HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN-1-90 REPORT #6 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE k REPORT File Res. # By-Law # I MEETING: COUNCIL DATE: JANUARY 29 1990 REPORT #: ADMIN. 1-90 FILE #: SUBJECT: TOWN OF NEWCASTLE LOGO RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended to Council: 1. That Administrator's report ADMIN. 1 - 90 be received; and 2 . That the Logo Design provided as Attachment #1 to Report Admin. 1 - 90 be approved. REPORT: 1. Staff has reviewed the aspect of the Town's logo in its continual effort to improve on the Town's image and to provide a positive identification for the Town. l 2 . With that in mind and after discussion amongst senior staff members, it was the consensus of all that a new logo would be beneficial to the Town in its marketing endeavours. Accordingly, staff reviewed various alternatives as expressed by other municipalities and in conjunction with several graphic specialists . Subsequently, a consensus was reached by staff as to an appropriate logo for the Town and this is attached to the report for the Council 's consideration. I ADMIN. 1 - 90 -2- 3 . Upon approval of the new logo design, it is intended that it will be used on all new orders of Town stationery, displayed on vehicles and used for all promotional, souvenir products, publications and the like. Any existing stocks will be depleted prior to reorder. I 4 . Staff considers the new logo to be simplistic and I artistically pleasing in design and useful in facilitating the Town's identity within the larger area. The logo can be reproduced easily and its colour will form the basis of new I Town vehicles purchased. Due to the simplicity of the logo, it can be reproduced in any size and in a very cost effective manner and will be particularly beneficial in the areas of economic development and promotion. 5. Based on the comments above, it is respectfully recommended that Council approve the new logo for use as described above. j Respectfully recommended, `' i Law ence E�l\ tsef ,f, Chief Admf�.ni trative Officer LEK:nof att. i i I i I i i i i