HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN-18-95 REPORT #2 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: Council File# `h �',S 0 Date: May 29 1995 Res. # Report#: 4DM N 8 !y5e#: Ry-Law# Subject: PORT GRANBY Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that Council approve the following: 1. That Report ADMIN. 18-95 be received; 2 . That the proposed resolution pertaining to the Low Level Radioactive Waste presently located at Port Granby be approved; 3 . That the approved resolution be forwarded to the appropriate government agencies requesting a position on the question of marginally contaminated soils; and 4 . That the Siting Task Force and the Clarington Community Liaison Group be advised of the above. REPORT: The attached correspondence dated January 16 1995 from the Clarington Community Liaison Group was forwarded to the office of the Chief Administrative Officer to, along with the Mayor, communicate with the representatives of the communities of Deep River, Port Hope and Hope Township regarding the suggestion that the marginally contaminated soils remain at the Port Granby site. The Mayor and the Chief Administrative Officer have had a series of meetings with their counterparts in the above mentioned municipalities to investigate the suggestion that it may be appropriate that some of the marginally contaminated soils remain at the Port Granby site. During the course of these meetings, the question was asked as to what the Ontario Ministry of Environment and Energy will permit to be left on site. It was agreed between the Municipal representatives that the four Municipal Councils pass a like resolution asking for some direction from the Ministry on this question. P A PI n PAP ELIiD BECYCLE lfi lS I$PPIMED(NJ PEGYCLED PAPEi It is recommended that the attached resolution be passed by the Municipal Council of the four municipalities so that both the Ontario Ministry of Environment and Energy and the Atomic Energy Control Board make it clear to the municipalities as to what level of contamination may be left on site should that be the decision of the municipalities . On passing the .proposed resolution, we shall then send it on to the appropriate government agencies and await their reply. Respectfully submitted, W. H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer WHS:nof att. i SITING TASK FORCE Low-level Radioactive Waste Management �= GROUPE DE LIAISON COMMUNAUTAIRE - GROUPE DE TRAVAIL Choix d'un site de gestion des d6chets faiblement radioactifs 5360 Old Scugog Road Hampton, Ontario LOB 1J0 January 16, 1995 Her Worship Mayor Diane Hamre & Membecs of Council, Good Evening, My name is John Veldhuis, and I am Chairman of the Clarington Community Liaison Group. The Clarington Community Liaison Group (CLG) appreciates the support you have shown for Opting for Cooperation regarding the siting process for the low-level radioactive waste currently located at the Port Granby lakefront site. The members appreciate the confidence shown in them through your Resolution of November 23, 1994 and thank you for it. At this point I would like to update you further on the process : 1 . Deep River is still in the process . After some difficulties and the resignation of the. Deep River CLG members, the process is continuing there with staff from the Siting Task Force Secretariat keeping the people informed. 2 . Port Hope, by Resolution of the previous Council, opted to become a potential volunteer community. Three options are being examined, two of which involve deep cavern disposal . 3 . The Clarington CLG now has information and/or reports on the following topics: • Waste Characteristics • Health Studies • Off-Site Soil Sampling • Remedial Action Plan (Dig-up and Move) • Site-Specific Clean-up Criteria • Costing of Clean-up Alternatives • Short-Haul Transportation • Long-Haul Transportation • Options for Site Selection in Port Hope Public , meetings are planned to be held in Newtonville in February and March. These will be advertised in the local press. i i The Siting Task Force has suggested that, in order to reduce the volume of contaminated soil to be moved, we look carefully at the possibility of removing only the primary and secondary wastes, leaving behind the marginally contaminated soils . To clean-up these marginally contaminated soils in situ, there are several alternatives to be considered, e.g. soil washing. In order to leave the marginally contaminated soil the STF recommended clean-up _level for arsenic is 30 ppm, on average, for the site. However, it has been the position of the Clarington CLG to recoirumend clean-up criteria parallel to the OTR98 of 11-17 ppm. For your information, the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MOEE) clean-up guideline for arsenic is 20-25 ppm. The natural background level for Port Granby is 1-2 ppm. The average concentration for orchards is 50 ppm. There are a numnber of other contaminants to consider, but arsenic has been used as a example for the purpose of this presentation, because it has the tendency to travel the fastest and the furthest in the soil thereby contaminating the native soils . At this time we ask for your guidance and direction regarding the above mentioned suggestions from the Siting Task Force. As always, as Chairman of the Clarington Community Liaison Group, I appreciate the opportunity to address you on this important question of a safe, healthy environment. The CLG is willing to discuss this matter at your request. John Veldhuis %airman Clarington Community Liaison Group wliereas it is in the best interests of the Potential, Volunteer Communities "PVC" (the Towns of beep River and Port Hope) , that the volume of Low Leve. Radioactive Wastes (L.L.R, W. ) to be transported and disposed of ;in their communities loe reduced wherever possible; A14D WHEREAS the Source Communities (the Municipality of Clarington And the Township of Mope) wish to cooperate with and assist the FIC 1 s; A,4D WHEREAS the Siting Task Force has asked the Source Communities to consider keeping L.L.R.W. which they have categorized as Marginally Contaminated soils; AND WHEREAS before the Source Communities can properly consider the request, they must knows 1) If the Ontario Ministry of Environment and Energy will permit the Marginally Contaminated Soils to be disposed of at, a Provincially licensed waste disposal site, or to be located at an unlicensed site whose future use would be for recreational purposes; 2) If the Atomic Energy Control Board (AECB) wdll agree to allow Marginally Contaminated Soils to be located at a decommissioned L.L.R.W, storage site whose future use would be for re3creational. purposes; AND WHEREAS the PVC's must be able to properly inform their residents as to whether or not they will be expected to accommodate the considerable} volume of Marginally Contaminated SiAls, before any public referendum takes place; HOW THEREFORE be it resolved that this Council petition the Siting !Cask Force to provide written confirmation from the Ontario ministry of Environment and Energy and the AECB as to what, if any, iaf the Marginally Contaminated Soils currently located at the Port 42'ranby and Welcome L.L.R.W. sites can: a) be safely used as sub-soil at a commun3.ty park or recreation area, or; b) be accepted by a Provincially licensed waste facility for _ industrial waste. TOTHL P.022 I