HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-065-01 , , ~ , ~-1 .. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARlNGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # J:2E Res. #0/d~7-o / Date: Monday, June 18,2001 Report #: PD-065-01 File #: PLN 25.1.23 to 25.1.38 By-law#_ Subject: PROPOSED STREET NAME CHANGES: THE NEW 9-1-1 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SYSTEM FILE: PLN 2S.1.23 TO 2S.1.38 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-065-01 be received; 2. THAT Staff be authorized to hold Public Information Sessions as outlined in Section 2.4 of this Report; 3. THAT Staffbe authorized to take appropriate actions under Section 210 of the Municipal Act, to advertise and hold Public Meetings for proposed street name changes that emerge as "preferred" through the Public Inforamtion Sessions; 4. THAT the landowners fronting onto the affected streets be provided notice through direct mail circulation; and 5. THAT the Region of Durham Planning Department be advised of Council's decision. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 In 1994, the Bell Canada 9-1-1 Focus Team reviewed what is required to upgrade Durham Region's 9-1-1 system from the current system of Enhanced 9-1-1 to the new Ontario standard of 9-1-1 Public Emergency Reporting Service or 9-1-1 PERS. Duplicate street names within a municipality was one problem for completing the upgrade. The PERS system requires unique addresses for each property within each municipality. Duplicate street names are in other regional government areas and appear to be a consequence of amalgamation at the time of establishment of regional government. 654 '- " REPORT PD-06S-01 PAGE 2 1.2 In 1995 and 1996, the Ontario Advisory Committee and Bell Canada 9-1-1 Focus Group formed a task force to look at the issue of municipalities who wanted to upgrade their current 9-1-1 system to 9-1-1 PERS while not eliminating the duplicate addressing. The task force did a trial in Haldimand-Norfolk in an effort to find a solution to the duplicate street names problem. Mapping was done down to the town, village or hamlet boundaries instead of mapping only to the true municipal boundaries as defined in the Ontario Municipal Directory. The following results were noted: a. Bell Canada would require 53% more time to capture the address information at the lower municipal level and in more densely populated areas, up to 93% more time; b. The 9-1-1 access charge of $0. 32/month to telephone subscribers would not cover the additional cost; and c. The "rollout" to the unserved portions of Ontario would be severely delayed. 1.3 The introduction of competition for the provision of local service means telephone subscribers will be able to transfer their current telephone numbers from Bell Canada to other local exchange carriers throughout Ontario based on the rollout of Local Number Portability. As this portability becomes available, emergency agencies will not be able to rely upon what telephone exchange the telephone number has originated from to dispatch emergency vehicles and therefore, the caller's address will become even more important to the successful delivery of9-1-1 calls and in some cases, the saving of human life. 1.4 Bell Canada has commented that beyond requirements for 9-1-1 PERS, Provincial Inquest Recommendations in recent years have recommended that duplicate street names as well as similar sounding street names within one jurisdiction can be a problem for emergency vehicle dispatching. 1.5 Durham Regional Police and Bell Canada have been working to move Durham Region to the full 9-1-1 PERS platform, but until the duplications are eliminated, this cannot happen. At the request of Durham Regional Police, Bell Canada re-examined the factors that necessitated continuation of mapping municipalities with unique, non duplicated addressing and it has been determined that staffing levels and 9-1-1 system design preclude any change in the Bell Canada process. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate duplicate 655 REPORT PD-06S-0l PAGE 3 street names or number ranges within a municipality before 9-1-1 PERS can be implemented. This places a great burden on amalgamated municipalities such as the Municipality of Clarington and the new City of Toronto. It is Staff's understanding that no exceptions from the new 9-1-1 PERS emergency phone system have been made. Withdrawing from the new 9-1-1 PERS emergency phone system is not an option with Clarington's growing population. The risk to the health of residents would be too great. 1.6 The new system is scheduled to start up at the end ofthis year and so decisive choices must be made soon. Staffrecommends consulting residents as soon as possible regarding the choices for renaming of the duplicate streets with some suggested choices listed in Attachment 1 to this report. 1.7 On April 23, 2001, Mr. Ian Wilson, the Durham Regional Police Service Communications Supervisor and Representative for 9-1-1 Mapping, appeared before Council as a delegation to General Purpose and Administration Committee. He gave a presentation on the new 911 PERS emergency telephone system and its need for the elimination of duplication among street names. Council subsequently approved a recommendation that states: "THAT the delegation ofIan Wilson be referred to the Planning Department to report in an expedient manner." 2. PROPOSED PROCESS 2.1 Selecting Streets to be Renamed Street name change is a traumatic experience for those affected and so it is suggested that where there is name duplication the street with the largest number of properties affected be permitted to retain its name. Staff does recognize that usually Bowmanville, Courtice and rural streets will be left untouched and that Newcastle Village, Orono and the hamlets' streets will bear the brunt of these changes. However, from a Clarington-wide perspective, this approach will lower as much as possible the number of businesses and homes affected. 656 " REPORT PD-06S-01 PAGE 4 2.2 Approaches Not Recommended Staff has considered a number of possibilities for eliminating duplication of property street addresses. Two approaches which are not recommended are as follows. i) Different Street Address Number Ranges The concept of assigning different street address number ranges to streets with the same name has problems. Changes to numbers only, means that the different number ranges have to be very distinct, only "multiples of 1,000" ranges are acceptable. Clarington has two (2) street numbering grids (Darlington and Clarke) with the concessions demarcated by "multiples of 1,000" that cover the whole municipality. There are two (2) problems with this approach. The duplicated streets cannot be in the same concession. In Clarington, there are three (3) duplicated streets that are in the same concession. In addition to the cost of changing addresses for the personal/business contacts, there would be a cost for new street numbers to be mounted on the homes. All of this makes the different street address number ranges concept very problematic. ii) Locality Prefix The concept of using a "locality prefix" is not recommended since this small change might allow some people to think their street name has not really changed after all and they would not make the necessary adjustments or correctly identifY the street quickly in an emergency. Visitors to Clarington would not understand the special significance of the locality prefix and would likely omit it altogether when phoning in an emergency. As well, "Bowmanville-Centre Street", "Hampton-Temperance Street" are just two examples of how unwieldy Clarington's new street names could get. 2.3 Proposed Approach Using New Street Names New and very different street names, although sounding "out-of-place" at first, would not be confused with the former street names. Appropriate names would be from the Clarington Available Street Names List and so they would all be "Regionally pre-approved" and they could effect a quick change. Possible names are identified in Attachment 1. Three (3) alternatives for selecting names are identified below: 657 .' REPORT PD-06S-01 PAGES i) Names that are Variations of Duplicate Names Staffhas tried to retain the connotation of some of the duplicate names. These possible street names are at the Region for "pre-approval". Staff suggests that these names be considered as a possibility for eliminating duplication. ii) War Dead and Veterans' Names It is the "Year of the Volunteer" and our new street naming policy makes the use of war dead names a fIrst priority and the use of veterans' names a second priority. All war dead and veterans' names are from the Clarington Available Street Names List and are classified as to the general locality of the individual within Clarington. Staff has matched these localities with the localities of the duplicate streets where possible. Staff suggests that war dead and veterans' names be considered as a possibility for eliminating duplication, iii) Names with Historical Connotations for Specific Localities Within the Clarington Available Street Names List there are a few names which have been in the above list for many years and presumably, have historical connotations. The Curator of the Bowmanville Museum and the Curator of the Clarke Museum & Archives have supplied historical names for hamlets in Darlington and Clarke, respectively, and these possible street names are at the Region for "pre-approval". A change in street names does mean that street address numbers could remain the same. 2.4 Public Information Sessions Staff will hold Public Information Sessions to give residents the opportunity to express their opinions on the street name changes. Mr. Ian Wilson and Bell Canada representatives would attend if given sufficient notice. Out of these sessions staff would hope that residents would understand the necessity of the change and help in selecting a preferred street name. Staff proposes to hold six (6) Public Information Sessions (Council to be advised of details when confirmed) as follows: . Hampton . Haydon/Enniskillen . Kendal . Newcastle Village . Newtonville . Orono 658 REPORT PD-06S-01 PAGE 6 2.5 Highway lIKing Street The elimination of duplication along all of Highway 2lKing Street throughout Clarington is particularly difficult given the concentration of business on this thoroughfare Staff intends to bring forward a proposal in the fall ofthis year dealing with this situation. 3. CONCLUSIONS 3.1 Pending Committee and Council's approval of the recommendation contained within this report, Staff will proceed with the Public Information Sessions in the sununer and fall of this year. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ~. ~~ d~-~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Chief Administrative Officer Bin Newell Acting Director of Planning and Development BR*LT*BN*sh 11 June 2001 Attachment - Proposed Street Name Changes Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Mr. Ian Wilson Communications Supervisor 9-1-1 Mapping Durham Regional Police Headquarters 77 Centre Street North Oshawa, Ontario LlG4B7 659 . ... m - " CI> .- 2 Q. .. 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