HomeMy WebLinkAboutOPD-002-01 B -...c~~- ... .: Clw:ilJgron REPORT OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19. 2001 Resolution #.;:jJff ~~ -0/ Report#: OPD-02-01 File#: 103 t:;E By-Iaw#: Subject: CLARINGTON OLDER ADULT ASSOCIATION - CLARINGTON BEECH CENTER PARKING CONCERNS Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report OPD-02-01 be received; 2. THAT Council approve the expansion of the parking facilities at 26 Beech Avenue in the area south of the Beech Centre;, 3. THAT the project be recommended in the Year 2002 Capital Budget; and 4. THAT the Clarington Older Adult Association, Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood Association, Bowmanville Tennis Club, Clarington Community Care and the Lions Club Day Care be advised of Council's direction. Submitted by: ~~ A.S. Cannella, C.E.T. Acting Director of Engineering Services Reviewed "'r~~ klinWu ~ Chief Administrative Officer FH*SAV'ce 701 ,., REPORT NO.: OPD-D2-D1 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND In a report to Council, WD-20-01 dated May 22,2002, Council approved in principle the expansion of the parking facilities at 26 Beech Avenue in the area south of the tennis courts (see Attachment No.1). In that report, staff recommended ongoing discussions with all tenants and the Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood Association (OBNA) to review on-site parking opportunities and design tender specifications. Two meetings were held on June 22nd and August 16th, with invitations being extended to all tenants of the Beech Centre and property, as well as the OBNA. A further meeting was held on Monday, October 29th to review the concerns as it relates to the proposed bump- in spaces. ISSUES AND CONCERNS: Clarinoton Emeroency and Fire Services: The Clarington Emergency and Fire Services Chief attended the meeting of August 16th and explained the concerns about restricted access to the residential homes on Beech Avenue and the restricted use of emergency vehicles due to the width of the street. In the interest of safety and liability, and with the present street design, the Chief is against permitting any on street parking as a solution to the parking concems of the Beech Centre which would restrict the use and operation of emergency vehicles to the site, There were suggestions to create bump-ins for parking which could be considered at the time of the reconstruction of Beech Avenue in consultation with the residents. Old Bowmanville Neiohbourhood Association: The Association is still opposed to the increase of parking spaces at the Centre. They are also opposed to anyon-site hard top parking that results in the elimination or minimization of the green space at the rear of the building. The 702 ., REPORT NO.: OPD-02-01 PAGE 3 representatives felt that the new location was a generous compromise to the problem and that it did preserve the rear green space for passive recreational use. Clarinaton Communitv Care: Community Care is concerned about a safe and accessible passage to the building. With the addition of the overflow parking area and clear markings on the pavement, this should alleviate some of the problems. There has to be an overall coordination within the Centre to avoid major events occurring at the same time. Bowmanville Tennis Club: They have reviewed the proposed parking lot expansion and have no concerns about it. They have requested further information if and when the paving will occur since it will impact on their tennis program. On-Street ParkinQ: Both the OBNA and Clarington Older Adult Association have expressed their desire to maintain on-street parking along the east side of Beech Avenue. Both, organizations recognize that there is an issue with on-street parking, fire-fighting procedures etc. however, it is suggested that this issue be addressed during the streetscape planning stage in 2002. 2.0 RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the discussions over the summer, Staff is recommending the following: 1. That the expansion of 30 parking spaces be approved at the south side of the Centre and along the west side of the driveway (see Attachment No. 2). 703 ~ REPORT NO.: OPD-02-01 PAGE 4 2. That consideration be given to incorporating up to nine spaces in the front of the building property as bump-in spaces at the time the streetscape plans are being developed for the reconstruction of Beech Avenue in 2003 (see Attachment No.4). 3. That an alternative hard surface material be considered in lieu of asphalt for the driveway leading into the proposed parking area. It is still the intention of Staff, from the earlier report, to improve the overall circulation of vehicles on the site. By creating a one-way entrance and a one- way exit, the overall vehicular access to the building will be improved. 3.0 CONCLUSION The recommendations contained in this report address most of the issues that were raised by the various groups and agencies. The Clarington Older Adult Association will get an additional thirty new spaces, with the potential expansion of another nine spaces when the road is reconstructed, if bump-ins are part of the approved streetscape plan. Also, during the reconstruction of Concession Street in 2002, there will be provisions for bump-outs, which would create some parking spaces that could be utilized for visitors at the Beech Centre. The proposed parking area will not affect the green space immediately west of the building. Staff will ensure that additional plant materials will be included in the contract to help buffer the hard surface from the passive play area. Concerns by the other tenants will be addressed when the parking lot is repaved with the new pavement markings. Communications with all tenants to deal with the peak demands will have to be dealt with regularly to ensure a safe and easy access and exit from the building. The Clarington Older Adult Association must playa leadership role in ensuring the safety of all patrons at the Centre. 704 ~ REPORT NO.: OPD-02-01 PAGE 5 Attachments: Attachment #1 - Report WD-20-01 Attachment #2 - Key Map - Parking Lot Expansion Attachment #3 - Key Map - Beech Avenue Bump-Ins Interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Clarington Older Adult Association C/o Don Welsh 26 Beech Avenue Bowmanville, ON L 1C 3A2 Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood Association C/o Bill Humber 15 Beech Avenue Bowmanville, ON L1C 3A1 Bowmanville Tennis Club C/o Ken Majid, President P.O. Box 11 Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 3K9 Clarington Community Care 26 Beech Avenue Bowmanville, ON L1C3A2 Lions Club Day Care Bowmanville Nursery School 26 Beech Avenue Bowmanville, ON L 1C 3A2 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T (905) 623-3379 F (905) 623-9282 705 , . Meeting: Date: ATTAcmmNT #1 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # MAY 22, 2001 Res. # Report No.: WD-20-0 I Subject: Our File: F.30.10 By-Law # CLARINGTON OLDER ADULT ASSOCIATION CLARINGTON BEECH CENTRE - PARKING CONCERNS Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-20-01 be received; 2. THAT Council approve, in principle, the expansion of parking facilities at 26 Beech Avenue in the area south of the tennis courts; 3. THAT this project be recommended in the Year 2002 Capital Budget; 4; THAT the existing parking lot be repaved at the time of expansion; 5. THAT Council approve the Beech Avenue and Lowe Street storm sewers as a provisional item; and 6. THAT the Clarington Older Adult Association, Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood Association and Bowmanville Tennis Club be advised of Council's decision. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No.1: No.2; No.3: No.4: Correspondence from Clarington Fire Department dated May 15, 2000 Key Map - Sketch I - Existing Parking Layout Key Map - Sketch 2 - Additional Parking Layout (Drivew~ACHMENT NO.: 1 Key Map - Sketch 3 - Parking Lot E~ansion (pla:jground~EPORT NO.: OPO-D2-D1 '. /IJ6 REPORT NO.: WD-20-01 PAGE 2 No.5: No.6: No.7: No.8: No.9: Key Map - Sketch 4 - Parking Lot Expansion (South-West) Key Map - Sketch 5 - Parking Lot Expansion (Tennis Courts) Chart - Summary of Parking Spaces Correspondence from Clarington Older Adult Association, dated April 9, 2001 Correspondence from Clarington Older Adult Association, dated November 14, 2000 No. 10: Correspondence from Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood Association, dated April 21,2001 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 Early last year, the Clarington Older Adult Association (COAA) appeared before Council expressing concerns about the number of parking tickets given to patrons who were parked on Beech Avenue and were using the Claringron Beech Centre. 2.2 Since the opening of the Centre, and prior to the Municipality purchasing the building, cars were allowed to park on either side of Beech Avenue while attending events at the building. 2.3 The existing parking lot offers 52 parking spaces (Attachment No.2). With Community Care, the Clarington Older Adult Association and the Lions day care staff, approximately IS parking spaces are utilized daily. The daily programs of the COAA and Community Care are putting an additional demand of 40 to 50 parking spaces. Tuesdays and Thursdays are the busiest days for seniors' activities and membership over the past two years has doubled. According to the COAA, some seniors are not participating due to the parking difficulties on the site. As can be seen, when a special function is scheduled during the day, in conjunction with the regular daily programs, the existing parking facilities are inadequate. 2.4 As a result of the need for parking, and until a solution can be found, it was agreed that parking would be allowed on the east side of Beech Avenue only. This allows approximately IS parking spaces. 2.5 Staff met with By-Law, Traffic, the COAA and the Fire Department to determine if a solution could be found. It was reported that. upon investigation, the Clarington Fire Department raised concems about the utilization of the pumper if vehicles were parked on . . 707 REPORT NO.: WD-20-01 PAGE 3 either side of Beech Avenue (Attachment No.1). As a result, Staff initially only irivestigated on-site alternatives to accommodate the parking demands of the building. 2.6 Staff met with representatives from the Old Bowmanvi:le Neighbourhood Association, Bowmanville Temris Club, Clarington Older Adult Association and the two Councillors representing this area on Friday, May 11,2001. Many questions were raised and further discussion is required in terms of the number of proposed parking spaces, on-street parking and a1temative surface treatments. All parties agreed to meet further to discuss the requirements and location of additional parking. 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3.1 The goal to resolving the parking problems at the Clarington Beech Centre is to create an additional 40 parking spots to meet existing programming needs. There is no suitable location to accommodate the parking on any nearby streets or parking facilities. The south radius of the driveway along the west side can be utilized to add approximately 7 parking spots with little difficulty (see Attachment Nos. 2, 3 and 5). If parking was allowed to continue on one side of Beech Avenue, an additional 15-17 spots would be available, however, the concerns of the Fire Department have to be addressed. Further discussions will be held with the Fire Department to review their special equipment needs. 3.2 Staff would also recommend reconfiguration of the existing parking lot, to allow for a more accessible route to the building in case of emergency. Staff: in consultation with the Fire Department, would remove four (4) parking spaces near the tennis court to access the rear of the Centre. 3.3 Staff became aware in mid April of several vehicular incidents in the parking lot at the Centre. The parking space between the south row and the first row to the north is very limited. It is recommended that we reassign the five parking spaces along the south of the lot and eliminate three spots to accommodate a bigger aisle size. Staff would also recommend one-way entry and one-way exit to accommodate the traffic concerns at this location. 708 REPORT NO.: WD-20-01 PAGE 4 3.4 Options Under Consideration: I) The widening of Beech Avenue is not possible to allow parking on both sides of the street. 2) Expansion of parking areas on the existing property: i) West of the existing tennis court - As shown in Attachment No.4, parking for an additional 33 cars can be accommodated by eliminating the existing garage unit located immediately north of the tennis court. The garage is being used for some storage by the tennis club and the COAA. A connection to Elgin Street was considered but due to the shallow sewers, this would include a significant amount of sewer and road reconstruction. The play structure would be relocated to immediately west of Beech Avenue, with appropriate walkways, landscaping, benches etc. ii) South of the existing tennis courts - As shown in Attachment No.5, parking for an additional 39 cars can be accommodated in the existing open space area. This area is not used for any purpose and would not inconvenience the programming of the building. Special consideration to landscaping would certainly provide adequate buffer to the adjacent residents. This area would be secured by the COAA and used only when overflow conditions are required. This area has been known to be a gathering area for youth and may pose additional problems. iii) Expand parking into the existing tennis court - The COAA assumed the lease that was made between the Bowmanville Lions Club and the Bowmanville Tennis Club. The lease expires in 2008; however, notice can be given one year in advance. The courts have existed at the Beech Centre since the 1940's and the Tennis Club has financed the court resurfacing, fencing, lighting, equipment etc. There is no question that the Bowmanville Tennis Club offers a high quality program to Clarington. By utilizing the tennis courts, an additional 47 parking spaces can be created (Attachment No.6). 709 REPORT NO.: WD-20-0l PAGE 5 iv) The COAA may consider discontinuing various programming opportunities. This will impact on the financial ledger at the Beech Centre. If this option is approved. they will be definitely requesting increased support from Council to offset their daily operations. 3.5 Clarington Older Adult Association The Association has worked with staff in reviewing the various alternatives. At their Board meeting of Friday, April 6, 2001, the option to develop the property directly behind the building on the south side was selected as the best alternative (see Attachment No.8). They are requesting that a roadway connection between the proposed parking and the existing front driveway be made to allow for improved circulation. Staff are not recommending this due to the two mature trees that may be damaged or destroyed from the construction of the roadway. 3.6 Bowmanville Tennis Club The Tennis Club has reviewed the alternatives and is in support of the recommendations to increase parking other than utilizing the tennis court areas. The Bowmanville Tennis Club is opposed to the altemative of utilizing the tennis courts for parking and if that is the preferred option, they would like to appear before Council to discuss why this should not be considered. 3.7 Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood Association Staff met with representatives of the Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood Association. They are opposed to anyon-site hard top parking that would result in the minimization of green space at the Beech Centre. They have suggested parking on the street and parking on the lawns at the Beech Centre. Liability is a concern, as presented in the letter from the Clarington Fire Department, with regard to continued on-street parking (see Attachment No. 1), and the second suggestion is not recommended due to ongoing grounds repairs that may be required and the possible confusion with informal parking. 3.8 Existing Parking Lot If Council approves the proposed parking lot expansion, staff are recommending that the existing parking lot be repaved since it IS Ii poor condition. The expansion and 710 REPORT NO.: WD-20-0l PAGE 6 reconstruction of the parking lot would be recommended in the 2002 Capital Budget. The estimated cost for this project is $225,000. Parking would be allowed at least on the east side of Beech Avenue until the expansion is completed. 4.0 CONCLUSION 4.1 In review of all the options identified in this report, the alternative that best accommodates the needs of the Clarington Older Adult Association to meet their programming requirements is to incorporate additional parking on the south side of the existing tennis courts. The COAA, with municipal staff, will coordinate meetings throughout the next three months with the Bowmanville Tennis Club and the Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood Association to review on-site parking opportunities and design tender preparation. The COAA will be appearing before Council in September to ask for approval and to establish a tender work schedule in order to minimize their programming inconvenience and the potential loss of revenue. 4.2 In Addendum to Report TR-22-01, Public Works set out its reasons for inclusion of the Beech Avenue and Lowe Street storm sewers. Recognizing that this report, WD-20-01, recommends approval in principle of the expansion of parking facilities at the Clarington Beech Centre, Public Works recommends that Council approve the Beech Avenue and Lowe Street storm sewers as a provisional item. The proposed storm sewer works on Beech Avenue provide a potential outlet for any drainage works that may be required at the Clarington Beech Centre. Should the works be constructed independently, or as part of a smaller contract for the Clarington Beech Centre, it is estimated that the costs could be increased by up to 25% ($10,000 - $12,000). 4.3 Representatives of the Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood Association continue to question the need to disturb Beech Avenue twice with respect to trench construction. It is estimated that the construction for this single leg of storm sewer will last I to 2 days, certainly no longer than I week, including the minor pavement restoration, which is necessary. In addition, it is noted that tree roots will not be disturbed more than once for the shallow storm sewer installation, restricted to the west side of the Beech Avenue road surface. 711 REPORT NO.: WD-20-01 PAGE 7 Respectfully submitted, ~ /' , . '. } ' ~ . ,~. J)l '.rr"l Step en A. Vokes, P. Eng., Director of Public Works FH*SA V*ce 15/05/01 Pc: C1arington Older Adult Association C/o Don Welsh 4280 Mearns Avenue Bowmanville, ON LlC3K5 Reviewed by, Q::~,1Z(L~ Chief Administrative Officer BowmanvilIe Tennis Club C/o Ken Majid, President P.O. Box 11 BowmanvilIe, ON LIe 3K9 Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood Association C/o Mr. Bill Humber 15 Beech Avenue Bowmanville, ON LIC 3AI n2 _eJa/i;"g'i;;n ONTARIO May 15th, 2000 To: Fred Horvath Propeny Manager This letter is in follow-up to our discussion that we had at the Beech Centre on May II th regarding parking on Beech Ave. After viewing the situation. I had some concerns with the overall width of the road and the parking of vehicles on either side. On May 15'" I took both our Pumper and Aerial from statton I down to Beech Ave and positioned them to see exactly how much space would be required to adequately set up for fighting a rue on Beech Ave should the need arise. I took some pictures and attached them to this letter for your viewing. Picture # I shows you exactly how much clearance is available for our Pumper when we stop beside a vehicle parked on the East Side of the road. (Approximately 30 inches per side) Picture # 2 shows you how much room is needed for us to set up our Aerial. The distance required to set up the outtiggers, which allows us to set up the ladder is 17ft 4 V. inches. This picture clearly shows you that we need the whole road. Picture # 3 shows you the Aerial truck setup with the view of a parked car in the background. As you can clearly see. we could not setup our Aerial truck if that car was parked immediately beside us. Picture # 4 shows you a rear view of picture # 3. I trust that this infonnatlon will aid you with your parking matter. Yours truly ..~ ~~~,,~ Bill Hesson AMCT, CMM Il Divisional Chief C/C Michael Creighton. fire Chief Len Creamer. Senior Bylaw Enfo!cement Officer 713 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARIN\1TON 'M'.oCHME ~ ~o TEMPERANCE STREET. 8QWMANVllLE . ONTARIO. L: C JA6 . (9051 623.3JT~ . FAX 62J~"'ff'"" N~.~~i~.! WEBSlTE.....ww.munlcID....y.clarln91on.on.ca REPORT NO.: WU-.lO- .-~ ar .- . -. PHOTO #1 ~--~~ PHOTO # 3 ~ ~~... PHOTO # 2 - PHOTO # 4 714 ~ 1..:.1.... "AYCJlO.~ I -N- I I , Ii iri '31 -3, 0., , I o o ocr: I, /, j!i --..J en e~ 0:1- ~! :.2 ~~ ,0 .... Q" ~.. .. , " ; I !, II I " 1 :) II I ____ _: I Ii I .t I. lid : '1:1 4 I' I I' 'I . Z~ : I I I .t'11 I", , I. :: : II I> I I I I <( .1 I I. :: r:1 I ", I II I I': : : I : : :1 I : r:1 1 II I I. ,I' II I! t Ii I .' 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III....-t lUll 11.0;.._.. ." ...~, ....-..0......, _....11I:11(..........11 '" ._..__IIOIll:I_JI)....llIl.I-. 'OtI"...(IIU..n.:ItIM[......,...~NO..__tl. '011 .. ACC\IIlACW Of .. ,11["'_ g lOIS'''''' ""',,., ...,ooOtAIIOON ...SDll........ RCwIS'OHl> ~ ~~~~~~i,~~~~~ =~ l"'~ CLARINGTON BEECH CEN IRE PARKING LOT EXPANSION flla;;;'~on - - PlJ&JC IIORIIS DEPAR'hIfNf PRELIMINARY ....,"'-""'".- ""."M, " ,,,,-- .._aM' " SK-5 ~ , M ~~ EVALUATION OF PARKING SPACES AT CLARINGTON BEECH CENTRE Existing Revised* Additional Total Current 52 45 7 52 South of Tennis Court 52 4S 46 91 West of Tennis Court 52 4S 40 8S On-Street Parking 52 4S 24 67 Tennis Court 52 49 48 97 * Revised - Removal of four spaces for fire vehicles Removal of three spaces for aisle improvement , ! ! 720 ATrACIIMENT NO.: 7 REPORT NO.: WD-20-1 CLARINGTON OLDER ADULT ASSOCIATION '''9\on Beech C G\~\" en~e .~_!!I~ ,:,;:,::~, laB . , I - . 26 Beech Avenue . Bowmanville' ON L1C 3A2 Telephone: (905) 697-2856 . Fax: (905) 697-0739 April 9, 2001 Municipality of Clarington ATT: Fred Horvath Manager of Operations Public Works Department RE: ClJUUNGTON BEECH CENTRE - PARKING Fred, at the Board of Directors meeting on Friday April 6'h, they requested I contact you concerning the above (parking). The Board has discussed the following options and has picked the option they feel meets the 'needs of the Centre and will have the least impact on the Tennis Club and neighbors. · First Choice- Develop the property directly behind the building and on the south side. Vehicles will enter the lot on the northwest corner of the facility beside the tennis court and leave through a new exit at the southend of the building. This location along with parking on Beech Avenue will provide the spaces required at this time. This option requires the doors having some type of locking system on them that will allow them only to be opened in an emergency. · Second Choice- Develop the site west of the tennis court. To do this the playground would have to be relocated and this location will not provide enough spaces to meet our requirements. If this option was considered the storage building on the north side of the tennis courts would have to be removed and that space would be an entrance to the parking lot. Like our first choice, we would still require parking on Beech Avenue to meet our needs. · Third Choice- Develop the location where the tennis courts are located. Like o.~ other options. we would still require parking on Beech Avenue. With all of the above options we would like to have more spaces provided on the circular driveway as well. The safety of our members and all others using the 'o).J'.':..' ' ":' . . :. ',".. .. . . 721 AlTACHMENT NO.: 8 REPORT NO.: WD-20-0 facility could be improved if all traffic entered via the north entrance and exited at the south driveway. The parking issue was known when the Municipality purchased this site and would have to be addressed at some time. The Older Adult Association is growing, more members are participating in activities all the time and the need for more parking spaces has increased as well. It is very important to have parking spaces available on site, as some of our participants are not able to walk very far and some have refused to participate due to the problem, we do not always have parking available. . Fred, my letter of November 13'h 2000 to you provides our best estimate of the parking spaces needed for this year. The Board of Directors realizes it is not practical or possible to always have enough spaces on site, but with option one, we could meet the daily needs on most days. The existing lot needs resurface since this was not done at the time of construction and renovations in 1997. 1 ,.. J The Board would be pleased to meet with you at any time Fred to discuss this if you have any questions or concerns. They would like to resolve the parking issue as soon as possible. We understand the neighbours have concerns about the parking at the Centre and we would be pleased to meet with them and the Tennis Club as well. ., . , Yours truly, /1f;) /. /// f" I /,7'C'*4-- L{. ;,,' , John Coffey Executive Director Clarington Older Adult Association Cc: Don Welsh Bruce Taylor file 722 2 CLARINGTON OLDER ADULT ASSOCIATION . on\On Beech C e"a-II '" el)fre ,~;~ 26 Beech Avenue . Bowmanville. ON L 1 C 3A2 Telephone: (905) 697-2856 . Fax: (90S) 697-0739 November 14,2000 Fred Horvath Manager of Operations Public Works Department Municipality of Clarington RE: CT.ll'RINGTON BEECH CENTRE -. PJUlXING Fred, enclosed is a copy of the dates the Centre is open 1n 2001 and what our , parking requirements will be. The boxes highlighted in red are dates and times we have a shortage of parking spaces. Please note the following: · The number of places required for Nursery School Staff, Community Care Staff and COM employees is approximately 15. . The Centre is very busy on Tuesday and Thursday. · We have not considered parking needs for the Tennis Club in this report. · Now on some occasions when Community Care Staff return from lunch, all the parking spaces are occupied. · The weekends shown for next year are booked firm. December is the only month not booked fll'm at this time. Fred, I know there is no quick fix and I hope this will help and give you an overview of the parking needs. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or concerns. Th7; ptr AOhn Coffey , 0' Executive Director, .'/ Clarington Older Adult Association 723 Al"TACHMEN. REPORT NO.: , CLARINGTON ~_ECH CENTRE Parking Re uirements 2001 DAY 8AM-11AM 11AM-2PM 2PM-5PM 5PM-1AM EVENTS 1 I Monday CLOSED 2 Tuesday , ClOSED 3 Wednesday 20 20 20 10 COM -ACT. 4 Thursday 20 I 40 20 0 Roiarr Meeting 5 Friday 20 20 15 0 6 Saturday 7 Sunday 8 Monday 30 30 30 55 llons-MaryKaY-99AA ~d, 9 Tuesday 40 40 .jO 50 COM -ACT,.CardParty 10 Wednesday 20 20 20 10 COM -ACT, 11 Thursday 40 30 0 12 Friday 20 20 0 13 Saturday 14 Sunday . 15 Monday 60 Uons-MaryKay-COM Ad, 16 Tuesday _ 20 17 Wednesday 50 Blood Donor - COM Act --..J 18 Thursday 0 N IS Friday 0 ..p,. 20 $aturday 21 Sunday 22 Monday 23 Tuesday 24 Wednesday ~ 25 Thursday 26 Friday I 25 27 Saturday Wedding AnnIvel..y 28 Sunday 29 Monday 30 Tuesday , 31 Wednesday 45 35 45 15 COM -ACT, TOTALS file:johnlparldng-2001 1 11/14120jlO CLARINGTON BEECH CENTRE Parking Requirements 2001 DATE DAY .-l1AM ~ 2PM-5PM 5PM-1AM EVENTS 1 Thursday 40 . 30 0 2 Friday 30 25 25 0 3 Salurday 4 Sunday 5 Monday 35 6 Tuesday, 20 ? Wednesday 45 ~ 45 15 8 Thursday 40 30 0 9 Friday 30 25 25 0 10 Saturday 75 COM FunchIslng 11 Sunday 12 Monday 35 13 Tuesday 20 14 Wednesday 45 35 I 45 15 15 Thursday 40 .~ 30 0 ,....., 16 Friday 30 25 0 ''0 17 Saturtlay Ln 18 Sunday 19 I Monday H 20 ,TueSday 20 21 ,Wednesday 35 i ~ . .' Rental 22 IThursday ~ 23 Friday 24 Salurtlay 90 Rental 25 Sunday 26 I Monday 55 27 Tuesday 20 28 Wednesday 45 35 45 15 TOTALS '/ fill" inhn'nil"'inO-~\I01 2 11/1. .00 CLARINGTON BEECH CENTRE Parking Requirements 2001 --".- ,- - . - , , '" - i - - - . .- - DAY BAM-11AM 11AM-2PM 2PM-5PM 5PM-1AM EVENTS 1 I Thursday 40 30 0 2 Friday 30 25 0 3 Saturday 4 Sunday 5 Monday 55 6 Tuesday 7 Wednesday 8 Thursday 9 Friday 10 Saturday 11 Sunday 12 Monday 55 13 Tuesday 20 14 Wednesday, 45 45 15 15 Thursday 40 30 0 16 Friday 30 25 0 17 Saturday -.J 18 Sunday N 19 Monday 0-- 20 Tuesday 21 Wednesday 22 Thursday 23 Friday 24 Saturday 25 Sunday 26 Monday 55 27 Tuesday 20 28 Wednesday 15 29 Thllrsdav 0 30 Friday 0 31 Saturday TOTALS ! tile.johnJparldng-2001 3 11/14/2000 ~_., ,_._.~ L.. <>>>-BOW~~D-=~--]- U April 2001 Jfr, Fred. Horvath Manager, Operations MUnicipality of Clarington t)enr Mr. Horvath: III rClllllonse to the meeting this paat Tuesc:iay between your..lf aJ1li members of the Old. BOWlllaJ1ville Neighl:lourhooci Association (OBHAl, I lUll writing ::'0 inclicate our concerns. o13servat:1011S uad rec01lllllencl.atioEUI about parking at the Clarington Seech Cellere. w. remain cOlllllli.tted to the retention of green space at the Clarington Beech Cantre and are opposed to any plans to pave over the araa behind the Centra for additional parking. Green space is at an absolute premium in the neighbourhood.. The cml.y other COIIIparable space in the area is Central. Publ..ic Schaol. IUlcI. it: is not unreasonable to expect it to come under development pZClasurs in the future. The cnangi.ng illteresta aDci requirements of the ageing baby boCl1ll generation will likely transform their expectation of services at the Claringt:on Beech Centre in \:.he years ahead. The need. for outdoor spaces for active recreation, such as that currently provided by the tSJU1is courts, ...,ill only increase. Oil the matter af the Centre's increased USe, residents on the atreBe have made their awn observ~tiona that there appears little difference in the actual parking associated with the currellt Centre Uae and its past history as the Lions Centra. We believe that :his view should be respected because, though they are adlllittedJ.y aIIecdcta~ conclusions, reeide:u:s ha.ve witnessed both uses. T!uly hava littla reason to mis-sta.te the increased parking on their street if such exists. Several residents have undertaken their own survey of parking in the area and their general observation i. that the problem is concentrated in certain time periOds, leading to !:he POssible conclusion that ::.h& issue may be ane of event and services scheduling at the Centre, or of a conflict between the needs of staff and. occasi.onal visitors, We believe th!s warrants additional study. 1~f\"",;,Aw. R.,..ft'll.'''''_I...O..I. lIC'A' VhnftC!1 90'."1/ H<<71 .- '-'- - - - -..--.- 727---- "---. ---..- ATI ACHMENT NO.: REPORT NO.: WD-20 <' The obvious solution 13 for Cenera patrons to park on aeech Avenue aDd neighbouring streets. This idea hcwever haa been brcught into queseion by conclusions in the ~cent1.y releaaeel 014 BCl1IIII&Avilla Neiqbbourhccd Straeeacape lU1d. Infrallt=eu:e J:mplelllel:l.ta.tion 1'1&.1:1. (6 March 20011 which concludes that parking on Seech Avenue poaes a potential firefighting' problem by Prllvanting puIlIper trw:lcB fX'Cllll satting up aerial lacidars in the event ofaX'eSideneiaJ. fi=. OUr response to this Report (attacheell baa raised. maqy conce=- with this cClI1Clusiem. The easence of our argument is that such a caaclusion fails tCl recognize that an Clld neighbourhaClel requirlls fire fighting strategies, resources and technology appropriate to ita CClnditiem. We stronsly believe that for a variety of r..sonll cited in our reapClnBe to the aQove Report, that parking on SeBeh Avenue, without tba consequent widening of the street, is abSOlutely e..ential. Accordingly we recommend that: 1. Overflow parking needs at the centre be IlltIt by em-street parking OIl Beech AV8nuEl and on Surraunding streets. 2. The isaue of appropriatD f:L%efight1nq on Beech Avenue be UUllyzed in a llIOre comprehensive fashion than is fClUnd. in the above Report. 3. OBNA review i%l concert with the MUnicipality minor design alterations tCl the southeast side of the building to aoccmmadate pIIrhape eight new parking sites. ~, The Centre consider the occasional use of the grassed surface behind the Centre as a tempClrary parking aite for staff housed in the Cantrs at such time as an ovurflow need is predicted. 5, The Canere study ita own schodulinq and bOOking policies fClr a 1IIaZ'O even distribution of buildinq use ami review with the MUniCipality any impact this may have on the Centre's ability to maet itu financial naeds. 6. Thin issue be deferred for action to next year (20021 to allow time to review OPtions and develop a salution that meets both the centra'S and. the local residents' needs. Wa are C;Clncerned that the Centre ~y view residenes as overly obstruct~cn1St and. not SUpportive of their interests. In response we note our active and sUccessful effort :0 restore parking on Beech Avenue lase year after Csntre patrons were unfairly ticketed. 728 --., rv -..0 '.. .., .i < ~ , ,- ~ ,..moo.. ~ --- .aGl'UWd30S)lyQ,y,::H1&nd uOil!.UYVif;J NOISNVdX3 101 ~NJ~~\f d 31ilN3:J H:J338 N01~NI~\fl:J ~J.lI'l!'fO _"lI>>JlJ "tItII $ MOl S' ^ l ~ _.lIlISIHl."'lf1l"~S" SlIInlin ~5Illl>> NOu..:xn ~ ~ J.:)y(ll\:l;w K WJ 11_:JI1lfl g"fIl'~" ~....'"""_ Jtq '_lln'.5l1O.l _tOJ....G.lll(l<lH3:lIlON3:WfA(/loll3llll'lOJIlKM~n QlQi~'i3ul'lllll~_D.U'W'CJ\l'1lllO\O"!l(n "&SoI:)""SJ_I?O'lIlJ.j:J'll&HCW53II..Ill-.u:>WlliW:> NUU....Jri\.;JI........ ---- -.............."""'" --=-.=:~::::.:-l~ " ~:::ri ..... ~_. ......_.T ___.._...... __ CII " ....--_...,-._...."............___.. -= CII -.- .-.........-.......-........ ---"'---- - '" - - --- .___ "t' ---__..___::.:~..-::..-:-:.(Jo -.....--..--..-....--.... --...------ " ----- "";:..,"=,==;-a,~..-:r:..-= ---~=::.;:;o::':.:l"..::s c.:I-.n.o.-.. _"'_0 --..-----..-- --...__..__~___..__. 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