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DN, P104-00
General Purpose and Administration Committee
Monday, October 2, 2000
Res. # toPA ~193-00
Report #:
File #: PLN 1.6.5
By-law #:
FILE: PLN 1.6.5
It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee
recommend to Council the following:
1. THAT Report PD-104-00 be received and endorsed as the Municipality's
comments regarding "A GTA Countryside Strategy"; and
2. THAT a copy of this report be forwarded to the Greater Toronto Services Board
for their consideration.
1.1 The Greater Toronto Services Board Act, 1998, enables the GTSB "to adopt, by
by-law, a countryside strategy for the rural areas of the GTA that reflects the
importance of rural and agricultural matters to the GTA". On April 7''', 2000, the
GTSB approved the terms of reference for a countryside strategy. The terms of
reference identified the need to provide a strategy "to address issues and
opportunities of GT A-wide scale and scope pertaining to the long term role and
viability of the GT A Countryside". Specifically, the terms of reference seek to
identify issues related to the GT A countryside, articulate and prioritize goals
which address the issues, and provide a coordinated municipal decision making
process in order to achieve a GTA-wide vision for the countryside "beyond the
scope and timeframe of municipal Official Plans".
1.2 The GTSB prepared and circulated a draft policy document entitled "A GTA
Countryside Strategy" (June 21,2000) to its member Municipalities for comments
to be returned by October 13th, 2000. The purpose ofthis report is to provide the
Municipality's comments on the Draft Countryside Strategy to the GTSB.
2.1 Summary of the GTA Countryside Strate2Y
The Countryside Strategy proposes a vision for the GTA as follows:
"A permanent rural area, distinct and physically separate from the fUlly
serviced urban area of the GTA but intrinsic to its economic health and
vitality; a place where agriculture, the resource industries and the rural
economy can prosper and where countryside communities, the visual
landscape, the delicate ecosystem and the rural character and quality of
life are protected; an area where growth and development occur within a
context of environmental protection, compatibility, environmental
sustainability and managed growth; a place where people live, work, visit
and play and, for many, a retreat from the pressures of modern life."
There are also 6 guiding principles and 9 main goals of the Countryside Strategy
(Attachment 1).
2.2 Public Consnltation
The Planning Department held a consultation session on August 30th, 2000.
Notification of the consultation, which included a copy of the GTA Countryside
Strategy, background information and a questionnaire prepared by the GTSB, was
sent to over 30 interest and stakeholder groups. A presentation by a GTSB
representative was made at the consultation session to provide an overview of the
Strategy, followed by a question and comment period. Questionnaires were
distributed in advance by Planning staff to elicit comments from the stakeholder
groups and interested parties to be incorporated into staffs response to the GTSB.
A similar presentation was made to Council on September 25th, 2000 by Alan
Tonks, Chair, and Lynn Morrow, Executive Director of the GTSB. Notification of
the presentation to Council was advertised in local newspapers and published on
the Municipality's website. Questionnaires were also available in advance from
the Planning Department, on the Municipal website, and at the Council meeting.
Results of the questionnaires received indicate a concurrence with the vision,
principles and goals of the Countryside Strategy.
questionnaires can be summarized as follows:
The results of the
. The majority of respondents would like a GTA-wide Countryside Strategy
. The majority of respondents are very concerned about the impacts of
growth on the countryside;
. Respondents agree with the "vision statement";
. Respondents agree with the 6 guiding principles; and
. Respondents agree with the 9 main goals of the Strategy.
Other issues/challenges identified in the comment section of the questionnaires
can be summarized as follows:
. Limited powers of local planning authorities relative to provincial policies
and the OMB;
. Natural corridors and linkages;
. (Sub)urban sprawl;
. Water, air, and soil quality as urbanization increases;
. Growth management;
. Loss of agricultural land and a changing agricultural industry;
. Preservation of the Oak Ridges Moraine;
. Further public consultation and notification; and
. Provincial decisions regarding transportation routes.
The questionnaire also asked for recommendations for an Action Plan, which can
be summarized as follows:
. Current legislation should be better enforced and future legislation should
be expanded;
. There should be annual environmental auditing to monitor environmental
. A process to appeal OMB decisions should be implemented;
. Aggregate extraction should be prioritized to protect most sensitive areas
. Public land acquisition should be implemented to improve corridors and
linkages; and
. Public awareness and involvement should be increased.
2.3 Comments on Guidin2 Principles
The 3 key principles that provide direction for the Clarington Official Plan are:
sustainable development, healthy communities and growth management. The
Countryside Strategy proposes similar principles and goals that are already being
implemented by the Clarington Official Plan (Attachment 2). As such, staff
concur with the majority of the principles and goals of the Strategy. However,
there are several key issues that have not been addressed by the Strategy. The
discussion that follows is organized around the 6 guiding principles of the
2.3.1 Preservation of a permanent countryside
The preservation of a permanent countryside in the GTA is a laudable goal. We
assume that this does not mean a freeze of the current urban boundaries. Future
growth beyond the timeframe of the current Regional urban limits (30 year
boundaries) in Durham will be necessary and desirable for the urban structure of
the GTA. A realistic growth management policy is necessary within a long-term
GTA-wide framework.
However, new planning tools (such as transfer of development rights - TDR) and
an inevitable extension of the authority of the GTSB is required to achieve a
permanent countryside. This must be balanced with local authority for planning
within the constituent municipalities.
Lastly, the creation of the permanent countryside in the "countryside"
municipalities will necessitate new financial arrangements among municipalities
so that the no growth communities can provide adequate level of services and
2.3.2 Protection of natural features, functions, processes and interconnections of the
natural environment
All Official Plans seek to achieve this principle. Further details on how to
effectively protect "significant natural features, functions, processes and
interconnections of the natural environment" which cross municipal boundaries,
should be provided prior to development of an implementation plan that
coordinates inter-regional efforts. As mentioned, the Clarington Official Plan
currently provides for the preservation and protection of natural heritage features
but further details are required where these natural features cross municipal
2.3.3 Environmental Sustainability
No-one would disagree that sustainable development is paramount. However,
how do we effectively measure whether we are achieving this goal? Further
details are required on how sustainable development is measured, and what will
be done if monitoring indicates sustainability targets are not being met.
2.3.4 Agricultural, Aggregate and Tourism Industries
A priority should be that the rural areas of Clarington should be seen first as
healthy rural communities with strong local economies - and second as an
amenity for GTA urbanites. Agricultural production and aggregate extraction
represent a significant portion of the local economy of Clarington. The rural areas
of Clarington consist of distinct rural communities with healthy local economies,
which also provide tourism opportunities. However, the Strategy views rural
areas of the GTA as an amenity for urban dwellers. Staff agree that the Strategy
should support, promote, and reinforce a strong agricultural industry, a diverse
rural economy, and compatible recreational opportunities in the rural areas.
2.3.5 Growth Management
Transportation and infrastructure decisions should be used as a tool to manage
growth and implement the vision of the Countryside Strategy rather than as a
. .
force which drives urban growth pressures. These decisions have the greatest
influence on where growth pressures will occur, and more importantly, where
growth will not occur. Limiting growth to only fully-serviced urban areas, and
providing inter-regional public transit opportunities should lessen the pressure for
growth in the rural areas of the GTA.
2.3.6 Inter-regional Coordination and Cooperation
The Countryside Strategy seeks to establish a GTA-wide framework which will
assist the coordination of inter-regional efforts. However, clearer direction should
be provided on how to achieve this goal. Whilst the preparation of such a
document is laudable in principle, the implementation may be difficult to sustain
because of the scope of involvement. Moreover, the costs associated with
implementation should be born equitably by all affected by the Strategy.
The GT A Countryside Strategy is a vision document that includes broad policy
statements. While the principles and goals of a long-term GT A-wide Countryside
Strategy, are commendable, the implications cannot be fully understood or
assessed without greater details provided by an action plan. The implementation
of this vision will not be possible without changes to the planning tools currently
available and without greater authority for the GTSB.
Implementation of the Countryside Strategy should not undermine local planning
authority. Rather the principles and goals of the Countryside Strategy should lead
to a common commitment reflected in local and regional Official Plan policies but
allowing for flexibility for the circumstances of each community. Further details
should be provided on how to balance competing objectives such as urban growth
pressures and the preservation of agricultural land.
Lastly, the Strategy has far-reaching implications for growth in rural areas of the
GT A. Development and implementation of the action plan should not be made
hastily. A longer period of time should be allocated for comprehensive public
consultation and involvement of all GTA member municipalities.
Respectfully submitted,
Reviewed by,
Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., RP.P.
Chief Administrative Officer
D v rome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P.
Director of Planning and Development
28 September 2000
Attachment I - Principles and Goals
Interested parties to be advised of Council and Committee's decision:
Dorothy Skinner, Planner
Regional Municipality of Durham
Planning Department
Lang Tower, West Bldg., 4th Floor, Whitby Mall
1615 Dundas Street East
WHITBY, Ontario
Lynn Morrow
Executive Director
Greater Toronto Services Board
1000 Murray Ross Parkway,
TORONTO, Ontario
M3J 2P3
. .
GTA Countryside Strategy Clarington Official Plan
Principles Principles
. Preservation of a permanent countryside, . Urban and hamlet growth will take place in the
identifiable and separate from the urban GTA context of clear boundaries to prevent urban
. A natural heritage system and natural resource
areas, including agricultural lands, will be
. Protection of the natural features, functions, . Planning and development will be undertaken in
processes and inter-counections of the natural a context which recognizes the interaction of all
environment parts of ecosystems and protect the integrity and
vitality of natural systems and processes.
. Environmental sustainability that respects the . Future development will recognize cumulative
legacy being left to future generations impacts by not exceeding the carrying capacity of
air, land and water to absorb the impact of human
. Economic vitality of the agricultural, aggregate . A competitive, adaptable economic environment
and tourism industries and reinforcement of will be promoted to encourage investment and
countryside communities by means of a self- diversity of employment opportunities.
sustaining rural economy
. Managed growth so that the projected population . Growth will be directed to urban areas and will
growth for the GT A is predominately directed to occur in proportion to the urban population
the urbanized areas and the countryside's quality targets ...
is not compromised . Urban growth will be phased in order to
encour""e compact urban form.
. Inter-regional co-ordination and co-operation . The stewardship of land and resources will be a
shared responsibility of governments,
comorations and property owners.
GTA Countryside Strategy Clarington Official Plan
Goals Goals
I. To preserve and protect a permanent rural area 5.2.1 To provide for phased, sequential development
that retains the character and quality of life within clearly defined urban boundaries to the year
attributes that are intrinsic to the GT A 2016.
2. To focus the majority ofthe projected GTA Basis of the Plan
population growth to the fully serviced urban . future growth will be accommodated primarily in
area so as to alleviate the pressure of urban fully serviced urban areas
sprawl in the countryside. 5.1.1 To guide and manage the growth of the
Municipality consistent with the principles of
sustainable development and healthy communities.
3. To protect the significant natural features, 4.1.1 To provide a high quality and sustainable
functions, processes and inter-connections of the environment through the protection, management and
natural environment in order to maintain a enhancement of the natural environment.
healthy, sustainable ecosystem and the quality of
the visual landscape.
4. To reinforce the agricultural industry and its 13.1.1 To encourage and support the agricultural
associated services as an important base ofthe industry as an important part of the Municipality's
GTA and to protect the agricultural land base economic base.
from land use conflicts.
5. To support and promote a diversity oftourism, 7.1.3 To encourage the growth of Clarington's
recreational and open space opportunities and recreational and tourism opportunities.
linkages that are compatible with the character
and environmental sensitivity of the countryside.
6. To support and reinforce a stable and diverse 7.1.1 To create a favourable economic climate,
rural economy that is compatible with the diversify the employment base and promote the
environment and character of the countryside. Municipality as a prime business location in the
Greater Toronto Area.
7. To support a balanced approach to existing and 15.1.1 To provide opportunities for the extraction of
potential aggregate resource areas in order to aggregate resources witb minimal impact on the
minimize enviroumental and social impacts natural environment, landscape, local residents, and
while recognizing the importance of this resource the Municipality.
to economic development across the GT A.
8. To concentrate the limited growth to be 12.1.1 To ensure that the development of rural
accommodated within the countryside within the settlement areas is consistent with the principle of
hierarchy of settlement areas, having regard for sustainable development.
environmental impacts and the limited capacity
of the rural communities to absorb growth
before compromising their rural character,
lifestyle, values or cultural heritage attributes.
9. To ensure that relevant transportation and
infrastructure decisions are made within the
context of the countryside strategy in order to
reinforce the countryside objectives of the GTA.