HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-025-01 1. t -" Dli':P025-01 '.-.I!' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # ])0 '( () r Res. #r;!Il-/t/l() / Date: Monday, March 5, 2001 Report #: PD-025-01 File #: 18T-99004 By-law # Subject: APPLICATION TO AMEND THE CITY OF OSHA W A OFFICIAL PLAN (EASTDALE PART II PLAN) (8-3-99), CITY OF OSHA W A ZONING BY- LAW NO. 60-94 (Z-lO/99) AND APPLICATION FOR PLAN OF SUBDIVISION (18T-99004) APPLICANT: BARRY GOLDMAN - DURHAM HOMES FILE NO.: 18T-99004 (X-REF 8-3-99, Z-lO/99) Recorrrrnendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-025-01 be received; 2. THAT Report PD-025-01 be adopted as the Municipality's comments with respect to the application to amend the City of Oshawa Official Plan (Eastdale Part II Plan) (8-3-99), City of Oshawa Zoning By-law No. 60-94 (Z-1O/99) and application for Plan of Subdivision (18T-99004) submitted by Barry Goldman on behalf of Durham Homes to the City of Os haw a; 3. THAT the City of Oshawa be requested to keep the Municipality of Clarington apprised regarding the status of these applications, and that any revisions to these applications be forwarded to the Municipality of Clarington for review and comment; 4. THAT it is the Municipality ofClarington's position that the proposed future location of Rossland Road shall align with the current road allowance for Pebblestone Road; 5. THAT a copy of this report and Councils resolution is forwarded to the City of Os haw a's Clerks and Planning Departments. 1. BACKGROUND AND APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 On June 2, 1999 the Planning Department received a request from the City of Oshawa for comments on applications for development located in Part Lot 1, Concession 2, City of Oshawa. The subject lands (see Attachment 1) are located in Oshawa, north of Adelaide Avenue abutting Regional Road 55 (Townline Road). The applications propose the following: 637 . , '~.t , , REPORT PD-025-01 PAGE 2 . Amend the Oshawa Official Plan (Eastdale Part II Plan) (8-3-99) to: i) change the designation of Block C-l located in the southern portion of the subject lands from "Community Use (Church)" to "Convenience Commercial"; ii) designate the eastern portion of the block ofland north of Rossland Road East that is shown as "Other lands which applicant has interest" from "Open Space" and "Recreation" to "Community Use (Church)"; iii) introduce a new policy that permits land that is designated "Community Use (Church)" to be used as low density residential if no church use occurs after five years; and iv) implement certain features of the draft plan of subdivision such as the road pattern. . Amend the City of Oshawa Zoning By-law No. 60-94 (Z-10/99) from "UR (Urban Reserve)" to a zone appropriate to implement the official plan amendments and draft plan of subdivision 18T-99004; and . Approval ofa draft plan of subdivision (18T-99004) proposing to create a total of 448 residential units including 98 apartment units and 61 street townhouse units, a park block and a 0.56 ha mixed use block containing convenience commercial, professional office and residential uses (Attachment 1). 1.2 Subsequent to receipt ofthese applications, review was suspended due to issues regarding the uncertainty of ownership. The ownership issues are now resolved and the applications for development have been revised. 1.3 The revised application proposes phasing of the development with the first phase being the southern portion (Phase 3a) of the subject lands (Attachment 2). Development of the remaining land holdings (Phase 3b) are not being considered at this time. The revised application includes the following: . amendment to the Eastdale Part IT Plan to re-designate Block C-l from "Community Use" (Church) to "Convenience Commercial". . Proposed draft plan of subdivision having 152 single detached residential units, Block C-I as convenience commercial use, and a block for park purposes. The proposed lotting and road patterns mimic that which was contained within the original proposal 638 , ~!. REPORT PD-025-01 PAGE 3 . Zoning amendment from "Urban Reserve (UR)" to zones appropriate to implement the official plan amendment and the proposed draft plan of subdivision. 2. COMMENTS 2.1 Clarington Official Plan Policies and Zoning The lands located adjacent to the applications, but east of Regional Road 55 are designated "Green Space" in the Clarington Official Plan and are zoned "Agricultural (A)" in Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 of the former Town of Newcastle. These lands are not located within the Courtice Urban Area and are serviced by wells and septic systems. Located approximately 200 metres east of Regional Road 55 is the Harmony Creek, associated tableland woodlands and the locally significant Golf Course Wetland, all situated upstream to the Provincially Significant Second Marsh. These natural features have been identified in the Clarington Official Plan and are designated and zoned in part "Environmental Protection (EP)". It is anticipated that the Conservation Authority will provide comments on the impact of this development on these identified natural features as it is their responsibility and mandate to do so. 2.2 Well Interference A number of rural residences are located on the east side of Townline Road. The Municipality of Clarington requests that the requirement for a hydrogeological study be included in the conditions of draft plan approval to ensure that the wells of residents located on the east side of Regional Road 55 are not negatively impacted upon by this development. 2.3 Rossland Road and Other Road Improvements After reviewing the application the Public Works Department requested that the following information be provided to their satisfaction: · That the proposed location of Rossland Road aligns with the current road allowance for Pebblestone Road; · That should the proposed development require the provision of street lighting or sidewalks on Regional Road 55, the works including costs, shall be the responsibility of the City of Oshawa; 639 REPORT PD-02S-01 PAGE 4 . That the City of Oshawa advise the Municipality regarding any specific construction plans for Rossland Road as improvements on Pehhlestone Road may be considered in conjunction with the future construction of Rossland Road; and · That any improvements required to the Pebblestone Road and Regional Road 55 intersection are the responsibility of the City of Oshawa and/or the Region of Durham. 2.4 Convenience Commercial . Phase I - Block C-I "Community Use (Church)" to "Convenience Commercial". When the Eastdale Part II Plan was approved in the early 1990's, Block CI was designated "Community Use (Church)" reflecting the draft approved plan of subdivision 'in place at that time. Block C-I is 0.56 ha in size, which in today's standards is in itself, too small to accommodate a church use. Block C-I is located at the northwest comer of Margate Drive and Townline Road. At the expense of the loss of some residential lots, Block C-I could be enlarged to accommodate a church use. Instead the applicant is proposing to transfer the "Community Use (Church)" to lands located north of the Rossland Road extension in order to establish a convenience commercial use on Block C- 1. This block would accommodate approximately 15,000 sq. ft. of commercial development. Although recent approvals for larger commercial developments in Oshawa have impacted Courtice, this development will serve primarily local residents and will not have an impact on Clarington's broader commercial structure. As such, staff have no objections. 3.0 CONCLUSION The Municipality has no objection to the proposal to develop 152 residential units and to develop a 0.56 ha convenience commercial block. Clarington's support of this portion of the application in no way endorses any other phase of this development. The Municipality reserves comment on the other phases of this development until the environmental impact study has been completed and the alignment of Rossi and Road has 640 ~ " REPORT PD-02S-01 PAGE 5 been set. It is requested that the City of Oshawa keep the Municipality of Clarington informed with respect to these applications and that any additional information or revisions be forwarded to the Municipality's Planning Department for review and comment. It is requested that the City of Oshawa ensure that the Municipality of Clarington be consulted in a timely fashion during the Rossland Road alignment study. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, . rome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. of Planning & Development FrQw~.~ Chief Administrative Officer HB*BN*DJC*cc February 27, 2001 Attachment 1 - Attachment 2 - Attachment 3 - Original Development Plan Revised Development Plan Proposed Official Plan Amendment 641 ;1 , I 1- J o_...-~",""" ~_..."." _.~~-- -- i7....-:, --,--. 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CONCESSION 2 :;",-: ,;':~. -.L2I.11"'''' CITY OF OSHAWA I REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM l C.--"RSEDi.. I I MAc............ySoiJDMlHOW!SCNL"TD. :--.--- -.A_.. aJ :!PJ~__~_,_.CH_1U 1ST 99004 APPLICATION AS ORIGINALLY SUBMITTED 642 .' .' I i i I I -l, I ......"..,_......" --.~------ , iJ '~""--,---,'-- ~~.,,~">'----- ~'.:~-- " 'I - \ r- (ror PHASE= - .1 future deyelopment) - ~J1.AL0f"NS'F>' ~~p ~" ~ -----'-----~; r---~-----,--------- L ~ PROPOSEO ,,~ I I I I )":[' I ., I I t I RESIOtNllAL .,~ ,..:P"'- - !8r~87t34-7~ ~~4SilL=--= J?~SZOrN BAt-= -_n_' ~ ---- - - ~----- --$--- -- == : ~~ --- ~ i REVISED APPLICATION 643 ATTACHMENT 2 ( =-" _~1~]L 4 I ,,-____~__'_J KEY "'-AN "'TEDATAfo<PI1ase3a -UDO:10C>El:l...........,......._ ~lIElADEU_~_..... ""-"""SWS-"."'HI _.....'"'""c_. a__ _..00<..... 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III =..':'.::"""'_ . ~m....~ L._ _ REVISIED 'i8.99004...~ KINGSW A Y PHASE 3a DRAFT PLA~ OF SUISDlVU$ION PART Of' LOT \ CONCESSIO'l 2 CITY OF OSHAWA REGIONAL MU\jIClPALlTY OF DURH _, m MACAL.Il.AY SHIOMl Huw&oN L"TO. 1----__....._-.........., zn~__f..-.ON_I13 ; l I' , . . (, BY:Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 2-12-01 , . . 905 623 0630:# 3 9:54 9054365699"' ATTACHMENT 3 .r" I , , C' '. . :.,) Memorandum Osbaw,g ".,d,.f/.,75 v..,. IIZ4.lttl Cop.""..,,1 01 Development end Planning Servle.. May 31,1999 File Nos. Z-10/911, 8-3-1011,181-99004 Re: Applications to Amend ashawa OffIcial Plan (Eastd.'e Part " Plan) and Zoning By-law No. 60-94 and for Approval of Draft. Plan Of Subdivision 1BT.99004 West of Townllne Road North, Rossland Ro.d Ea.t Extended Armstrong Harrison A.socl.t.. on behaU of Rain. Pal8ntcorp Inc., Cameo Subsidiary Corporation and RaIna Umlted\ The purposes of. the applications are as fol1OW$. 1) The application to Amend Oshawa Official Plan (Eastdale Part to Plan) Is to: a) change the designation on Block C.1 from Community Use (Church) to Convenience Commercial; .' b) designate the eastern portion of the block of land north of Rossland Road East that is shown as "Other lands which applicant has interest" (this block of land is notlneluded in the draft plan of subdivision or the rezoning applications) from Open Space and Recreation to Community Use (Church); c) introduce a new policy that permits land that are designated Community Use (ChUfch) to be used as low densltyfesidentiallf no etlurch occurs after flve years; and d) to implement certain features of the dfaft plan, such as the road pattern. . 2) The application to amend Zoning By-law No. 60-94 is to rezone the land that form part of the draft plan from UR (Urban Reserve) to an appropriate zone in order to implement draft plan of subdivision 18T-99004 (does not Include the lands north of Rossland Road East). .3) The application for approval of draft plan of subdivision 18T-99004, 644 ll7007.fi03