HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN-11-95 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee Fi1e# Date: Monday, April 3, 1995 Res• C Pel By-Law# Report#: A­DMf -- Me #: Subject: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY UPDATE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report ADMIN-11-95 be received for information. 1. PURPOSE 1.1 This report summarizes the activities of the Economic Development Office for the period February 1 - March 3, 1995. i 2. ACTIVITY UPDATE 2.1 Information Requests A total of thirty-two requests for information were serviced by the office during this period. Requests for development information from existing businesses and the general public represented the majority of requests (14). Ten requests for information about starting a new business and eight requests for commercial & industrial space information were also serviced j during this period. j I{t515 P!1'MED U!IICCYCLFD PAPEii Report ADMIN-11-95 Page 2 2.2 Community/Government Liaison Twenty opportunities for community and government agency liaison occurred in February. Meetings were held with representatives of the Clarington Business Group; the Economic Development Liaison Team; and Bowmanville BIA. As well, the Economic Development Officer attended the Newcastle Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting and delivered speeches to the Visual Arts Centre Board and the Lions Club of Newcastle. Nine visitations were made to Industrial, Commercial or Tourism businesses. Visitations occur on a regular basis in order to gather information of importance to the business community and to outline the services of the office. Visitations during this period were made to DUCA Credit Union; Dy-Tech; Massey House; ADD-vantage; Print-ziples; The Army Surplus Store; Sit & Sip Donuts; the Courtice Dental Centre; and Welcome House. Staff of the Economic Development Office have attended Planning Department meetings preparing for the "Crombie Walk" on the Waterfront Trail to occur later this Spring. As well, the Economic Development Officer has attended meetings of the Steering Committee for the i Greater Toronto Area Economic Development Partnership. Two meetings were attended in preparation for the Society of Automotive Engineers Congress, which occurred February 27 - March 2, in Detroit. The Economic Development Officer attended this trade show with thirteen other GTA municipalities. Together, the group i attracted eighty-eight leads which are currently being pursued by the office. The Economic Development Office also hosted a meeting of Regional Economic Development Officers and met with representatives of the Ontario Skills Development Office. I i i i Report ADMIN-11-95 Page 3 2.3 Advertising/Media Liaison A total of eight articles highlighting the activities of the economic development office appeared in February. Local papers covered stories on January's activity report and the awarding of our Excellence awards from the provincial economic development council. One article appeared in the Toronto Star Home Section highlighting the lifestyle benefits of living in Clarington. I i 2.4 Known New Businesses The economic development office became aware of two new businesses during this period. BKR Robinson Innovations Inc. and Courtice Truck & Trailer both operate from the Courtice area of Clarington. 2.5 Other Council should also be aware of five other activities of importance. On February 15 and i 16, the Economic Development Officer participated in the New Exporters to Border States mission (NEBS). This program, sponsored by the Ontario Investment and Trade Corporation and the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade provided information and contacts to assist new exporters into the United States. In addition to information on policies, procedures and contacts, a tour of U.S. Customs and a trading house at Buffalo was also part of the program. Information collected will be used to assist Clarington businesses in the development of new markets. I Report ADMIN-11-95 Page 4 Two planning meetings for an upcoming Purchasing Tradeshow for the business community were attended. Sponsored by the Purchasing and Economic Development Offices of Clarington and Oshawa in conjunction with the Oshawa & District Chamber of Commerce, this event is designed to assist businesses to understand the purchasing process. The event will also give businesses an opportunity to meet with purchasing officials and to make a presentation to them about their company or products. The event may also include participation from other local public sector agencies and is scheduled for September 28, 1995. The Economic Development Offices of Clarington, Whitby and Oshawa are also working together on two other seminars. A seminar on R & D Tax Credits, sponsored with the Durham Region Manufacturers Association is scheduled for April 6th. A seminar on small business banking is being co-sponsored with the Canadian Bankers' Association. This seminar will occur May 25th. Another event of note is being sponsored by Durham Region's Economic Development Department. A mission of seventeen businesses from the Dorset region of Britain will be visiting Durham on May 16th. Clarington's Economic Development Office has distributed a profile of the visiting businesses to local firms operating in the same industries. It is hoped that joint ventures between companies in both countries will occur. Council will be kept abreast of details as the visitation agenda is confirmed. i 3. SUMMARY A summary of the month's activities is charted below. Further information concerning this report is available by contacting the Economic Development Officer. i i Report ADMIN-11-95 Page 5 Activity Frequency Commercial/Industrial Space Requests: g Business Formation Requests: 10 I Business Information/Public Requests: 14 Community/Business Group Meetings: 6 Industrial Tours/Visits: 1 Commercial/Tourism Visits: g Government Consultations: 5 � Media Liaison/Mentions: g i 4. RECOMMENDATIONS That Report ADMIN-11-95 be received for information. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, Todd Letts, M.B.A. ' W. H. Stockwell r Economic Development Officer Chief Administrative Officer TL/lb 5councl.036 i I