HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-085-00 c <, ~ DN: P085-()O THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee - ./ File # ,;CO> Res. # 0;/ I? - 3& If --00 Date: Tuesday, September 5, 2000 Report #: PD-085-00 File #: PLN 17.1.3 By-law # Subject: A TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR AN ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR DURHAM REGION FILE NO.: PLN 17.1.3 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-85-00 be endorsed as the Municipality of Clarington's comments on the proposed Terms of Reference for an Enviromnental Advisory Committee for Durham Region; 2. THAT Report PD-85-00 be forwarded to Durham Region for their consideration in finalizing their Draft Terms of Reference for an Enviromnental Advisory Committee; 1 BACKGROUND On July 17, 2000 the Department of Planning and Development received a Draft Terms of Reference for a proposed Environmental Advisory Committee from the Durham Region Planning Department requesting comments on the draft by September 15, 2000. Staffis also invited to attend a one-day workshop on the Draft Terms of Reference, on Saturday, September 23,2000. This initiative to establish an Enviromnental Advisory Committee is based on Policy 2.2.3 of the Durham Regional Official Plan, which indicates that Regional Council will investigate the establishment of an advisory body to assist with enviromnental planning matters. 2 DISCUSSION The Draft Terms of Reference for the newly contemplated Durham Region Enviromnent Advisory Committee (DREAC) outlines the following goveming the Committee and its operation: goal, mandate, scope and activities, composition, membership selection, officers, support services, meetings, etc. (see Attachment 1). In essence it is proposed that the DREAC would be composed of 699iJ j , i REPORT PD-085-00 PAGE 2 thirteen unaffiliated citizens, one to be nominated from and by each Municipality, five at large members and one Regional Councilor. The Committee will report directly to Regional Planning Committee on substantive matters or to the Planning Department through a staffliaison. The Committee will advise and assist the Region in planning matters pertaining to the preservation, conservation and enhancement of the Region's natural enviromnent. While the concept of appointing a Committee to advise the Region on enviromnental matters is laudable, this Committee should not, as proposed under 3.2 (c) of the Draft Terms of Reference, become involved in community outreach and program implementation. The concept of an advisory committee becoming involved in community outreach and program implementation would negate the objectivity ofthe Committee. In addition, if this Committee becomes involved in community outreach and program implementation it would duplicate the efforts and possibly draw funding away from local groups which are currently involved in a number of local enviromnenta1 initiatives. In Clarington for example, the Municipality is supporting and is in partnership with a number of groups engaged in enviromnental initiatives, e.g. Samuel Wilmot Management Committee, Valleys 2000, and plans are underway to set up an enviromnenta1 stewardship program for the newly defined Provincially Significant Black /Farewell Creek Wetlands Complex. IfDREAC determines that certain areas of enviromnental concerns are not addressed they should encourage the Region and local area municipalities to support "grass roots" efforts in these areas. Care should be taken that duplication does not occur and care should also be taken that local grass roots efforts through local municipalities and their residents are not thwarted. 699ul4 . REPORT PD-085-00 PAGE 3 3 CONCLUSION Staff feel that the Regional endeavour to establish DREAC is a step in the right direction, however, staff also feel that in establishing a mandate ofDREAC it should be recognized that the Committee is advisory only; community outreach and implementation of enviromnental programs are often best done at the "grass roots" levels through local area municipalities, conservation authorities or other organizations. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, a~~ Chief Administrative Officer a'o( d . Crome, M.C.I.P., RP.P. Dir or of Planning and Development BN*DJC*sn 28 August 2000 699ul'J r ATTACHMENT 1 Terms of Reference Durham Region Environmental Advisory Committee Draft for Discussion 1. Goal 1.1 To advise and assist the Region of Durham in land use planning matters pertaining to the preservation, conservation and enhancement of the Region's natural environment for its valuable ecological functions and for the enjoyment of the Region's residents. 2. Mandate 2.1 The Durham Region Environmental Advisory Committee (DREAC) is a volunteer Advisory Committee established by Regional Council in accordance with these terms of reference. Committee members are bound by these terms of reference and are responsible to Regional Council. 2.2 Environmental matters may be referred to the DREAC from the Regional Planning Department or Regional Planning Committee. The DREAC may report directly to Regional Planning Committee on substantive matters as determined by Planning Committee. Otherwise, the DREAC shall report to the Regional Planning Department through the appointed staff liaison representative. 3. Scope of Activities 3.1 The aim of the scope of activities is to provide for a balance between activities referred from the Planning Department or Regional Planning Committee and an allowance for the DREAC to be proactive and advise on matters identified on its own initiative. 3.2 The DREAC will: a) at the request of Regional Planning Committee or the Regional Planning Department, provide advice on environmental policy directions pursued by the Region. This may include providing advice on Regionally initiated official plan amendments related to environmental policies or providing advice on Regional environmental policies through an Official Plan review process; b) provide advice and assistance in the identification and implementation of new or existing programs, approaches or policies relating to the protection and enhancement of natural resources within the Region. 6990iO ~ . This may include investigating conservation easements, land trusts, tree planting, environmental stewardship, new provincial directions and funding grants; c) provide advice and assistance in identifying and implementing community outreach activities which supports the growth of environmental awareness and appreciation in Durham Region. This may include recommending and assisting with educational workshops or homeowner guides which can be used by the public in areas such as tree cutting, fertilizer use, erosion control and general enhancement of the environment; d) provide advice on the design, maintenance and updating of a Regional environmental data base on natural heritage and resource features. This may involve advising on the development of criteria for the identification of regionally significant natural heritage features; e) monitor and advise on the state of environmental resources such as water resources and natural heritage features such as wetlands, forests, and wildlife within Durham Region; and f) at the request of Regional Planning Committee or the Regional Planning Department, provide advice on miscellaneous matters as they arise. 4. Composition 4.1 The DREAC will be comprised of fourteen members in total. Thirteen of which will be citizen members plus one Regional Councillor. Each local municipality will nominate one citizen member, five members will be selected at large and one will be a member of Regional Planning Committee. All members are regarded as private citizens and do not represent their respective employers or advocacy group in their capacity as an DREAC member. 4.2 Membership shall be a 2 - 3 year term and membership will be staggered to ensure continuity among the Committee. A maximum two consecutive terms will allow for renewal of members. At the discretion of the Committee, non-attendance of three consecutive meetings will be sufficient grounds for replacement. 4.3 Regional Council shall appoint a representative and an alternate to DREAC from the members of Planning Committee. 4.4 DREAC will maintain a high level of technical expertise and competence in environmental issues within its membership. 699u i / . .' 5. Membership Selection 5.1 The Regional Planning Department will place a newspaper advertisement within each municipality requesting interested individuals who would be willing to volunteer for appointment to the DREAC. Interested individuals will be required to provide a brief resume and statement of interest. Responses from the advertisement will be forwarded to the respective local municipality with a request that the local Council nominate one representative. Regional Planning staff, from the remaining resumes received, will nominate five members at large. All members of the DREAC will be appointed by Regional Planning Committee and Council. 5.2 In nominating citizen members to the DREAC, regard shall be given to the aim of achieving a combination of technical experts and community representatives with knowledge of environmental and land use planning matters. Regard shall also be given to residence within the Region and availability to attend meetings. An elaboration of the selection criteria is provided in Appendix 1 of the terms of reference. The nomination offive members at large will help to achieve the desire of a diverse and balanced DREAC. All residents of Durham Region are eligible for members at large, including consultants, municipal and agency staff. 5.3 Once the DREAC is established, the DREAC will either recommend new members to local municipalities for nomination. For the five members at large the DREAC will recommend new members to Planning Committee and Council as needed. 6. Officers 6.1 A chair and two vice-chairs will be elected annually by the membership at the second meeting of each year. The Planning Committee representative will chair the inaugural meeting. The DREAC membership will elect all subsequent chairs and vice-chairs. The chair must be prepared to devote additional time between meetings for Committee business. 7. Support Services 7.1 The Commissioner of Planning or designate shall serve as staff liaison to the DREAC. The liaison will provide administrative, procedural and technical assistance to the Committee. The liaison may assist in the preparation of reports as required, as a result of DREAC resolutions. 7.2 The liaison will co-ordinate all requests for advice from the DREAC, through meeting agendas. DREAC responses to such requests shall be co-ordinated by the liaison to Planning Department staff or Planning Committee. 6990io , ~ 7.3 The Region will provide secretarial and other support services. Regional Council will provide a budget to cover the Committee operational expenses, and this budget will be administered by the Planning Committee. 8. Meetinqs 8.1 The DREAC will meet once a month in the Regional Planning Department office. The DREAC will establish a meeting schedule at its inaugural meeting taking into account the business needs and the schedule of Council and Planning Committee. The DREAC shall provide Planning Committee with a schedule of meetings in December for the following year. Special meetings may be held at the call of the Chair. Planning Committee is to be kept informed of such meetings. 8.2 Unless otherwise determined, all meetings will be open to the public. A quorum for the meeting shall be half of the membership. As a formal advisory Committee to the Region, the DREAC is subject to the Regional Procedural By-law, unless otherwise specified in the terms of reference. 9. Deleqations of Committee Meetinqs 9.1 Any person(s) wishing to appear before the DREAC as a delegate must submit a request to the Regional Planning Department, advising of the topic or item to which they wish to speak. All requests must be received at least one week prior to the meeting to ensure that the delegation is included on the agenda. Any person wishing to address the DREAC as a delegate, who has not previously arranged to do so, may be granted permission to do so only by Committee resolution. 10. Minutes and Aqenda 10.1 The minutes of each DREAC meeting will be amended as necessary and approved at the following meeting. The unapproved minutes will be forwarded to next regularly scheduled Regional Planning Committee meeting. When approved, any amendments will be forwarded to Planning Committee. The DREAC agendas will be prepared by the liaison and the DREAC chair or vice chair with input from other DREAC members. 11. Committee Resolutions 11.1 The DREAC will seek to achieve consensus on decisions. Recommendations are "carried" if supported by a simple majority. Only resolutions as they appear in the adopted Minutes may be considered as officially representing the position of the Committee. 699u i J .. 12. Conflict of Interest 12.1 Any member having a conflict of interest with any issue coming before the DREAC must disclose the interest at the earliest opportunity. 13. Annual Reoorts 13.1 An annual activity report shall be prepared by the DREAC. The Annual report shall be forwarded to Planning Committee. 13.2 A statement of objectives and any suggested revisions to the terms of reference for the coming year shall also be prepared by the DREAC for consideration and approval by Regional Planning Committee and Council. 13.3 An annual review of the DREAC by Planning Committee shall be completed to examine the effectiveness of the Committee and to ensure continued improvements. 699uLU [. > . Appendix 1 Membership Eliaibilitv Criteria To facilitate the nomination and appointment of new members at large to the DREAC the following criteria will be considered. The aim is to achieve a diverse committee with a combination of technical experts and community representatives. 1. Residence in the Reaion Members should reside in Durham Region. 2. Technical Exoertise A high level of technical expertise is required within the Committee. Applicants with academic qualifications and/or work experience in environmental related disciplines will be an important consideration. 3. Community Representatives Consideration shall be given to the individuals level of participation and knowledge in environmental issues and the planning process. The relevance of their interests to the mandate of DREAC will be an important consideration. 4. Availabilitv It is important that an applicant is able to attend as many DREAC meetings as possible and undertake work outside of the regular monthly meetings. A person should be contacted or reached during the day in order for meetings to be arranged. 699u,~ I 'I' REPORTING AND REFERRAL PROCESS DREAC Local Municipal 8 Representatives Staff Representatives At 5 r------ Large I liaison I I , Plannjn~ I I Commi ee 1 , I Representative I I I I (j) OJ ::J (j) .!!l. OJ > +:l (j) c .! .l!l Planning (j) ::J Department .a c ::J ~ (/J c 0 (j) t: Staff Reports 0 Co (!) 0:: ----------. Planning Committee Regional Council 699ucc