HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN-6-89 11(a) TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # Res. By-Law # GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING: FEBRUARY 20 1989 DATE: ADMIN. 6 - 89 REPORT #: FILE #: S1JB,JECT: DEVELOPMENT SCHEME FOR THE PORT DARLINGTON AREA - PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That Report ADMIN. 6 - 89 be received; 2. That Council approve either: a) Option "All - Passive Recreation Approach, or b) Option "B" - Active Mixed Use Approach for the general area in and around the Port Darlington Area and that staff be directed to investigate in detail future land use options on this basis; 3. That an appropriate consultant be engaged, if necessary to assist in this process at a cost not to exceed $10,000 and that appropriate funds be provided in the 1989 Budget; 4. That Mr. G. Gervais be thanked for the work undertaken to date on behalf of the Town; and 5. That the Regional Municipality of Durham and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority be so advised. ADMIN 6 - 89 PAGE 2 REPORT: Previously, the Council of the Town of Newcastle directed that certain preliminary work regarding a development scheme for the Port Darlington Area be undertaken and authorized the hiring of a consultant to accomplish this (refer to Attachment #1 - Terms of Reference) . In this regard, Mr. Gerard Gervais of the firm of Maxion Corporation completed a report related to the above matter which is provided under separate cover. Specifically, the work to date provides considerable background regarding the area under investigation pertaining to ownership, planning, servicing and other considerations. This, in addition to the previous work produced by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, effectively provides the municipality with two possible general scenarios regarding the future planning and use of the Port Darlington Area. Option "A", passive recreation approach, complements the approach previously put forward by the Conservation Authority. This scenario would require the acquisition of a considerable land area by a public agency(ies) for more passive recreational activities and use. Considerable public expenditure or lengthy expropriation proceedings would be required to implement this type of scheme. Option "B" active mixed use approach, would require the detailed examination of future activities and uses which could be accommodated within the study area in order to develop this area as an activity node. This would include the redevelopment of certain portions of the area through mixed use development while at the same time returning certain portions of the study area for public use. This option would require the consideration of several aspects as articulated in the consultant's report. In addition, this scenario would necessitate considerable input from the private sector in developing the general area in order to accomplish some of the Town's recreational and public needs. ADMIN. 6 - 89 page ? Of critical importance to each of the above options is the land area owned by The port Darlington Harbour Company and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority described in page 3 of the Consultant's report. In particular, the former lands straddle the main entrance to the marina. In consideration of either scenario, attention must be given to aspects of timing regarding implementation. Option "A", albeit possibly more ideal from a recreational point of view, would require a great deal of public expenditure to implement. This in itself may curb the general development of this area for many years. Option "B", which would involve the private sector and require the development of the area into a more active tourism/recreational/commercial node, would enhance the implementation process of a development scheme from a timing point of view, while at the same time achieving some of the objectives from a public needs point of view. However, this option would require considerable discussion with the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. Council is being asked to consider Option "A" or Option "B" in order to provide direction such that the more detailed planning work regarding the future use of this area can be undertaken. All of the above is respectfully submitted for Council's consideration. The Town's consultant, Mr. Gervais, will be present to make a brief presentation at such time as the report is considered. Res -ctfully submitted, 4 �, wrence E. Kotseff, ,l Chief Administrativ fficer LEK:nof � PTTACHMENT #1 TO REPORT ADMIN. 6 - 89 ADMIN. 18 - 87 t►TTACHMENT #1 TERMS OF REFERENCE It is recommended that several activities be undertaken. ' These involve background information gathering and probing to determine the potential support for tourism-related activities. 1 . In order to complete the information base for the development of a Tourism Programme for the Harbour, several agencies and individuals must be contacted in order to determine their jurisdiction and intentions. Perhaps the most important of these is the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, who owns a considerable amount of land in the area. Furthermore, the Conservation Authority offers the public boat-launching facilities in the area and provides free public parking. During initial stages of the Study a meeting would be convened with staff of the Conservation Authority to review the Master Plan for the area, the acquisition programme and the willingness to joint-venture a scheme to improve the level of activity at the Harbour. 2. The Regional Municipality of Durham also owns considerable land in the area and it would be prudent to meet with representatives of both the Planning and Finance Departments to determine their long-term objectives with respect to this property. Meetings with the Town and Region's Works Department would also be undertaken so that a current and clear picture of the services available to the Harbour can be obtained. Furthermore, the Regional Works Department would be asked to advise of the capabality of the services in the area to accept additional development. This information could put an upper limit on the amount of development which could be anticipated. 3. Private landowners will be interviewed to obtain the exact details relating to the existing ownership patterns and to explore the terms and conditions by which such owners would consider sale of the property to the Town or a land development company. 4. A preliminary market evaluation will be conducted to establish a reasonable value for the land in this area, as determined by existing properties being offered for sale as well as transactions which have recently closed. 5. Interviews will be conducted with existing commercial and individual operators in the area to determine the areas in which additional tourism can be developed and where specific assistance for the various operations is needed. This aspect of the investigation is particularly important in Theme development. C i ADMIN, 10 - b7 ATTACHMENT #1 PAGE 2 6. The number of slips currently available for overnight visitors would be determined. In this regard, the ways in which overnight visitors could .be attracted to the harbour in greater numbers, (assuming appropriate accommodation can be made available) will be examined. Also discussions with various public agencies will be undertaken to deal with funding sources and subsidies which could be used to employ labour to assist in the current operation of the harbour and any expansion which can be achieved, 7. With a view to promoting the redevelopment of the Harbour, a detailed ownership map will be prepared by referring directly to assessment information. This ownership map would provide the information base for an acquisition programme which would be the cornerstone of the strategy for the development of the Harbour. 6. Various discussions will take place with development interests involved . in mixed use development projects. This liaison would attempt to determine whether or not a developer could be enticed to acquire lands and develop a waterfront-related project which could involve condominium residences and related commercial and personal service shops. 9. The foregoing information should be obtained, documented and presented to Town Council before a complete Waterfront Development Scheme is undertaken. This will provide for an understanding of the potential which exists for land acquisition, the timing of such a programme, as well as its expense. The level of co-operation of the other land owners in the area should also be clarified before the Town proceeds with the development .of a Waterfront Development Strategy. 10. 'Conclusions and recommendations will be provided regarding subsequent courses of action.