and trailer 9.5 Chrysler outboard motor - dragging equipment, oars and life jackets. 1 - 1980 Ford 4x4 - Four Wheel Drive 200 gallon water tank portable pump 500 feetl2 inch hose 200 feet booster hose i i i I MECHANICAL DIVISION Staff at Fire Department headquarters (Bowmanville) are responsible for maintenance and repairs to all vehicles and operational equipment. New front tires and tubes were installed on apparatus Unit 2-5 Station #2, Newcastle and Unit 3-6, Station #3, Orono. Station #2, Newcastle, pumper Unit 2-5 required a pmp overhaul by King Seagrave, Woodstock. This is a 625 G.P.M. pump and it is now in good working order. A new 1980 Ford 4x4, four wheel drive unit was placed in service July 25, 1981. This utility truck is in daily operation, in . .conjunction with maintenance, repairs and necessary servicing for all four fire stations. The department installed a 200 gallon water tank connected to a portable pump, booster and 11-2 inch hose to be used in fire suppression of natural cover fires. The maintenance costs for fire apparatus and equipment parts only $ 9,307.33 (4 stations) . King Seagrave, Woodstock, pump repairs $ 2,603.88. Gas and oil $ 3,890.27. i i i i i i VEHICLES AND APPARATUS USED FOR 1980 FOR EMERGENCY RESPONSE Hall #l, Bowmanville Car 1-1 - 147 times Car 1-2 - 9 times Unit 1-2 - 141 times Unit 1-3 - 79 times Unit 1-4 , - 64 times Unit 1-8 - 28 times Unit 1-11 - 8 times i Hall #2, Newcastle Unit 2-5 - 75 times Unit 2-7 - 5 times Hall #3, Orono Unit 3-6 - 62 times Unit 3-9 - 25 times i Hall #4, Courtice Unit 4-10 - 52 times n MILEAGE ICOR VEHICLES AND APPARATUS Hall #1, Bowmanville Car 1-1 - 8,645 IKm. Car 1-2 - 2,553 miles Unit 1-2 - 1,795 miles Unit 1-3 - 589 miles Unit 1-4 - 1,197 miles Unit 1-8 - 416 miles Unit 1-11 - 1,028 km. Hall #2, Newcastle Unit. 2-5 - 1,194 miles (includes trip to Woodstock) Unit 2-7 - 219 miles I i Hall #3, Orono Unit 3-6 - 737 miles Unit 3-9 - 330 miles Hall #4, Courtice � I Unit 4-10 - 1,556.2 lin. - I i l EQUIPMENT USED 1980 (Fire Stations 1,2,3 and 4) Hose 12 inch - 25,135 feet 22 inch - 10,150 feet 4 inch - 675 feet Working Time of Pumper - 67 hours Booster - 5,750 feet Scott Air Paks - 45 Extinguishers - 13 Tanks of Water - 112,025 gallons Bak Paks - 112 Eductor - 16 Ladders - 825 feet Dry Chemical - 280 lbs. Chimney Equipement - 27 Porto Pump - 17 Generator - 32 Air Pak Tanks - 82 Smoke Ejector - 31 Piercing Nozzle - 12 i Salvage Covers - 5 Fire Brooms - 37 Rescue Kit / Saw - 9 Hurst Tool (Jaws of Life)- 3 Hand Lamp - 2 Aero Fog - 14 Rope - 250 feet Hydrant - 29 Axes - 21 Life Jackets - 3 Boat and Motor - 3 i Foam - 56 gallons Hydro Thin - 11 gallons Explosive Meter - 5 BUILDING REPORT Fire Station #1, Bowmanville Two ceiling air circulating fans were installed in the apparatus bay, cutting down the nunber and length of time the heater units operate, by circulating the hot air at ceiling level (energy savings). The electric heated ramp requires repairs. Two sections not operating, consideration should be given either to txy to locate shorted sections, or install new heating grids on top of exist- ing cement ramp and cover with hard top. Fire Station #2, Newcastle Minor repairs to the building door hardware replaced, shelving built, reservoir covers, light fixtures repaired, etc. Grade, pave hard top front and side yards. Fire Station #3, Orono No repairs or painting was undertaken on this building, as consideration is being given to relocate to the former Hydro Building, Park Street, Orono. Fire Station #4, Courtice Minor repairs to building, change over night lighting (energy savings), shelving and boot racks installed, fused air for combus- ting damper for oil burner installed. i i i FIRE PREVEN'T'ION WEEK October 5th to 11th, 1980 Proclamation Fire Prevention Week by His Worship Mayor Garnet B. Rickard, open house and fire safety information was inserted in the three newspapers. Fire safety and fire prevention displays, hydraulic extrication, demonstrations, equipment displays were held in all fire stations. Fire safety, fire prevention literature, pamphlets and posters were distributed to schools, hospital, nursing homes, industrial plants, business-mercantile establishments, Day Care centres and assembly occupancies prior to fire prevention week. Fire safety inspections and fire drills were held at all schools (31) during fire prevention week. Station tours, instructural coursc;s and speaking assignments were held during the week. i i i