HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-10-20 Minutes CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting October 20, 2015 MEMBERS PRESENT: Joe Earle Victor Suppan Todd Taylor Paul Davidson Councillor Hooper Katharine Warren (7:10) Robert Malone (7:10) Steve Conway REGRETS: Ruth Goff (ex-officio), Kim Vaneyk (ex-officio), Peter Vogel, Tracey Ali STAFF: Brandon Weiler B. Weiler welcomed all to the meeting. ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR S. Conway nominated V. Suppan, seconded by P. Davidson, for the position of chair until September 2017, approximately half of the time remaining for this term of the Heritage Committee. No other nominations were received. 15.17 Moved by S. Conway, seconded by P. Davidson, THAT V. Suppan be elected chair of the Clarington Heritage Committee until September 2017. T. Taylor nominated J. Earle, seconded by S. Conway, for the position of vice chair until September 2017, approximately half of the time remaining for this term of the Heritage Committee. No other nominations were received. 15.18 Moved by T. Taylor, seconded by S. Conway, THAT J. Earle be elected vice chair of the Clarington Heritage Committee until September 2017. V. Suppan chaired the remainder of the meeting as chair. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST None declared. 1 | Page ADOPTION OF AGENDA 15.19 Moved by B. Malone, seconded by J. Earle, THAT the agenda be adopted. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 15.20 Moved by Paul Davidson, seconded by K. Warren THAT the minutes of the Meeting of September 15, 2015 be accepted. DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS Dana Snow regarding 1640 Concession Road 9 (former Enfield United Church) Dana Snow is the new owner of the former Enfield United Church at 1640 Concession Road 9 which is designated under the Ontario Heritage Act. Dana is proposing to turn the former church into a single detached dwelling. Dana provided the committee with an information package that outlined the work proposed, including the alterations to the features designated under By-law 92-082. Dana indicated that many of the designated items listed in By-law 92-082 are specific to a church use, including the pews, choir loft and pulpit and choir bench. The alterations proposed are listed as follows: Removal of the original clapboard siding to be replaced with a new wood siding that would be the same colour as the original siding (white) and approximately the same width to attempt and maintain a similar appearance. The original siding is overall in poor condition. It is falling off in some sections and has had carpenter ant infestations. Removal of the clapboard siding will allow for proper insulation to be installed and to provide a better exterior finish for the building into the future. The existing double hung gothic windows of coloured and etched glass are in need of repair and are not well insulated. The windows will remain and be cleaned and repaired as required. New exterior three piece storm windows, which would be wood framed, are being proposed with a screen on the bottom portion. The storm windows will provide insulation and the screen will allow for the windows to be opened in the summer time. A new door and window are proposed for the existing rear wall (north side) of the building, behind the pulpit. The owner has been trying to source windows and doors that are of a similar style to the existing on the building. In addition, the existing side door would be replaced and the existing front doors refinished. 2 | Page The existing pine floors and wainscoting will be refinished and retained. The coat rack will be maintained but will be shifted to the right of the current location to create an entryway for the dwelling. The heritage plaque would remain on the coat rack as it currently is. The existing pews would be removed. The pews would be integrated into other elements in the dwelling (i.e. cabinets), if possible, or provided to another group or church that may be in need. The newel post and banisters will be removed as they are in very rough shape and have not been maintained well through time. Currently there are no spindles making the banister very unsafe. The choir loft and bench will be maintained with a modification that will allow the side door to access the main living space. The choir loft and bench will be reduced to align with the door. In addition to the interior and exterior renovations of the existing building a new detached garage and deck are proposed. The deck would run the length of the rear of the building and a portion of the west side of the building with the detached garage located on the west side of the building. The proposed barn style doors of the garage were shown to the committee. B. Weiler informed the committee that the proposed deck and detached garage would require a minor variance from Committee of Adjustment. The committee thanked Dana for attending the meeting and the information materials provided. The committee indicated the requested alterations were reasonable to alter the former church into a new single detached dwelling. The committee provided suggestions as follows: The new siding should be wood and match the original siding in appearance, including colour, as much as possible. The committee would like the painted date of the church above the front door to be saved and displayed if possible and would like the date to be re-established on the new siding. The owner indicated no objection to this request. The committee would like the new storm windows to blend in with the building as much as possible. The wood frame construction should help achieve this. The new door and window at the rear of the property should be of a style similar to the existing windows on the front and side of the building, understanding that an exact match may not be possible. It was indicted that if the window and door were not an exact match it would not significantly harm the appearance of the building as it is the rear of the building and not visible from the street. The committee requested that one of the pews be integrated into the space, even if the pew needs to be altered from the current length. The owner indicated no objection to this request. The committee had no concerns with the removal of the banister or the alterations to the choir loft and bench to facilitate an entrance from the side door 3 | Page into the main living space. The alterations were viewed as minor with the majority of features being maintained. The committee asked that the proposed deck be constructed of wood and not composite to have it blend in with the siding better. The owner appreciated the comments and indicated they would attempt to implement as many of the requests as possible. The committee indicated support for the proposed alterations to the building as outlined above. B. Weiler indicated that the next step would be a report to Council with the requested changes to the Designating By-law (which in reality means a new by-law and repeal of the previous one). BUSINESS ARISING Municipal Inventory and Register and Public Outreach and Education Subcommittees At the September 15 meeting two subcommittees were created. S. Conway indicated he would join the Public Outreach and Education subcommittee and V. Suppan indicated that he would join the Municipal Inventory and Register subcommittee. J. Earle volunteered to organize a meeting of the Public Outreach and Education subcommittee and V. Suppan volunteered to organize a meeting of the Municipal Inventory and Register subcommittee. The committees will meet before November 17, 2015 and report back at that time. Jury Lands Foundation (Camp 30) B. Weiler reported that the trail development on the Camp 30 site has begun with a donation from Halminen Homes Upgrades to the railings on the dam are to be completed. The next steps will be to clean the trail and cut back the grass and brush on the sides of the trail, which will be Signage is required, denoting no entry onto the private property portions of the site (including the buildings) and in early 2016 Council has committed to provide the funds to establish a sidewalk and entrance to the trail along the north side of Concession Street. The Jury Lands Foundation continue to provide public presentations on the importance of this site. They will be presenting at the National Trust Conference in Calgary on October 23. The presentation will focus on the history of the site, the challenges since the site has been vacant and the current work that the owner, municipality and foundation are engaged in. 4 | Page REPORTS FROM OTHER COMMITTEES Members that sit on the other committees are encouraged to only bring matters forward that the Heritage Committee would have a direct interest in. Bowmanville Community Improvement Program No news to report Orono Community Improvement Program No news to report Newcastle Community Improvement Program No News to report Architectural Conservancy Ontario, Clarington Branch No news to report Newcastle Village & District Historical Society No news to report Museum No news to report Heritage Week Working Group No news to report CORRESPONDENCE AND COUNCIL REFERRALS - None NEW BUSINESS Development Proposal at 97 King Ave E. Newcastle B. Weiler informed the group that the public meeting for the proposal will be Monday October 26, 2015 at 7pm if the group or individuals had any comments on the proposal. The new proposed building will be located on Beaver Street south of the former Massey building (and Anderson box factory) which is a primary building on the municipal inventory. Discussion ensued on the role of the Committee in such matters. Traditionally staff have provided updates to the Heritage Committee on buildings that are listed whether designated, primary, secondary or merit or on the municipal register. Staff have traditionally added these items to the agenda in the past to keep the committee informed of new proposals. If the committee members do not wish to discuss these proposals they can remove them from the agenda prior to it being approved at the meeting. Also items can be added under New Business by any member of the committee. K. Warren moved to adjourn the meeting. Next meeting: November 17, 2015, 7:00 p.m., at Clarington Municipal Offices in Room 1C 5 | Page