HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN 41-86 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # Res. # - - _ By-Law # MEETING: COUNCIL DATE: MAY 12 1986 REPORT #: ADMIN. 41-86 FILE #: SUBJECT: BOWMANVILLE MEMORIAL ARENA FEASIBILITY STUDY RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that Council: 1 . Receive Administrator's report ADMIN. 41 - 86; 2. Authorize the expenditure of approximately $1500 from Contingency Account # 7007-298-X-9: to cover the cost of the structural engineering reports on the Bowmanville Arena as required by the Ministry of Labour; 3. Authorize staff to undertake no further preventative maintenance on the building pending the results of the structural analysis; 4. Request staff to report to either Council or the General Purpose and Administration Committee on the results of the structural analysis as soon as the consultant's report is available and request the consultant, Totten Sims Hubicki, to attend this meeting to discuss the results of the structural analysis; 5. Adopt Schedule "A" to this report as the criteria for the design of a new arena (Arena section of Figure 3 - 2 of Arena ADMIN. 41 - 86 -2- Feasibility Study) ; 6. Select one of the following options for the location of the proposed facility; A) Bowmanville High School Site; B) Baseline/Martin Road Site; 7. Adopt Schedule "B" of this report as the blueprint for the funding of said facility; 8. Advertise in local newspapers and send letters from the Community Services Department to user groups and concerned citizens to attend a fund raising organizational meeting and request the people attending the organizational meeting to establish a fundraising committee and plan to raise monies as targetted on Schedule "B" of this report; ($750,000) 9. Authorize the Treasurer to co-ordinate the non fundraising portion of the financial blueprint by meeting and communicating with other levels of government and other municipalities to ensure maximum access to all government programs and funding that might apply to the project; 10. Request the Hydro Liaison Chairman to table the funding of a new arena at the next meeting of the Hydro Liaison Committee; 11 . Authorize staff to submit the necessary Wintario Grant applications together with necessary documentation to the Ministry of Tourism and Recreation prior to the deadline, May 30th 1986. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: On the afternoon of May 7th 1986 the subcommitee on the Bowmanville Memorial Arena met to discuss options with respect to the replacement of the facilities. Members of Council will recall that at the May 5th 1986 General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting, Resolution #GPA-453-86 was approved requesting the committee to report within one week on the sites preferred (two) , the requested building components, capital funding and the operating costs. Staff have attached a copy of this resolution to this report for the information of Councillors. Staff have also attached a copy of a report presented to the sub-committee by the Director of Community Services with respect to the structural analysis that is currently being undertaken by ADMIN. 41 - 86 -3- Totten Sims Hubicki with respect to the current facilities. This work has been undertaken immediately as it is imperative to know the status of the arena at the earliest possible date. The recommendations provide for the funding of this work and a report to Council or the General Purpose and Administration Committee at the earliest opportunity. The attached Schedule "A" attempts to answer the question as to what components should be addressed in the facility. These components have been listed from Figure 3-2 of the Feasibility Study as prepared by ReThink Incorporated. At the sub-committee meeting of Wednesday, May 7th 1986, the Mayor presented an analysis of four sites which were originally felt feasible or worth examining. A copy of this analysis is provided for the information of Councillors. There was considerable discussion of the merits of various locations. It was felt that the site in the area of Highway 2 and 57 had to be eliminated because of the cost of extending piped services to the site. The second site to be eliminated was at the corner of Baseline Road and Spry Avenue. This was done based on the possible acquisition cost of the land, together with the floodplain problem that was identified through the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. For the information of members of Council staff have attached a copy of the April 7th 1986 letter to the Mayor with respect to the comments of the Authority. We have also attached a copy of an inter-office memorandum from Mr. Lee to Mr. Silgailis with respect to the servicing analysis. After these two sites were eliminated, considerable discussion took place with respect to the merits of the two remaining sites. Option "A" Using the criteria identified in Figure 3-2 Option "A" involves the siting of the facility at the Bowmanville High School and Fitness Centre. Option "A" would not require the initial acquisition of additional land as it would only utilize land currently owned by the School Board. There is sufficient room to site an arena and parking on the land currently owned by the School Board. ADMIN. 41 - 86 -4- In discussing this site, staff were requested by the sub-committee to obtain additional information with respect to servicing costs and traffic counts. Staff contacted Mr. Lee who indicated in his earlier memorandum, which is attached, that a pumping station may be necessary in connection with the Bowmanville High School site. Mr. Lee was unable to be specific as to what the cost might be. Mr. Lee stated that costs could vary from a negligible amount if the High School 's pumping capacity was able to handle the situation, to over one hundred thousand dollars, depending on the needs, i .e. stand-by pumps , power back up, distance to the main connection, etc. The traffic counts requested were on Highway #2, Liberty Street and Regional Road 57. Unfortunately we were not able to obtain information on Regional Road 57. However, on Liberty Street North, the eight hour vehicle count was 2, 139, afternoon peak between 4:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. was 513. The morning peak betrween 8:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. was 246. Highway #2 had an eight hour vehicle count of 4, 115. The afternoon peak of 975 and a morning peak of 284 vehicles. With respect to the road that may be required to upgrade at the school site, it is estimated that a ball park figure would be $250.00 per meter of road built. If access was to be gained through Wellington Street East and looped northerly into one of the existing access point, approximately 1 ,000 feet or 300 meters of road would be required at a minimum cost of $75,000. If the road comes north from King Street through land which would have to be acquired, the cost would be considerably higher. As background to the consideration of Option "A" it should be noted that on the evening of Thursday, May 8th 1986, Councillor Frank Stapleton, Mr. Jan Devantier and the writer met with the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education to discuss the possibility of utilizing a portion of their school site for the development of the arena complex. A presentation was made and thereafter questions were asked of the delegation. Naturally the Board had a number of concerns with respect �I i i ADMIN. 41 - 86 -5- to the relationship that might exist should they be willing to consider this proposal. After the presentation and the answering of questions, Board members were left to discuss the merits of the proposal . Staff were advised by a telephone conversation with Board Officials, that subsequent to our meeting the Board had passed the following resolutions: "That the Board enter into negotiations with the Town of Newcastle concerning the feasibility of constructing an Arena on the Bowmanville High School Site." We have asked that the Board send a copy of this resolution to the Town for our records. It was further noted that the Operations and Finance Committee of the Board will be holding a meeting at the Bowmanville High School on May 20th 1986 to further discuss this issue. Should the Operations and Finance committee have any direction coming forth from that meeting, they would present same to the full Board meeting scheduled for May 22nd 1986. As such, it can be said that the Board is prepared to negotiate with respect to the possibility of an arena being located adjacent to the Bowmanville High School. Option "B" Option "B" is the location of the facility as outlined in Figure 3-2 of the Feasibility Study, adjacent to the Baseline Community Centre at the corner of Baseline Road and Martin Road. Much of the land that would be acquired has minor environment protection considerations. The Conservation Authority has indicated in the attached letter that they would be willing to consider an application for development. Access would be gained off of Baseline Road. Services are available to the site. The site that would be acquired would be approximately twenty acres and would provide the long term option of developing high level baseball diamonds west of the arena and parking. The current owner of the property has indicated that he is prepared to provide the land to the Town without cost if certain density changes are granted to his property to the north, and that he receive credit for his parkland dedication for the developable land he is donating. Option "B" would have the arena sited to the east of the major drainage course on the property with parking to the west between the arena and the space reserved for ball diamonds. i ADMIN. 41 - 86 -6- Operating Costs It is difficult to estimate operating costs. Currently the Fitness Centre operates at an approximate operating deficit of $90,000 annually and the Bowmanville Arena has an operating deficit of approximately $40,000. The Director of Community Services will be shortly reporting on ways of reducing the operating deficit of the Fitness Centre. However, in comparingii Options "A" and "B" it is felt that Option "A "would provide the best opportunity for minimizing operating costs. Financial Considerations At the May 5th 1986 meeting discussion took place with respect to the funding of the arena. The Treasurer was instructed to provide a Funding Senario based upon the discussions that took place at the meeting and a fixed cost of approximately $2.8 million. The financial senario, Schedule "B" attached, also recognizes the fundraising level of $750,000 as identified by the sub-committee. As noted on Schedule "B" the estimated contributions from sources like Ontario Hydro and surplus land sales are estimates based on current knowledge. Detailed discussions with Ontario Hydro and the receipt of appraisals on the arena site and other surplus municipally owned property will allow those figures to be refined. I Staff would caution that the Funding Senario outlined in the blueprint is likely to change when additional information is obtained. However, the sub- committee felt that it is important to set a fundraising target for those groups, agencies and individuals interestd in contributing their talents to fundraising activities. It will require considerable effort to raise such funds, and as such recommendations have been made to organize fundraising activities as soon as possible. Timing of the submission of the grant application to Wintario is important. In order to be eligible for consideration for Wintario Funding, it is necessary to submit the necessary documentation prior to May 30th. If the documents are i ADMIN. 41 - 86 - 7- submitted after this date they will not be considered as eligible for funding. Under no circumstances should the application and documentation not be in the hands of provincial officials later than May 28th 1986. If fundraising is successful and in accordance with the requirements of Wintario, construction could start towards the end of 1986 and continue through 1987 for an opening prior to the skating and hockey season in the fall of 1987. Respectfully submitted, David S ohnston, M.C.I .P. , Chief Administrative Officer i i i LIST OF ATTACHMENTS TO REPORT ADMIN. 41 - 86 1 . Resolution GPA-453-86 2. Structural Report 3. Schedule "A" 4. Mayor's Analysis 5. C.L.O.C.A. Comments dated April 7 1986 6. Regional Memorandum dated April 7 1986 7. Schedule "B" 8. Copy of Minutes of Sub-Committee meeting 9. Comments to Mayor on Baseline Road Site dated April 7 1986 i .ATTACHMENT #1 Resolution #GPA-453-86 Bowmanville Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten Memorial Arena 16.6.9. WHEREAS Council is desirous of replacing the Bowmanville Memorial Arena; and WHEREAS Council has received but not approved the Arena Feasibility Study final report by ReThink Inc. ; and WHEREAS a committee of Council was established April 14, 1986, to evaluate the Study and report back to Council April 30, 1986; and WHEREAS the application forms are now available for Wintario Capital Grants with ,the following criteria: . 1 ) applications must be submitted to the Ministry by. May 30, 1986, for their 1986-87 fiscal program; 2 all approved projects must commence and proceed with construction so as to be eligible and apply for final payment of the grant within the 1986-87 fiscal year (before March 31 , 1987) ; 3) a grant of up to 1/3 of the first $1 .5 million of a project and 10% of the remaining cost is available for each building component; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Committee of Council , the Treasurer, Director of Community Services, report to Council (within one week) their recommendations for: 1 ) the sites preferred (2) ; 2) the requested building components; 3) capital funding; 4) operating costs. AND FURTHER THAT staff be authorized to draft the application forms for Wintario Funding. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-454-86 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT the Director of Community Services, the Chief Administrative Officer, and the Chairman of Community Services, meet with the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education to discuss the feasibility of the Bowmanville High School for the new Arena site. "CARRIED" r� TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ATTACHMENT #2 (KRANDUM 144 TO: Mayor Winters and Members of Council FROM: Jan Devantier, R.D.M.R. , Director of Community Services DATE: May 6, 1986 SUBJECT: STRUCTURAL REPORT BOWMANVILLE ARENA A request was received from the Ministry of Labour April 15, 1986 for a structural report on the Bowmanville Arena. A similar request was made last September 1985 and at that time the structural report conducted by Graham Engineering as part of the feasibility study was submitted to the Ministry. No written response to the report was received from the Ministry. Hence it was assumed that the building was in a safe condition. Generally structural reports are only required every five (5) years, however, in discussing the status of the Bowmanville Arena with Mr. Don Jameson, P. Eng. , Regional Engineer, Industrial Health and Safety Branch, he indicated that another report was required prior to the 1986-87 ice season based on the Graham report submitted last fall . The firm Totten Sims Hubicki will be conducting the structural report and have indicated the report will be completed by the end of May at the cost of $1,200.00 - $1.500.00. Submitted for your information as requested. JD:sa cc: J. Caruana F. Payne f i Attachment #3 SCHEDULE "A" Design Criteria for New Arena * ICE SURFACE - single pad - 85' x 185' in size - well lighted - fixed seating for 1 ,000 - 1 ,500 spectators - heating spectator seating - capability for year-round ice * 6 DRESSING ROOMS - 4 regular 15' x 30' - 2 larger 20' x 40' - all rooms having direct access to complete washrooms and shower facilities (with no: more than 2 dressing rooms sharing these facilities) - all well lighted - at least 2 carpeted I * OTHER FACILITIES - 1 referee dressing room I - 1 first aid room - 1 score clock i - good P.A. system - press boxes - good sized players ' and penalty box areas - 2 sets of public men's and women's washrooms - storage - skate sharpening - concessions �I Mayor's analyis of potential sites ATTACHMENT #4 ARENA LOCATIONS: HWY.2 and BASELINE & HIGH BASELINE & HWY. 57 'WAVERLEY RD. SCHOOL SPRY AVENUE AVAILABLE YES YES ? YES ACREAGE 10 25 ? 25 PRICE $10 k/acre No Charge ? 500 K SERVICES AVAILABLE NO YES REQUIRES REQUIRES PUMPING PUMPING COST OF SERVICING $690 K - ? ? C.L.O.C.A. No Comments Minor No Some problems Comments Longer term ACCESSIBILITY Good Good Poor Excellent Highway 2 Hwy. 401 VISIBILITY Good Good Poor Excellent PUBLIC Good Good Poor Excellent ACCEPTANCE FUTURE EXPANSION POTENTIAL Good Good Poor Excellent OTHER COMMENTS Services Could Would Price may be Costly incorporate compliment negotiable Community Squash Centre facility Would encourage development of Price is Could Creek lands right create conflict Significant positive impact on Town f i AP. `,)' 2 9Z 99 cam, o ATTACHMENT #5 o Z 0 �a n;..rw `'4T1ON PV CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY 100 WHITING AVENUE, OSHAWA,ONTARIO L1H 3T3 (416) 579.0411 REF NO. April 7, 1986 Mayor John Winters, Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 Dear Sir: Further to our recent meeting and subsequent discussion concern- ing two possible arena sites on Baseline Road in Bowmanville, I have looked at both sites and reviewed the Authority' s floodplain mapping for each area, and advise as follows : Site A - North East corner of Spry Avenue and Baseline Road This site is flat valleyland presently in agricultural use within the catchment area of the Bowmanville Creek. It is also floodplain and hazard land and would be subject to .flooding of approximately 8 to 9 feet under reg.i_onaI storm conditions. While there may be some potential to raise the building s"i"te by filling, or isolate it .pith a berm, these measures would likely be expensive undertakings , and require some detailed engineering investigation to show that such works would not detrimentally affect other property owners in the vicinity. Conversely, it may also be possible to arbitrarily reduce the flood elevations by adopting the 100 year flood standard as opposed to the current regional storm standard. Again, some preliminary engineering work would be required to see if this would alleviate the flooding potential of the site, but this kind of change in the standards should not be viewed as a short term endeavour. The full documentation on the approach to such a change is, on file with the Town's Planning Department, but considering all parameters , this site has the lesser potential , and the Authority could not recom- mend in its favour under the present circumstances . Continued. . . . . . .2 I ATTACHMENT #5 Letter to Mayor John Winters, Town of Newcastle, April 7, 1986 Page 2 Site B - North West corner of Martin and Baseline Roads This site is characterized by a gently downward sloping plain to the west and presently appears to be in open space use. The easterly portion of the site is above the regional storm floodplain of the Westside Creekandas the floodplain itself appears to result from the backwater effect, it would probably be possible to alter the flood- lines by filling the area, without significant effect to other properties. With this consideration plus the fact that the Authority has already approved the community centre structure in this locale, I believe Authority staff could support an application for additional construction in this vicinity. Again, if some site grading that might alter the existing flood- lines is being contemplated, then the Authority would require engineer- ing evidence as to its impact on this reach of the creek, but this is only a minor undertaking for this particular site. If any further elaboration may be required, please so advise. Yours truly, W. M. Campbell , WMC:jt Chief Administrative Officer. C r� Attachment #6 DURHAM Interoffice Memorandum The Regional T0: V.A. Silgailis, P. Eng. , Director of Engineering Municipality FROM: C.S. Lee, P. Eng. , Water & Sewer Design Engineer Of Durham DATE: April 7, 1986 RE: Servicing of Five Potential Arena Sites Newcastle (Bowmanville) - File: WAT-N-1-1 The following summarizes the availability of water supply and sanitary sewer service for five potential arena sites in Newcastle (Bowmanville) . Since the limits of these sites have not been specifically defined, the estimates for extension of services are only approximate. Also, these estimates do not include the cost of connections or any works required within the sites. For your reference, general locations of the sites with required sewer and watermain extensions are shown on the attached plans. SITE 1 - SOUTHWEST CORNER OF HWY. NO. 2 AND REGIONAL ROAD 57 Water Supply There are no existing watermains abutting this site. In order to provide municipal water supply, it would be necessary to construct a watermain extension on Waverly Road and on easement from Coleman Street to Highway 2 and on Highway 2 from the C.P.R. tracks to Regional Road 57. Because of the high elevation of the site, it would also be necessary to construct a booster pumping station to provide adequate pressure. These works would provide adequate water supply for both domestic use and fire protection. The estimated costs of constructing these services are as follows: Watermain - $275,000 Booster Pumping Station - $215,000 Sanitary Sewer Servicing i There are no existing sanitary sewers abutting this site. In order to provide sanitary sewer service, it would be necessary to construct a sanitary sewer extension on easement from the existing sanitary sewer on Waverly Road to Highway 2 and on Highway 2 from the C.P.R. Tracks to Regional Road 57. The estimated cost of the extension is $250,000. 3 Attachment #6 Page 2 SITE 2 - ADJACENT TO THE BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Water Supply This site can be adequately serviced by the existing 150 mm watermain on Liberty Street. Sanitary Sewer Servicing This site can be serviced by the existing 600 mm sanitary sewer on Liberty Street. However, because of the low elevation of this site, it would be necessary to pump the sewage from the building to the sanitary sewer. SITE 3 - NORTH OF BASELINE ROAD AND EAST OF SPRY AVENUE IN THE RAVINE AT BOWMANVILLE CREEK Water Supply This site can be adequately serviced by the existing 300 mm watermain on Baseline Road. Sanitary Sewer Servicing This site can be serviced by the existing 600 mm sanitary sewer on Baseline Road. However, because of the low elevation of this site, it would be necessary to pump the sewage from the building to the sanitary sewer. It should be noted that this site is within the flood plain. SITE 4 - SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LIBERTY STREET AND BASELINE ROAD Water Supply This site can be adequately serviced by the existing 400 mm watermain on Baseline Road. Sanitary Sewer Servicing This site can be serviced by the existing trunk sanitary sewers on Liberty Street. However, due to the low elevation of the site, it would be necessary to pump the sewage from the building to the sanitary sewer. Alternately, this site could be serviced by the existing 900 mm sanitary sewer on easement along Soper Creek. Since this sewer is lower than the trunk sewers on Liberty Street, pumping would not be required. However, it would be necessary to construct a sanitary sewer extension along Warf Street from the building to the sanitary sewer. The estimated cost of this extension is $30,000. Attachment #6 Page 3 SITE 5 - NORTHWEST CORNER OF BASELINE ROAD AND WAVERLY ROAD Water Supply The site can be adequately serviced by the existing 300 mm watermain on Waverly Road. Sanitary Sewer Servicing This site can be adequately serviced by the existing 250 mm sanitary sewer on Baseline Road. C.S. Lee PU/jg i Attachment V. SCHEDULE "B" Blue Print for Bowmanville Arena Funding Estimated Expenditures Capital Cost $1 ,950,000 Site Preparation 700,000 Total estimated cost $2,300,000 Funding Sources Wintario ( 1/3 of $1 .5M) $500,000 Wintario ( 10% of $1 .3M) 130,000 Town's contribution (25% of capital cost) 700,000 Sale of old arena site 220,000 * subject to appraisal Excess land sale of other municipal property and monies from Ontario Hydro "B" account 500,000 * subject to appraisals and negotiations with Ontario Hydro j Fund Raising 750,000 $2,300,000 i i i i I i ATTACHMENT #8 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Minutes of a meeting of the special Committee of Council established to evaluate the Arena Feasibility Study, held in the Council Library on Wednesday May 7, 1986. The meeting was called for 2:30 p.m. Acting Chairman, Councillor Ann Cowman called the meeting to order at 2:40 p.m. Present Were: Mayor Winters (arrived 2:45 p.m. ) Councillor Ann Cowman Councillor Marie Hubbard Also Present : Chief Administrative Officer, D. Johnston Treasurer, J. Blanchard Director of Community Services , J. Devantier Deputy Clerk, R. Rutledge Resolution #1-86 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Cowman THAT the verbal report from D. Johnston, Chief Administrative Officer outlining the reasons foy the absence of the Rethink Incorporated representative be received for information. "CARRIED" -Resolution #2-86 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Cowman THAT the Structural Report, Bowmanville Arena from Jan Devantier, Director of Community Services be received for information; AND THAT the Committee recommend to Council ; THAT the firm Totten, Sims and Hubicki conduct the structural report to a maximum cost of $1 ,500.00 to be drawn from the Contingency Fund; AND FURTHER THAT a report be submitted to Council informing that Totten, Sims and Hubicki will conduct an on site inspection of the Bowmanville Arena on May 14th , 1986, and that submission of a report is anticipated within one (1) week following the inspection. "CARRIED" Resolution #3-86 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Mayor Winters ; THAT Committee recommend to Council that any decision relative to continuing the use of the Bowmanville Arena for the 1986/87 season be deferred until the Structural report has been submitted; j ex AMD THAT in the interim, staff be directed not to expend any funds on the Bowmanville Arena. i "CARRIED" -2- ATTACHMENT #8 Resolution #4-86 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Mayor Winters ; That Totten , Sims and Hubicki be invited to attend a General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting when the structural report is presented. CARRIED. Resolution #5-86 Moved by Mayor Winters, seconded by Councillor Hubbard; That the Mayor's report on the following four (4) locations discussed by the Committee at their last meeting, be considered at this time ; 1 . Highway #2/Highway #57 2. Baseline Rd./Waverley Road 3. Bowmanville Highschool 4. Baseline Rd./Spry Avenue CARRIED. Resolution #6-86 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Mayor Winters ; That the Highway #2/Highway #57 site be eliminated because the cost of servicing would be prohibitive. CARRIED. Resolution #7-86 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Mayor Winters ; That the Baseline Road/Spry Avenue site be eliminated; That either the Baseline Road/Waverley Road or the Bowmanville Highschool site be promoted; That the Chief Administrative Officer submit to Council a synopsis of events , attaching back-up letters from C.L.O.C.A. and the Region. CARRIED. Resolution #8-86 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Mayor Winters ; That the Arena components as outlined in Figure 3.2 of the draft Arena Feasibility Study be lifted from the report and be adopted as a basis for facility design. CARRIED. i I -3- ATTACHMENT #8 Resolution #9-86 Moved by Mayor Winters , Seconded by Councillor Hubbard; That Staff look at road access to the Baseline Road/Waverley Road and the Bowmanville Highschool site to establish an approximate cost for road improvements , and obtain traffic counts on King Street, Liberty Street, and Highway #57 ; and That the Treasurer prepare an estimate of possible funding. CARRIED. Resolution #10-86 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Mayor Winters ; That, as part of the fund raising component, the user groups be invited by public invitation to form a group to spear head fund raising activities. CARRIED. Resolution #11-86 Moved by Mayor Winters , seconded by Councillor Hubbard; That the target for fund raising be $750,000.00. CARRIED. Resolution #12-86 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Mayor Winters ; That the Treasurer be authorized to communicate with other levels of government and other municipalities to obtain information relative to government funds and design. CARRIED. Resolution #13-86 Moved by Mayor Winters , seconded by Councillor Hubbard; That the meeting adjourn at 4 :15 p.m. CARRIED. i I —� ^rF ATTACHMENT #9 J r TOWN OF NEWCASTIF "�s NE1`'I0RANDIJM TO: Mayor John Winters FROM; Jan Devantier, R.D.M.R., Director of Community Services DATE: April 7, 1986 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR STAFF INPUT RE: ARENA PROPOSED SITE BASE LINE ROAD AND MARTIN ROAD In response to your request for input for the Arena site being Base Line Road and Martin Road, I offer the following comments: Advantages: 1 . Sufficient land is available. for the total sports complex including ball diamonds as proposed by ReThink (20+ acres) . 2. The site is very accessible from all directions. 3. Situated close to major population area (Waverly Gardens) . 4. Services are available (key cost consideration) . 5. Highly visible from major highways. 6. On west side of Bowmanville hence may attract use from Courtice area. 7. An existing facility (the Base Line Community Centre) can be incorporated into the project saving tax dollars . 8. Site would be inexpensive to purchase compared to other sites. 9. Site is independent of high school . Disadvantages: 1 . Well over half the site is in an E.P. zoning area (may present problems with C.L.O.C.A. ) and would require an official plan amendment. 2. Unable to incorporate existing indoor pool etc. (capital and operating cost consideration) . . ./2 i ATTACHMENT #9 2 - 3. Some residential development zoned for this area may cause complaints re: noise, lights etc. 4. Not close to downtown hence potential business to downtown lost and many seniors now walking to the Bowmanville Arena may not have means of transportation to proposed site. 5. Possible conflict with Base Line Community Association. Comment: A sketch of the possible configuration of the entire complex has been attached. If Council wishes to pursue this site as the preferred site further analysis and investigation is required. Council may also wish to consider the advantages and disadvantages of proceeding with just the arena versus a complete complex from both a capital construction point of view and an operating point of view. Jan Devantier, R.D.M.R., Director Department of Community Services JD*sa cc: Department Heads Members of Council J. Caruana, D/Director PRO PaSE.p RVAD LU i� t� 1 � � F�iC�L1Tl E5 1 BASE LINE Ro.►n QAS �g