HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-072-00 Addendum . \c DN: Pu-M2-0Dad , THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICI ALITY OF CLARINGTON UNFINISHED BUSINESS REPORT Meeting: Council Date: Monday, July 10, 2000 Report #: Addendum to PD-072-00 File #: PL 22.3 Subject: A LAND ACQUlSTION STRATEGY Recommendations: File# LOr.Ge:.- Res. # C ~ <q:::L3'-Ou By-law # It is respectfully recommended to Council to approve th following: 1. THAT addendum to report PD-072-00, be recei ed; 2. THAT staff be authorized to address the reco land acquisitions in Section 2.CI, Section 2.C2 Financial Plan for Land Acquisition which will in October 2000, ended amendments for Community Park d Section 2.C4 within the context of the e submitted for Council's consideration 3. THAT Craig Binning of CSB Inc. be retained y the Municipality to work with staff in developing the Financial Plan for Land Acquisi ion and that the fees for his services be funded through the Working Fund Reserve Acc unt Number 2900-1- X. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 At the General Purpose and Administration Co mittee held July 3, 2000, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington approved the L d Acquisition Strategy Report with the exception of recommendation A4 and the follow'ng: THAT the following amendments be referred b ck to staff for preparation of a report to be submitted to the Council meeting scheduled be held on July 10,2000, to review the impacts the amendments may have on Develop ent Charges; . Section 2.CI - deleting the words "short t rm" and replacing them with the words "medium term"; . Section 2.C2 - deleting the words "medium erm" and replacing them with the words "short term"; . Section 2.C4 - deleting the words "medium erm" and replacing them with the words "short term". ADDENDUM REPORT PD-On-OO 2. COMMENTS PAGE 2 After a preliminary examination of the reco ended changes, it is apparent that any changes to the original recommendations wil have development charges and other budgetary implications. Since the issues associa ed with these recommended changes are complex and cannot be effectively resolved wi in a few days it is proposed that they be referred back to staff to be considered within th context of the proposed Financial Plan for Land Aquistion which is anticipated to be rought to Council in October 2000. In order to expedite the completion of the Finan ial Plan it is recommended that Craig Binning of CSB Inc. be retained by the Municip lity to work with staff in developing this Plan and that the fees for his services be fun ed through the Working Fund Reserve Account Number 2900-1-X. Respectfully submitted, David . rome, .c.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning and Development BN*DJC*cd Reviewed by, Ov'~~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Chief Administrative Officer DN:P072-QQ , THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNIC PALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Cc~ittee File # Date: Monday, July 3,2000 Res. # Report #: PD-072-00 FILE #: 'LN 22.3 By-law # Subject: A LAND ACQUISITION STRATEG~ FILE: PLN 22.3 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-072..00 be received; 2. THAT the Land Acquisition Strategy report together with all the recommendations contained therein, be APPROVED; and 3. THAT staff be authorized to take all necessary actions to implement the recommendations of the Land Acquisition Stra egy. 1. The Clarington Official Plan 1999, recommenc s the adoption of a public land acquisition program which, among other matters, shall identifY priority areas of acquisition. In July 1999, Council requested staff to prepare the hrrd acquisition report for adoption. The Land Acquisition Strategy report (forwarded separately) provides a phased approach to the acquisition of land for a variety of public uses. It is intended to serve as a guide for the systematic acquisition of lands using a number of mechanisms. The proposed phasing ofland acquisitions are identified on ~ aps 1, 2 and 3. The proposed Land Acquisition Strategy vas developed in consultation with the Departments of Community Services, Public \\ arks, Fire and Treasury. REPORT NO.: PD-072-00 PAGE 2 2. A Summary of Recommendations of the recommendations are as follows: A: Waterfront Bowmanville Al That staff be authorized to secure th appropriate agreements of first-right-of refusal with the land owners whose pro erty are identified for purchase. A2 That the West Beach area be targeted fi r acquisition within the short term and the East Beach in the medium to long term. A3 That staff be authorized to actively negotiate with property owners for the acquisition of their lands. A4 That part of the compensation rece ved from the Federal Government for contamination associated with Port Jranby site be contributed towards the acquisition of waterfront lands for publ c access. Courtice A5 That in conjunction with the Region a quisition of land for the Courtice WPCP, staff be authorized to secure the shoreli e area portion for the waterfront trail. A6 That staff be authorized to secure th appropriate agreements of frrst-right-of- refusal with the owners of lands for the District Park. A 7 That the District Park lands be targeted for acquisition within the short term. Newcastle Village A8 That staff be authorized to secure th appropriate agreements of first-right-of- refusal with the owners of the Bond H ad properties with the view of purchasing these properties in the long term. B. Valleylands B I That staff continue with the acquisitiotl of those parcels of land that are not yet acquired for the Valleys 2000 Inc. B2 That staff be authorized to initiate the process to acquire the valley lands identified for purchase in the developed part of the Municipality within the next five years REPORT NO.: PD-072-00 PAGE 3 C. Community Parks Cl That the lands for the expansion to the Garnet B. Rickard Complex/Community Park and a proposed Community Park in Bowmanville at Baseline and Martin Roads be acquired in the short term. C2 That the lands for the Courtice Commur ity Park be acquired in the medium term. C3 That the lands for the proposed Commuuty Park in Bowmanville at Liberty Street North and Concession Road 3 and at St vens Road be slated for acquisition in the long term. C4 That the lands for the proposed Commul1ity Park in Newcastle village be acquired in two phases: Lands owned by Brnc Brown required for outdoor recreational facilities will be acquired in the medi m term, while additional lands will be acquired in the long term. D. Civic Precinct DI That staffbe authorized to immediately secure agreements for first right-of-refusal with the owners of the properties identi ed for civic precinct. D2 That these lands be targeted for acquisit on in the short term E. Fire El That the second Bowmanville Fire StatiJn site be acquired in the medium term. F. Roads FI That staff continue to acquire lands for i\rterial Roads as required for construction. G. Implementation and ManaKement GI That staff be authorized to undertake a comprehensive appraisal of all lands identified for short term acquisition in order to determine annual budgetary requirements and report back on a Final cial Plan for Land Acquisition. G2 That the cost associated with th appraisaVlegal costs be funded thro account number 2900-3-X. comprehensive appraisal and future gh the Municipal Acquisition Reserve r ." REPORT NO.: PD-072-00 PAGE 4 G3 That in accordance with By-law 81- 84, all proceeds from sale of surplus properties (except roads) be deposite to the Municipal Acquisition of Real Property Reserve. G4 That proceeds from the sale of road all wances with roads related properties be deposited to the Roads Capital Reserve undo G5 That routine searching and assistance i real estate issues be handled by a Law Clerk or Court Services Agent, on a fe for service basis, similar to the process approved by Council for tax sale prope es via Report TR-17-00. G6 That all land transactions continue to be eferred to the Municipal solicitor. 3. The Land Acquisition Strategy is a planned an systematic approach. It is important to complete a broad preliminary appraisal to dev lop a Financial Plan for the acquisition obj ectives. 4. Through this study a comprehensive GIS datab e has been developed for all existing and proposed municipal properties which will serve to assist in the management of land over the long term. Respect Reviewed by, Day' . rome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning & Development *df r~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Chief Administrative Officer. 26 June 2000 6 - 1