HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN-04-01 . ON: AD04-01 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee ""-' File # f / / Res. # GIll -f2)J-~ I Date: Monday, February 19,2001 Report #: ADMIN 04-01 FILE #: By-law # Subject: MUNICIPAL PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT PROGRAM RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report ADMIN 04-01 be received for information. 1. BACKGROUND: 1.1 In October 2000, the Minister of Municipal Affairs introduced a Municipal Performance Measurement Program (MPMP) which requires all municipalities in Ontario to report to their citizens a Performance Report Card by June 30, 2001. Specifically, the Ministry identified nine (9) service areas requiring data for 35 selected performance measures. (see Attachment # 1) 1.2 Of the nine (9) service areas, sewage, water, police and social services fall under the jurisdiction of the Region of Durham and therefore will not be addressed by Clarington. The remaining five (5) service areas, ie. garbage, transportation, fire, local govemment and land use planning will be reported by Clarington. It should be noted that these five (5) service areas do not cover all the services we deliver in Clarington. 2. COMMENTS: 2.1 Although the MPMP Program was announced in October 2000, details of the program requirements were not made available to municipalities until late December. In an effort to comply with the June 30, 2001 deadline, many staff have attended two separate lOD3 , REPORT NO.: ADMIN 04-01 PAGE 2 training seminars in order to fully understand the detailed requirements of the Program which contains detail definitions, formula, and numerous forms and schedules for data entry, most of which are to be tied to the 2000 Financial Information Return (FIR). 2.2 Works are now underway to tackle this complex and time consuming project. To ensure consistency in assembling data and subsequent entry, a staff committee has been established comprising of the Chief Administrative Officer, the Treasurer, the Deputy Treasurer, the Directors of Public Works, Planning and the Fire Chief. The Deputy Treasurer will assume the responsibility of a project manager due to her familiarity with the details of the Financial Information Return .(FIR). This project team tentatively targeted April 30, 2001 to complete the data entry and to complete the Report Card before June 30, 2001 as required by the Ministry. At this time, staff are leaning towards providing the Report Card first to Council in mid June and then distribute it to the citizens in conjunction with the release of our next issue of Clarington Today in late June. 2.3 It has been pointed out earlier that the Provincial mandated service areas do not cover all the services provided by Clarington to its citizens. For example, recreational services, by-law enforcement, animal services, school crossing guards, park maintenance etc. are not required to be reported under the MPMP. Notwithstanding, we expect these services will be added to the Program in the future. In anticipation of this, we will simultaneously work on the performance measures for these services. Ideally, staff would like to report on all services by June 30, 2001. However, given the limited time available between now and June 30, 2001 and given the complexity and tedious nature of this task, the staff committee would barely be able to handle the works related to the five (5) mandated service areas of fire, planning, transportation, local govemment and garbage. As for the remaining service areas, we have tentatively set a target date for reporting before the end of2001. Respectfully submitted, 1004 REPORT NO.: ADMIN 04-01 PAGE 3 U t\ca&~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Chief Administrative Officer FW*jip 1005 -',' -'.. "~".--'"'"-'.'-~.-'" _',~,,'---."._~~.',,---.-. .._~~~-- '-".~'."-' .-,-- -,.-~--,,,'- --..~. -,.- ATTACHMENT NO I MUNICIPAL PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT INFORMATION REPORTING CATEGORIES Garbage (Solid Waste Management) 1. Operating costs for waste collection per ton or per household. 2. Operating costs for waste disposal per ton or per household. 3. Operating costs for recycling per ton or per household. A municipality providing information under items I, 2 or 3 shall provide the information on a per household basis only if the information is not available on a per ton basis. 4. Test results for solid waste disposal sites. 5. Number of complaints concerning the collection of garbage and recycled materials per ton collected or per 1,000 households. 6. Percentage of residential solid waste diverted for recycling and tons of solid waste recycled. " 7. Percentage of industrial, co=ercial and institutional solid waste diverted for recycling and tons of solid waste recycled. Sewage 8. Operating costs for collection of sewage and stormwater per kilometre of sewer line. 9. Operating costs for treatment and disposal of sewage and stormwater per cubic metre treated. 10. Number of sewer-main backups per kilometreof sewer line. 11. Test results for sewage treatment operations. 12. Number of hours when untreated or partially treated sewage was released into a lake or natural water course. Water 13. Operating costs for water treatment per million litres of water treated. 14. Operating costs for water distribution per kilometre of distribution pipe. 2 10Q6 .__""~' .,..,,,,.o,--..a'~'''''''''''-__'- ~~,-.-.'-- ,...."...,.,""-~ ,~....~,,-~...-.~-- ...-.-- -.. ,>-,--~.,......,.,_... . ,,,......:._--'~- ....-=.;-~.......'......,--""..~ ..."',.'".....-...-....- . ~- .~,...~..'~ 15. Percentage of water produced that is not billed. 16. Test results for water treatment and distribution systems. 17. Number of breaks in water mains per kilometre of water main pipe. 18. Number of days when a boil-water advisory issued by the Medical Officer of Health and applicable to a municipal water supply was in effect. Transportation 19. Operating costs for paved roads per lane kilometre. 20. Percentage of paved lane ki10metres rated adequate. 21. Operating costs for unpaved roads per lane kilometre. 22. Operating costs for winter control maintenance of roadways per lane kilometre. 23. Percentage of winter-event responses that meet or exceed municipal road maintenance standards. 24. Number of conventional tranSit passenger trips per person in the service area. 25. Operating costs for conventional tranSit per regular service passenger trip. Fire 26. Operating costs for fire services per $1,000 of assessment. 27. Total dollar losses due to strUctural fires, averaged over three years, per $1,000 of assessment. police 28. Operating costs for police services per $1,000 of assessment. 29. Percentage of cases cleared for the following Statistics Canada categories: violent crimes; property crimes; other criminal Code crimes (excluding traffic); Criminal Code traffic; drugs; crimes under other federal statutes. Local Government 30. Operating costs for municipal administration as a percentage oftotal municipal operating costs. 3 1007 "' ,.'- ".-,;~"~ . . 31. Operating costs for members of council per capita and as a percentage of total municipal operating costs. Land-Use Planning 32. Number and percentage of new lots approved that are located in settlement areas. 33. Percentage of designated agricultural land preserved. Social Services 34. Percentage of persons receiving Ontario Works assistance that participated in welfare-to-work activities. 35. Percentage change in the number of people receiving social assistance. A municipality providing information under items 34 and 35 shall provide it in respect of the geographic area designated for that municipality as a delivery agent under the Ontario Works Act. 1997. 4 1008