HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN-4-95 THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # _��c� .1- Date: Monday, February 20, 1995 Res. # ()P1� 7"5 Report#: ADMIN-4-95 File#: 5Counclm. 021 Ry-haw# Subject: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY UPDATE I Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: THAT Report ADMIN-4-95 be received for information. 1 . BACKGROUND 1 . 1 This report summarizes the activities of the Economic Development Office for the period January 3 , 1995 - January 31, 1995 . At Council' s request, I've changed the format of the Economic Development Office' s monthly Activity Update for 1995 . I have included a more detailed description of the office' s main activity areas . For each month in 1995, descriptions of the previous month' s activities will be outlined in five categories; Information Requests; Community Liaison; Advertising/Media Mentions; Known New Businesses and Other. Please feel free to contact me concerning any information that requires further clarification. 1 . 2 Information Requests January represented the office' s busiest month to date with a total of forty-nine requests for information. Requests for Development Information from both business and the general public again represented the largest number of requests serviced by the office (28) . These requests involve questions concerning existing Clarington Businesses, Exporting, ; uus en meo Uv iaecvc�o rnreu Report ADMIN-4-95 Page 2 Demographics and other general information about the municipality. Twelve requests for information concerning business formations were serviced and nine requests for information on available commercial and industrial space were also serviced by staff in January. 1 . 3 Community/Government Liaison Nineteen opportunities of note occurred under this category in January. Meetings were held with representatives of the Oshawa & District Chamber of Commerce (2) , the Economic Development Liaison Team, the Clarington Business Group, the Bowmanville BIA, the Rotary Club and the Durham Region Manufacturer' s Association. As well, opportunity to network with local businesses was also afforded at the Mayor' s Breakfast also held in January. Visitations were made to AVP Extrusions, Cargowall, Regal Capital Planners, Justin Barry Optical and Gary Polonsky, President of Durham College . I also attended Durham' s Business Alliance Network' s Pod B. This meeting involved approximately forty businesses from across the region searching to develop strategic alliances . This Alliance Network is sponsored by Durham Region' s Economic Development Office . The information and ideas presented at the Pod meetings are quite valuable . I will be encouraging more Clarington businesses to take part . Other meetings of note included three meetings with the Greater Toronto Area Economic Development Partnership Steering Committee; a meeting of the Durham Region Economic Development Advisory Committee; a meeting of east Durham Economic Development Officers; and a meeting with GTA development personnel planning to attend the Society of Automotive Engineers Congress . I will be attending this show from February 27 - March 2 in Detroit . Local manufacturers serving the automotive industry have been mailed attendance passes to Report ADMIN-4-95 Page 3 the event . I have offered to search for companies that may be interested in strategic alliances or the products of our local firms . 1 .4 Advertising/Media Liaison No advertising was scheduled for January. Media articles concerning our marketing awards; 1994 industrial absorption; the GTA Economic Development Partnership and the One-stop shopping committee occurred in local media. A feature article on Clarington appeared in the Toronto Star. 1 . 5 Known New Businesses New businesses that our office became aware of in January include Sounds Superior, Clipps & Crafts, Hair Studio ' 95, Live sey Consulting, Pasta Pasta Cafe and I-Con.Net Communications . I 1 . 6 Other Other significant activities the office has been involved in include publication of the winter issue of Report On Clarington; preparing an annual report; conducting follow-up phone calls on 1994 leads; and developing our mailing list as a result of trade show contacts made during the last quarter of 1994 . 2 . SUMMARY A summary of the month' s activities is charted below: Activity Frequency i Commercial/Industrial Space Requests : 9 Business Formation Requests : 12 Business Information/Public Requests : 28 Community/Business Group Meetings : 10 Industrial Tours/Visits : 2 Report ADMIN-4-95 Page 4 Activity Frequency Commercial/Tourism Visits : 2 Government Consultations : 5 Media Liaison/Mentions : 5 Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, Todd Letts, M.B.A. W. H. Stockwell Economic Development Officer Chief Administrative Officer TL/lb 5Counclm. 021 I I