HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN-1-94 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File# � Date: January 3 1994 Res. # Report#:___ADXIN___L-_Y4e#: By-Law# Subject: Municipal Involvement in the Ontario Hydro Strategy For Sustainable Development Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That Report ADMIN. 1-94 be received; 2 . That Ontario Hydro be advised that the Municipality of Clarington wishes to ''participate in the discussions which will be scheduled for the purposes of reviewing the strategy for sustainable development; 3. That the Acting Chief Administrative Officer, and/or the Director of Public Works be authorized to attend the discussion meetings on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington; and 4 . That Ontario Hydro be provided a copy of Report ADMIN. 1-94 in, response to Ontario Hydro I s request for feedback on the proposed strategy. BACKGROUND: 1. At the Council meeting of November 22, 1993, Council passed a resolution dealing with an item for direction on the agenda identified as D-10 (see attachment #1) . The Acting Chief Administrative Officer was directed to review and report on the document submitted by Ontario Hydro entitled "A Strategy for Sustainable Energy Development and Use for Ontario Hydro" . 1. 1 The contact person identified in the submission was asked to provide comments on what the Municipal role was seen to be in the overall scope of the discussions . The response was that Ontario Hydro was reviewing the way in which it does business, how they consult and communicate with others, and how they are buying products. Ontario Hydro has identified the impact as being widespread, and as such is seeking the feedback of 'It C YILED PAIIIR PAPER E_YCLE iHSG PRVMD�RECY-D PAPER communities, governments and stakeholders affected by their operations . 1.2 The discussions are to take the form of a round-table format and are scheduled for sometime early in the new year with the intention of bringing a report outlining all the comments, concerns, and feedback to Ontario Hydro by late February 1994. 2 . Initially, staff felt some concern about the appropriateness of the Municipality responding to the request by Hydro for feedback on how they could do business more efficiently in that the Municipality is not directly knowledgeable about its business . However, in reviewing the document and recognizing the great extent to which the Municipality is affected by Ontario Hydro and the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station, not only by it's environmental impact but as a large contributor to the Municipal tax base by way of grants-in-lieu of taxes, it would appear to be in the Municipality's best interest to attend. 3 . Ontario Hydro is attempting to make the transition to a more business-like mode of operation which will involve being responsive and communicative with the customers it serves. 4 . The key recommendations of the report are outlined in point form in the report and are provided for Council's information on attachment #2 . 4 . 1 Although the report and the drive behind the sustainable development initiative for Ontario Hydro appears to be heavily weighted to environmental considerations, staff feel it will be worthwhile to attend the discussion meetings being scheduled in early 1994 for a number of reasons, including the need to keep in touch with the environmental initiatives being considered, gain knowledge of the research opportunities that might be available through the collaborative efforts of all parties involved in the process, as well as participating in a significant change in direction of one of the Municipality's largest corporate citizens . 4 .2 As the environmental issues are of direct concern to the Public Works Department, and the strategy is of concern to the Municipality as a whole, it is recommended that the Director of Public Works and/or the Acting Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to attend on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington. I Respect y submitted, a 'e A. Marano, B. A. , Hons. B.Sc . , A.M.C.T. , Treasurer, Acting Chief Administrative Officer 1 r� 2 ATTACHMENT 41 to REPORT ADMIN., 1-94 COUNCIL DIRECTION D-10 A November 10, 1993 Ontario Hydro is in the final stages of a restructuring, cost-reduction program. We have reorganized the corporation around lines of business units in order to make it more competitive and customer-oriented in every phase of our operation. We are also, at the same time, reshaping the organization to live up to the new corporate goal adopted by our Board of Directors "to help Ontario become the most energy efficient and competitive economy in the world and a leading example of sustainable development." Ambitious -yes. But as expressed by our Chairman and CEO Mr. Maurice Strong, "we deliberately wanted to set a high standard for our own performance -and perhaps even to throw down a gauntlet to other utilities in other jurisdictions." In May of this year, an Ontario Hydro Task Force was established, chaired by Jim MacNeill and David Runnalls, two world-renowned leaders in the field of sustainable development, to develop a comprehensive corporate strategy that would enable Ontario Hydro to fully integrate environmental and economic goals into.energy planning, development, and use. "A Strategy for Sustainable Energy Development and Use for Ontario Hydro" was the culmination of their work and a summary of the strategy is attached for your consideration. It represents a major step forward in the evolution of the new Ontario Hydro. Its recommendations establish the foundations for giving practical effect to the commitment of Hydro to leadership in respect to the environment and sustainable development. One of the fundamental principles of sustainable energy development is the involvement of new working relationships with stakeholders, communities and governments. In this light, we are requesting your feedback on the proposed strategy to help us shape sustainable energy development initiatives at Ontario Hydro. We are also providing this opportunity for our employees, customers, and other key stakeholders. The results of these discussions will be considered by management in formulating and implementing Ontario Hydro's future plans. To let us know if and how you want to be involved in the review of the strategy, please fill in the attached card and send it back to us. Over the next month, we will be contacting you to discuss opportunities for your organization to become more involved in the review process. If you have any questions about the report, please contact Ms. Susan Thurston at (416)'592- 2816. In advance, thank you for taking the time to review the strategy summary and j �ok forward to discussing it with you. Yours sincerely, John C. Fox Managing Director Energy Services and Environment Group 03 THE ATTACHMENTS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE CLERK ' S DEPARTMENT. ATTACHMENT #2 TO REPORT ADMIN„ 1-94 KEY RECOMMENDATIONS TO ADOPT A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY, ONTARIO HYDRO WOULD HAVE 70 REALIGN ITS VALUES, SYSTEMS AND OPERATIONS,THE WIDTH AND DEPTH OF THE CHANGE IS UNDERLINED BY THE NUMBER OF RECOMMENDATIONS - 98 — MADE BY THE TASK FORCE: HERE ARE THE HIGHLIGHTS: • Introduce new measures of success; such as Extend existing efforts to open up Hydro's improved eco-efficiency and reduced risk liability decision-making process, and introduce new forums for stakeholder input. • Underline the,Chairman's role as the leading advocate of sustainable development by Darning Enhance in-house efforts to cut Hydro's him Chief Sustainable Development Officer, energy use. • Launch a corporation-wide communications o-Steadily increase Hydro's commitment to program to increase employee awareness of the demand management(programs that reduce opportunities sustainable development offers. or change the timing of electricity use), and put more emphasis on efficiency and competitive- Give employees an opportunity to invest in ness improvements. their best ideas and earn a share of'any profits.: • Go beyond regulatory compliance, particularlyin • Establish a Green Fund to test and market the areas where tightened regulations are expected. best ideas brought forward by managers; employees and stakeholders. • Develop eco-system solutions to environmen- tal problems, as opposed to giving separate • Aggressively:pursue the growing, billzan-dollar consideration to land air and water pollution: . market for sustainable�`development technolo- gies and expertise, Fund environmental improvements by selling Hydro solutions to other companies. • Investigate new ways to do business that,by definition, have minimal environmental impact • Use 14 dro's purchasing power to encourage and are less costly than traditlanal "tail-pipe" . suppliers to develop and market more green solutions, products and services. • Put all demand and supply options on a "level Spend more R&D dollars on marketable.tech- ,playing field",by considering the full economic nologies that improve efficiency and reduce and environmental costs of any investment; environmental impacts, under this policy, non-utility generators would get the same consideration as Ontario Hydro's generation options. 14111-4