HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN-20-88 j 0,0 REPORT 2 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE r REPORT File # �ZJ. �;% Res. # ---=--�. By-Law # MEETING: COUNCIL DATE: NOVEMBER 28 1988 REPORT #: ADMIN.20-88 FILE #: SUBJECT: SPRING CLEAN-UP 1988 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that Council approve the following: 1. That Administrator's report ADMIN. 20 - 88 be received; 2. That the firm of Browning Ferris Industries Limited be reimbursed in the amount of $9,623.88 for the spring 1988 clean-up based on the additional information provided; 3. That the funding be drawn from the Garbage Equipment Reserve Fund Account #2900-11-X; and 4. That Mr. Wilf Goldlust on behalf of Browning -Ferris Industries Limited be so advised. REPORT: In September correspondence was received from Browning Ferris Industries Limited requesting that the company be reimbursed monies related to the 1988 spring clean-up. At that time on the basis of the information provided, the Director of Public Works recommended that Browning Ferris Industries Limited be reimbursed to the extent of the difference in tipping fees from $18.07 per tonne to $50.00 per tonne. Council approved this recommendation. ADMIN.20 - 88 Page 2 Subsequent to Council 's decision regarding -the matter of spring clean-up for 1988 with -the contractor, Browning Ferris Industries Limited, Mr. W. Goldlust on behalf of the company submitted a letter to the Town (refer to Attachment #1) . Subsequent to receipt of the attached letter, the Administrator and Director of Public Works met with Mr. Goldlust to review his more recent request. Based on the information Mr. Goldlust provided, there appears to be some validity in the case put forward by Mr. Goldlust that in his opinion it was always his understanding that there would be an additional charge for spring clean-up. He indicated that his company provided the collection service during spring clean-up in Newcastle Village, Orono and Orono Estates and did not claim the extra payment because there was not a large amount of money involved. In addition, the contract does not qualify the type of refuse and bundle size so related with respect to spring clean-up. In the contractor' s opinion there was a large amount of refuse placed at the curb during spring clean-up that in his opinion would not normally be picked up in a spring clean-up. Rather than not picking the material up, the contractor felt that it was in everyone's best interest to do so and therefore collected everything left at the curbside. Staff feel it is appropriate to recommend to Council a reasonable resolution to this matter. It is suggested that as a compromise the contractor and the Town equally share in the cost of the collection for spring clean-up in 1988. Accordingly, it is respectfully recommended that the firm of Browning Ferris Industries Limited be reimbursed a total of $9,623.88. This is deemed to be fair and equitable on review of the circumstances. Respectfully submitted, 75`1 t e rv-�E' a n s"`----- --- -- Director of Public Works Lawrence E. o ef � Chief Administ ative Officer i Waste Systems- BROWNING-FERRIS INDUSTRIES Eastern Lakes District November 16, 1988 Corporation Of The Town Of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 ATTENTION: Mr Lawrence Kotseff Chief Administrative Officer Dear Sir: Once again, I am writing to you with regards to an outstanding balance owed by the Town Of Newcastle for services performed during the spring clean-up week. That outstanding amount being $19,247.75. The position that B.F.I. takes with due respect is that we should not bear the costs entirely for what I believe was a misunderstanding from the outset. Given this, I would ask you to at least consider paying that portion of the tipping fees as related to the $19,247.75 which is $11,015.47 and one-third of labour costs, which is $2,711.60 representing what I believe and the pictures would indicate as being service beyond the normal clean up week. Therefore, I would ask you to consider the sum of $13,727.07 to be a fair and equitable settlement of this claim and allow us to continue doing business together as we have grown accustomed to in the past. Yours very truly, jj Wilf Goldlust �ili� :. District Manager f t Jr II5 1 McKNIGHT ROAD • P.O. BOX 2398• OSHAWA, ONTARIO L1 H 7V6 416-433-5075