HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN-12-94 2 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CIARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File# Date: July 18, 1993 Res. # f�(1- a c � Ry-Law# Report#: �,4IN�_T4e#: Subject: C.L.O.C.A. REQUESTING MUNICIPALITY TO PROVIDE MATCHING FUND TO CONSTRUCT PICNIC SHELTER Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT the correspondence dated June 24, 1994 from R.D. Clow of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority be received; and 2 . THAT the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority be advised that the Municipality respectfully declines its offer to provide for $20,000. matching fund to construct a picnic shelter in the Bowmanville Harbour Conservation area. REPORT: 1. BACKGROUND i At its meeting of July 11, 1994, Council referred the correspondence from Central lake Ontario Conservation Authority to staff for review. Essentially, C.L.O.C.A. applied to the Regeneration Trust for funding to construct a $40,000. picnic shelter in the Bowmanville Harbour Conservation Area. However, the Trust approved $20,000. and required C.L.O.C.A. to provide the matching fund. Apparently, the matching fund was not included in C.L.O.C.A. 's budget. 2 . Having reviewed the subject matter and in consultation with senior staff, I would recommend that Council decline the offer from C.L.O.C.A. to provide the matching fund to construct the j shelter on the following grounds: I 9U � Pao EA P PA- --E TH-PAIII 00N RECY-D PAPER ADMIN-12-94 Page 2 a) The Municipality does not have $20,000. set aside in this year's budget for miscellaneous capital work expenditure; b) It would not be appropriate for the Municipality to expend funds to construct a project on lands owned by another government agency; and c) Assuming the Municipality can come up with $20,000. , this project may not be the priority of the Municipality. Respectfully submitted, 1 ,'4'4" W.H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer I WHS/pg f I i i I i P\1 uAK� o COUNCIL DIRECTION D-4 ` U .�il j/✓� is O 00 �r (P�9 '�° JU,! �iJ { ��� I'fi Q9t� 1 r10N t, CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY 1U0 WI-iITING AVF-NUE,OSI-iAWA,ONTA1Z10 i_11-1313 TEL (905) 579-0411 FAX: (905) 579-0994 June 24, 1994 . s Ms. P. Barrie, Clerk, The Municipality of Clarington, 40 `I'-Inperance Street, Bowrnanvill(-,, c;ntario i LIC 3A6 Dear Madam: At its regular June 1994 meeting, this Authority' s Board received ' a staff report concerning recent correspondence sent to this Authority by the Waterfront Regeneration Trust, i The Trust had informed this Authority, by letter, that preliminary confirmation had been given to a proposed 1994-1995 Waterfront Trail Program project for this Authority's Bowmanvil.le Harbour Conservation Area, located in the Municipality of Clarington. This project was to be the construction of a picnic shelter, with a total estimated cost of $40,000. The Trust will fund one half r of this cost. This Authority is unable to fund the other half of this project from within its approved 1994 budget. At the June 1994 J meeting, the Authority passed the following resolution: "THAT the Municipality of Clarington and the Town of Whitby be given the opportunity to provide matching funds from: a) allocation from municipal funds, or b) reallocation of Authority scheduled 1994 projects within their municipality, 3 AND THAT a response be received by the Authority no later than July 20th, 1994 ." Would you please bring this matter and the above Authority resoltiitili �r ;� ( to the attention of municipal_ council, for deliberation, and i r�r the undersigned of the subsequent outcome. ' `-Y fyyf//•//-/' ;��.X Yours truly, ._ .._ . . .. . R.1). clow, I Conservation Areas Manager. , t