HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOD-035-04 ~ Cl~mgton REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE June 7, 2004 Resolution #: ~(Jf+ -J..Cjt.f-o<f Date: Report #: COD-035-04 File #: By-law #: Subject: Corporate Advertising Policy Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: 1 . THAT the Report COD-035-04 be received and; 2. THAT the attached Corporate Advertising Policy be approved and adopted by Council. Submitted by: /d../ut:;::; ie Marano Director of Corporate Services a . j.~ Reviewed by: /!Lir-- Franklin Wu ~ Chief Administrative Officer MM*ca 1229 ,. REPORT NO.: COD-035-04 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND The Municipality of Clarington, through the Corporate Services Department, Communications and Marketing Division, purchases a full page in the Canadian Statesman which is published by Metroland. The intent of the corporate advertising page is to keep the citizens of Clarington informed as to municipal activities, meetings and events. Initially, space was not an issue as the Communications and Marketing Division used filler information (points of interest, community events). As the municipal departments adapted to having this space available on an ongoing basis, the use of filler declined significantly. In fact, the demand for access to this page has become so intense that the Communications and Marketing Division often has not been able to include certain advertising requests in order to stay within the purchased space. Given budget considerations and the cost of space, purchasing additional space is not considered a reasonable option at this time. In light of the budget available for corporate advertising and the increased number of requests to access this space, the attached Corporate Advertising Policy is intended 0 assist the Communications and Marketing Division make decisions relative to what is published on a weekly basis. The policy is also intended to help submitting departments and agencies understand the publication decisions that are implemented. Attachment #1: Corporate Advertising Policy CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L lC 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-6506 1230 , ' . Report COD-035-04: Attachment # 1 Corporate Advertisiul! Policv Purpose: t. To consistently and effectivety communicate municipal news and information to the residents ofCtarington by consolidating the coordination of all municipal advertising through the Corporate Services Department, Communications and Marketing Division, 2. To keep costs associated with municipal advertising as low as possibte Policy: Municipal information has priority over all other requests. The Municipality is under no obligation to print advertising requested by municipat agencies. Events or agencies sponsored, in part or in whole by the Municipality of Ctarington may be promoted if space permits. If space is avaitable without incurring additional cost to the Municipality, advertising requests from the municipat agencies named in this policy will be published, on the basis of fIrst come; fIrst served and avaitabte space. The Municipality cannot guarantee publication. Community organizations (e.g. sports associations) can be submitted but the Municipality is under no obligation to publish these. If, however, space is availabte then information will be published on a fIrst come; fIrst served basis. Community request must be accompanied by a contact name and phone number (e-mail address is optional). Shoutd space become limited, the Manager of Communications will be responsibte to edit the page to ensure that information is dispensed in a timety manner. Publication decisions will consider the content ofthe advertisement (ie. Call to action, generat information) and identifIed deadlines (e.g. foTtenders, job postings). Also, advertising content may be reduced, with full information being posted on the Municipality's web site, as necessary in order to stay within the purchased space. The accuracy of substance and detait included in content is the responsibility of the submitting party. Frequency of Publication: Weekly; Wednesdays, The Canadian Statesman Material Deadline to Communications: Wednesday (4:00 p.m) prior to requested/required publication date. All advertising materiat must be submitted with a completed Corporate Advertising Request form. For internal requests a copy is available in the Communications fIle (Corporate Advertising sub- fIle) in the J: library. Advertising Categories: Tenders and RFP'S ~ Must be received from the Purchasing Division, Corporate Services Department. ~ Unless otherwise requested tender ads will be inserted into the next availabte edition of the Daily Commercial publication. 1231 . Corporate Advertising Policy, Page 2 >> Tenders will atso be published in the Canadian Statesman and posted to tenderIRFP area of the Municipality's web site (www.municioalitv.clarington.on.ca) Employment Opportunities: >> Must be received from the Human Resources Division, Corporate Services Department >> The Human Resources Division requires one week lead time to review job postings prior to forwarding the advertising request to the Communications & Marketing Division. >> Unless otherwise requested (and if time allows), ad will run 2-weeks prior to application deadtine. >> Will be inserted into the Canadian Statesman and on the Career section of the Municipality's web site. >> Positions can be advertised in specific professional association newsletters (e.g. OPPI, PRO) upon request. Space must be booked through the Communications & Marketing Division and who will then issue an advertising purchase order. Public Notices: >> Include all planning notices, notice of public meetings and other '~news" items that are submitted for publication. >> Public notices will be posted to the News and Infonnation area of the Municipality's web site and on the meeting schedule when possible. Advertising for Municipal Agencies Include: >> Clarington Board of Trade >> Centrat Lake Ontario Conservation Authority >> Clarington Museums >> Claringtou Otder Adutts Association >> Ctarington Public Library >> Clarington Youth Advisory Committee (CY AC) >> Durham Regional Police Services >> Ganaraska Conservation Anthority >> Municipal Hall Boards (Newcastle, Orono, Tyrone, Solina, Kendal, etc.) >> Tourism Partners/Operators >> Visual Arts Centre of Clarington 1232 --........