HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN-16-94 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File# Date. October 3, 1994 Res.# By-Lawn# 2174 /4/ Report#: A DMTN 1ti Subject: Five Year Operating Forecast-1994-1999 (TR-87-94) Courtice Community Complex Architect/Project Co-Ordinator Selection (CS-40-94) Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That Report TR-87-94 and Community Services Report CS-40-94 be considered together, and 2. That the verbal report by the Chief Administrative Officer be received for information. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: The Treasury Department has prepared the Five year Operating Forecast 1995-1999 which should be considered in conjunction with the Community Services Report CS-40-94, Courtice Community Complex Architect/Project Co-ordinator Selection which recommends the hiring of an architect and a project manager to initiate the construction of the Courtice Community Complex. Respectfully submitted and Recommended for presentation to the Committee, P W.H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer MAM/PP PAPER ECVCLE iH1515 PRIMED ON RECYCLED PAPER THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File# Bate: October 3, 1994 Res.# By-Lave# Report##: —IIR-87 94 Bile#: Subject: FIVE YEAR OPERATING FORECAST: 1995 - 1999 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-87-94 be received for information. BACKGROUND: 1.0 The Chief Administrative Officer recently advised Council that, in an attempt to recognize the potential tax impact of some of the significant operating projects facing the Municipality, Staff would be preparing an operating forecast for the years 1995 through 1999. 1.1 The five year operating forecast has been prepared in a conservative vein and is provided for information based on the average household tax bill, as Attachment #1 and in a complete format as Attachment #2. 2.0 Staff have compiled a reasonable estimate of the operating expenditures, using as a basis some of the following assumptions or criteria: a) The inflation rate currently is at approximately 1.5% (exclusive of the tobacco industries reduced tax impact),and as such,the forecast includes an inflationary rate of 3% in 1995 and from 1% to 3% in each year thereafter. The impact in 1995 is somewhat higher than the other years in part as a result of less than zero and zero percent budgetary impacts in 1993 and 1994 respectively, while at the same time attempting to adjust the base to accommodate the fire primary response commitment and the phasing in of the Courtice Community Complex. b) The Courtice Community Complex is anticipated in this forecast, to be phased in with the first operational impact from the library component in 1995 and the core facility in 1996. -G PRIRTED Q RECYCLED PAPER TR-87-94 Page 2 c) The debt associated with repayment of any debenture taken to complete the construction of the Courtice Community Centre is to be repaid by the Development Charges Reserve Funds and therefore, no debt commitment has been built into the forecast. d) Revenues are difficult to predict as they are not certain. For instance, the building permit revenue has been projected by the Planning Department based on the number of anticipated building units, however if the development does not follow the anticipated pattern, the revenues will not be realized to the degree projected. e) Provincial grants are anticipated to remain frozen at the 1994 levels for the conditional roads grants and reduced over time to zero for the unconditional grants. The Province has not provided any indication of how it intends to proceed with the conditional (roads) grants in the future but significant erosion of this major revenue source will affect the outcome of the forecast presented. f) The forecast also is affected to a significant degree by the erosion of the surplus which is generally a result of the economic climate experienced over the past several years. g) Assessment values have been projected based on an estimate which is a combination of the recommendation provided by the Provincial Assessment Office from their review of the past few years, and the projected development units provided by the Planning Department. The projected statistics used in the overall forecast are attached for information as Attachment #3. 2.1 The forecast reflects an average annual tax increase of approximately 4.6%over the five year period. This increase is in keeping with the projections such as average population and average increases in household numbers at 5.4% and 4.9%respectively. The average home tax bill in 1994 of $436.00 for Municipal purposes, exclusive of garbage rates, would be affected by approximately $14.00 annually under this scenario. Attachment #1 has attempted to present the proposed impact on the average household, in terms of the average tax bill. 2.2 Overall the fluctuations in the mill rates are fairly evenly spread between 1995 and 1997. The major impacts have been accommodated in these years such that 1998 and 1999 reflects a reasonable tax impact. 2.3 The 1996 impact is primarily from the addition of Courtice Community Complex, both the library and core components. The library component impact is phased in over a three year period beginning in 1995. The core facility will also be incorporated in a phased approach beginning in 1996. TR-87-94 Page 3 2.4 The increase in 1997 is a result primarily, of the phasing of the library component of the Courtice Community Complex and the additional costs associated with the initiation of the twinning of the Bowmanville Recreation Complex ice pad. The 1997 impact also reflects the expenditures and related reserve fund contribution for the next Municipal election. 2.5 Proposed adjustment to the existing staff complement is also reflected in the attached forecast. Each department has attempted to provide a realistic estimate of additional staff required to service additional work load as a result of the projected growth and the spinoff effects that has on areas such as additional roads, parkland, etc. The projections are incorporating existing standards to service newly developed subdivisions, etc. 2.6 The mill rate summary has been broken down on the attached forecast in order to provide a guide to the impact from some of the more significant issues. To provide a reference point, if any of the projects were removed from the forecast, net of associated revenue, the impact on the mill rate would be a reduction of approximately 1 percentage point for each$100,000 net adjustment. On the tax per household analysis, each $100,000.00 adjustment to the forecast will effect a change of approximately $4.00 to the household tax bill. 3.0 As Council is aware, there are many factors which will affect and determine the final outcome of the budgets in each of the future years. External factors beyond the control of the Municipality will have potentially significant impacts on not only the Provincial and Federal economy but ultimately translate to the municipal level. Some of these major issues are the Quebec sovereignty issue, the 1995 Provincial election, the expiration of the social contract in 1996 and the Federal deficit reduction. 3.1 These factors will be important determinants in the stability of the Canadian dollar and the interest rates which will affect the Municipality's ability to reach the projected assessment and development targets and also the potential for revenue generation. 4.0 The projected savings in costs associated with a renewal of the garbage collection contract can be used by Council to offset the overall household tax bill. As Council is aware, the garbage fee is applied on a flat rate per household, across the Municipality. The 1994 rate was $140.00, which, when added to the tax bill raises the overall household tax bill to $576.00 for all municipal services. Application of projected savings related to the garbage contract of approximately$473,000.00,on a per household basis could reduce the $576.00 1994 tax bill to $567.00 in 1995, a reduction of(1.6)%, even with the impact for Courtice Library and the Fire Primary Response included. 5.0 The forecast for the next five years is a "best guess" based on historical trends, projected capital budgets, and projected growth, and it is suggested that it be used as a bench mark only for future potential tax impacts. Many of the values will change as the years approach and the relevant factors take effect. TR-87-94 Page 4 6.0 The forecast presented in this report represents the municipal impact only, and is exclusive of any consideration of the Regional or School Board impacts, both of which are beyond the influence and control of Council. The forecast can be adjusted in any of the given years by Council as the Corporate and Municipal priorities change. Respectfu witted, Reviewed by, I'_! M ' Marano, H.BSc.,A.M.C.T., W.H. Stockwell, Treasurer. Chief Administrative Officer. MM/hjl Attachments ATTACHMENT #1 OPERATING FORECAST 1995 .. 1999 TAX DOLLAR IMPACT - RESIDENTIAL .......... ... .. .......... .... ...... ............. ................... .......... XX ...... .... SON! Average Municipal Tax Incl. Inflation 449 456 461 474 486 467 8 9 7 7 7 14 To Maintain Service for Growth Garbage Flat Rate 100 100 1-00 100 100 100 .................... ....... Total Tax Bill Municipal can; Percentage IncreasexiEi+es.ext ,X. n 011 WOMEN Courtice Complex - Library 3 18 12 ....... 8 13 17 9 gill X.. Courtice Complex - Core 8 8 7 6 5 6 Fire Prima Response ry 6 6 6 6 . ME... 11. ........... 1997 Municipal Election 3 11;001011 4 2 Bowmanvill e R.C. Twin Pad 3 4 Tax Impact from Capital (on current) 1 2 1 1 2 1 17 12 14 9 Reduction in Revenue Sources of :W WAS ::n:: X $ 100M.". won- A M: QO: coils exclusive of Blue Box considerations impact is calculated based on net cost in each year compared to household #'s projection F I V E Y E A R 0 P E R A T I N G FORECAST 1995 - 1999 TR-87-94 Attachment # 2 T o t a l T 0 T A L Average Annual A. EXPENDITURES 1994 # Staff 1995 # Staff 1996 # Staff 1997 # Staff 1998 # Staff 1999 # Staff 1995-1999 Increase - ----------------------------------------- Full/ Pt.Tmj------------IFall/ Pt.Tm1------------IFull/ Pt.Tm------------- Full/ Pt.Tm.------------ Full/ Pt.Tm.------------ Full/ Pt.Tm. ------------------------- General Government 3,877,340 ( 0 1 4,110,865 I 1 0 1 4,243,167 ( 1 0 1 4,455,041 1 0 1 4,550,443 1 ( 0 1 4,703,594 1 0 1 22,063,110 II 1.1 Staff Only: Clerk's 2 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 I 0 ( I 0 2 I 4 I 0 Finance I 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 4 I 0 0 II Administration/H.R. 1 0 1 0 I I D I I I 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 II Public Works 5,687,411 2 1 0 1 6,091,470 1 1 1 0 1 6,262,400 1 2 1 0 1 6,467,345 1 2 1 0 1 6,676,140 1 1 1 0 1 6,795,246 1 8 1 0 32,292,599 1.1 Garbage 2,659,115 0 1 0 1 2,959,063 1 0 1 0 1 3,167,973 1 0 1 0 1 3,423,628 1 0 1 0 1 3,699,915 1 0 0 1 3,961,129 1 0 1 0 17,211,708 1.3 Planning/Development 2,057,368 1 1 0 1 2,167,765 1 1 0 1 2,267,159 1 0 1 0 1 2,289,831 ( 1 1 0 1 2,367,369 1 0 1 0 1 2,391,042 1 3 1 0 11,483,165 1.1 Protection Fire/Property 2,086,737 2 1 0 1 2,337,049 1 1 1 0 2,459,859 1 0 1 0 2,496,226 1 8 1 0 2,609,123 1 0 0 1 2,658,781 1 11 1 0 1 12,561,036 1.2 Community Services 3,272,506 1 1 1 3,393,080 1 2 1 0 1 3,563,988 1 3 0 1 3,753,901 2 1 1 4,084,774 1 1 0 1 4,164,325 1 8 1 2 1 18,960,067 1.2 Debt Charges 741,786 0 1 0 1 740,369 1 0 1 0 1 738,513 1 0 1 0 1 735,868 0 1 0 734,390 0 1 1 731,101 I 1 0 1 3,680,241 II 1.0 *Courtice Community Complex 0 1 0 1 0 4 1 25 1 260,739 I 1 0 1 526,693 1 1 1 0 531,960 1 0 1 537,279 1 5 1 25 1 1,856,671 II 4 Yr. 1.8 Grants - Museums/Others 256,169 0 1 0 1 261,292 1 0 0 1 263,905 0 0 1 266,544 1 0 1 0 269,210 0 1 0 1 271,902 1 0 0 1 1,332,854 II 1.0 TAX IMPACT FROM CAPITAL 1,059,378 1 0 1 1,101,753 1 0 1 1,112,771 I 1 0 1,123,898 I 1 0 1 1,135,137 I 1 0 1 1,191,894 1 0 0 1 5,665,454 1.1 - ----------- -----I-----I----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------II MUNICIPAL TOTAL 21,697,810 7 1 2 1 23,162,708 1 10 1 25 1 24,340,473 1 6 1 1 1 25,538,975 1 15 1 3 1 26,658,461 1 4 1 0 1 27,406,293 1 42 1 31 1 127,106,905 1.2 ------- ---- -----I-----I--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Library - Grant 820,608 1.6 1 0 1 880,127 1 1.5 I ( 922,748 ( 1.9 I 1 990,608 0.9 1 1,024,953 i 0.6 ( ( 1,052,841 1 6.5 I 1 4,871,275 1.2 - Courtice Branch 0 0 1 0 1 69,666 1 2.0 1 175,401 1 4.1 1 320,935 1.9 I i 425,155 ( 3.5 ( 1 429,407 1 11.5 I 1 1,420,564 4 Yr. 2.0 ------------- -----I-----I----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------II TOTAL EXPENDITURE -22,518,418 9 1 2 1 24,112,501 1 13.5 1 25 1 25,438,622 1 12 1 1 1 26,850,518 117.8 1 3 1 28,108,569 1 8.1 1 0 1 28,888,541 1 60.0 1 31 1 133,398,744 1.2 ----------- ----- ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B. (REVENUE) 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 (REVENUE) ------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ Sub-total (11,234,129) (11,858,499) (12,546 816 (13,295,635) , ) (14,141,862) (65,524,502) 1.2 Surplus applied (860,000) (850,000) (650,000) (250,000) (200,000) 0 (1,950,000) 0.5 TAX REVENUE REQUIRED 10,424,289 11,404,002 12,241,806 13,304,884 14,226,879 14,746,679 65,924,250 1.3 TAX RATE INCREASE 0.018 6.9 % 4.9 % 6.2 % 3.5 % 1.3 % 4.57 $ ( MILL RATE SUMMARY:- ----------- -----1994-----__--- ----------1995------------------- --1996--------------- -----1997 ----------------- 1998 1999 Average --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~_------------------_--------------_-------------_ II Courtice Complex - Core 0.0 0.0 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.42-II Courtice Complex - Library 0.0 0.7 1.8 3.2 4.3 4.3 2.84 II 1 Fire Primary Response 0.0 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.25 �1 Municipal - All Other 0.0 5.0 0.2 0.0 -3.8 -6.1 -0.94 �1 ------- ------- ------- -------II 1 Total Tax Rate Increase % 0.0 % 6.9 % 4.9 6.2 % 3.5 % 1.3 % Average % 4.57 �1 i ATTACHMENT #3 STATISTICS 1994 % 1995 % 1996 % 1997 % 1998 % 1999 % INCR. INCR. INCR. INCR. INCR. INCR. ASSESSMENT: Residential 62,568,025 2.4 64,132,226 2.5 65,735,531 2.5 67,378,920 2.5 69,063,393 2.5 70,789,977 2.5 Commercial 8,004,180 1.5 8,124,243 1.5 8,246,106 1.5 8,369,798 1.5 9,069,798 8.4 9,205,845 1.5 Business 3,250,620 0.0 3,299,379 1.5 3,348,870 1.5 3,399,103 1.5 3,539,103 4.1 3,592,190 1.5 Total 73,8224825 - 75,555,848 2.3 77,330,508 2.3 79,147,821 2.4 81,672,294 3.2 83,588,012 2.3 POPULATION: 55,000 7.2 58,000 5.5 61,000 5.2 64,300 5.4 67,900 5.6 71,500 5.3 DEVELOPMENT: 1993 BASE Residential Units 734 780 6.2 800 2.6 1,000 25.0 1,100 10.0 1,200 9.1 1,200 0.0 # of Households 18,951 19,731 4.1 20,531 4.1 21,531 4.9 22,631 5.1 23,831 5.3 25,031 5.0 Commercial Sq. ft, n/a 60,000 n/a 60,000 0.0 100,000 66.7 200,000 100.0 100,000 -50.0 120,000 20.0 Commercial Base 910,000 970,000 6.6 1,030,000 6.2 1,130,000 9.7 1,330,000 17.7 1,430,000 7.5 1,550,000 8.4 Industrial: limited growth projected, approximately 200,000 with 100,000 of this being accommodated within existing vacant buildings Increase Summary Total 1999/1994 Average 1995 - 1999 Residential Assessment 13.1 2.5% Commercial 15.0 2.9% I Business 10.5 2.0% Total Assessment 13.2 2.5% Population 30.0% 5.4% Residential Units 53.9 9.3% # of Households 26.9 4.9% Commercial Development n/a n/a Commercial Base 59.8 9.9% THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File# [date: Fees. # OCTOBER 3, 1994 By-Law# Report#: File#: CS-40-94 Subject: COURTICE COMMUNITY COMPLEX/ARCHITECT/PROJECT CO-ORDINATOR Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CS-40-94 be received; 2. THAT Council approve the proposed budget for the Courtice Community Complex (Attachment #3); 3. THAT staff be authorized to request the Region to debenture on behalf of the Municipality approximately 2.2 million dollars at the appropriate time; 4. THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to enter into an agreement with Wong Gregersen Architects Incorporated for full architectural services at a fixed fee of$195,000.00 plus $20,000.00 for disbursements; 5. THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to enter into an agreement with Barry Bryan Associates Limited for Project Co-ordinator services at a fee of$44,000.00 plus$4,000.00 for disbursements; 6. THAT Council disband the Courtice Community Complex Technical Advisory Committee and further be thanked for their contribution to the process; and 7. THAT the Courtice Community Complex Fundraising Committee be advised of action taken by Council. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 At the July 4, 1994 General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting, staff was authorized to proceed with proposal calls for architectural services and project co-ordinator services as they pertain to the Courtice Community Complex. /2 PAPE, AE Y«E T'.ip IS PRIMED CN PEDYDLED PAPER REPORT NO. CS-40-94 - 2 - OCTOBER 3, 1994 1.2 Subsequently,twenty-four(24) submissions were received for full architectural services and an additional ten (10) submissions were received for the position of project co-ordinator (Attachment #1 and #2 respectively). 2.0 ARCHITECT SELECTION: 2.1 All submissions were received in accordance with the guidelines established through the proposal call and a short list of six (6) firms was invited to be interviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee and the Library Director. 2.2 At the conclusion of the interviews the Committee instructed staff to meet with the two preferred firms. The purpose of the second interview was to review in detail the fee proposal, have an opportunity to visit other projects, and conduct a reference check. 2.3 The Advisory Committee is unanimously recommending the firm of Wong Gregersen Architects Incorporated for full architectural services at a fixed fee of $195,000.00 plus $20,000.00 for disbursements. 2.4 This firm has extensive experience in designing recreation facilities and specifically pools. The firm has also agreed as part of their proposal to engage a library consultant in preparing the design of the library component of the complex. 2.5 Copies of the various proposals can be made available to members of Council upon request. 3.0 PROJECT CO-ORDINATOR SELECTION: 3.1 All submissions were received in accordance with the guidelines established through the proposal call and a short list of three (3)firms was invited to be interviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee and the Library Director. 3.2 The Advisory Committee is unanimously recommending the firm of Barry Bryan Associates Limited as Project Co-ordinator at a fee of$44,000.00 plus $4,000.00 for disbursements. 3.3 This firm has extensive experience as a project co-ordinator and have a good understanding of the scope and expectations of this role. 4.0 BUDGET: 4.1 During the architect interview process the committee had the opportunity to fine tune its budget projections as they relate to the project and its anticipated tendering. 4.2 The general upswing in the economy and the perceived effect of the Federal/Provincial infrastructure program, has prompted a more realistic projection for the capital costs associated with the project. ../3 REPORT NO. CS-40-94 - 3 , OCTOBER 3, 1994 4.3 Attachment #3 is provided as an updated Budget forecast which is intended as a more accurate reflection of the current economy, and trends in the construction industry. 4.4 The revised capital cost associated with this project is estimated at approximately 6.4 million dollars representing an increase of approximately 1 million dollars. This, for the most part can be attributed to an increase in the estimated costs per square foot of approximately $20.00 per square foot. 4.5 This budget reflects costs associated with the design and construction of the facility and related amenities (exclusive of GST). Equipment cost for the library and the core facility will be referred to the normal budget process. 4.6 It should be noted that although this increase is substantial, the 1992 development charge report identified a capital cost of the core facility at $5,494,000.00 and the Courtice Branch Library at $1,738,000.00 representing a total estimate of $7,232,000.00 for the Courtice Community Complex. As such,this Development Charge component will not require review as a result of the projected budget increase. 5.0 TECBNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE: 5.1 With the anticipated approval of this report, the mandate of the Technical Advisory Committee will have been completed. Subsequently, members of the Committee are recommending that the Courtice Community Complex Technical Advisory Committee be disbanded. 6.0 COMMENTS: 6.1 Subsequent to Council's approval, staff will proceed with the design phase of the project, working closely with the Fundraising Committee to produce an artists' rendering of the project to assist with the fundraising efforts. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, f f Josep Caruana, Director W. H. Stockwell Community Services Department Chief Administrative Officer JPC:sa ATTACHMENT NO. 1 TO REPORT NO. CS-40-94 RFP94-3 BID SUMMARY ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES - COURTICE COMMUNITY COMPLEX BIDDER - TOTAL BID Gerald Belanger, $163,500 + GST Brampton, Ontario (Includes $3500 disbursements) Sievenpiper Associates, $187,500 total upset fee + GST, Toronto, Ontario disbursements? Artistic rendering- $1,750.00 + GST Wong Gregerson, $195,000 + GST Toronto, Ontario disbursements? Michael McKnight, $200,000 + GST, disbursements included Barrie, Ontario Except printing Paul Skinner, (Freethy) $233,700 + disbursements at cost + 10% London, Ontario + GST (5.7%) Kirkland Partnership $240,000 + disbursements + GST Mills, Oshawa, Ontario G & G Partnership, $246,000 + GST + some disbursements Toronto, Ontario (approx 6%) Shore Tilbe Irwin, $246,000 + GST + some disbursements Toronto, Ontario (6% of construction cost) Greer Galloway, $246,000 + GST + disbursements Peterborough, Ontario (if scope of work more than 15% - renegotiate) (6%) Moffat Kinoshita, $249,000.00 + disbursements + GST Toronto, Ontario Moffett & Duncan $265,000 + disbursements + GST Islington, Ontario (6.5%) MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller $266,500 + GST Toronto, Ontario (6.5%) disbursements? Young and Wright, $266,540 + Cost Control 36,700 + GST Toronto, Ontario (6.5%) disbursements? Rounthwaite Dick Hadley, approx Toronto, Ontario X264,000 + $15,000 disbursement 4 GST BIDDER TOTAL BID Parkin, $278,000 + GST, disbursements included Toronto, Ontario (based const. 4,000,000) Lennis Trotter Architects $280,000 + GST + disbursements Oshawa, Ontario (7%) P.B_K_, $290,000 includes 10% allowance for Burlington, Ontario disbursement + GST rary Brian, $299,197 itby, Ontario (6.95%) + GST cost + 10% on disbursements cost + 30% outside consultants son Worland, $307,500 + 12,000 approx. for onto, Ontario disbursements + GST (7.5% - construct) Nowski Partners, $325,000 + disbursements + GST Bowmanville, Ontario based on construction cost of$95.00 per square foot Studio 4 Architects, $333,000.00 + GST Toronto, Ontario disbursements? C.A_ Ventin Architects, Not to exceed $340,095 + GST + Toronto, Ontario Disbursements at cost Totten Sims Hubicki, $344,400 + GST + disbursements Whitby, Ontario (8.4%) Beinhaker/Irwin Assoc. $375,000 total upset fee + GST Toronto, Ontario disbursements? NOTE: The bids that have been proposed take several factors into consideration. These include the following: i) square footage; ii) project cost per square foot; iii) facility components; If any of the factors change, it could have an affect on their bid price_ This part of the submission will be dealt with during an interview process where we can agree to a total upset fee for services. ATTACHMENT NO. 2 TO REPORT NO. CS-40-94 RFP94-4 BID SUMMARY PROJECT COORDINATOR- COURTICE COMMUNITY COMPLEX BIDDER TOTAL BID J.E. Doubt, Approx. $1700 - $2800/month Cobourg, Ontario + expenses + GST (to be charged on time basis) Barry Bryan, Approx. $2500 - $3500/month Whitby, Ontario + GST + disbursements (to be negotiated depending on number of hours/month) Thomas Brown, $100/hr up to maximum $3000/month + Toronto, Ontario GST + disbursements GilCo Construction, $3600/mo + expenses + GST Burlington, Ontario (50% involvement) R.W. Bruynson, $4150/mo + GST + disbursements Oshawa, Ontario (Approx. - based on 13 months) Parkin, $6250/mo + GST + disbursements Toronto, Ontario (Approx. - based on 50 hrs/mo - subject to negotiation) Beinhaker/Irwin Assoc. Est $12,350 + GST Toronto, Ontario To be negotiated J.S. Watson, $76,100 + GST Markham, Ontario Office set up Lennis Trotter, Total (Firm) - $85,000 + GST + Oshawa, Ontario disbursements George Legh Jones, F.P.A. $97,875 + GST Toronto, Ontario MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Attachment #3 COURTICE COMMUNTIY CENTRE - SUMMARY OF COSTS CS-40-94 APITAIL CARE 'AILIT` LIBRARI' . .<: WN TQ $ , U$ X. TO 'AI, GAGS: `TATA79 T Size:Sq.Ft. 29,000 12,000 41,000 %of Total 0.71 0.29 1.00 Cost:%of Total 0.90 0.10 0.71 0.95 0.05 0.29 1.00 Construction Cost 3,143,880 349,320 3,493,200 1,355,460 71,340 1,426,800 4,920,000 Architect(195,000+20)/Proj.Co-Ord.(44,000+4) 168,057 18,673 186,730 72,457 3,814 76,270 263,000 Landscape(600,000)/Servioing(125,000) 463,275 51,475 514,750 199,738 10,513 210,250 725,000 Prof.Serv.(50,000)/Contingenoy 83'0(500,000) 351,450 39,050 390,500 151,525 7.975 159,500 550,000 TOTAL COST 4,126,662 458,518 4,585,180 1,779,179 93,641 1,872,820 6,458,000 Financing: Dev.Charges Res.Funds (1,101,180) 0 (1,101,180) (156,820) (156,820) (1,258,000) Provincial Grant-Citizen/Culture 0 *(COIW Grant 700,000 @ 2/3 funding) 0 (466,667) (466,667) 0 0 (466,667) Reserve Funds: 5001-17*Courtice Community Centre R/F 0 (1,333,333) (1,333,333) 01333,333) 5001-07*Parkland Cash-In-Lieu 0 (65,250) (65,250) 0 ( ' 5001-35*Community Services Lot Levy (357,250) (357,250) 0 357,250) 5001-39*Library Lot Levy 0 40,000 ( ) ( ) (40,000) (40,000) 5001-18*Courtice Library Capital 0 (200,000) (200,000) (200,000) 5001-25*Municipal Capital Wks Program (261,500) (261,500) (276,000) (276,000) (537,500) Fundraising Contributions 0 0 0 0 Sub-Total-Financing (1,101,180) (2,484,000) (3,585,180) (156,820) (516,000) (672,820) (4,258,000) Net Amount to Debenture or Finance 3,025,482 (2,025,482) 1,000,000 1,622,359 (422,359) 1,200,000 2,200,000 Res.Fund Loan to Dev.Chgs. (2,025,482) (422,359) Debenture Required 1,000,000 1,200,000 2,200,000 COST PER#HOUSEHOLD(EST.22,715)* 5.22 6.27 11.49 XXX X. \:.. e Total Estimated 340,000 438,035 778,035 %of Total 0.44 0.56 1.00 Net-Recreation Program Expend./(Revenue) 209,183 (310,685) (101,502) (14,000) (115,502 Total Cost-Operations 238,498 424,035 662,533 COST PER#HOUSEHOLDS (221715) (5 YR.AVG.) 10.50 18.67 29.17 •MILL RATE IMPACT FROM OPERATIONS ALONE 6.63% SUMMARY OF COSTS PER HOUSEHOLD Capital(only in Development Charges are NOT realized) 5.22 6.2711.49 Operations 10__50 18_67 29_17 TOTAL ANNUAL COST PER HOUSEHOLD 15.72 24.93 40.66 Actual cost wi epend on debenture interest at the time of issue October 3, 1994