HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-06-16 Minutes NEWCASTLE VILLAGE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD June 16, 2015, 7 PM Council Chambers Present: C. Abraham, Chair S. DeJong B. Carmichael S. Rogers D. Eastman Councilor Woo Councilor Partner Also Present: G. Bell, secretary Cathy Abraham chaired meeting. 1.Adoption of Minutes Moved by D. Eastman, seconded by B. Carmichael THAT the minutes of the meeting of May 2014 be approved. “Carried” 2.Business Arising 2.1PA system – having trouble finding wireless mic C. Abraham, D. Eastman will continue to search. 2.2Village Concerts – new committee has updated signing authority with bank. Now need to get board member on bank info 2.3Masonic Lodge – nothing has been received re: plan for accessibility to second floor. 2.4Flags – we are able to obtain from Rona as per S. Fogg. John Greenfield is contact for cenotaph flag. 2.5Legal Awareness – Custodial staff attended 2 day course. 3.Financial Report Moved by S. Rogers, seconded by B. Carmichael THAT the financial report be accepted as presented. “Carried” 4.Invoices Moved by D. Eastman, seconded by W. Partner THAT the following invoices be paid as presented: B. Carmichael – 75.00, S. DeJong $150.00, S. Rogers - $75.00, S. Fogg - $300.00 “Carried” 5.Correspondence 5.1Web Design Contest received for information 5.2Clarington Volunteers Yearbook 2015 received for information 5.3BBBS Spring Food and Wine thank you note. 6.Fundraising Nothing to report at this time. 7.Health & Safety Received for information – copy will be sent to Operations Dept. 8.New Business 8.1Custodial Job Description first draft was received and discussed. Next report will be at September meeting. 8.2Kitchen Update/ Trillium Foundation – S. Rogers reported on Trillium seminar. She has also taken webinar to educate herself. It is understood we will need a lead partner to qualify. 8.3Report on May 30 meeting with Operations Dept. 8.4Policy Manual – send input to Cathy to start preparing manual. 8.5Catering Companies – Insurance – start asking for copy of insurance. 8.6Report on bookings 8.7Vacation 8.8Garbage bin – Operations is checking into for us. 8.9W. Partner reported audit of building for accessibility will be done by Janette Wynott Accessibility Coordinator. 8.10Discussed including litter of cigarette butts on property during event i.e. patio and front entrance as part of retaining of damage deposit. 9.Adjournment Moved by W. Partner, seconded by S. Rogers. “Carried” The meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM Chair Secretary