HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN-25-87 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File 13 Res. # By-Law GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE METING: DECEMBER 7 1987 DATE: ADMIN.25-87 REPORT #: FILE #: RIDGE PINE PARK INC. - WHEELHOUSE CLUB HOUSE S[JB,JECT: WILMOT CREEK (RE: DELEGATION AND CORRESPONDENCE FROM MR. F. GARDINER) RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1) That Report ADMIN. 25 - 87 be received; 2) That a copy of Report ADMIN. 25 - 87 be forwarded to Mr. F. Gardiner and Mr. William McCraith of Wilmot Creek; 3) That a copy of Report ADMIN. 25 - 87 be forwarded to Mr. B. Pearce of Ridge Pine Park. REPORT: Recently, Mr. Fred Gardiner of Wilmot Creek addressed Council regarding the issue of occupancy levels at the Wheelhouse Auditorium. Based on information provided to Mr. Gardiner from the Town's Fire Department some confusion and embarrassment to Mr. Gardiner apparently resulted. U < � ADMIN. 25 - 87 PAGE 2 As a result of Council's directive, this matter was referred to the Chief Administrative Officer for review. Specifically, the facts related to this matter were reviewed with the Fire Chief and subsequently Mr. Gardiner in order to resolve the issue as it relates to occupancy levels. It would appear that the essence of the discrepancy in figures as presented to Council by Mr. Gardiner is based on various assumptions made related to the interpretation of the standards defined in the Ontario Building Code Regulations. An on-site inspection of the subject facility was conducted in the summer of 1987 by Town staff. The occupancy levels generated as a result of this inspection were based on the assumption that the auditorium was used for purposes which would require a special occasion permit or licensed permit for purposes of an event. As a result, the Ontario Building Code Regulations indicate that if this were the case, the area per person used to calculate occupancy is 15 square feet per person. On this basis, the occupancy was established at 425 persons. Subsequently, the calculations were reviewed by the Fire Chief including a review of information related to the issuance of the building permit and discussions with representatives from Ridge Pine Park. This review indicated that the premises are never used for purposes which would necessitate the sale of alcoholic beverages and therefore the issuance of a license by the Liquor Control Board of Ontario. Accordingly, the pertinent standards which would apply from the Ontario Building Code Regulations would indicate occupancy levels for the auditorium as follows: a) 500 persons (for events necessitating non-fixed tables and chairs at 12 square feet per person) b) 600 persons (for events necessitating non-fixed chairs only at 10 square feet per person) I i i ADMIN. 25 - 87 PAGE 3 0" d It is unfortunate that the first occupancy level (i.e. 425 persons) was conveyed to Mr. Gardiner prior to review by the Eire Chief since this information once obtained by the gentleman was conveyed immediately to various tenants at Wilmot Creek. Once the revised occupancy levels were determined, and subsequently conveyed to Mr. Gardiner by the Eire Chief, Mr. Gardiner was apparently placed in an embarrassing position. In the meeting held with Mr. Gardiner and Mr. William McCraith (also a resident at Wilmot Creek) on November 17th 1987, the above unfortunate sequence of events was explained and an appropriate apology on behalf of the Town was conveyed as it relates to any embarrassment created to Mr. Gardiner. Respectfully submitted, awrence E. Kotseff, i Chief Administrative Officer LEK:nof I