HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-013-01 '. ~ - . Cl~-ilJglon REPORT PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT Date: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Resolution #: (;l'ff-1t/-o / Meeting: Report #: SEPTEMBER 17, 2001 ])/ t PSD-013-01 Files # ZBA 2001-004 & SPA 2001-003 By-law # Subject: ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD HEARING APPEAL OF REZONING APPLICATION AND REFERRAL OF SITE PLAN APPLICATION APPLICANT: RICHARD H. GAY HOLDING LIMITED PART LOTS 29 & 30, CONCESSION 2, FORMER TWP. OF DARLINGTON Recommendations: 1. THAT Report PSD-013-01 be received; 2. THAT Council authorize Staff and the Municipality's solicitor to attend the Ontario Municipal Board hearing in regard to the appeal and referral by Richard H, Gay Holding Limited and defend the Municipality's interests by opposing the granting of the requested zoning and site plan approval; 3. THAT the Ontario Municipal Board and the Region of Durham Planning Department be forwarded a copy of this report; and 4, THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: Davia J Director, \ ReviewedE7~.--~ r e, M. .I.P" R.P.P. Franklin Wu anning Services Department Chief Administrative Officer RH*L T*DC*df September 12, 2001 643 , ~ REPORT NO: PSD-013-01 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 On February 7, 2000, Council authorized Staff to proceed with the Courtice Highway 2 Corridor and Main Central Area Study, A consulting team was retained and the study commenced in July 2000. 1,2 On January 25, 2001, Rick Gay submitted a rezoning application (ZBA 2001-004) and a site plan application (SPA 2001-003) on behalf of Richard H, Gay Holding Limited. The purpose of these applications was to permit the conversion of the existing residential dwelling into a business office. 1.3 A statutory Public Meeting was held on March 5, 2001 at which time Report PD-021-01 was presented to the General Purpose and Administration Committee. The report indicated that staff would make a recommendation on the application once the Courtice Highway 2 Corridor and Main Central Area Study ("Study") was completed and the amendment approved. On March 19, 2001, Council referred the report back to Staff for further processing, 1.4 The consultant's study was finalized in June 2001 and recommended that the subject lands be developed for Medium Density Residential uses. This recommended policy would not permit the conversion of the existing building to a business office. 1,5 On June 15, 2001, the applicant's agent forwarded correspondence to the General Purpose and Administration Committee requesting that the applicant be permitted to convert the existing dwelling for office uses. The letter also requested that further consideration be given towards the applicant's future small-scale commercial and residential interests. On June 25, 2001, Council referred this matter to the Planning Services Department for consideration, 1,6 As Council failed to render a decision on the application within the prescribed 90 day period, the applicant appealed the rezoning application and referred the site plan application to the Ontario Municipal Board on July 19, 2001, 644 REPORT NO: PSD-013-o1 PAGE 3 Revised September 19, 2001 1.7 On September 10, 2001. Interim Control By-law 2001-163 was enacted for the lands subject to the land use component of the Courtice Highway 2 Corridor and Main Central Area Study, It imposed interim control for a 9 month period. It prohibits the use of land, buildings or structures in the area to which it applies for any purpose other than a single detached dwelling, a police station or a fire station. The applicant's properly is within the area to which By-law 2001-163 applies, 1.8 Report PSD-012-01 contains a proposed official plan amendment to implement recommendations of the Study. The statutory public meeting on the proposed Official Plan Amendment will be held by the General Purpose and Administration Committee on September 17, 2001 to hear representations respecting it. The applicant's properly is within the area to which the proposed Official Plan Amendment applies, 2.0 COMMENTS 2.1 Since the study initiated by Council will not be completed until Council completes the planning process requirements of the Planning Act in respect of the proposed official plan amendment contained in Report PSD-012-01, the rezoning application is premature. 2.2 The Municipality's solicitor should be authorized to defend the Municipality's interests in regard to the appeal of the rezoning application and the referral of the site plan application by opposing the granting of the requested rezoning and site plan approval. Attachments: Attachment #1 Attachment #2 Key Map Proposed Site Plan Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Ontario Municipal Board 655 Bay Street Suite 1500 TORONTO, Ontario M5G 1 E5 Region of Durham Plannin~ Lang Tower, West Bldg., 4 Floor, Whitby Mall 1615 Dundas Street East WHITBY, Ontario L 1N 6A3 . REPORT NO: PSD-013-01 PAGE 4 . Rick Gay Richard H. Gay Holding Limited 97 Athol Street East OSHAWA, Ontario L1 H 1 J8 Craig Hunter Armstrong Goldberg Hunter 9251 Yonge Street Suite 302 RICHMOND HILL, Ontario L4C 9T3 Susan Rosenthal Davies Howe Partners 19 Mercer Street 4th Floor TORONTO, Ontario M5V 1 H2 Nick Purnell 1705 Highway 2 COURTICE, Ontario L1 E 2R5 John Healey 2800 Courtice Road COURTICE, Ontario L1 E 2M6 George and Margaret Gouldburn 1721 Highway 2 COURTICE, Ontario L1 E 2R5 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO L 1C JA6 T (905) 623-3379 TF 1-800-563-1195 F (905) 623-0830 646 . ' ATTACHMENT 1 _ SUBJECT SITE LOT 30 LOT 29 J ) ffi~ C\I ~ ~ z 0 ~i ORM: I (f) (f) w () z 0 () CRES. COURTICE KEY MAP ZBA 2001-004 SPA 2001-003 ! 647 1'\)114lJl.~\1- plllll1. LO~ ~_\_ ~l",,~cJe tlell\8'll!~ ~2M ~ I . ~ N~i, _i~---- 0'- i! 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