HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-078-00 Addendum . -- , THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: Council File # Date: Monday, September 11,2000 Res. # ADDENDUM TO Report #: PD-078-00 File #: ZBA 2000-017 18T-89059 and (X-Ref) COPA 2000-003 By-law # Subject: OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION REZONING APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION - FOSTER CREEK DEVELOPMENTS AND ROBERT STEPHENSON PART LOT 29 & 30, CONCESSION 2, FORMER VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE FILE: ZBA 2000-017, 18T -89059 and (X-Ref) COP A 2000-003 Recommendations: 1. THAT Addendum to Report PD-078-00 be received; 2. THAT the recommendations of Report PD-078-00 be approved. 1 INTRODUCTION At the direction of Council, a meeting was held on Thursday, September 7,2000, to attempt to resolve the issue of identifYing a location for immediate use by the Separate School Board for an elementary school in Newcastle Village. The meeting was attended by staff and board members from both the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board (Public School Board) and the Peterborough Victoria Northumberland Clarington Catholic Separate School Board (Separate School Board); the three land owners currently seeking approval of draft plans of subdivision within the east half of the Foster Neighbourhood along with their planning consultant, and staff from the Municipality Planning Department, Public Works Department and Community Services Department. (See Attachment I) 2 SUMMARY OF THE MEETING In the course of the meeting, there were four main options for school sites discussed as follows: ADDENDUM TO REPORT PD-078-00 PAGE 2 -' 1. The existing designated separate school site located west of Rudell Road. 2. Relocating the separate school site east of Rudell Road so that there would be two school sites within the subject plan of subdivision. 3. Switching the school symbols as proposed in Report PD-078-00. 4. Relocating the separate school site south of Highway 2 on the property owned by Bruce Brown. The positions of the various parties are briefly summarized below: The Developers Group The Developers Group was comprised of Mr. Bob Stephenson, Mr. Ed Vanhaverbeke (Foster Creek Developments) and Mr. Frank Feldman (Kiradaar Ontario Inc.). The three development interests present may have slightly differing positions but in general, they indicated the following: . The current problems are not the result of their developments and therefore they should not be penalized or delayed. . The Separate School Board should have taken action sooner and have done their job properly. . The Separate School Board has not made an offer to purchase to any of them but they would be willing to sell a portion of their land for a "fair" price which would recognize their lost development potential, in the case of a second school site. . Switching the school symbols would not necessarily help the Separate School Board to achieve an early school site due to servicing costs and the early stage of their development application. . They prefer to site the school north ofthe east-west collector road. The Public School Board The Public School Board anticipates 150 to 200 new students in the next 5 - 6 years with the development of the Dunbury Homes subdivision, Port of Newcastle subdivision, the subject application and other growth in Clarke Township. This would necessitate the construction of a second public elementary school in Newcastle Village. The subject application is anticipated to generate 200 public elementary students. Their position is as ADDENDUM TO REPORT PD-078-00 PAGE 3 ./ follows: . They did proper planning at the time of the preparation of the Official Plan and will not jeopardize the availability of a site at the time they need it. . They will not agree to switching the school symbols. . They do not object to the plan of subdivision. . They concur with the Developers that the resolution of a separate school site should not be tied to the approval of the plan of subdivision. . Although the Port of Newcastle public elementary school site is secured, their needs will first be for a second school site in the main part ofthe Village. . They indicated that the Lockhart Elementary School will soon be surplus to their needs and the Separate School Board may want to consider using it as an interim measure at least. . They would like to explore a joint facility with the Municipality for a recreation complex and secondary school in Newcastle Village. The Separate School Board The representatives of the Separate School Board reviewed their efforts to secure a school site and noted the urgency of the situation. Their position is as follows: . The Brown site is the most cost-efficient and timely site for them. · They were supportive of switching the school symbols if that provides a site which is close enough to reasonably extend services and it could be obtained for a reasonable pnce. · They cannot afford to acquire the lands from Mr. Stephenson if it involves a second school site for his lands and compensation for lost development opportunity. · They are not prepared to expropriate the lands that have been designated for their school site, which may also have greater servicing costs. The consensus of the two school boards and the developers was that the Municipality should explore the Bruce Brown site for inclusion of the separate elementary school in addition to the future community park and community centre. ADDENDUM TO REPORT PD-078-00 PAGE 4 Mr. Brown owns a 57 acre irregular shaped parcel south of King Street, west of Rudell Road. Based on a topographic survey prepared by the owner, 25 acres of the lands are within the floodplain, leaving a table land area of32 acres. The Municipality's Official Plan designates a Community Park in this location. Public Works and Community Services Departments determined that they will require approximately 30 to 32 acres of table land for development of the Community Park. The Separate School Board requires approximately 6 acres for an elementary school. Municipal staff did not support this due to total land requirements, potential configuration problems and operational problems with the school and community centre in close proximity. 3 COMMENTS No solution was achieved at the meeting and therefore 3 options are proposed for Council's consideration. A. Switching School Sites This option was described in Report PD-078-00. If Council wishes to pursue this option, over the objections of the Public School Board, this Report's recommendation should be adopted. B. Status Quo Given that Council has designated a site for a separate elementary school in the Official Plan that was in accordance with the wishes of the Separate School Board, and given that staff and Council have tried to facilitate a solution to allow for the construction of the separate elementary school without success, the Board has the option to proceed to use its expropriation powers to acquire this site. Municipal staff would continue to assist in any servicing issues. If this option is selected, the recommendation of Report PD-078-00 could be adopted save and except for Recommendation #6. If at such time as the plan of subdivision is brought forward with a recommendation, the concerns regarding pre-maturity could be addressed at that time. ADDENDUM TO REPORT PD-078-00 PAGE 5 If Council wishes to follow this option, the following recommendation should be adopted: 1. That Addendum to Report PD-078-00 be received; and 2. That the recommendations of Report PD-078-00 be approved save and except for Recommendation 6. C. Investigate the Bruce Brown Site If Council wishes to explore the possible reduction of the Community Park site to accommodate the school site, the Separate School Board should be requested to prepare a concept plan for review by the Public Works and Community Services Departments. The following recommendations should be adopted: I. That Addendum to Report PD-078-00 be received; 2. That the recommendations of Report PD-078-00 be approved save and except for Recommendation 6. 3. That the Separate School Board be requested to file an Official Plan Amendment and to fund a feasibility study including the preparation of a concept plan, or plans for the siting of both an elementary school and community park on the Bruce Brown lands, such study to be jointly undertaken with the Public Works Department and Community Services Department. Reviewed by, . rome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. of Planning and Development (] I~ a--C(J,~ lCL ~~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Chief Administrative Officer DJC*sn September 8, 2000 . ADDENDUM TO REPORT PD-078-00 PAGE 6 Interested Parties to be notified: Foster Creek Developments 20 Robert Street, Unit A NEWCASTLE, Ontario LIB lC6 Robert Stephenson 170 Given Road R. R. # 8, NEWCASTLE, Ontario LIB lL9 Paul Brace Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board P.O. Box 719 150 O'Carroll Avenue Peterborough, Ontario K9J 7 A I G. M. Semas & Associates Ltd. 110 Scotia Court, Unit 41 WHITBY, Ontario LlN 8Y7 Joel Slogget PVNCRC Separate School Board c/o Rental Department 1355 Lansdowne Street West Peterborough, Ontario K9J 7M3 Frank Feldman 1151677 Ontario Limited 238 Rose Green Drive Thornhill, Ontario L4J 4Rl