HomeMy WebLinkAboutCSD-05-01 ~ " Cl!J!ilJgroH REPORT COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee Date: November 05, 2001 Resolution #:&PI1-5f7-o I Report #: CSD-05-01 File#: rJi By-law #: Subject: Newcastle Memorial Memorial Arena Renovations Recommendations: 1. THAT Report CSD-05-01 be received; 2. THAT Council endorse the Newcastle Memorial Arena Renovation Project; and 3. THAT Council approve an interest free loan, to an upset limit of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00) to be drawn as required by the Municipality of Clarington; 4. THAT a letter of intent for repayment of the loan in seven annual instalments of forty-two thousand, eight hundred and fifty seven dollars and 14 cents ($42,B57.14) each with the first payment due December 31, 2002 and subsequent payments due on December 31, 2003; December 31,2004; December 31,2005; December 31,2006; December 31,2007 and the final payment of Forty two thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven dollars and sixteen cents ($42,B57.16) due on December 31, 200B be received; 5. THAT the required funds be drawn from the Impact/Escrow Reserve Fund Account #1110-196-X; and 6. THAT the total project be administered by the Municipality of Clarington in conjunction with the Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board; 7. Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board by advised of action taken. Reviewedb~~ Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer' JPC 805 . REPORT No. CSD-05-01 Page 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 At the request of the Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board (The Board) staff have been meeting and assisting the Board in its desire to upgrade the Newcastle Memorial Arena. 1.2 Essentially the Board is requesting some consideration of renovations (Attachment #1) that would incorporate 2 additional dressing rooms, relocation of the Concession area (to become more accessible), additional storage and finally a larger lobby and entrance. 1.3 The Board also requested consideration of a new roof (over the lobby and entrance area), refrigeration plant upgrades to improve efficiency of the plant and if possible a wider corridor leading to the dressing rooms. 1.4 Through discussion with the Board Members the roof and plant upgrades were deemed to be the responsibility of the Municipality through the Building Maintenance Program and will be addressed at the appropriate time through the Municipal Capital Budget deliberations. 1.5 The request for widening the corridor was considered by staff as non-essential and would significally inflate the project's estimated costs. 1.6 Subsequentially the Board has agreed to staffs proposed building program as outlined in section 1.2 of this report. 2.0 FINANCING 2.1 Staff requested financial data outlining the method of raising funds for repayment of the loan. Essentially the Board is proposing to raise it's user fees to cover the repayment schedule. 2.2 The financial plan was reviewed by the Director of Finance and it appears that the loan payment schedule is attainable with the proposed increase in user fees. 2.3 Subsequentially a recommendation to provide an intent for loan to an upset limit of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) is forwarded with terms established over seven (7) years to be repaid in seven installments with the first payment due December 31, 2002 and that funds are to be drawn from the Impact/Escrow Revenue Fund Account #1110-196-X. 2.4 Attachment #2 to this report is provided as confirmation of the Board's agreement with the terms of the loan. 806 REPORT No. CSD-05-01 Page 3 3.0 COMMENT 3.1 With the approval of Council, staff will immediately initiate the project with an anticipated completion date of August/September 2002. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-6506 807 ATTACHMENT #1 TO REPORT # CSD-05-01 (PAGE 1) P OCT t 5 2001 Newcastle Memorial Arena 103 Caroline Street Newcastle, Ontario 118 IHI October 8, 2001 Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario 11 C 3A6 Attention Mr. Joseph Caruana Director, Community Services. Dear Mr. Caruana: Just a short note to thank you, Mr Acorn, and Mr. Horvath for your attendance at our board meeting of October 2,2001. We certainly appreciate your input and assistance you extended to our members regarding both projects, our renovation desires and your ice allocation program. Regarding the latter, our board members now have a better understanding of the thoughts and procedures and look forward to further communication and the final draft and report. Regarding our renovations should they be approved, 1 am taking this opportunity to re- cap our priority list to make sure everything was covered during our discussions. Obviously depending on budget approval, this is what we would like to tackle. A) Bringing the snack bar to the main floor is crucial to increasing revenue and making the arena more user friendly. B) Lobby and entrance way need to be addressed to improve traffic flow and alleviate congestion. From incoming and outgoing hockey players with bags, sticks and various paraphernalia cluttering up our thoroughfare while they wait for the dressing rooms to be vacated. C) A new roof over the lobby and entrance will bring assistance to the Municipality's budget plans to replace the entire roof as our contribution would cover some of this cost. D) Increase dressing room space and improve shower facilities, which are currently inadequate for the arena. 808 ATTACHMENT #1 TO REPORT # CSD-05-01 (PAGE 2) E) Attention to a more energy efficient plant operation with the addition of a second hum icon, or any suggestions Mr. Horvath may have to improve our plant efficiency. F) Improved storage facilities that can be tied into these renovations will be another improvement that will come about from these changes. Joe: this just about covers all our requirements. in closing I would just like to mention that we have an excellent arena board membership in place. For a group of volunteers, they are committed and dedicated to the arena community. In the past 18 months we have brought increased revenue to the arena with rink board advertising, which was never in place prior to the year 2000. We have purchased and installed a new scoreboard fully fInanced by a corporate donation and last but not least we are presently undergoing renovations to both washrooms with a $20,000.00 expenditure. We all look forward to favourable approval of, if not all of our wish list, a proportion of these projects to improve Newcastle Arena for the Municipality and its users. Thanks! Again ?vz/k Yours truly, R.G. (Gord) Lee, Chairman. 809 ATTACHMENT #2 TO REPORT #CSO..()5-01 '. , , j =~, E~' -, - .,',',,'-~._. -- .=" ' iOJ "--,,",,,' 1 u--u '~l~~::' blJ' ~ I ' Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board i 'leT 29 2001 ! ,I ! MUNICIPALlTV 0" rLARINGTON ! 1 C, ,O""'U"'T'''-' .-- '-O'RTM""T-, IV', I 1-1 ,_"_ _~ _< . ... '"I 0\1 I, '....'=..."",.....-~-< ." Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario Attention Mr. Caruana Director, Community Services. Re: Renovation Project at Newcastle Arena Dear Mr. Caruana: Please be advised that the Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board unanimously passed a motion at our October 23rd., 2001 meeting to proceed with our renovation loan application, as outlined by this writer. The amount and terms of the loan are in agreement with our recent meetings and telephone discussions. Amount ofloan: - $300,000.00 Terms- Interest Free for a period of 7 years 6 payments of$42,857.14 7th. and final payment of $42,857.16 Payments to commence on December 31 2002, with [mal payment Due on the 31st. day of December 2008. Thanks again, for your help with this project and looking forward to the next step in our application. Yours truly, j'~& R.G. (Gord) Lee, Chairman. 810