HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN-15-95 REPORT #2 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON X REPORT Meeting: COUNCIL File Date: APRIL 24, 1995 Res. - - Report#: ADMIN-15.9f ile#: By-Law-#-- Subject: FIRE COURT BUILDING RENOVATIONS Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that Council approve the following: 1. THAT Report No. ADMIN-15-95 be received; and 2. THAT Report CS-10-95 be lifted from the table and approved; and 3. THAT the Clarington Older Adult Association be advised of Council's decision. 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 At the April 3, 1995 Committee meeting Report CS-10-95 was tabled and referred to the Chief Administrative Officer to be addressed at the same time as the report on the proposed Durham Region Non Profit Housing Proposal on Temperance Street. 1.2 At that meeting, various comments were made regarding the condition of the Fire/Court building, specifically the condition of the roof, and additional costs to be incorporated at such time that the third floor and Probation Offices in the building are renovated, if and when the Provincial Court and Probation Services vacate the building. 2.0 ROOF CONDITION I 2.1 On April 13, 1995 staff directed our consultants to evaluate the existing roof and report on its condition. 2.2 Attachment #1 is provided identifying the results of the roof inspection. Generally, the roof is in good condition and with minimal preventative maintenance (approx. $2,000 to $2,500) the life expectancy of the existing roof membrane will be extended for approximately four to seven years. I ../2 PAPE -1- THG IS PEEVED ON RE OYIXED PAPER REPORT ADMIN-15-95 . 2 - APRIL 24, 1995 3.0 COURT ROOM RENOVATIONS 3.1 As previously reported, the third floor does have asbestos insulation which if removed at such time that renovations are required in that section of the building could cost approximately $25,000 to $30,000. 3.2 It should be noted that the asbestos insulation offers no health risk to the current tenants or the public, only by disturbing the existing insulation through renovations would the asbestos then have to be removed. 3.3 At such time that the third floor is vacated,consideration would be given to finding new tenants for the area in question. It would be staffs' intention to recommend tenants which would provide a service to enhance the building's use as an Older Adult Centre, negotiating a lease which could involve the tenants assuming responsibility to conduct any necessary renovations. 4.0 PROBATION OFFICES 4.1 The ground floor area currently occupied by the Probation offices does not require renovations to continue to be utilized as office space. 4.2 When the proposed renovations are complete, this area of the building may also be i offered to the Clarington Older Adults. The intention is to offer this area to the seniors enabling that organization to generate revenue and also offer an enhanced service to the I seniors. 4.3 It is anticipated that these offices would become the new home of Community Care which would provide revenue and further centralize seniors services. 5.0 REVISED BUDGET 5.1 As Council is aware, the initial estimate for this project was established at $350,000. Report CS-10-94 identifies a revised budget of$589,955, detailed as follows. EXPENSES Construction Costs - $525,000 Studies/Legal - $ 4,055 Hydro - $ 7,350 Architect/Engineering Fees - $ 47,300 GST - 4,250 TOTAL - $589,955 (ESTIMATED) I FINANCING Infrastructure Grant - $233,333 Lot Levy Community Services - $116,667 Lot Levy Public Works $239,995 TOTAL - $589,995 ../3 REPORT ADMIN-15-95 - 3 . APRIL 24,1995 5.2 It is not worthy to recognize that the financial scenario has no impact to the tax levy as the funding sources are recommended to utilize reserves and Federal/Provincial funds. 6.0 COMMENT 6.1 As members of Council are aware, the building renovations have been designed to accommodate a number of uses for the building. At such time that the seniors move to the Durham Non Profit building the Court Building could easily be utilized for use as an extension to the Seniors facility, a youth centre or other similar community uses. Respectfully submitted, W. H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer WHS:dm Attachment I I i I I i i i ATTACI IME\TT #1 TO REPORT ADMIN-15-95 April 17, 1995 Municipality of Clarington Community Services Department 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Attention: Mr. J. Caruana Director of Community Services Re: Roof Condition Report Fire/Court Building Our File No. 94-C-0861 Dear Mr. Caruana: At your request I visited the site for the purpose of evaluating the condition of the existing roofing membrane. On April 13, Mr. Ralph Maurice of Bothwell Accurate Roofing and myself were on the roof. Our observations are as follows: 1. The building appears to have been re-roofed at some time since 1967. There is evidence that the flashings were removed and re-used; the perimeter of the roof has been flashed with a granulated cap sheet; and the roof top equipment curbs are smeared with asphalt bitumen. 2. The sloping roofs of the court room vestibule and the court room skylight have been re-roofed with a two ply modified bitumen roofing membrane. The use of this type of membrane suggests that the building may have been re-roofed in the past 8-12 years. 3. The roofing membrane and flashings are generally in good condition and require only routine maintenance which could be included in the scope of the proposed renovations. It is estimated that the cost to rectify the following list of deficiencies would be approximately $2,000. to $2500. This amount could be accommodated in the contingency allowance of the revised project construction budget of $525,000.00 to $575,000.00. 3.1 Replace 100 square feet of modified bitumen cap sheet on the east sloping roof and repair some blisters in the cap sheet. 973 Crawford Drive. ® Peterborough m Ontario ® K9J 3X1 ®'folophorio (7(75)743--1351 - Fax (705) 743-9592 - 2 - 3.2 Re-caulk all parapet flashings and all flashing reglets. 3.3 Re-distribute gravel at perimeter roof edges. 3.4 Trim existing tree branches which overhang the roof. The sweeping motion of the branches is very hard on the roof membrane. 3.5 Minor repairs are required at transitions from sloped to flat roofs at skylights and stair towers. 3.6 Clean pine needle accumulation on roof in the vicinity of the existing roof drains. It is anticipated that completion of the remedial maintenance work will extend the life of the roofing membrane for approximately four to seven years. The opinions contained in this report are based on visual observations only. There was no destructive testing performed because the membrane was sound and there was no evidence of spongy, wet insulation. Flashings were not removed because the membrane condition could be observed. The opinions in this report are for the sole use of the Municipality of Clarington and should not be relied upon by any other party without the expressed written permission of Greer Galloway, Architects and Engineers. Trusting this is the information you require at this time. Yours very truly, GREER GALLOWAY ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS f � 'k- Rovd 'k- Royn Oran, O.A.A. Ar ite f RM/bal i ATTACHMENT #2 TO ` REPORT ADMIN-15-95 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File# (1f1 Date: APRIL 3, 1995 Res. #C-RfP Report#: CS-10-95 File#: By-Law# Subject: PROPOSED OLDER ADULT CENTRE Recommendations: Itis respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CS-10-95 be received; 2. THAT the preliminary floor plan (Attachment #2) be approved; 3. THAT the revised project budget be established at $589,955.00; 4. THAT the additional funds in the amount of$239,550.00 be accessed from the Public Works Lot Levy Account #5100-00036-0000; 5. THAT staff be authorized to proceed with the project and issue a tender call for the renovations to the former. Fire/Court building; and 6. THAT the Clarington Older Adult Association be advised of Council's decision. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 At the October 24, 1994 meeting, Council approved report CS-44-94 authorized staff to proceed with preliminary design of the Fire/Court building for the purpose of renovating the interior for use as an Older Adult Centre. 1.2 Since that time a number of meetings have taken place among staff, representatives of the Older Adults and the architects (Greer Galloway Architects and Engineers) with the intent of providing a list of building components, and a floor plan for the proposed Centre. 1.3 As a result of that process,a recommended list of components(Attachment#1)was reached and a preliminary floor plan (Attachment #2) was designed utilizing the area formerly I occupied by the Fire Department. ../2 901 RECYCLED Pn n[CvttE TH66PWEDC RECYCUDPAPER REPORT CS-10-95 - 2 . APRIL 3, 1995 1.4 Included as part of the consultants responsibilities was a requirement to perform a structural and mechanical examination of the building making recommendations as to the feasibility of renovating the former fire hall to provide a new Older Adult facility for the Municipality of Clarington. 2.0 STRUCTURALIMECHANICAL EXAMINATION: 2.1 Numerous points were raised during this phase of the study and several recommendations related to this undertaking are summarized as follows: 2.1.1 There is an existing ground water problem which is contributing to the deterioration of the base of the foundation walls and should be rectified as part of the renovation work. 2.1.2 It is recommended that due to the age of the existing boiler, a new back-up boiler for the existing ground floor offices and second floor court facilities be installed. 2.1.3 The existing electrical service will have to be upgraded to an 800 amp. service and the existing transformer will have to be replaced with an exterior pad mounted transformer. 2.1.4 The existing fire alarm service must be upgraded and it is proposed that the Older Adult component have new heating,ventilation and air conditioning systems which are independent from the existing building systems. 2.2 Notwithstanding the various requirements to upgrade,the structure is sound and with careful planning should be able to accommodate the proposed renovations. (A complete copy of the consultant's report is on file in the Community Services Department and can be made available to Council upon request.) 3.0 BUDGET: 3.1 The original budget for this project, was estimated at $350,000.00 which was the amount used, when the Municipality made application for the Canada/Ontario Infrastructure program. 3.2 The results of the building evaluation and review of the building component requirements, dictates that we revisit our original budget submission and make necessary revisions. ../3 I _ q << 2 j REPORT CS-10-95 - 3 . APRIL 3, 1995 3.3 The revised estimated project budget is as follows: Construction Costs (including contingency) $525,000 Preliminary Studies - Soils Investigation $1,500 - Legal Survey $1,225 - Hazardous Substance $1,330 Hydro $9,350 Architectural/Engineering Fees $47,300 G.S.T. $4,250 TOTAL $589,995 ORIGINAL BUDGET ESTIMATE $350,000 ADDITIONAL FUNDING REQUIREMENTS $239,955 3.4 Through discussions with the Chief Administrative Officer, a number of funding scenarios were examined. Subsequently,it is recommended that the additional funds required in the amount of$239,955.00 be accessed from the Public Works Lot Levy Account. The Director of Public Works took part in those discussions and is in agreement with the recommendation. 4.0 COMMENTS: 4.1 With Council approval of this report, the architect will proceed with the detailed design component anticipating a tender closing on June 29, 1995 and subsequent tender award at the July 10 Council Meeting, anticipating a project completion towards the end of January 1996. 4.2 A revised project scheduled is detailed as follows: April 3 Presentation to Council April 4 Public Meeting (Seniors General Meeting) April 10 Council Ratification May 1 Completion of Detail Design May 27 Complete Bid Documents June 8 Tender Issue June 29 Tender Closing July 10 Tender Award January 26, 1996 Construction Complete Respectfully Submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, Jose P. Caruana, Director William H. Stockwell, De ment of Community Services Chief Administrative Officer JPC:sa Attachments �' A ATTACHMENT NO. 1 TO REPORT NO. CS-10-95 RFeasibility Study Page 17 Proposed Seniors Activity Centre and Fireball Conversion Municipality of Clarington TABLE 1 RECOMMENDED COMPONENTS OF PROPOSED SENIORS' CENTRE Item Room Size and Capacity Activities/Comments Multi-purpose room (apparatus bay) 1981 sq.ft.; • line dancing • 194 persons 1) • bowling • Subdividable • aerobics Kitchen 258 sq.ft. • refrigerator, stove, microwave (catering type) • dishwasher • large enough for 3-4 people to work in Library/lounge • 463 sq.ft.+ • should have comfortable • 13-15 persons furniture, bookshelves around perimeter Crafts Room • 452 sq.ft.+ • should be equipped for ceramics, • 10-12 persons pottery-making, quilting, etc. Meeting Room • 376 sq.ft.+ • conference table (small groups) • 10-15 persons • kitchenette Offices - one 150 sq.ft. office for full time • also includes ancillary areas for administrator photocopier, office supplies, -one 120 sq.ft. storage, etc. office for volunteer administrator Foyer/Reception Room • 300 sq.ft.+ • should be bright, airy, large enough to promote social interaction and serve as a waiting area/lounge • should be accessible to connecting link to Durham Non-Profit Housing projects Coatroom • 180 sq.ft.+ • on all levels • 1 person Washrooms • 130-150 sq.ft./sex • fully accessible Elevator lobby • 2500 lbs. capacity passenger elevator serving 3 floors i 1) Based on O.B.C. classification table 3.1.16A, space with non-fixed seats and tables (10.2 sq.ft./person) Greer Galloway Architects • Engineers j Our File No. 94-C-0861 I RETE LEDT::4— SS -- R _----_ S OMALEPaS'EMAIE 0 0 rata taw 0 179FP Ia9fP PASS KITCHENETTE THRoucN RAM I CRAFT DW 25 M I FOLDING NEW LANDSCAPED B2w PARTITION WNDOWS TERRACE ISaER F IC1W EXIT DOOR (OPTIONAL) DISPLAY WALL/ MULTI—PURPOSE I (OPTIONAL) IEVAT L08BY 1 1 CURRENT EVENTS ROOM A MACK I I t6Bw i A 1 I ROOM i I �tN,t 6w �-TI I - 96VPBBOWLNG s / 1 -CRAFTS UP -LITE DANCING rq NEW Oa m DUTCH -MEETNCS 0 to< EXIT KILN DOOR -SHUFFLE BOARD Fp. DOOR _ NEW AND EXISTING MECHANICAL STORAGE/ MECHANICAL/ BatEa HVAC STORAGE aBw COATS ELECTRICAL a m D Bear aim -a assm sarn a D -EXERCISE E LXP. M 0 -BOMUNO EOUP, n .JN B $UMP PUNP r SHUFFLEBOARD SUMP PUMPSOO [3 —1 T O I,I VJ I Z PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOOR p0 � /^N D SHAFT WALLS AND V, NEW PARTITIONS F I6DNG GROSS Ft OCR AREA SUMMARY O EXISTING WALLS FIGURE No. 8ASEME41................5S6 m2 ® EXISTING LOAD BEARING WALLSPRAWN BY PROJECT TITLE GROUND FLOOR..........SS4 m2(INCLUDES Zoe STOREY _ PTA NR. 94-C-0861 CLARINGTON SENIORS CENTRE APPARATUS BAY) C=.7 WALLS TO BE REMOVED GRAPHIC SCALE SECOND FLOOR 606 m2 (BaLDNO FOOTPRNT) 4_•f CHECKED BY BITE ® EXIT LIGHTS Tlg17 .�T RM JAN 1995 I[OEGree r GallowayFEASIBILITY STUDY chitects • Engineers NEW 4E01ANICAL EOOIPMENT ---------------------------------------------—--------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- NEW WINDOW NEW WINDOW NEW WINDOW NEW EAT DOOR OFFICE AND RETAINING OFFICE OFFI WALL 80-r E vE5/ tiW t7W NAC DISPLA ItEFR /57FR i ❑ El I FOLDING ADMINS ATOR VOLUNTEER ; COORDINATOR PARTITION LOUNGE/ n ; I C/w E)aT DOOR ® LIBRARY z o g (OPnQVAL) El /J P ® ; NEW f--llnE OF BLOC. SWR, WINDOWS OVERHANG ='� z (OPEN TO MULTI- ' OSE ROOM BELOW) D ❑ ❑ Ew II A NE 1 WS _ LEVAT LOBBY UEE'nNG 1 A ssw I ; W OUTDOOR ` H/C �` 377FI W PATIO/ WC 1 �✓ LANDSCAPED 1 I 1 1- - ARE/ :::iei ii ::: - I s © Fp --------------I :t?ECEatlai}: -- r- m F FOYER I I U :HGCkK+4: E?rR p 1 C+SK�Ftek•: •:CELL•:• _ /.• S SVW=E9C•EV4+75 U s D n B H UPS --- --- LANDSCAPING' `........ ......... of _ G UP CONNECTING UNK TO DURHAM L E70STING SIDEWALK NON-PROFIT HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED GROUND FLOOR —� FIGURE No. 13 [GRAWN eT PTA °JE� 94-0-0861 I nTLEGRAPHIC SCALE CLARINGTON SENIORS CENTRE ta_; a > � HECKED BRM DATE JAN 1995 S t :W d ������ FEASIBILITY STUDY Greer Galloway Architects • Engineers