HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-108-00 .,-?~ '!" , , REPORT #2 DN, P108-00 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: Council Date: Monday, October 16, 2000 Report #: PD-l08-00 File #: RE 6.3.2 Subject: DECLARATION OF SURPLUS PROPERTY AND ACQUISTION OF LANDS FOR ELEPHANT HILL PARK PARKING AREA; PART BLOCK 93, PLAN 10M-830AND PART BLOCK 17, PROPOSED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-92022; PART LOT 10 CONCESSION 2, FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE FILE NO. RE 6.3.2 (DEV 92-048 AND 18T-92022, X-REF) Recommendations: 1. THAT Council receive this report; 2. THAT Council declare, by by-law, a portion of Elephant Hill Park, Part Block 93, Plan IOM-830, shown as Area C on Attachment 2, to be surplus propery ofthe Municipality; 3. THAT a By-law be passed to authorize the Mayor and Clerk, on behalf of the Municipality, to execute an agreement for the sale of Area C as shown of Attachment 2 and the purchase of Areas A, B and D as shown on Attachment 2 and a temporary easement in the area of the extension of Tilley Road on plan of subdivision 18T -92022, all at a nominal cost; 4. THAT all legal and survey costs be attributed to the Municipal Acquisition of Property Reserve (Account 2900-X-003); and 5 . THAT staff and the Municipal solicitor be authorized to take all necessary actions to complete the transaction. I. BACKGROUND 1.1 On October 2, 2000, the General Purpose and Administration Committee was presented with Report PD-099-00 which dealt with revised rezoning and draft plan of subdivision applications DEV 92-048 and l8T -92022. Tbe applicant proposed to retain his existing residence, which fronts on Liberty Street North, and develop a plan of subdivision which would form and extension to Tilley Road (Attachment 1). Approval of the , .' , REPORT PD-I08-00 PAGE 2 recommendations of the report was listed as subject to Council declaring that portion of Elephant Hill Park identified as Area C on Attachment 2 as surplus and approving its exchange for the lands owned by Daniel Neale McLean, identified as Area D on Attachment 2. 1.2 Section 4 of By-law 95-22, being a By-law to establish procedures governing the sale of real property pursuant to the Municipal Act, states that the Director of Planning and Development may, ifhe considers it necessary to achieve an objective of a land use plan of the Municipality, recommend that real property which is declared surplus by Council be sold to a property owner for a consideration which is the exchange and transfer to the Municipality of real property of an equivalent or higher value. At least one appraisal ofthe fair market vale ofthe real property to be exchanged and transferred for the surplus property must be obtained. An appraisal was conducted on July 18,2000, to determine the value of the lands to be transferred. Tbe appraisal estimated both parcels to be of equal value. As such, the land exchange is considered fair and equitable to both parties. By-law 95-022 requires the Clerk to give notice of a proposed sale of surplus property. The required advertisement was published on October 4th and a copy is attached as Attachment 3 to this report. 2. COMMENTS 2.1 Report PD-99-00 explains the parking problems associated with Elephant Hill Park and the need to provide a noise berm for the development of proposed plan of subdivision l8T- 92022. Both issues are resolved in the following manner: . Block 17 of 18T -92022 includes an over-dedication above the required 5% parkland dedication (Area D on Attachment 2) which would be transferred to the Municipality. . In return, the Municipality would transfer to the applicant a portion of Elephant Hill Park along the north boundary of Lots I to 6 (Area C on Attachment 2) equivalent to the over- dedication of parkland. Tbe latter area would accommodate a noise berm .. ' REPORT PD-I08-00 PAGE 3 . The McLeans would also grant an open space block to the Municipality, identified as Area B on Attachment 2. The Public Works Department intends to utilize Block 17 as a parking area for Elephant Hill Park. The parking lot would extend north onto Area B and onto an existing grassed area within the park. The parking lot would accommodate 50 to 60 vehicles upon its completion. 2.2 In consideration of my responsibilities under By-law 95-22, it is my opinion that declaring the identified portion of Elephant Hill Park to be surplus in order to be exchanged for an equivalent parcel ofland from Mr. McLean is desirable, appropriate and in the public interest. Such land exchange will allow for improved recreation facilities within the Elephant Hill Park as identified with the Clarington Official Plan, 2.3 In an interest to resolve the parking problem prior to registration of the draft plan of subdivision, and in an interest to provide for the requirements of the subdivision's development, staff from the Plarming and Development and Public Works Departments met with Mr. And Mrs. McLean on September 25th. Mr. McLean subsequently submitted a letter indicating that, subject to draft approval ofthe plan of subdivision by the Region of Durham, he is willing to execute the appropriate documents for the immediate transfer of the lands including a temporary easement to be granted to the Municipality in the location ofthe proposed Tilley Road extension, All legal and associated costs are to be borne by the Municipality. In addition, the Municipality is to fence the west boundary of Block 17 and the south boundary of the open space block to be transferred in accordance with Municipal standards. 3. CONCLUSION 3.1 Elephant Hill Park is well utilized as an outdoor recreation facility and as such it generates a significant amount of on-street parking in the neighbourhood. The portion of the park north of Lots 1 to 6 on l8T -92022 is currently an open space grassed area, Transferring this portion to the McLeans will have no negative affect on the function of the park as it is not part ofthe ball diamonds or the children's play area. , ' REPORT PD-I08-00 PAGE 4 3.2 The McLean's, in an expression of community good will, are willing to transfer all of the identified land to the Municipality prior to the subdivision being fully developed, They are also willing to grant the Municipality a temporary easement over their lands in the area of the Tilley Road extension to allow access to the parking area, 3.3 Approval of the recommendations ofthis report will resolve a neighbourhood parking problem upon the subdivision receiving draft approval, rather than upon its full development. It will also permit the proposed plan of subdivision to accommodate the required noise berming at the time the residential development proceeds. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, O~.u2Q~k Dav d . rome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of PI arming and Development IL *DJC*sh Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P" R,P.P. Chief Administrative Officer 10 October 2000 Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Lands to be Exchanged Attachment 3 - Public Notice Interested Parties to be notified of Council's decision: Mr. and Mrs. Neale McLean 175 Liberty Street North BOWMANVILLE, Ontario Ll C 2M2 Mr. Glenn Genge D.G. Biddle and Associates 96 King Street East OSHA W A, Ontario LIH lB6 - .................... ................,.... .................... ..................... .................... ..................... .................... ..................... .................... ..................... .................... ..................... LOT 11 ATTACHMENT 1 SUBJECT SITE APPLICANTS RESIDENCE LOT 10 I ~ -~ r J ~ if _ COURT ~ ?-i" , ~~". _ ~,G , rJ. I~ , = "i" '1 "'~ SUNSET ROAD ~.p I r~ Gi" Iii ,-t;;~ o f- ~ . I v>: ~~;.?;;.?:. F /v/ ~~~l~1 ~' ~\ ~~ ~\ ~-J_ ~ LORRAINE CRT, lo.. f-- ) I ~tz w <> 13 '-- -'" -<> SUNICREST BOULEVARD :J: f--l;:; f--~ - ;;;; ./ / - SAUNDERS AVENUE / I-- " ~ORLAND .... rn :::; o -~~ '" ii:: COURT _----\ -~~ ~--- - /i ~ -r - .~ ~s ~ ~Cf S CAMPUNG HILL PARK ~ N ..-/;:~ '" ~~( z I / 0 \t:::~\ II f- [ I .;yq&' j)'- = ~ <1) t;,T ~8-z ,I I ')....15 ~= 0 1-1 / J..H1 ~ - () ROAD' - TUCKER W -J ~&: <( '-- ) - !Ii - z ~ z .. :r: :::; (f) 0 i2 rn STREET I- J ffiIIT I- HERRIMAN I T I T ! ~ ,-- l STREET WEST CONCESSION l':' STREET EAST ~ lITTTl~rTTTTnl BOWMANVILLE KEY MAP DEV. 92-048 (as Revised) 1 8T -92022 , to in "" \ \ 'k: :,11 ~ tO~. '" l' , '" to '" '" ilO"" ,,'-' 0.0 ..., '" Sl'OQI 0 , I - :t- l\J .. to I:" \ J \ " ~ " \ III \ ~ ~ 'N ". ~ '.. t \D \ , 0 0 . N ~ '\ \ .. N " N , / \ , t- , \ ..---Q'l :" I-~Z , .- I ~ +~__~ ., fr->- t21;'~"1 ~ ~~J ~ '. .' A. 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'\ -~-~._-_--~~_~:~~~:~__-_,s;~_______-:_._~~___ _ ~\ H1IJON 133//15 A1//38/7 r~ I I- I I 1 1 I .....L '" o .... <:> - ATTACHMENT 3 Clarington . The COCll/llunily WillI Future THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITYOF CLARINGTON .' PUBLIC NOTICE, T AKENOTlCE THAT the Council' of The Corporatign of the ~unjci_paJity ~f CI~ingtQn ad~ meeting to be held.in the Council "Chambers at the Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance S~t, , ~owmanville~ Ontario, on Monday, October 16Ill,'2000. at 7:QO p.m. pro~s to: . ,',," RESPECTING A PORTION 9F ELEI'HANT.~II+.PARK . . .' -. . . , 'J. .'- ,', (ll.) pasS,a"by:llJwto d~lare a portion ofElephantHilJ Pw:k, more.JWticuhiriy described IiSPart a_Iock9~, . Plan.lOM".8JO as shown as acea A below, to be surplus property oftha' Municip'ality;:and . :,__ .: ", .. , . .'. . ;. "-.'.. (I>) pa.!!s. by-law to pennir tile ~Ie and transfer this::portionofEJephant ffill PllTk.topanieI Neale ,_ _ _' . McLean ;i.n ,eXchange. ~?ra portio~ of l;l._I~ 17 w.i~!!\P~ pl~J~f ~uWLvisjon 18T -9~022. ~~~-'~:-;t;;~}~' 1l.ho"?'Il. ~.Jl,r~~: ~Io~ -'-',:"' - "~ -.' '~:. :,_ _I' f!.'i -'il ;":.I'~'C l{1i:~41!llh/~"Y'~1 '.,' "'i , ._'.' _ t;'-: "":':_"!,'" ....... AND T AleE FURTHER-NOnCE TI--tA T before pasSing-these :by~laW$, Council shali'hw lnperso-n ()r by.' . hiifcounscl, solicitor or agent, any person who 'cJai~lhat his land will. be piejudi~ia11y affected by these _ By~laws o~ ~itber of the~ or either of tbe'm and who applies to be heard. ' - , . - -' - , . . ~ Patti L. :earri~ Municipality of Clariniton 49 TeR:l~ran~ Street Bowmal'lviIle. -Oit~rjq- LIC3A6. C'. . . "-'.J' ,~ ~ .' [ i.".....-:." , '...~--\" . .' ~ :.,,, , .... ~-" .:;.: ~ ~~IObo.ded:a<.ed_,pk,osbyIl>eMlhdpaity f'W"f,jNUB' .;- . '-. . . :.~ ''''''' Ulllds 10 bll~~allS~"Wlp{1>9 'Yh1illQp.aI;t}l1ot A.,~ A p:;:::,::J P.ndtI.nd~fIGn undO'IIlIIP~ngAd , ; 7 . . -:-V: !~\7. ~'(Yi' . ,,,I,. ~':U '.'-.. I..' 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(f) Z <( 0:: I- W m o I- (f) o z <( -1 Cl () ro ro ~ ~ <( <( ~ .E ~ .E ~ (I) c: ~ ~ ro a. '0 '2 " ::;;: (I) ,s ~ ro .g- ~ "c ...... " ,s ::;;: ':i: ~ ~ ~ ro _ a. Q; 13 <E c 'c c :;: " :;: o ::;;: 0 (I) (I) (I) c ..c :5 .z:; ~ :. >- >- co .0 .0 ...Cl o "0 -a -a :0 Q) Q.) (l) ~ g~ ~ ~ l:) 0..(1') ..c ...c cwe () () ~ c~ x ~ ~ Q)...... (]) (I) ro 0...<1} Q) .D a... 0.0 ..0 '.8 .2 .8 <C(l)(I')O(/)O(/) m (0"0 <tI"O co-g ~~~~~~(O <( <( -' <( -' <(-' ml"""""~~ wi!!! ~ffiili .r:: - ':i: , ' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 2000- _ being a By-law to declare the lands more particularly described as a portion of Block 93, 10M-830, Part Lot 10, Concession 2, former Town ofBowmanville, to be surplus THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTlON ENACTS AS FOLLOWS; 1. The lands of approximately 0.098 hectares more particularly described as a portion of Block 93, Plan IOM-830, Part Lot 10, Concession 2, and identified as Area C on Schedule I, are hereby declared surplus; 2. Schedule I attached hereto forms part of this By-law. BY-LAW read a first time this 16. dayof October 2000. BY-LAW read a second time this 16th day of October 2000. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 16th day of October, 2000. MAYOR CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARlNGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 2000-_ being a By-law authorize the sale and transfer to Daniel Neale McLean a portion of Block 93, Plan IOM-830, Part Lot 10, Concession 2, former Town of BowmanvilJe, in exchange for the acquisition of certain lands owned by Daniel Neale McLean, including a temporary easement. WHEREAS at its meeting on October 16, 2000, Council of the Municipality ofClarington passed By-law 2000- declaring a portion of Block 93, Plan IOM-S30, Part Lot 10, Concession 2, former Town of Bowmanville, to be surplus; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the COIporation of the Municipality ofClarington enacts as follows: 1. The Mayor and the Clerk are authorized to execute, on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington, with the colporate Seal, a purchase and sale agreement between Daniel Neal McLean and the said COlporation for the lands identified in Recommendation 2 of Report PD-I08-00. BY-LAW read a first time this 16th day of October, 2000. BY-LAW read a second time this 16th day of October, 2000. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 16th day of October, 2000. MAYOR CLERK