HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-031-01 ,~ . DN: P031~Ol THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT PUBLIC MEETING Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File i{.O/f2l1..-4 pfl2:?../-OX. Res. #GII1-;:rjJ-fJ / Date: Monday, April 9, 2001 Report #: PD-031-0l FILE #: ZBA 2001-006 By-law # Subject: REZONING APPLICATION APPLICANT: CORNELIUS DERKS ON BEHALF OF HAVILAND, JEAN, EDWARD AND JOHN FENNELL PART LOT 9, CONCESSION 2, FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE 22 BRADSUA W STREET AND MANN STREET, BOWMANVILLE FILE NO.: ZBA 2001-006 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-03l-0 I be received; 2. THAT the application to amend Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 of the former Town of Newcastle, submitted by Cornelius Derks on behalf of Haviland, Jean, Edward and John Fennell, be referred back to staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report following the receipt ofthe outstanding agency comments; and 3. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Owner: Haviland, Jean, Edward and John Fennell 1.2 Agent: Cornelius Derks 1.3 Zoning: from "Agricultural (A)" to an appropriate zone that would permit two (2) single detached lots and four (4) link lots. 1.4 Area: 3,733.49 m2 (0.93 acres) fi rq REPORT NO.: PD-031-01 PAGE 2 2. BACKGROUND 2.1 On February 19, 2001, the Planning and Development Department received an application to amend Zoning By-law 84-63 in order to permit the development of two (2) single detached dwellings on Bradshaw Street and four (4) link dwellings on Mann Street. 2.2 The two proposed single detached dwellings are located on the 22 Bradshaw Street property. The four link dwellings are on two vacant properties on Mann Street. The more formal location description is Part Lot 9, Concession 2, former Town of Bowmanville. 3. LAND CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING USES 3.1 The 22 Bradshaw Street property has a house and three (3) accessory buildings, all of which will be demolished. The two (2) Mann Street properties are vacant. 3.2 The surrounding land uses are as follows: North - South - East West - residential residential Bradshaw Street and beyond, residential Mann Street and beyond, residential 4. PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSIONS 4.1 Public notice was given by mail to each landowner within 120 metres of the subject site and two (2) public notice signs (one for Bradshaw Street and one for Mann Street) were installed on the lands. 4.2 To date, the Planning and Development Department has received no inquiries. 602 REPORT NO.: PD-031-01 PAGE 3 S. OFFICIAL PLAN CONFORMITY 5.1 Within the Durham Regional Official Plan, the subject property is designated as Living Area in the BOWillanville Urban Area. The application conforms. 5.2 Within the Clarington Official Plan, the subject property IS designated as Urban Residential. The application conforms. 6. ZONING BY-LAW COMPLIANCE 6.1 Within Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 of the former Town of Newcastle, the subject property is zoned "Agricultural (A)". The proposed development does not conform, hence, the necessity for the submission ofthis rezoning application. 7. AGENCY COMMENTS 7.1 The Clarington Public Works Department requires: . A 3.90 metre road widening on Bradshaw Street dedicated to Clarington. The applicant make front end payments to Clarington for the amounts stated in Front End Agreements entered into between the Municipality and Schickedanz Bros. Ltd. and Ashdale Capital (Royal Bank as Beneficiary) which are estimated as: Mann Street 40.234 metres x $440.64/m $ 17,728.71 Bradshaw Street 22.000 metres x $919.05/m = $ 20.219.10 Total Payment: $ 37,947.81 . (These costs are subject to indexing at the time of payment) . The preparation of a Lot Grading and Drainage Plan by a professional Engineer that details the configuration of the existing on-site storm sewer system (minor system) and the conveyance of overland flow (major system) from the site. The Plan must illustrate all building envelopes and demonstrate that dwellings can be constructed on the subject property to current municipal requirements. 603 REPORT NO.: PD-031-01 PAGE 4 . The provision of a $6,000.00 Grading and Drainage Deposit (6 new dwelling units x $1,000.00 per unit) to be refunded when all grading and drainage work is completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. . That application is to be made for property access in conjunction with this proposaL . The applicant be responsible for any costs necessary to facilitate the construction of entrances from the subject property to Mann Street and Bradshaw Street. The cost of providing a connecting access may include utility relocation, entrance paving, curb cuts, restoration etc. . The provision of six (6) street trees that form a portion of the connecting boulevard, in conformity with Clarington requirements. . The applicant enter into a servicing agreement for the installation of all service connections on Mann Street deemed necessary to service this development. The required agreement must be satisfactory to the Region of Durham and the Director of Public Works. . A performance guarantee estimate IS required for any external works deemed necessary by the Director of Public Works to facilitate this development. The required estimate shall include works listed below which form a connection to the development. An Engineer is responsible for providing this estimate: o Entrance Construction o Street Trees ~: 604 REPORT NO.: PD-031-01 PAGE S . The provision of a $3,000.00 Road Damage Deposit (6 new dwelling units x $500.00 per unit) to be refunded when all construction has been completed and all road restoration has been completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. . That all works and services must be designed and constructed in accordance with the Municipality of Clarington Design Criteria and Standard Drawings, provisions of the Municipality Development By-law and all applicable legislation and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. . That the applicant meet all the requirements of the Public Works Department, financial or otherwise. . The provision of cash-in-lieu of the normal parkland dedication. 7.2 The Regional Planning Department noted that the proposal conforms to both the Regional and Clarington Official Plans and all provincial issues appear to be satisfied. Municipal water and sanitary sewer services are available to the subject lands and all Regional concerns, financial and otherwise, are to be satisfied through the subsequent land division process. 7.3 Comments remain outstanding from: . Veridian Connections . Central Lake Ontario Conservation Public School Board Separate School Board French Public School Board French Separate School Board . . . . 605 '. REPORT NO.: PD-031-01 PAGE 6 8. STAFF COMMENTS 8.1 The applicant will be submitting applications to the Land Division Committee to create the lots. The comments/concerns of the Public Works Department would be imposed through the conditions of approval and execution of a development agreement at that time. 8.2 As the purpose of this report is to give the status of the application for the public meeting, it is appropriate to have the application referred back to staff for further processing. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, C) ~~'~C0--f,L :Fr""anklin Wu, M.C.LP., R.P.P. Chief Administrative Officer. David . Crome, M.C.LP., R.P.P. Director of PI arming & Development BR*LT*DC*df 29 March 2001 Attachment 1 - Site Location Key Map Attachment 2 - Plan of Survey Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Cornelius Derks 344 Gothic Court OSHA W A, Ontario LtG 712 606 ATTACHMENT 1 . SUBJECT SITE LOT 10 LOT 9 110 BOULEVARD APPLE ~ ,g; o ~ f-/ o a:: w ~ a:: <( CD w w a:: f- (f) I TUCKER ROAD W ..J Cl.. Cl.. <( ) / I ~ (f) -:{. CRES. GLANVILLE ~~ """""'-'-. /z 3:1io.., , ~ ~ \. ~~' STRm ~ \ ,,,--- ....... HERRIMAN . I ,I " L...o--l' I CONCESSION STREET EAST ITlIT1 BOWMANVILLE KEY MAP ZBA 2001-006 607 ~ (f) \ BU ~ ::r: (f) a:: w ~ '" z o (f) (f) I.JJ () Z o () ( L I LOTS 9, 10, 11 and PART OF LOT 10 BLOCK A , PLAN H-500n MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM SCAlI 1:400 METltlC 0-- --~ CD ~ .... " \;j ~ l"!:: ......~ ~ , [ , I ~ ~ +--.....t..... MAHTAlN ....... 122 METRES FROST PAOT[CTlON FOR rooTINGS. STEP rOOTNGS I F'0l.N)A lION wttERE REQUREQ. 1145 PROf'OSAL COt#'OflYS WITM THE APPROvtO $U9I)l\fl$lOM lOT ClIADINC Pl"," AN(> 1'1€ HOUSE TYPE IS cowPAT8LE WJTHTHE~.THl:1'ROPOs(O ORlVfWAV LOCATIOH DOES NOT COJ#llCT WIT" ANY [XlSTNG Otl STREET $[I!VCES. '. CONTRACTOR KIST VERrY TM[ LOCATION AHO THE aEVATION OF' THE stWtR CONECTIONS 8['0IlE CONSTRUCTION IVAN B. WALLACE ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR LTD. 68 KING STREET EAST, BOWWANVlLLE LtC JX2 Telephone 905-623-220~ Facalmtle 905-623-08\2 Toll Free 1-8D0-667-oees Project No. 5-437'1 , I ~ Ii'E(;/STEHEO PLAN I No. /{-50077 / L::-I k """ No " 2.~"'.,. L I .J.. - +".J """ No . -t.#.r;JI arl'AIJtJWS: AT IROPCm ,,.. " ""'AN /IQS~ l~ N 71"24'40"' E 51.22 ~, j,~ "'- uo. ....... ~ ,.. 1 .,. N 7'1"53'40 E 51.22 .J 5. , ,,. . f.-<. SQI.87 Sfl.R1, ~ \'J. 259.85 Sf/.m. Q -..- < ., 5U7 QO.'.......(IJOO~fL) E +"'~ \20. '" '" .... '" " ....., .... +,<, . \\ .....llnt;lfrClll'll~s +,,~ . -t'-=.... ... 6 +,<, ......J ~+,<, 515.2' "om, \,.0'\ 0 ...~ ; '"' 0'\ ""', l'l f<~ ... E ./~4 " U ill -- -'*- 6 502.JJ st{.R1. \,. m "'4- .-- 1Il$,'"""," (2000...tt.) ..~ 120.' """,(IJOO...,t.) ~ '" FF'E94.74 " ... '" .... f"<, iii .. .....~ .......s \:! 51.27 ..... i \ . "j:..~ N 7r3J' E 5US ill +'<. 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