HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-090-00 . . DN ~D090-00 ;. !. ~ THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARlNGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # M ~ Monday, September 18, 2000 Res. # G;ffl-Ljo/-oO Date: Report #: PD-090-00 File #: PLN 17.11.5 By-law # Subject: BLACK FAREWELL WETLAND COMPLEX FILE: PLN 17.11.5 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-090-00 be received; 2. THAT Staff be authorized to proceed with the amendments to the Clarington Official Plan as set out in Section 2.2 of Report PD-090-00 to incorporate the revised boundaries for the Black Farewell Wetland Complex as established by 1999 Wetland Evaluation undertaken by the Ministry of Natural Resources; 3. THAT the Ministry of Transportation be requested to review the alignment for the Highways 401-407 Courtice Freeway Link to incorporate the 1999 Wetland Evaluation for the Black Farewell Wetland Complex; 4. THAT the Region of Durham Planning Department be requested to review the long term need for the Adelaide Avenue extension between Trolls Road and Courtice Road; 5. THAT Staff be authorized to initiate and/or find appropriate partners to initiate a program of environmental stewardship for the wetland areas in the Black Farewell Wetland Complex; 6. THAT a copy of Report PD-090-00 and Council's resolution be forwarded to the Honourable David Turnbull, Minister of Transportation,. Mr. John O'Toole, M.P.P., the Region of Durham, Central Lake Ontario Conservation, all delegations and the interested parties indicated at the end ofthis report. 1. BLACK FAREWELL WETLAND COMPLEX 1.1 The Black Farewell Wetland Complex was originally evaluated by the Ministry of Natural Resources in 1987: That evaluation determined the Wetland Complex to be provincially significant. In 1997, MNR, in co-operation with Central Lake Ontario Conservation (CLOC), initiated are-evaluation of the Wetland Complex. This exercise culminated in 640 REPORT PD-90-00 PAGE 2 August1999 with MNR's release of the finalized wetland evaluation and mapping for the Wetland Complex. 1.2 The 1999 evaluation identified the Black Farewell as the largest wetland complex and swamp on the Iroquois Plain within the Greater Toronto Area. The hydrological functions provided by the extensive Black Farewell wetlands, such as flood attenuation, maintenance of water quality, and groundwater discharge and recharge, are identified as being critical to the health of Farewell Creek, Black Creek and the provincially significant Second Marsh. The evaluation noted the large number of significant plants and animals and the coldwater fisheries in the Black Farewell Wetland Complex and confirmed the Complex's provincially significant status. 1.3 The 1999 evaluation incorporates a number of wetlands in the Wetland Complex that were not examined in the 1987 evaluation, but also excludes some lands identified by the 1987 evaluation. The revised Wetland Complex includes 33 individual wetlands and covers a total of 556 ha. 1.4 On January 10, 2000 Mrs. Libby Racansky appeared as a delegation to Council with respect to the Official Plan and the recognition of the Black Farewell Wetland Complex. She also appeared on June 26, 2000 with respect to the Highway 401-407 Freeway Link. This report addresses many of the concerns raised by Mrs. Racansky. 2. CLARlNGTON OFFICIAL PLAN 2.1 The Clarington Official Plan places a high priority on the protection of the most significant natural features of the Municipality's natural environment, including all wetlands and wetland complexes. The Black Farewell Wetland Complex is currently designated 'Environmental Protection Area' on Map A (Land Use) and is also identified on Map C (Natural Features), The boundaries ofthe Wetland Complex indicated on Maps A and C reflect the boundaries established by the 1987 evaluation. 2.2 Staff is seeking authorization to proceed with the following amendments to the Clarington Official Plan to incorporate the revised boundaries of the Black Farewell Wetland Complex: 641 '. . REPORT PD-90-00 PAGE 3 . Amendment to Map Al (Darlington): The proposed Amendment would redesignate the lands newly identified as being part of the Wetland Complex from 'Prime Agricultural Area', 'General Agricultural Area', and 'Green Space' to 'Environmental Protection Area'. Lands previously identified as being part of the Wetland Complex but which are now excluded would be redesignated from 'Environmental Protection Area' to 'Prime Agricultural Area', 'General Agricultural Area' and 'Green Space' as appropriate; . Amendment to Map A2: The proposed Amendment would redesignate some lands in the Courtice Urban Area from 'Urban Residential' to 'Environmental Protection Area'; . Amendment to Map Cl: The proposed Amendment would delineate the revised boundaries of the Wetland Complex; . Amendment to proposed Map G (as created by proposed Modification No. 173): The boundaries of the 'Potential Aggregate Resource Area' would be amended to reflect the revised boundaries of the Wetland Complex. 3. HANCOCK NEIGHBOURHOOD DESIGN PLAN 3.1 The Hancock Neighbourhood Design Plan, as approved by the Municipality on September 10, 1998, provided for the development of several small wetland areas. At the time, these wetlands were not identified as part of the provincially significant Black Farewell Wetland Complex. Certain portions were not considered to be as significant either because they were isolated from other natural features or were transitional in nature (e.g. wet meadow areas). However, the 1999 wetland evaluation included these wetlands as part of the provincially significant Wetland Complex due to the process for "complexing" wetlands. The approximate location of the areas involved are identified on Attachment No. I. 3.2 Two plans of subdivision, proposed by Courtice Heights Development for Hancock Neighbourhood, were approved by the Ontario Municipal Board prior to the release ofthe final 1999 Wetland Evaluation. The implementation of the revised mapping for the Wetland Complex will affect the development of Hancock Neighbourhood Design Plan and approved engineering plans for the servicing of the Courtice Heights subdivisions. In this regard, a further study to re-evaluate the Hancock Neighbourhood Design Plan and servicing arrangements for the Courtice Heights subdivisions is required. Staff are 642 '. . REPORT PD-90-00 PAGE 4 consulting further with respect to legal implications and to determine the scope and cost of such work and will report back to Committee at a later date. 4. HIGHWAYS 401- 407 COURTICE FREEWAY LINK 4.1 Council, at its meeting of June 26,2000, received a letter from Mrs. Libby Racansky in which she expressed concern regarding the impact of the Highways 401- 407 Courtice Freeway Link on the Black Farewell Wetland Complex. Council resolved to refer the letter to the Planning and Development Department for a response. 4.2 The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) announced the Technically Preferred Route for the Freeway Link in early 1992. Reports prepared by MTO indicated that the preferred route was selected over a number of alternatives because it would minimize overall impacts on the natural, social, cultural, economic, and agricultural environments as defined by evaluation criteria. The 1987 evaluation of the Black Farewell Wetland Complex was considered by MTO during the review of the alternative routes. The Technically Preferred Route for the Freeway Link would run through the Black Farewell Wetland Complex as defined by both the 1987 and the 1999 evaluations. 4.3 Discussions with MTO have indicated that the Environmental Assessment for the Courtice Freeway Link has not yet been initiated. At such time as work on the Environmental Assessment begins, new field work will be undertaken and various agencies will be contacted to obtain updated information. Any new information, including the 1999 evaluation of the Black Farewell Wetland Complex will be assessed by MTO to determine the implications for the Technically Preferred Route. As a result of this assessment, the alignment of the technically preferred route may be altered or may be confirmed by MTO. 5. PROPOSED ADELAIDE AVENUE EXTENSION 5,1 The 1999 Wetland Evaluation for the Black Farewell Wetland Complex identified a number of wetlands within GJenview Neighbourhood as being part of the Wetland Complex. These wetlands pose a serious constraint to the future extension of Adelaide Avenue through to Courtice Road as indicated in both the 1991 Durham Region Official Plan and the 1996 Clarington Official Plan. 643 " . < ~ REPORT PD-90-00 PAGE 5 5.2 An environmental review of the northern portion of the Courtice Urban Area prepared by the Ecological Services Group for the Region of Durham in 1994 noted that, from an environmental perspective, there are few alignment options for Adelaide Avenue. The report recommended that "a comprehensive route selection process which should balance environmental, planning, engineering and economic concerns be conducted before the alignment is finalized." 5.3 The Region of Durham is initiating a review of their Official Plan and developing a transportation plan for the Region through the Durham Mobility Study. It would be appropriate for the Regional Official Plan Review to address the need for the Adelaide Avenue extension to Courtice Road given the identification of wetlands in the Glenview Neighbourhood as being part of the provincially significant Black Farewell Wetland Complex. 6. LAND ACQUISITION AND STEWARDSHIP 6.1 In light of the provincially significant nature of the Black Farewell Wetland Complex, it is imperative that these lands be protected and managed in a responsible manner, in particular those lands located within the Courtice Urban Area. Two possible avenues are municipal acquisition of the wetlands areas and private land stewardship. 6.2 The Municipality's Land Acquisition Strategy provides for the acquisition of environmentally sensitive lands. It was anticipated that some lands would be dedicated through the development process but that it should not be incumbent on the Municipality to assume the full costs of acquiring such lands. Staff recently discussed the possibility of financial assistance for land acquisition with the Ministry of Natural Resources. However, the MNR advised that it does not provide funds for land acquisition. Other organization such as the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Foundation and the National Heritage Trust could also be approached for funding assistance. 6.3 Private land stewardship is also a promising opportunity for protecting and enhancing the wetland areas. The Friends of Second Marsh currently administer a stewardship program for the Farewell Creek watershed. This organization should be approached to explore potential opportunities for encouraging the owners of the wetlands and adj acent areas to adopt and implement appropriate stewardship strategies. 644 1... , REPORT PD-90-00 PAGE 6 7. CONCLUSIONS 7.1 The proposed changes to the Official Plan reflect Council's position and the Provincial Policy Statement that Provincially Significant Wetlands should be protected from the adverse effects of development. It is anticipated that the Public Meeting for the proposed amendment and modification will be held in January 2001. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, d~~ D i J. rome, M.C.LP., RP.P. Dire r of Planning and Development *JASIBN *sn * Attach 12 September 2000 Franklin Wu, M.C.LP., R.P.P. Chief Administrative Officer Attachment No. 1 Hancock Neighbourhood Design Plan Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Mrs. Libby Racansky 3200 Hancock Road Courtice, Ontario LIE 2Ml Ms. Barb Brownlee Head, Environrriental Services Ministry of Transportation 3rd Floor, Building D 1201 Wilson Avenue Downsview, Ontario M3M U8 Mrs. Linda Gasser Box 399 Orono, Ontario . LOB lMO Mr. Norm Monaghan 15 Westmore Street Courtice, Ontario ' LIE 2H8 Mrs. Kerry Meydam 3828 Trolls Road Courtice, Ontario LIE 2L3 645 ATTACHMENT 1 1 1 , 1 I 1 1 1 -.J 1 1 1 1 IQ I~ a: 111I I~ I~ 18 , I -.J I I I I I 1 I I I I I ) 18T-92014 I 1 18T-94027 Q ~ a: L__ /' BLACKlFAREWEU. WETLAND COMPLEX ~24mSINGl..ES HIGHWA _ _ Q 15mSlNGLES --- -- - -- -- -- _ YNo.2 ~ 13.7mSINGlES ~ ----. ./'" -Rk~'\I12mSINGL.ES ---- ( HANCOCK NEIGHBOURHOOD I DESIGN PLAN I I I C::J EXISTING RESIDENTIAL IE INFILLRESIDENTIAL _ NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMERCIAL kc2"il GREENSPACE ... PARKS - I.w 9 m SEMI-DETACHED .. SCHOOL --- .. MEDIUM OENSrrv ___ 1,"'1 CHURCH ( I I I I I I 1 --- /' 64