HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN 73-86 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # . Res. # . - W - ----__-- By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: DECEMBER 15 1986 REPORT #: ADMIN.73-86 FILE #: SUBJECT: NEW ARENA PROJECT RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . That Report ADMIN. 73 - 86 be received for information and direction. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Further to the information schedule presented to the General Purpose and Administration Committee on December 1st, 1986 regarding several outstanding items related to the new arena project, two information packages are provided as Attachment #1 and Attachment #2 which present various cost implications and background information respectively. The information packages provide details pertaining to various alternatives available to the Town regarding the implementation of a new arena facility. Attachment "B" has been organized into thirteen sections corresponding to the headings identified in Attachment "A". The results of the investigations are summarized in Section 13 of Attachment "B". This section provides a number of alternatives and cost implications related to the various components of an arena facility available ADMIN. 73 - 86 -2- to the Town (that is, a single pad, twin pad, banquet facility, or any combination thereof) . In addition, the alternatives presented apply to two different sites, that is, the site on Highway #2 and Regional Road #57, acquired earlier this year in accordance with the decision of Council , and an alternative site at Baseline Road and Martin Road, which has been discussed on various occasions. This has been provided for comparative purposes. It would be appropriate for the Committee to consider the various alternatives available in order to finalize the matters related to the new arena facility such that the Town can proceed with the next phase of the project which would involve interviewing the four consultants previously short-listed by Council, as soon as possible. Subsequently, the method of design and construction related to the project can be finalized. It is realized that the various alternatives available to the Town can be priorized in a variety of ways. The project could be proceeded with, generally in accordance with the original time schedule with a consensus being reached as to the Town 's priorities in this regard. Respectfully submitted, Tirative LawrenChief Officer TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # Res. # -�. By-Law # hEE-TING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: DECEMBER 15 1986 REPORT #: ADMIN.73-86 FILE #: SUB,ECT: NEW ARENA PROJECT RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . That Report ADMIN. 73 - 86 be received for information and direction. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Further to the information schedule presented to the General Purpose _and Administration Committee on December 1st, 1986 regarding several outstanding items related to the new arena project, two information packages are provided as Attachment #1 and Attachment #2 which present various cost implications and background information respectively. The information packages provide details pertaining to various alternatives available to the Town regarding the implementation of a new are0a facility. Attachment "B" has been organized into thirteen sections corresponding to the headings identified in Attachment "A". The results of the investigations are summarized in Section 13 of Attachment "B". This section provides a number of alternatives and cost implications related to the various components of an arena facility available ADMIN. 73 - 86 -2- to the Town (that is, a single pad, twin pad, banquet facility, or any combination thereof) . In addition, the alternatives presented apply to two different sites, that is, the site on Highway #2 and Regional Road #57, acquired earlier this year in accordance with the decision of Council , and an alternative site at Baseline Road and Martin Road, which has been discussed on various occasions. This has. been provided for comparative purposes. It would be appropriate for the Committee to consider the various alternatives available in order to finalize the matters related to the new arena facility such that the Town can proceed with the next phase of the project which would involve interviewing the four consultants previously short-listed by Council, as soon as possible. Subsequently, the method of design and construction related to the project can be finalized. It is realized that the various alternatives available to the Town can be priorized in a variety of ways. The project could be proceeded with, generally in accordance with the original time schedule with a consensus being reached as to the Town's priorities in this regard. Respectfully submitted, Lawrence Eseff, Chief Admitivirative Officer ARENA PROJECT - OUTSTANDING ITEMS � TASKS RESPONSIBLE OTHER PERSONNEL COMPLETION COST PERSON(S) AGENCIES, ETC. INVOLVED DATE IMPLICATIONS I . lopographic Analysis G. Ough Merrill Brown December 5 $ 1 ,600 i.. 2. Soils Analysis G. Ough J. Blanchard Soils Consultant December 10 $ 3,600 3. Site Plan T. Edwards ( i) Access T. Edwards M.T.C. , Regional Works Dept. December 5 $ 100,000 ( ii) Storm Drainage G. Ough Town Works Dept. , C.L.O.C.A. December 10 ) ( iii) Parking Requirements and Details T. Edwards G. Ough December 10 ) $ 763,000 ( iv) Landscaping Features T. Edwards J. Caruana December 10 ) (v) Excavation ) G. Ough Town Works Dept. December 10 ) 4. Servicing Requirements ( i) Water G. Ough Regional Works December 5 $ 520,000 C+ C+ ( ii) Sewer �w G. Ough Regional Works December 5 $ 265,000 Q- ( iii) ( iii) Septic Tank G. Ough � 9 Regional Health Unit December 10 $ 100,000 5. Hydro and Gas RequirementsD J. Caruana Ontario Hydro, . Consumers Gas December 10 $ 17,000 6: Planning Potential of General Area (Preferred Site) and Coft Recovery possibilities T. Edwards G. Ough, December 10 Refer to Background Regional PrAnning Information provideul in Section 6 TASKS RESPONSIBLE OTHER PERSONNEL COMPLETION PERSON(S) AGENCIES, ETC. INVOLVED DATE COST IMPLICATIONS i 7. Financial Implications ( i) Wintario J. Blanchard Province December 10 $ 625,000 ( ii) Ontario Hydro J. Blanchard Ontario Hydro December 10 $ 180,000 ( iii) Other Funding Sources J. Blanchard Town Treasury December 10 Fund raising $ 750,000 ( iv) Staging of Facility and Cost Existing Alternatives J. Blanchardarena sale $ 175,000 Town Treasury December 10 Refer to Section 13 - 8. Debenture Process Various Alternatives Available ( i) Reactions Anticipated J. Blanchard November 28 ) O.M.B. Requirements J. Blanchard O.N .B. ) November 28 ) Refer to Background Information ( iii) Hearing Possibilities J. Blanchard ) provided in Section 8 O.M.B. November 28 ) ( iv) Timing J. Blanchard O.M.B. November 28 ) 9. Update Costs of Constructing the Project L. Kotseff J. Caruana ( i) Single Pad Arena J. Caruana Various Consultants December 5 $2,400,000 ( ii) Additional Pad J. Caruana Various Consultants December 5 $1 ,400,000 ( iii) Community/Banquet Facility J. Caruana ' ' Various Consultants December 5 $ 600,000 ( iv) Furniture and Equipment J. Caruana Various Consultants December 10 $ 100,000 10. Zoning Issues for Various Sites T. Edwards Town Planning November 28 Refer to Background Information provided in Section 10 * Provides for 7,000 squarejeet of space ($500,000)and basic furniture and equipment ($100,000) Page 3 RESPONSIBLE OTHER PERSONNEL COMPLETION COST PERSON(S) AGENCIES. ETC, INVOLVED DATE IMPLICATIONS TASKS 11 . Consultant Selection G. P. & A. Committee (i) Interview Scheduling G. P. & A. Committee December/January To be determined ( ii) Preparation of Questions ' J. Caruana December 10 Presently being prepared ( iii) Hourly Rate Charges J. Caruana Various Consultants December 10 Project Manager - $75/hour Technician - $63/hour Architect - $60/hour Draftsman - $25/hour ( iv) Cost of each Consultant J. Caruana Various Consultants December 10 a) $260,000 (design/tender) b) $150,000 (design/build) 12. Design/Construction Method Selection G. P. & A. Committee December/January To be determined after consultant interviews 13. Various Alternatives Available L. Kotseff Staff December 10 Refer to Section 13 of Background Information Attachment TOPOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS 1 - I ARENA PROJECT OUTSTANDING ITEM # 1 — TOPOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS The field work is underway and the compilation of the data on a plot plan is scheduled for completion on December 19, 1986. The information being gathered will establish the existing topographical features in detail and will form the basis for the design of the site grading and the setting of the building elevation. SOILS ANALYSIS 2- I ARENA PROJECT OUTSTANDING ITEM # 2 - SOILS ANALYSIS The field work is underway and the compilation and analysis of the data collected is scheduled for completion on December 19, 1986. The information being gathered will determine the soil types and bearing capacity of the soils on site and will indicate whether or not importing of septic tile filter material will be required. Preliminary indications are that some importing of filter material will be required as was the case with the recently constructed Police Building immediately north of the arena site. z-2 ARENA PROJECT OUTSTANDING ITEM # 4 - SERVICING REQUIREMENTS Water 8 Sanitary: As outlined by Region staff on April 7, 1986, "Water Supply There are no existing watermains abutting this site. In order to provide municipal water supply, it would be necessary to construct a watermain extension on Waverley Road and on easement from Coleman Street to Highway 2 and on Highway 2 from the C.P.R. tracks to Regional Road 57. Because of the high elevation of the site, it would also be necessary to construct a booster pumping station to provide adequate pressure. These works would provide adequate water supply for both domestic use and fire protection. The estimated costs of constructing these services are as follows: Watermain - $275,000 Booster Pumping Station - $215,000 rr m Engineering - $ 30,000 SITE PLAN i 3- 1 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE NMRANDUM TO; Larry Kotseff, Chief Administrative Officer FROM; T.T. Edwards, M.C.I.P., Director of Planning DATE; December 9, 1986 SUBJECT: ARENA PRODECT Pursuant to our meetings of November 20, and November 24, 1986, 1 would confirm that the following tasks, related to the Arena Project, were assigned to Planning for investigation and comment. 1. Site Plan including consideration of the access, parking and landscaping requirements. 2. Planning potential of general area. These are the cost recoveries. 3. Official Plan and zoning issues for the various sites originally considered. With respect to the foregoing, I offer the following comments. 1. SITE PLANS (a) Access By letter of October 29, 1986, a copy of the conceptual site plan was circulated to both the Region and the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. As of writing, only the Ministry of Transportation and Communications has responded directly. However, Staff of the Regional Public Works Department have responded through your office- ($100,000 in accordance with S. 6.4.5 of letter dated November 6, 1986:) Mr. Goodrich of Port Hope, M.T.C. indicated that the Ministry had no objection to the Highway No. 2 access given the proposed location opposite the existing church entrance on the south. He also indicated that permits for entrance and building and possible encroachment, relative to storm drainage, must be applied for at the Port Hope Office. With respect to the Region of Durham and their earlier response to your office, I have subsequently spoke to Mr. Kees Schipper who indicated, upon questioning, that a relocation to the north and entrance design intended to prevent northbound left turns from . . .2 -ZLar3-2- Larry ry Kotseff, Chief Administrative Officer ARENA PROJECT Page 2 kegional Road No. 57 may eliminate or reduce the need for any specific road improvements. This, of course, is predicated on the primary access being from Highway No. 2 which, in my opinion, it would be. Subsequent to that conversation, on December 5, 1986, I met with Mr. Walter Evans and Mr. Schipper to further discuss access concern. It was indicated at that time that the Town would be required to undertake a traffic impact analysis in order to properly identify any necessary changes to the design or to quantify costs of any road improvements. It, therefore, appears that the access to Regional Road No. 57 could present a major obstacle to the project. With this in mind, I contacted the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and was advised that elimination of the entrance to Regional Road No. 57, or restriction to emergency vehicles only, would require a recirculation of the revised site plan. Accordingly, I have initiated such a request. (b) Parking Based upon the phasing discussed at our earlier meetings, the parking standards of the Town's Zoning By-law were applied to the various phases resulting in the following table. Phase I - Single Pad Arena 1000 persons capacity 250 spaces Phase II Banquet Hall 350 persons capacity 88 spaces Phase III Second Ice Pad 300 persons capacity 75 spaces TOTAL 413 spaces The proposed site plan illustrates a total of 438 parking spaces and these can be broken down into phases depending upon whether or not the project itself is phased. Although three (3) phases are possible, given the layout of the parking lot, I would suggest two (2) phases; 1 of 306 spaces and the 2nd Phase of 132 spaces. With respect to the development of the parking areas and the cost of same, consideration must also be given to storm drainage and site excavation, both of which were assigned to Mr. Ough. However, in order to give a complete picture, we have agreed that I would include these considerations at this time. based upon our site plan, Staff of the Public Works Department prepared cost estimates which included stripping of top soil and development of the parking lots including storm drainage, lighting, and concrete sidewalks. The total cost including contingencies and engineering, is estimated to be $751,594.32. The following is a general breakdown of the costs associated with site preparation and construction of the parking areas, (i .e. 438 parking spaces) . . ..3 Larry Kotseff, Chief Administrative Officer ARENA PROJECT Page 3 Stripping of topsoil - $ 11,997.00 Rough Grading - $ 33,024.00 Parking Areas - $157,590.00 Driveway & Bus Loading Areas $175,200.00 Storm Drainage System $ 91,500.00 Concrete Curbing $ 52,500.00 Concrete Sidewalks $ 16,400.00 Lighting $ 72,593.00 SUBTOTAL $610,804.00 Contingencies 7% $ 42,756.28 SUBTOTAL Engineering 15% $ 98,034.04 TOTAL $751,594.37 (c) Landscaping With respect to the landscaping features, an estimate was derived for landscaping that portion of the site directly related to the arena building and the parking areas. The cost estimate assumes seeding since increased costs would be realized if sodding were utilized. The landscaping component of site development is estimated as approximately $16,486.00, broken down as follows: Seeding $ 9,366.00 Tree Planting $ 7,120.00 The foregoing estimates all assume a reduced building envelope thQn that shown on the orginally considered site plan. This reduction is based upon a re-evaluation of the building envelope as originally proposed by Mr. Devantier. To do this, I relied on the floor area figures provided by Mr. Caruana and the Rethink Study as well as the building plans for the Darlington and Newcastle Village Arenas. To facilitate phasing, I have broken the building envelope down into three (3) components. In this regard, I assumed a 1st Phase consisting of a single pad arena of approximately 33,800 square feet (Darlington was 28,900 and Newcastle Village was 24,200 square feet). I assumed a 2nd Phase consisting of a 7,000 square foot banquet faci 1 i ty (Rethink) to accommodate + 300 persons. The final phase was assumed to be a second ice pad witFiin a building of roughly 22,000 square feet. This results in a total building coverage of 62,800 square feet which, following discussions with yourself and Mr. Caruana, was rounded up to 70,000 square feet. *This is substanti ally less than that orginally shown on the site plan and permits siting of the building further to the west which could potentially result in much less earth movement and permit gravity drainage to a septic tank and tile field located to the east of the building. . . .4 * The figure of 70,000 square feet was used for purpose of storm water calculations only. SERVICING REQUIREMENTS ARENA PROJECT OUTSTANDING ITEM #! 4 - SERVICING REQUIREMENTS Water b Sanitary: As outlined by Region staff on April 7, 1986, "Water Supply There are no existing watermains abutting this site. In order to provide municipal water supply, it would be necessary to construct a watermain extension on Waverley Road and on easement from Coleman Street to Highway 2 and on Highway 2 from the C.P.R. tracks to Regional Road 57. Because of the high elevation of the site, it would also be necessary to construct a booster pumping station to provide adequate pressure. These works would provide adequate water supply for both domestic use and fire protection. The estimated costs of constructing these services are as follows: Watermain - $275,000 Booster Pumping Station - $215,000 Engineering - $ 30,000 4 -� ARENA PROJECT Sanitary Sewer Servicing There are no existing sanitary sewers abutting this site. In order to provide sanitary sewer service, it would be necessary to construct a sanitary sewer extension on easement from the existing sanitary sewer on Waverley Road to Highway 2 and on Highway 2 from the C.P.R. tracks to Regional Road 57. The estimated cost of the extension is $265,000 including engineering On November 6, 1986, Region staff commented as follows to questions raised regarding possible future benefit or cost recoveries with respect to the installation of municipal services to the arena site. "POSSIBILITY OF REIMBURSEMENT TO THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE FROM OTHER FUTURE USERS OF THE SANITARY SEWER AND/OR WATERMAIN: The Region will include an endeavor to collect clause in the agreement with the Town. This means that if, in the future, another user connects to the sanitary sewer and/or watermain, the Region will endeavor to collect the current frontage charges and turn this money over to the Town of Newcastle." "SHOULD THE WATER BOOSTER PUMPING STATION BE LOCATED AT THE DOWNSTREAM END OF THE WATERMAIN OR AT THE ARENA? If the booster pumping station is located at the downstream end of the watermain, service could be provided to properties located between the pumping station and the arena. ARENA PROJECT The cost estimate provided on April 7 was for a pumping station at the downstream end of the watermain. A pumping station located in the arena would cost less than the pumping station at the downstream end of the watermain. This issue should be examined in detail during the preliminary design of the watermain and pumping station." The Region has been directed not to proceed with any design of the water supply system until further notice. "WOULD A SANITARY SEWER OR A WATERMAIN TO PROVIDE SERVICE TO THE ARENA PROVIDE A BENEFIT TO THE BOWMANVILLE WEST DEVELOPMENT LOCATED BETWEEN BASELINE ROAD AND THE C.P.R. TRACKS AND WEST OF MARTIN ROAD? No. Please refer to Attachment 2. With the exception of the Woodbridge Development which is tributary to the sanitary sewer on Martin Road and shown hatched, the land will require the construction of a sanitary sewer as shown "Future Trunk Sanitary Sewer". Please refer to Attachment 3. Since development will progress from the south to the north because of the sanitary sewer requirements, water supply will be provided by the construction of a main from the intersection of Baseline Road and Martin Road, through the development. This main will be connected to the existing main on Waverley Road to provide a looped system. �\ 4 • REQUIRED 74 -- 4 REQUIRED SAN. SEWER , � EXTENSION — -- 2 $ 250,000 SITE 1 l 1 ; I 7[A• ,�•-�.,' L •''\\` ice' _ eta �y�,l - �• •\ \\t� FUTURE TRUNK SAN. SEWER C! SITE 3 PUMPING RE FROM BLOC IT SITE 5 SEV vital i 11ASE014E RL 0 A 0I ATrAC14m NT 2 WOODBRIDGE DEV. LTD. TRIBUTARY ITO SAN. SEWERi ON - ,� MARTIN R0. � _i ;��►Illllllilililtllltlilllll__11�1�111 MIGHWA _ VON ~still ...rr�� —� ' AAIl WAY REQUIRED W.M. EXTENSION a BOOSTER P.S. W.M. $ 275,000 1 r P.S. 21 5,000 I -ONO 14% -:<---- SITE I FUTURE 300 mm W.M. SITE 5 ......... C. Qa ATrACKMeIPAT ARENA PROJECT "DOES THE POLICE BUILDING LOCATED JUST TO THE NORTH REQUIRE WATER AND/OR SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AND, IF SO, WOULD THE POLICE DEPARTMENT BE WILLING TO SHARE IN THE COST OF THE WATERMAIN AND/OR SANITARY SEWER? This building was constructed very recently. It is unlikely that they are experiencing problems with the well and septic system. The Town should contact the Police Department to discuss the possibility of cost sharing." The Police Department have indicated that they are not interested in contributing toward the cost of extending municipal services to the arena site. It has been determined that the on site water supply would be unable to supply the quantity of water required for a twin pad arena operation or a single pad arena with a banquet hall . Reports would also indicate that the ability to support even a single pad arena would be risky and would involve a series of wells and holding tanks. The minimum requirement for the operation for a single pad arena is 10 gal/min and the tests indicate that a well on the site would supply just over 4 gal/min. The estimated cost of a septic system for a single pad arena is $75,000.00 and for a single or twin pad arena and banquet hall it could be as high as $100,000.00. The size required for such a system is estimated to be 2,500 sq/m (approximately 27,000 ft.2 i .e. 100 ft. x 270 ft.) . The operating efficiency of septic systems of this size are reportedly variable and unpredictable. �.a /4 -7 DURHAM HAND DELIVERED November 6, 1986 The Regional RECEIVED Municipality ECEIV DMunicipality I ; of Durham Mr. Larry Kotseff NOV - 31986 Works Department Chief Administrative Officer By Town of Newcastle ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE 105 Con Box onsumers Dr. 40 Temperance Street Whitby, Ontario Bowmanvi l 1 e, Ontario Canada.L1 N 6A3 L 1C 3A6 (416)668-7721 Dear Sir: W.A TWELVETREES,P.Eng. Commissioner of Works Re: Services for the Proposed Arena, Northwest Please quote our ref: Corner of Regional Road 57 and Highway 2 This is further to our discussion and your request for me to MISC-N-1 summarize the available information and issues concerning the servicing of the site for the proposed arena. 1.0 SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AND WATER SUPPLY 1.1 Attached is a copy of a letter (Attachment 1) to Mayor John Winters dated April 7, 1986, which deals with sanitary sewer service and water supply for five potential sites for the arena. 1.2 The information provided for Site 1 refers to the southwest corner of Regional Road 57 and Highway 2 rather than the northwest corner. However, the servicing of the northwest corner would be accomplished in the same way and the cost estimates are valid for the northwest corner. 2.0 POSSIBILITY OF REIMBURSEMENT TO THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE FROM OTHER FUTURE USERS OF THE SANITARY SEWER AND/OR WATERMAIN 2.1 The Region will include an endeavor to collect clause in the agreement with the Town. This means, that if in the future, another user connects to the sanitary sewer and/or watermain, the Region will endeavor to collect the current frontage charges and turn this money over to the Town of Newcastle. 3.0 SHOULD THE WATER BOOSTER PUMPING STATION BE LOCATED AT THE DOWNSTREAM END OF THE WATERMAIN OR AT THE ARENA? ...2 " 1 — B - 2 - 3.1 If the booster pumping station is located at the downstream end of the watermain, service could be provided to properties located between the pumping station and the arena. 3.2 The cost estimate provided on April 7 was for a pumping station at the downstream end of the watermain. A pumping station located in the arena would cost less than the pumping station at the downstream end of the watermain. 3.3 This issue should be examined in detail during the preliminary design of the watermain and pumping station. 4.0 WOULD A SANITARY SEWER OR A WATERMAIN TO PROVIDE SERVICE TO THE ARENA PROVIDE A BENEFIT TO THE BOWMANVILLE WEST DEVELOPMENT LOCATED BETWEEN BASELINE ROAD AND THE C.P.R. TRACKS AND WEST OF MARTIN ROAD? 4.1 No. 4.2 Please refer to Attachment 2. With the exception of the Woodbridge Development which is tributary to the sanitary sewer on Martin Road and shown hatched, the land will require the construction of a sanitary sewer as shown "Future Trunk Sanitary Sewer". 4.3 Please refer to Attachment 3. Since development will progress from the south to the north because of the sanitary sewer requirements, water supply will be provided by the construction of a main from the intersection of Baseline Road and Martin Road, through the development. This main will be connected to the existing main on Waverly Road to provide a looped system. 5.0 DOES THE POLICE BUILDING LOCATED JUST TO THE NORTH REQUIRE WATER AND/OR SANITARY SEWER SERVICE, AND IF SO, WOULD THE POLICE DEPARTMENT BE WILLING TO- SHARE IN THE COST OF THE WATERMAIN AND/OR SANITARY SEWER? This building was constructed very recently. It is unlikely that they are experiencing problems with the well and septic system. The Town should contact the Police Department to discuss the possibility of cost sharing. .. .3 - 3 - 6.0 ACCESS 6.1 The following issues relating to site access will require review: 6.2 Access to Regional Road 57 6.2.1 The existing speed limit is 80 km/h. 6.2.2 There are large volumes of heavy trucks on Regional Road 57. 6.2.3 The proposed entrance is relatively close to the Highway 2 intersection which is built to rural (high speed) standards. 6.2.4 Regional Road 57 narrows from 4 lanes to 2 lanes in the near vicinity of the proposed access. The access is located at the end of the westbound to northbound acceleration lane and at the beginning of the southbound right turn lane. These conflicts would result in weaving manoeuvres and driver confusion which would be compounded by turning movements at the proposed access. 6.3 Access to Highway 2 6.3.1 The proposed access is located in the transition between a 2 and 4 lane section and at the end of the southbound to westbound acceleration lane. 6.4 General comments 6.4.1 Highway 2 is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (M.T.C. ) and their approval will be required for the Highway 2 access. 6.4.2 If the M.T. -C denies access to Highway 2 the significance of the Regional 'Road 57 access changes considerably. The approval of M.T.C. is also required for the Regional Road 57 access because it is within 1/2 mile of a King's Highway and serves a "place of assembly". 6.4.3 In order to make one or both of the entrances acceptable to the M.T.C. and the Region, road works will be required. These could include widenings for left turn storage lanes, right turn deceleration lanes and extension of 4 lane sections beyond access points. .. .4 �-1 o - 4 - 6.4.4 It may be necessary to modify the north half of the Highway 2/Regional Road 57 signalized intersection to an urban design standard. This would reduce operating speeds and reduce conflicts between accelerating traffic and vehicles using the proposed entrances. 6.4.5 The cost of the required roadworks will almost certainly be well in excess of $100,000 and will have to be paid for by the Town of Newcastle. 7.0 STORM DRAINAGE 7.1 The requirements for storm drainage have not been investigated but could result in a significant cost. These are the major servicing issues as we see them. If you have any questions, please call me. Yours very truly, W.A. Evans, P. Eng. Design Manager /rd Attach. cc: J. Baker G. Crawford D. McMullen K. Schipper M. Bellamy DURHAM April 7, 1986 The Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department Box 623 105 Consumers Or. Whitby, Ontario Canada,Lt N 6A3 x416►666-7721 Mayor John Winters Town of Newcastle vV.ATWELVETREES,P.Eng. Municipal Offices Commissioner of Works '40 Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario Please quote our ref: L 1 C 3A6 Dear Mayor Winters: RE: Servicing of Five Potential Arena Sites Newcastle (Bowmanville) Please find attached a copy of the staff memorandum outlining the information you have requested on the subject matter. Should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours truly CSL/ps V.A. Silgailis, . ng. Attach. Director of Engin ering a. ATTACt4mewr DURHAM Interoffice Memorandum T0: V.A. Silgailis, P. Eng. , Director of Engineering The Regional Municipality FROM: C.S. Lee, P. Eng. , Water & Sewer Design Engineer Of Durham_ DATE: April 7, 1985 RE: Servicing of Five Potential Arena Sites Newcastle (Bowmanville) - File: WAT-N-1-1 The following sumnarizes the availability of water supply and sanitary sewer service for five potential arena sites in Newcastle (Bowmanville) . Since the limits of these sites have not been specifically defined, the estimates for extension of services are only approximate. Also, these estimates do not include the cost of connections or any works required within the sites. For your reference, general locations of the sites with required sewer and watermain extensions are shown on the attached plans. SITE 1 - SOUTHWEST CORNER OF HWY. NO. 2 AND REGIONAL ROAD 57 Water Supply There are no existing watermains abutting this site. In order to provide municipal water supply, it would be necessary to construct a watermain extension on Waverly Road and on easement from Coleman Street to Highway 2 and on Highway 2 from the C.P.R. tracks to Regional Road 57. Because of the high elevation of the site, it would also be necessary to construct a booster pumping station to provide adequate pressure. These works would provide adequate water supply for both domestic use and fire protection. The estimated costs of constructing these services are as follows: Watermain - $275,000 Booster Pumping Station - $215,000 Sanitary Sewer Servicing There are no existing sanitary sewers abutting this site. In order to provide sanitary sewer service, it would be necessary to construct a sanitary sewer extension on easement from the existing sanitary sewer on Waverly Road to Highway 2 and on Highway 2 from the C.P.R. Tracks to Regional Road 57. The esti,,,+ 'hP Pxtension is $250,000. t4 �'�3rr.+a�,�tn fe,,�`• r;/'M.��'e:wws v�-.rr -a Page 2SCHOOL SITE 2 ADJACENT TO THE BOWMANVILLE HIGH ._....- SI__ _ 1 the eXisting 150 mm watermain on Water Su serviced by This site can be adequately Liberty Street• Sanitary Sealer Servicing. 600 mm sanitary sewer on serviced by the existing Tcan be his site it would be necessary Street. this site, Liberty elevation °f the sanitary sewer* because of the low building to However,the sewage from the EAST OF SPRY AVENUE to pump ROAD AND _ BASELINE CREEK SITE 3 - NORTH OF T gOWMANVILLE IN THE RAVINE A ly the existing 300 mm watermain on Water Su serviced by This site can be adeQuately Baseline Road. sanitary sewer °n Sewer Servicin 600 mm this site, it Sanitary the xis low elevation of the sanitary This site can beHoweer'ver yicedbecause ewage from the building to Baseline Road• Pump th would be necessary to p flood plain' ;ewer. this site is within the R_O�- noted that AND BASELINE It should be LIBERTY STREET SOUTHEAST CORNER OF - SITE 4 w Water Supatermain on I y quately serviced by the existing 400 mm This site can be ade Baseline Road. sanitary sewers On would Sewer Servicing trunk Site, Sanitary the existing of the sewer• be serviced by to the low bui�d�n9 to the sanitary This site can However, due a from the mm sanitary a, Liberty StrQeo pump the sewage the exist is 900 than th' necessary this sewer is lower be ne could be $erviced by However this site Since require d• alon9 War AlternatelY2 along Soper Creek- . would $e ere extension sewer on easemen`iberty Street, puma sanitary trunk sewers on to construct sewer, from the building to the sanitary it would 30,000• Street of this extension �s $ The estimated cost ... rea'eT*'°"....�^.¢'•-.. .: '. :.. fir. „'„•..•+!S!•'"�r" � "'� Wit.'. •` )4 — Page r—Page 3 SITE 5 - NORTHWEST CORNER OF BASELINE ROAD AND WAVERLY ROAD Water Supply The site can be adequately serviced by the existing 300 mm watermain on Waverly Road. Sanitary Sewer Servicing This site can be adequately serviced by the existing 250 mm sanitary sewer on Baseline Road. C.S. Lee PU/jg HYDRO AND GAS REQUIREMENTS Z-- ` r.7- TOWN OF NEWCASTLE WRRANDUM 457 Members of Arena Sub-Committee T0; Lawrence E. Kotseff, M.C. I.P. , Chief Administrative Officer FR(JM; Joseph P. Caruana, Deputy Director of Community Services DATE: December 8, 1986 SUBJECT: HYDRO REQUIREMENTS - NEW ARENA A meeting was held on Tuesday, December 2nd with Mrs. M. Gordon, (Marketing Rep.) , Mr. John Coffey (Customer Service Supervisor) and the undersigned to discuss Hydro requirements and related installation charges at the proposed new arena site at Hwy.#2 and Regional Road #57. The following items were discussed: Complete Hydro Services It is estimated that complete hydro service could be made available to the site by August of 1987. Construction Power Ontario Hydro will make construction power available to the site whenever required. Transformer The trans mer must be ordered (by Ontario Hydro) from six to nine months prior to its intended hook-up. A signed contract is required prior to placing the order for the transformer. The municipality will provide the anticipated maximum load requirement to determine the size of transformer required to service the site. There is no charge to the municipality if an above ground transformer is installed. However, if the Town should decide to install an underground system, the Municipality would be responsible for the difference in cost (approx. $5,000.) from that of an above ground system. Transformer Base a the responsibility of the municipality to install a t w� a so pre-cast base to support the installation of the transformer. Cost is estimated at $700.00. Hydro Cables It will -66e the responsibility of the municipality to supply and install the primary underground cables for the service required (4 cables at a cost of $12.00 per meter each - $48.00 per meter) . Our preliminary site plan indicates that the building envelope could be situated approximately seventy-six (76) meters from regional road #57. Cost for cables is 76m x $48.00/m = $3,648.00 5- 2 Page 2. Termination Charges A termination (hook-up) charge will also be assumed by the municipality at a cost of $1,135.00. Costing Recap Underground Transformer $5,000.00 Cables $3,648.00 Transformer Base $ 700.00 Termination Charges $1,135.00 Total Estimate $10,483.00 1 have attached a follow-up letter received from Ontario Hydro confirming discussions at our meeting of December 2nd, 1986. Information related to Hydro rates and operating costs at Harman Park Arena (Twin Pad) in Oshawa are also included. I trust this information is complete. 9JC:sa Encl . 0 53 7fa�`O by Box 98, Scugog Road, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3K8 December 2, 1986 Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance St. , Bowmanville, Ontario. L1C 3A6 Attention of Mr. J. Caruana Dear Sirs: Re: Proposed Arena Complex Lot 15, Conc. 1, Darlington Twp. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to discuss with you the various heating options available and power supply requirements for the proposed arena at corner of R.R. 57 and Hwy. 2. Construction power is readily available. Ontario Hydro will provide 3 phase power to the site at no cost to the Town of Newcastle. The transformer will also be supplied free of charge_ There is a charge of $1135.00 for Ontario Hydro to terminate your 28 KV 3 0 primary cables at the transformer and at our distribution system. Please advise what your secondary voltage requirements will be - 600/347 or 120/208. We will also require your total connected kilowatt/horsepower load prior to ordering the transformer for your service. Please keep in mind that, delivery of the transformer is six to nine months following date of ordering. The Town of Newcastle will supply and install the 28 KV primary underground cables from our system to the transformer and all civil costs related to the installation, including a precast base for the transformer. See the attached specifications. (approxi- mate cost $700.00) . V%M D EC 3 1966 TOWN Of NEWCASTLE Cornmunity Services Dept. Telephone 623-2561 -2- Town of Newcastle Dec. 2/86 To reduce your operating costs we suggest that the metering of the future lighting for the baseball diamonds, be done through the arena service. Please note that Ontario Hydro 3 phase electricity rates are approximately 9% - 10% higher than those of Newcastle H.E.C. , not 25% as reported in local newspapers. We have also enclosed comparisons on operating costs (rural rates versus Utility rates) for Harman Park Arena in Oshawa as requested by your councillor Mr. H. McKnight. As discussed, we have confirmed arrangements for you and councillor KcKnight to view the Cantherm ground source heat pump installation in the Otonabee Arena at Keene, Thursday December 11/86. As 'our guests, you will have the opportunity (over lunch) to discuss the installation with Mr. John Andela, the installing contractor. We recognize this type of system as one of the most energy efficient systems available for an arena application. Please supply us with the name of your consultant and a set of your drawings as soon as they are available. Yours truly, J.M. Gordon JMG:bb Marketing Representative . Lakeshore Area Enc. P.S. See you at 11:15 a.m. , Thursday, Dec. 11/86. c.c. Mr. J.F. Coffey Mr. R.M. Fitzsimmons Box 98, Scugog Road, Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 3K8 Newcastle HEC Commercial-Rates-_-1986 Monthly Energy-Charge First 250 Kwhr @ 7 . 8�: Next 12250 Kwhr @ 4 . 82 Balance per Kwhr @ 3 . 43, Demand-Charge First 50 Kw or less - no charge Balance per Kw - $3 . 47 Ontario Hydro Commercial Rates - 1986 Monthly Energy-Charge First 250 Kwhr @ 14 . 4 Next 10 , 900 Kwhr @ 5 . 5(� Next 1 , 506 , 600Kwhr @ 3 . 44 All additional per Kwhr @ 2 . 03( DemandCharge First 50 Kw or less - no charge Next 4 , 950 Kw @ $4 . 60 Balance per Kw @ $8 . 88 Minimum bill $6 . 75* * plus 60rI per kw of maximum demand or contracted amount in excess of 50 kw established in previous 11 months Telephone 623-2561 o� Box 98, Scugog Road, Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 3K8 RATE COMPARISON 20 , 000 Kwhrs 70 Kw Based on 1986 rates Rural Energy 250 @ 1-4 . 4( = 36 . 00 10 , 900 @ 5 . 5G = 599 . 50 8 , 850 @ 3 . 44 = 304 . 44 Demand 70Kw - 50Kw ( free ) = 20Kw @ $4 . 60 = 92 . 00 Total Charge - 939 . 94 + 92 . 00 = $1031 . 94 Newcastle HEC -------------- Energy 250 @ 7 . 8(� = 19 . 50 12 , 250 @ 4 . 82 = 590 . 45 7 , 500 @ 3 . 43 = 257 . 25 Demand 70 Kw - 50Kw ( free ) = 20Kw @ $3 . 47 = 69 . 40 Total Charge - $867 . 20 + 69 . 40 = $936 . 60 Rural Rates 9% higher than Utility. Telephone 623-2561 s-7 1, lr i 1 �,�.: ., �n� Ir c 60 �r JJ i t) IG . 30 KIAJ A Brookiin Concrete Products Limited BROOKLIN NEWMARKET HUNTSVILLE HALIBURTON O BCP 114_ P O Box 370 P.O Box 114 P.O. Box 599 P.O. Box 818 Hwy. 12 Yonge Street Hwy. 11 Hwy. 121 LOB ICO L3Y 4W3 POA 1 K KOM 1S0 (416) 655-3311 (416)895-2373 (705) 789-2338 (705) 457-1395 (Tor)683-8729 72 I i Precast Concrete Transformer Threaded Insert Box Pad BCP 114 72N 60~ L)1 ' w I 6 6+�--- —6U - 16 { �-�-- —72� 72" "E 33�—�� 4 33--�3�-- �3 -33" �--}-� 33--�-13 — I 2� Dia. I Lifting Hole ( I I 49' ( I 484 36 ---1 --- -- r-- � I I I I I 18` I I —� 6�--18» —24--{--187----4 Er 6� 18 — 24 18 SPECIFICATIONS • Concrete minimum strength - 4500 psi • Threaded inserts • Steel reinforced • Total weight 5700 lbs. • Openings and knockouts - as per dwg. • Reference/notes 9 Lifting holes 1131 Brooklin Concrete Products Limited BCP 114A BROOKLIN NEWMARKET HUNTSVILLE HALIBURTON P.O. Box 370 P.O. Box 114 P.O. Box 599 P.O. Box 818 & 114 B Hwy. 12 Yonge Street Hwy. 11 Hwy. 121 LOB 1CO L3Y 4W3 POA 1K0 KOM 1 S (416)655-3311 (416) 895-2373 (705) 789-2338 (705)457-1395 (Tor)683-8729 Precast Concrete Transformer Pad BCP 114A M O 2 17—•— G 72" — 44 ' 78 I ' 6� Precast Concrete Transformer Base BCP 114B 78' s SPECIFICATIONS 2242 lbs. • Concrete minimum strength -4500 psi • Total weight- 3168 lbs. • Steel reinforced • Reference/notes • Openings - as per dwg. Box 98, Scugog Road, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3K8 December 9, 1986 Town of Newcastle 40 Temperence Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3A6 Attention: Mr. J. Caruana Dear Sirs: Re: Proposed Arena Complex Lot 15, Conc. 1, Darlington Twp. In our letter of December 2, 1986, we indicated that Ontario Hydro would supply the pad mount transformer free of charge. We wish to advise that our policy was interpreted incorrectly and that a charge .of approximately $5,000.00 will apply. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Yours truly, /John'F. Coffey Customer Service Supervisor Lakeshore Area JMGordon:bap Telephone 623-2561 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE i nYORANDUM 458 Members of Arena Sub-Committee TO: Lawrence E. Kotseff, M.C. I.P. , Chief Administrative Officer FROM: Joseph P. Caruana, Deputy Director of Community Services DATE: December 8, 1986 SUBJECT: GAS REQUIREMENTS - PROPOSED ARENA SITE A meeting was held between Mr. Ivan Luke (Sales Rep. ) of Consumers Gas and the undersigned on Friday, December 5, 1986. The possibility of utilizing natural gas at the proposed arena site at Hwy. #2 and Regional Road #57, related costs and time frames was discussed. The following is offered for information: Lead Time/Service Availability It is estimated that Consumers Gas would require at least six (6) months lead time prior to making gas service available at the proposed arena site. The main line would be installed to the entrance of the site, at no cost to the municipality. Service Line It was suggested that a two (2) inch service line, be installed to meet requirements of the facility. Consumers Gas will assume all costs for installing this pipe line for 30 meters (from the road to the building envelope) . Any distance further than 30 meters will be charged to the municipality at a cost of $32.50/meter. It is estimated from our preliminary site plan that the building envelope would be approx. 76 meters from Regional Road #57. Therefore, cost of gas line would be 46 meters @ $32.50/meter = $1,495.00. There would be no other costs (other than the above figure) associated with the installation of a gas line to the facility. I trust this information is complete. l JPC:sa ... may. .... , 12- 101 Consumers Drive 1 Consumers Place,Box 658 Whitby,Ontario L1 N 1 C4 Peterborough,Ontario K9J 6Z8 Tel.(416)668-9341 Tel.(705)745-3261 Consumers'Gas 1986 12 05 Whitby, Ontario Mr. J. Caruana Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6. In response to our meeting this morning, I wish to confirm the following: The Consumers' Gas Company Ltd., will be prepared to supply natural gas to your proposed new Arena project at the N/W corner of Highway #2 and Regional Road #57. Since there is extensive road work being done in this area, and we anticipate the necessity of extending the existing gas main to serve the project, we request six months notice prior to the time when natural gas would be used. We will provide 30 metres of 2" service from property line to building at no cost. Any remaining service requirements would be subject to a cost of $32.50 per metre. There will be no cost in locating a metering station on the outside of the building. If further information is required in this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Yours truly, `cwt r Ivan Luke Industrial/Commercial Sales Representative IL:ca PLANNING POTENTIAL OF GENERAL AREA (PREFERRED SITE) AND COST RECOVERY POSSIBILITIES r Larry Kotseff, Chief Administrative Officer ARENA PROJECT Page 4 2. PLANNING POTENTIAL - THE GENERAL AREA AND POSSIBLE COST RECOVERIES The proposed site at the corner of Regional Road No. 57 and Highway No. 2 is located immediately north of the urban boundary of Bowmanville and lands to the north of the site and west are designated "Major Open Space" by the Durham Regional Official Plan. !� The subject site and lands to the north were orginally proposed for inclusion within the Urban Area of Bowmanville (Study Area No. 13), however, as a result of the preparation of the Durham Regional Official Plan, it was determined that the area should not be included as part of the Bowmanville Urban envelope. The lands immediately to the east of Regional Road No. 57 have been developed for a church site on private services as have the lands at the southwest corner of Highway No. 2 and Regional Road No. 57. _The southeast corner of this intersection is located within the Bowmanville Urban Area and is designated "Minor Open Space". This designation reflects the unsuitability of the site for residential development because of the proximity of the rail line and two major roads and the fact that municipal services are not immediately available to this site. The Region has indicated that water and sanitary sewer can be provided to the proposed arena site from existing services located at the intersection of Waderley Road and Old Highway No. 2. Extension of these services to the proposed Arena site could benefit both the properties located on the southeast and northeast corners dependent upon the design of the services. In that regard, if the pumping station for water is located at the arena site, neither of these properties would benefit. However, if the pumping station is located at the present terminus of the water system, any property located between it and the arena site could receive the benefit of this extension. It could be expected that the property on the southeast corner would be required to make a contribution towards this service, however, it is unlikely that the church on the northeast corner would want to contribute unless they experience problems with their existing water supply or propose additional development on their site. Lands to the north and west of the arena site, as wel l as those to the south and west, must rely, due to the size of existing sanitary sewers, upon a future trunk sewer to be constructed along a route paralleling the 401 to Martin Road and thence north through future residential development to Highway No. 2. There is therefore, no perceived benefit to these properties by extending sanitary sewer to the arena site. Similarly, due to the fact that the area north of the Canadian Pacific Rail line is within a second water pressure zone, any benefits resulting from construction of the proposed watermain extension would be limited by the size of the pumping . . .5 Larry Kotseff, Chief Administrative Officer —� ARENA PROJECT Page 5 station and the existing infra-structure. Given these considerations, it would not seem practical or in the best interests of the municipality to consider redesignation of lands north and west of Highway No. 2 for development. If, however, an appropriate development proposal is submitted for the southeast corner, or the church' s vacant lands on the northeast corner of Highway No. 2 and Highway No. 57, some opportunity would exist for cost sharing assuming firstly, oversizing of the system to accommodate these sites, secondly that the Town is willing to front-end the cost of installing the services in the absence of such development proposals and thirdly, the Region's standard endeavour to collect agreement with the Town. 3. OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING CONSIDERATIONS As discussed with you, a number of sites were considered as possibilities for the arena proposal . These sites are identified below with a brief comment as to Official Plan and zoning considerations. Site 1 - Highway No. 2/Regional Road No. 57 (northwest corner) This site is designated "Major Open Space" by the applicable Official Plans and the development of a community facility at this location would conform to the policies of the Official Plans: By-law 84-63 of the Town of Newcastle provides an exemption from the zoning provisions for public uses. This site is therefore, also considered to be in conformity with the Zoning By-law. Site 2 - Baseline Road/Martin Road (northwest corner) The subject site is designated "Minor Open Space" with the presence of "Hazard Lands"; the hazard being the presence of a flood plain related to a small creek which tra.overses the property. The intent of the Official Plan is to preserve the natural environment for use of passive recreational activities compatible with the area. In consideration of the presence of the "Hazard Lands" , the site is zoned "Environmental Protection (EP)" by By-law 84-63. In consideration of the- policies of the Official Plan, an Engineering Study would be required to ascertain whether or not the effects of the hazard on this site can be mitigated to permit development. In addition, an amendment to the Official Plan would be required to designate this as a community park site. Site 3 - Bowmanville High School The subject site is designated as a "Community Park" site by the Newcastle Official Plan. The siting of an arena at this location would conform with the intent of the Official Plan and the provisions of By-law 84-63 which permits public uses within any zone. . . .6 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS REFER TO SECTION 13 VARIOUS ALTERNATIVES AVAILABLE g - I Debenture Process Once an option has been selected, an application to the Ontario Municipal Board requesting approval of a $3,000,000 debenture issue will be submitted. Discussions with representatives at the Ontario Municipal Board indicate that the Town is well within the quota established and approval would be at the discretion of the Board. Fi ::=.. UPDATE COSTS OF CONSTRUCTING THE PROJECT W`��utlwtED(�'A"O Q� r TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 1 U Evl A DUM 467 Lawrence E. Kotseff, M.C. I.P. , Chief Administrative Officer TO: Members of Arena Sub-Committee FROM: Joseph P. Caruana, Deputy Director of Community Services DATE: December 9, 1986 SUBJECT: UPDATE COSTS OF CONSTRUCTING ARENA PROJECT Information supplied was received from the consulting firms which will be asked to make a formal presentation on their proposal . Estimated costs were received based on the following criteria: a) Cost of SINGLE PAD ARENA - 33,800 sq. ft.(stand alone-no hook-ups) b) Cost of SINGLE PAD ARENA- 33,800 sq. ft.(stand alone-with hook-ups) c) Cost of TWIN PAD ARENA- 55,800 sq. ft.(second pad - 22,000 sq. ft.) d) Cost of SINGLE PAD ARENA & BANQUET FACILITY - 40,800 sq. ft. e) Cost pf TWIN PAD ARENA & BANQUET FACILITY - 62,800 sq. ft. f) Cost of FURNISHINGS & EQUIPMENT (ARENA ONLY) g) Cost of FURNISHINGS & EQUIPMENT (ARENA and BANQUET FACILITY) Please note with respect to the furnishings and equipment separate estimates were offered with respect to arena equipment, banquet hall (partially equipped) and banquet hall (fully equipped) . A partially equipped hall would allow for a service to be offered where the individual group may serve a meal which is prepared outside the facility, a fully equipped hall would allow for complete catering and preparation within the facility. ../2 ir A I E PAD A NA I TWIN PAD WITH I FURNISHINGS & EQUIP. SINGLE PAD ( CONSULTANTS (NO HOOK-UPS) (WITH HOOK-UPS) I I &(WITH HOOK-UPS BANQUET BANQUET FAC.BANQI ARENA BAPARTIALALFUILY EQUIPPEI L I 2.3M - 2.8M 2.4M - 2.9M 3.5M - 4.4M 2.7M - MM � 3.9M - 4.9M � N/A I N/A � N/A I A I 68.00-83.00/sq.ft.l 71.00-86.00/sq.ftl 63.00-79.00/sq 66.00-83.00/sq. l 62.00-78.00/ ;.::.:::;:•'• ft.l ft.I sq.ft.i I 1 I I 8M I4.7M 100,000 50,000- UP to 8 3 2.4M 4.3M 2 6800/sq.ft. 71.00/sq.ft. 77.00/sq.ft. 69.00/sq.ft. 75.00/sq.ft. 100,000 400,0 00 I I I I 3.5M 2.1M -•2.7M 3.2M - 4M 150,000 50,000- 2 000 1.6M - 2.1M 1.7M - 2.2M 2.8M 100,000 400, 000 C 47.00-62.00/sq.ft� 50.00-65.00/sq.fq 50.00-63.00/ I 51.00-66.00/sq. 51.00-64.00/ I I I sq.ft.I ft. ( sq.ft. I I I I d Out Hand Out I Hand Out I Hand Out I Hand I atnmtgut Hand out atnmtg; atnmtq. D I at mtg. I at mtg. I at mtg. I g I I I I I £i. �•-ter:: Jo q-3 Update Costs of Constructing Arena Project Cont'd. . . Page 2. Additional information with respect to costing of various projects which have been recently completed is also offered for consideration. I trust this information is complete. i JPC:sa Encl . i, a) Erin Mills Twin Arena - City of Mississauga Size 62,000 sq. ft. Meeting Room (with kitchen facilities) capacity 100 Seating Capacity 300 Total Project Cost $4,200,000 ( 1984) Cost per square foot $67.75 (1984) b) Picton Arena - Picton Single Pad Arena Seating Capacity 650 Community Hall capacity 400 Total Project Cost $2,500,000 (1985) c) Burlington Twin Pad - City of Burlington Size 57,000 sq. ft. Seating Capacity 750 & 250 total 1,000 Meeting Room capacity 20 Land Acquisition $500,000 Building Cost $3,750,000 (1986) Total Project Cost $4,450,000 (1986) Cost per sq. ft.(building) $66.00 sq.ft. (1986) d) Lindsay Twin Pad Arena - Town of Lindsay Size 62,000 sq. ft. Seating Capacity 1000 (one pad only) -Meeting Room (2) Capacity 15 - 20 each Community Hall Capacity 250 Building Cost $4,100,000 (1986) Cost per sq. ft. (building) $66.00 sq.ft. (1986) NOTE - Lindsay Arena is scheduled for construction in 1987. . lo ZONING ISSUES FOR VARIOUS SITES to - f Larry Kotseff, Chief Administrative officer ARENA PRWEGT P age 5 station and the existing infra-structure. Given these considerations, it would not seem practical or in the best interests of the municipality to consider redesignation of lands north and west of Highway No. 2 for development. If, however, an appropriate development proposal is submitted for the southeast corner, or the church' s vacant lands on the northeast corner of Highway No. 2 and Highway No. 57 , some opportunity would exist for cost sharing assuming firstly, oversizing of the system to accommodate these sites, secondly that the Town is willing to front-end the cost of installing the services in the absence of such development proposals and thirdly, the Region' s standard endeavour to collect agreement with the Town. 3. OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING CONSIDERATIONS As discussed with you, a number of sites were considered as possibilities for the arena proposal . These sites are identified below with a brief comment as to Official Plan and zoning considerations. Site 1 - Highway No. 2/kegional Road No. 57 (northwest corner) This site is designated Major Open Space by the applicable Official Plans and the development of a community facility at this location would conform to the policies of the Official Plans. By-law 84-63 of the I-own of Newcastle provides an exemption from the zoning provisions for public uses. This site is therefore, also considered to be in conformity with the Zoning By-law. Site 2 - Baseline Road/Martin Road (northwest corner) The subject site is designated "Minor Open Space" with the presence of "Hazard Lands"; the hazard being the presence of a fl ood plain related to a small creek which tranverses the property. The intent of the Ufficial Plan is to preserve the natural environment for use of passive recreational activities compatible with the area. In consideration of the presence of the "Hazard Lands" , the site is zoned "Environmental Protection (EP)" by By-law 84-63. In consideration of the policies of the Official Plan, an Engineering Study would be required to ascertain whether or not the effects of the hazard on this site can be mitigated to permit development. In addition, an amendment to the Official Plan would be required to designate this as a community park site. Site 3 - Bowmanville High School The subject site is designated as a "Community Park" site by the Newcastle Official Plan. The siting of an arena at this location would conform with the intent of the Official Plan and the provisions of By-law 84-63 which permits public uses within any zone. .. .6 Larry Kotseff, Chief Administrative Officer _ ARENA PROJECT Page 6 Site 4 - Schwarz Brothers Farm (Baseline Road and Spry Avenue) The subject site is designated "Major Open Space" with the presence of "Hazard Lands"; the hazard in this case being a significant flood plain related to the Bowmanville Creek. As with Site 2, an Engineering Study would be required to ascertain the limitations imposed upon the site by the flooding. The policies of the Newcastle Official Plan provide that "Major Open Space" areas shall be used in accordance with the provisions of the Durham Regional Official Plan; in which case, it would not be necessary to designate this area as a Community Park to be developed for an arena. As with the other sites the provisions of the Zoning By-law permit public uses in any zone. Site 5 - Sod Farm (Liberty Street North) This site is located on the west side of Liberty Street, north of the existing built up area of Bowmanville and is designated "Residential" by the Newcastle Official Plan. An Official Plan Amendment would be required to designate the lands for a community park site, however, the provisions of By-law 84-63, relative to public uses, would not necessitate a rezoning. Site 6 - Baseline Road/Spry Avenue (northwest corner) The subject site is designated "Residential " by the Newcastle Official Plan and is currently the subject of a residential plan of subdivision. The easterly portion of the site is subject to a hazard related to the floodplain of the Bowmanville Creek and an Engineering Study would be required to ascertain whether or not the hazard can be overcome. An Official Plan Amendment would be required to designated the site as a Community Park site, however, the Zoning By-law, as with the other sites, permits public uses in all zones. Site 7 - Baseline Road East of Liberty Street This site on the south side of Baseline Road is designated "Major Open Space" with the presence of "Hazard Lands", the hazard in this case being a significant flood plain related to the Soper Creek. The comments relative to Site 4 would also apply to this site. I trust that the foregoing information is sufficient and I _enclose herewith a copy of the outstanding items list with the cost implications related to each of the foregoing identified thereon. T. Edwards *jip Attach. CC: Councillor Hal McKnight CC: G. Ough, Director of Public Works CC: J. Caruana, Deputy Director Community Services CONSULTANT SELECTION TOWN OF NEWCASTLE u 4 M RANDUM 468 Lawrence E. Kotseff, M.C.I.P. , Chief Administrative Officer TO: Members of Arena Sub-Committee FROM: Joseph P. Caruana, Deputy Director of Community Services DATE: December 9, 1986 SUBJECT: CONSULTANT COSTS The short listed consultants were asked to provide information with respect to hourly or daily charges of the firms staff. The following is offered for consideration: Totten Sims & Hubicki : Draftsman 200.00 per day - 25-00 per hour Architects 500.00 per day - 62.50 per hour Technical Staff 500.00 per day - 62.50 per hour Barry Associates Ltd. : Project Manager 75.00 per hour Draftsman 25.00 - 46.00 per hour Architect 56.00 per hour Designer 46.00 per hour Technical Staff 63.00 per hour Phillips Barrett Kaiser: Principles 70.00 per hour Senior Engineers 45.00 per hour A. J. Graham Associates: Information Pending The firm which have not provided figures will attempt to make them available prior to the meeting of December 15, 1986. With respect to the cost of each consultant, I have been informed that the rates quoted in each case are as stipulated in the respective proposals at this particular point in time. The following is offered as contained in each of the respective proposals. Estimated Project Value is based on most recent information. . ./2 H - z Consultant Costs Cont'd. . . Page 2. CONSULTANT FEE CONSULTANT FEE FIRM RATE ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUE DESIGN TENDER DESIGN BUILD Totten Sims Hubicki 6.25%(cost) 4.4 M (average) 275,000 N/A Phillips Barrett Kaiser 5.5% (cost) 4.7 M (average) 258,500 142,000 - 155,000 Barry Associates 7.3% (cost) 3.6 M (average) 262,800 90,250 A. J. Graham N/A N/A 200,000- 218,000 160,000 - 170,000 I trust this information is complete. JPC:sa i DESIGN/CONSTRUCTION METHOD SELECTION TO BE DETERMINED AFTER CONSULTANT INTERVIEWS VARIOUS ALTERNATIVES AVAILABLE Various Alternatives Available Staff have considered the financing requirements for this project and Schedule "A" attached, presents six different options. The first four relate to site at Highway 2 & 57 and and the last two to the site at Baseline - Martin Road area. Based on funding figures currently available, i.e. Wintario, Ontario Hydro etc. , estimated 1986 surplus and projected lot levy revenue for 1987 as provided by the Planning Department, various funding proposals shown on schedule "A' , are suggested. On reviewing these options, it should be noted, that options 3 & 4 would require a tax levy. If this levy were spread over two years and 1985 assessment figures were utilized, realizing that as the assessment increases the mill rate will decrease, the effect would be as follows per year. Mill Rate Increases (3) (4) Amount to be raised 190,920 4201250 1985 Assessment base 37,815,536 37,815,536 Commercial Mill Rate 5.05 11.11 Residential Mill Rate 4.29 9.45 The impact on the tax rate has not been considered beyond the current term of Council. Section 64 of the Ontario Municipal Board Act, does not authorize the Municipality to proceed with or provide any moneys for any undertaking of which the cost or any portion thereof is to be raised in a year or years subsequent to the terms for which the Council then in office was elected, without first obtaining the Board's approval. The information indicates that if a single or twin pad arena were to be built at the Baseline-Martin Road site, utilizing the existing community hall,operated by the Baseline Community Hall Board the overall cost of the facility would be approximately $1.1 million less than a similar facility constructed at the site at Highway 2 and Regional Road No. 57. However, it should be realized that this site is considerably smaller than the site at Highway #2 and Regional Road #57 and would limit the Town's flexibility for future recreation facilities unless additional lands which are adjacent to this site are made available or acquired. SCHEDULE A "- ARENA PROJECT - FUNDING HIGHWAY #2 & REGIONAL ROAD #57 1 BASELINE - MARTIN ROAD (1) (2) 3 5 ) SINGLE SINGLE PAD TWIN TWIN PAD ; SINGLE PAD TWIN PAD PAD COMMUNITY HALL PAD COMMUNITY HALL ; COMMUNITY HALL COMMUNITY HALL COSTS ' Land 225,000 225,000 225,000 225,000 ; - - Con- 2,500,000 31100,000 3,900,000 41500,000 ; 2,500,000 3,900,000 struction Costs Site 764,640 818,900 813,740 868,000 ; 864,640 913,740 Preparation SERVICES Water - 520,000 520,000 520,000 Wells 70,000 - - - Septic System 75,000 75,000 100,000 100,000 ; - - Sewer - - - - ; 300,000 300,000 UTILITIES Hydro & Gas 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 ; 17,000 17,000 CONSULTANT'S FEE i Design- 175,000 202,000 238,000 260,000 ; 175,000 238,000 Tender Approach % Fee (7.0) ' (6.5) (6.1) (5.8) i (7.0) (6.1) - TOTAL ' PROJECT ' i COSTS 3,826,640 4,957,900 5,813,740 6,490,000 ; 3,856,640 5,368,740 N SCHEDULE A -(PAGE 2) ARENA PROJECT •- FUNDING It HIGHWAY #2 & REGIONAL ROAD #57 1 BASELINE - MARTIN ROAD (1) (2) 3 i 5 ) I SINGLE SINGLE PAD TWIN TWIN PAD ; SINGLE PAD TWIN PAD PAD COMMUNITY HALL PAD COMMUNITY HALL ; COMMUNITY HALL COMMUNITY HALL . I I FUNDING WINTARIO I I -Arena 625,000 625,000 625,000 625,000 ; 625,000 625,000 -Hall - 200,000 - 200,000 ; - - I I Ontario - - 180,000 180,000 i - 180,000 Hydro I I Sale - 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 ; 175,000 175,000 Old Arena I I I Fundraising 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 ; 750,000 750,000 I OTHER REVENUE I COMMUNITY SERVICE LOT LEVY I NEWCASTLE 381,500 381,500 381,500 381,500 ; 381 ,500 381 ,500 COURTICE 35,200 52p800 70,400 88,000 ; 35,200 70,400 % COURTICE L.L. 10% 15% 20% 25% i 10% 20% I I 1986 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 ; 250,000 250,000 SURPLUS I i I :.. DEBENTURE 1 ,609,940 2,523,600 3,000,000 3,000,000 ; 1,639,940 2,936,840 I TAX LEVY - - 381 ,840 840,500 ; - - nirn+: TOTAL REVENUE $3,826,640 $4,957,900 $5,813,740 $6,490,000 ; $3,856,640 $523682740 13 - - Notes to Schedule "A" 1) Site Plan Costs identified in Section 3 have been pro-rated for parking and concrete curbing on the basis of the various alternatives being considered. All these costs were considered to be applicable to all alternatives including access cost estimated at $100,000. In addition $100,000 was added to alternatives 5 and 6 because of the nature of this site relative to the flood plain. This latter aspect would require more detailed examination with the Conservation Authority (refer to Schedule 'B" and "C" attached relating to this matter). 2) Consultants Fee Rates used are based on the schedule of recommended fees established by the Professional Association of Architects of Ontario. 3) Wintario Application for funding with respect to the community hall component is possible in accordance with letter dated October 9, 1986 from the Ministry of Tourism and Recreation. 4) Ontario Hydro Contribution in the amount of $180,000 is based upon construction of a second ice pad. CjG4EOUL.E G.L.TOTTEN B.Sc., P.Eng. R.E. SIMS B.A.Sc.,P.Eng. J.M. HUBICKI B.A.Sc., OAA, P.Eng. R.L. WINDOVER M.Sc.,P.Eng. Ll P.C. EBERLEE BA.Sc., P.Eng. CONSULTANTS TOTTEN SIMS HUBICKI ASSOCIATES(1981)LIMITED 1A KING STREET EAST P.O.BOX 398, COBOURG ' totten suns hubicki associates ONTARIO CANADA K9A 41.1 (416)372-2121 Mr. Jan Devantier R.D.M.R. Director Department of Community Services, Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LIC 3A6 July 2, 1986 Dear Sir, Re: Engineering Info on Arena Site, Baseline Road and Martin Road, Bowmanville. The time alotted to review the site and research your questions is very brief. Much more detailed research is necessary to confirm our comments. From our knowledge of the area and a site inspection we present the following response (numbered as per your letter) . 1. Ground conditions at the site do not appear unusual. Marsh conditions appear only close to the small watercourse which runs North/South through the site. Techniques are available to design foundations for practically all ground conditions. A soils investigation will be necessary prior to commencement of design. Unless unusual ground conditions are encountered we expect conventional footing design to be used for this site. 2. The question of damage to the parking lot from flooding due to its location within the flood plain will be dependent on the design elevation. The higher the parking lot surface the less likelyhood there is of damage from flooding. Research is required to determine flood level for a variety of storm design frequencies say S year, 10 year etc. and the frequency of flooding of the parking lot will be determined by the elevation chosen. cont'd. . . . .2 f} nuc 2 l9 U To W"4 OF Cornmurrit 9rTWC'4STEf Y S�rwiCeg eept. ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS AND PLANNERS Mr. Jan Devantier R.D.M.R. Director . . .2 July 2, 1986 The Conservation Authority has raised the matter of filling within the flood plains. The placing of fill within a flood plain is not readily accepted by the Conservation Authority without considerable back-up information on the effects of such an operation. A basic requirement of this type of operation entails the replacement of storage area lost within a reach by fill with an equal increased through cut operations depending on the degree of potential damage which might result from a rise in flood level. The Conservation Authority will require considerable documentation on the matter before approval is given if past experience in this type of operation holds true. In regard to the possible damage to the parking lot however note that Baseline Road traverses the flood plain and has not been damaged to our knowledge, by flooding in this area. The question of run off as an environmental concern has not been raised by "the Conservation Authority. Informal discussions with the Ministry of the Environment indicates that because the proposal involves a building, which will be d. . igned according to the requirements of the Building Code and because the playing fields and parking lot have a relatively low cost, the site is exempt from the requirements of the Environmental Assessment Act. We would caution however that construction of a large building such as this coupled with a large paved parking facility will increase run off considerably to the culvert on Baseline Road. This increased run off may be a cause of concern to the property owner immediately downstream where the outlet channel from the culvert is small in cross section and may easily overflow unless it is upgraded. We recommend that storm run off be handled by a storm sewer system to avoid the potential for erosion damage to fill embank- ments which can easily occur if water is allowed to run from the parking lot surface by sheet flow. This type of erosion damage, which we have witnessed on a number of sites, will be expensive to repair and inevitably re-occurs if the right precautions are not undertaken. 3. The question of backwater effect as mentioned in CLOCA's letter is likely caused by the Baseline Road embankment. The time frame cont'd. . . . .3 Mr. Jan Devantier R.D.M.R. Director . . .3 July 2, 1986 did not allow us to verify this through a review of the flood plain mapping. The matter of how much of the site is affected comes back to the question of how much fill can be placed. As it exists now most of the arena site and approximately half the ball diamond area lies outside the flood plain limits and would not be affected by the regional storm flooding. In summary we would advise that questions of increased run off, filling within flood plains and potential for flood damage are matters which require considerable review during design stage. While we feel that the potential for such problems arising on this site are not that great we nevertheless advise that every precaution be taken to provide a design that is sympathetic to existing conditions adjacent to the site. We trust these comments are of value in your deliberations and we would be pleased to provide any further assistance on this matter which you may require. Yours truly, R.A.Kempton P.Eng. RAK/db 10- LAKF r AF kp 1 e �° q r10 N p.J CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY 100 WHITING AVENUE,OSHAWA,ONTARIO L1H 3T3 (416) 579-0411 REF NO. April 7, 1986 Mayor John Winters, Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 \ Dea r S i r: Further to our recent meeting and subsequent discussion concern- ing two possible arena sites on Baseline Road in Bowmanville, I have looked at both sites and reviewed the Authority's floodplain mapping for each area, and advise as follows: Site A - North East corner of Spry Avenue and Baseline Road This site is flat valleyland presently in agricultural use within the catchment area of the Bowmanville Creek. it is also floodplain and hazard land and would be subject to flooding of approximately 8 to 9 feet under regional storm conditions. While there may be some potential to raise the building site by filling, or isolate it with a berm, these measures would likely be expensive undertakings, and require some detailed engineering investigation to show that such works would not detrimentally affect other property owners in the vicinity. Conversely, it may also be possible to arbitrarily reduce the flood elevations by adopting the 100 year flood standard as opposed to the current regional storm standard. Again, some preliminary engineering work would be required to see if this would alleviate the flooding potential of the site, but this kind of change in the standards should not be viewed as a short term endeavour. The full documentation on the approach to such a change is on file with the Town 's Planning Department, but considering all parameters, this site has the lesser potential , and the Authority could not recom- mend in its favour under the present circumstances. Continued. . . . . . .2 / CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Letter� to Mayor John Winters, r Town of Newcastle, April 7, 1986 Page 2 Site B - North West corner of Martin and Baseline Roads This site is characterized by a gently downward sloping plain to the west and presently appears to be in open space use. The easterly Portion of the site is above the regional storm floodplain of the Westside Creekandas the floodplain itself appears to result from the backwater effect, it would probably be possible to alter the flood-jo' lines by filling the area without significant effect tQ, other. ] 9 properties. With this considerationlplus„the' fact thatYthe Authority has already approved the community centre structure in this locale, 1 believe Authority staff could support an application for additional construction in this vicinity. Again, if some site grading that might alter the existing flood- lines is being contemplated, then the Authority would require engineer- ing evidence as to its impact on this reach of the creek,,, but this is' only a minor undertaking for this particular site; If any further elaboration may be required, please so advise. Yours truly, WMC:jt W. M. Campbell , Chief Administrative Officer. i.