HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-107-00 ,L DN:PI07-00 I- THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Report #: PD-I 07-00 FILE #: PLN 24.5.10 File # , Res. ttGPff-~:;ff By-law #dcco-ll<-1 Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee Date: Monday, October 2, 2000 Subject: AMP DEVELOPMENT TRACKING SYSTEM CONFIGURATION SERVICES FILE: PLN 24.5.10 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-l07-00 be received; 2. THAT GeoSolutions Consulting Inc. be retained to undertake the Configuration of AMP Development Tracking System which include three phases as follows: . Phase I - Business Process Modelling . Phase 2 - Configuration of PI arming Application Module . Phase 3 - Configuration of Building Permits Module; 3. THAT the procedures set out in Purchasing By-law 94-129, Section 5, paragraph 06, be waived for this particular transaction; 4. THAT the sum of up to $ 134,650.00 to fund this project be taken from the Working Fund Rate Stabilization Reserve Account Number 2900-1- X; and 5. THAT a by-law be passed to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute the necessary contract. I. BACKGROUND Clarington has partnered with several larger municipalities in Canada that are developing municipal business applications that would benefit from being spatially enabled. This is the development of business applications using an enterprise-wide geographic information system (GIS) called AMP. 699098 .....'. . REPORT NO.: PD-I07-00 PAGE 2 The Municipality is moving to extend desktop GIS systems that currently exist in Public Works and Planning to an enterprise-wide implementation, Planning staff has taken the administrative lead with the Director serving as the project manager. Most departments are represented on a corporate GIS Committee but the bulk of the work to date lies with the Systems Division and the Planning Department. To date, the main achievement of GIS are as follows: . Server installation completed, security improvements undertaken. . Parcel fabric from Teranet imported and linked to identifiers (eg. roll number, municipal address). . Street name and address database completed and imported. . Most property information imported, . Centre-line street network and contour mapping converted to match the parcel fabric. . Planning and Building application databases scrubbed in preparation for importing. . AMP system installed in most Departments for property information. . Committee of Adjustment development tracking pilot nearing completion. To fully automate our business processes three major business applications have to be implemented: Property Information System, Development Tracking and Roads and Traffic System, The Property Information System is now completed as part of a pilot project. Also completed as part of the pilot project is the configuration of the Committee of Adjustment application which is one component of the Development Tracking System. The completion of the pilot projects demonstrates the tremendous benefits that can be achieved with the automation of our business applications particularly with respect to getting quality information in a timely manner and stream lining the process. The pilot project also demonstrated the implementation difficulties with current staff commitments. It took over six months to complete the Committee of Adjustment pilot 699099 ,. REPORT NO.: PD-I07-00 PAGE 3 working around other workload priorities and gaining the necessary skills to configure the system. This is the least complex application. The purpose of this report is to seek funding and Council's authority to engage the services of a consultant to proceed with the configuration and automation of the remaining suite of the Development Tracking System. These include the following: . Official Plan Amendments . Plan of Subdivision . Zoning by-law Amendments . Site Plan Approval . Land Severance . Building Permits Prior to commencing the configuration of the above applications, the process involved in each would have to be modelled. 2. THE PROPOSAL A staff team consisting of representatives of PI arming, Building and Information Services have completed the pilot projects and have been working with the Ottawa based consulting firm of GeoSolutions Consulting Inc. to develop a proposal for the completion of the automation of the remaining components of the Development Tracking System as outlined above. A copy of the proposal is available for inspection in the Plarming and Development Department. The selection of the consulting firm Geosolutions is due to the fact that it is the only firm that has extensive direct experience working with AMP and has undertaken the configuration of components of the AMP Development Tracking Module at both the Region of Ottawa-Carlton and the City ofKanata which are municipal partners on the AMP project. 699100 , .' REPORT NO.: PD-I07-00 PAGE 4 The first part of the proposal includes a review of business procedures to seek greater efficiencies in the processing of development applications. The system will greatly assist in benchmarking and monitoring processing times and will make development application information available to all Departments. Since it is a corporate system, the Plarming and Public Works Departments will no longer maintain separate databases. With the delegation of subdivision approval proposed for July 1, 2001, it would be desirable to have that portion of the tracking system operational at that time. As part of the process of developing the proposal, staff visited the City of Kanata in August to view their Development Tracking System configured in part by GeoSolutions. Based on our visit to the City of Kanata and discussions with GeoSolutions it is recommended that GeoSolutions Consulting Inc. be retained with an upset limit of $134,650.00 to undertake the Configuration of AMP Development Tracking System which include three phases as follows: . Phase 1 - Business Process Modelling . Phase 2 - Configuration of Planning Application Module . Phase 3 - Configuration of Building Permits Module The Treasurer and Systems Manager have reviewed the proposal and concur with this approach. 3. CONCLUSIONS In order to realize the full benefits of our investment in GIS to date, it is important that we expedite the automation of our business processes. The automation of our business processes will not only stream line the way we do business but will lay the foundation for emerging initiatives such as e-commerce, 699101 .~ REPORT NO.: PD-I07-00 Respectfully submitted, David. rome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning & Development BN*DC*df 27 September 2000 ~Q91n) PAGE 5 Reviewed by, d r~~~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Chief Administrative Officer.