HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-01-01 , l , THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON . REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # ,1/h' Res. fIt;'f'!1-()f{'-/-(J I Report #: January 22, 2001 I CS-01-0 By-law # Date: Subject: MUNICIPAL GRANT PROCESS Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report No. CS-01-01 be received, 2. THAT the Municipal Grant Policy (attachment #1 to Report CS-01-01) be approved, 1.0 BACKGROUND During the 2000 Municipal Grant process, Council requested staff to "investigate the process and policies of other municipalities within the Region of Durham regarding criteria for their grant applications and report back with any recommendations for restructuring and/or enhancement of the process", 1.2 Upon review of the other municipalities within the Region of Durham, staff has found that no other municipality within the Region, provide a Municipal Grant Program. 1.3 For the most part, each municipality refers funding requests directly to Councilor to the budget process for deliberation and direction. There is no formal procedure for applying to these municipalities for financial assistance. 2.0 MUNICIPAL GRANT POLICY 2.1 Through staff's review, it became apparent that Clarington's process required a policy statement which establishes the objective, criteria, categories, funding source and public notice for the Municipal Grant Process. ..../2 HQI '- , REPORT NO.: CS-01-01 PAGE 2 2.2 This report recommends the adoption of a policy (Attachment #1) which clearly defines the parameters for application to the Municipal Grant Process. Please note, this policy, recognizes the current practice of the Municipality as it pertains to the Municipal Grant Process, and further has been amended to protect the intent of the program as follows; 2.2.1 Criteria #1, #2, #3, and #8 - for the most part, criteria 1, 2, 3 and 8 are consistent with past practice and no changes are being recommended. 2.2.2 Criteria #4 (New) - This allows Council to consider capital requests from applicants which fall within a category other than Hall Board/Community Centres, and to maintain the purpose of grants as operational in nature. Staff is recommending this criteria to permit a one-time grant where there is no applicable municipal department that can accommodate the request. 2.2.3 Criteria #5 (New) - This has been added to discourage multiple funding sources where an organization receives other municipal funds through the normal budgeting process. This would eliminate the Museums, Library, Cemetery Boards and the Visual Arts Centre from being eligible to apply. 2.2.4 Criteria #6 (New) - This establishes an upset limit of funding for all organizations. The intention is to promote an equitable opportunity for distribution of funds through the municipal grant process. If approved, three of last year's applicants (Newcastle Community Hall Board, Clarington Community Care and Clarington Older Adult Committee) would be affected as having received a grant in excess of $5,000.00, however, Criteria #7 does permit the opportunity for these and any new applicants to still apply for funding. 2.2.5 Criteria #7 (New) - This provides an opportunity for groups with requests in excess of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) to appear before Council and or make a separate submission to Council during the Annual Municipal Budget deliberations. 2.3 Categories - the recommended policy defines four (4) distinct categories for grant distribution. Each applicant must meet the required definition for at least one of the four categories, to be considered for a Municipal Grant. 2.4 Municipal Grant Funding Formula - No changes are recommended to the funding formula. The policy explains that funds will be provided based on $1.00 per capita. Unallocated funds are being recommended to continue to be forwarded to the unallocated grant account for unanticipated requests. ..../3 802 ~ " , REPORT NO.: CS..Q1-01 PAGE 3 2.5 Pubic Notice - Consistent with past practice staff will continue to advertise twice through local newspapers announcing the Municipal Grant Program. The deadline for applications varies from year to year but generally can be anticipated in early December. 3.0 COMMENT 3.1 In reviewing our Municipal Grant Program staff is confident that the program is very beneficial to our various volunteer and community organizations. Although Clarington is the only municipality within the Region of Durham that offers this opportunity, it is consistent with the Municipality's position with regards to our high regard and appreciation for our numerous volunteer-based organizations. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, 6 r,('Jz.X~~ Jo e P. Caruana tor of Community Services Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Chief Administrative Officer JPC/pg 803 , : ~ ," ATTACHMENT #1 TO REPORT CS-01-01 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES MUNICIPAL GRANT POLICY OBJECTIVE: To provide financial assistance to those organizations which provide direct services or programs to the residents of the Municipality of Clarington. CRITERIA: 1) The organization requesting financial assistance must be based within the municipality of Clarington or the Region of Durham. 2) Regionally based organizations must provide details demonstrating how their service directly benefits the residents of Clarington. 3) Organizations must be volunteer based, or operate as not for profit. 4) Funding applications will be considered for operational expenses only, capital requests may be considered as a one-time grant only (excluding Hall Boards/Community Centres). 5) Organizations that receive any form of other funding from the Municipality of Clarington are not eligible to apply. 6) Applications for funding through the Municipal Grant Process must not exceed $5,000.00. 7) Applications requesting in excess of $5,000.00 will be referred directly to the budget process to be dealt with on an individual basis external to the Grant Process. 8) Late applications or requests received subsequent to the current year's municipal budget approval will be referred to Council for direction. FUNDING CATEGORIES a) Recreation/Leisure Services: This category is defined as those organizations offering athletic or leisure opportunities not offered by the Municipality. 804 ."', ~ 'V _/ b) Civic: This category is defined as those organizations providing events, or services promoting the Municipality of Clarington (i.e. Santa Clause Parade, Horticultural Societies, Historical Society etc.) c) Social: This category is defined as those organizations offering specific service (other than recreational/leisure) to residents of the Municipality of Clarington. d) Hall Boards/Community Centres: This category is defined as a Hall Board or Community Centre that operates and maintains a Municipally owned facility. (Please note grants will be considered for operational expenses only. Capital requests must be referred to the appropriate municipal representative for consideration during annual budget deliberations.) MUNICIPAL GRANT FUNDING FORMULA To consider all eligible grants, the Municipality of Clarington will provide a funding formula of $1.00 per capita annually. All unallocated funds will remain in the unallocated grant account for un- anticipated requests received during the current year. PUBLIC NOTICE The Municipality of Clarington will provide public notice of the Municipal Grant Program twice each year through local newspapers. 2 805