HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN 33-86 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 'J Cts_ REPORT File # � .. " Res. #( 4 v By-Law # M MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: MAY 5 1986 REPORT #: ADMIN. 33-86 FILE #: SUB.IECT: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY FOR THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . That Administrator' s report ADMIN. 33 - 86 be received for information and discussion; 2. That the Hydro Liaison Committee Chairman be requested to table this item for consideration at the Hydro Liaison Committee at the earliest opportunity; 3. That the reprint of the Tourism Brochure and its distribution for 1986 as outlined in Item 4 of the strategy be approved; 4. That Item 3 and 11 be approved so that staff may act on same immediately; 5. That after discussion, Council refer the report back to staff for finalization and presentation to Council. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: At an earlier Council meeting, staff was requested to prepare an Economic Development Strategy for the Town of Newcastle. The strategy is being presented as a draft as it is felt important to solicit input with respect to same from members of Council prior to the finalization. The strategy has been developed with input and comment from the Regional Economic Development Commissioner and a select number of private sector interests within the Town. An attempt has been made to identify objectives that are measurable and which can affect a positive change in the image of the Town. In the report objectives are broken down into advertising and promotion, lobbying and technical . As many of these objectives will take time,.to work their way through various levels of government, it is important that an early start be made on the objectives that are listed under the lobbying section. -2- � Ca) ADMIN. 33 - 86 Staff have developed an Economic Development Strategy budget which has also been attached for Council 's consideration. There is a suggestion in the draft that certain monies related to the Economic Development Strategy and its implementation should be solicited through the Ontario Hydro "B" account. The budget as outlined should be regarded as a suggestion as opposed to a finely tuned calculation. Given Ontario Hydro's earlier participation in industrial development initiatives it is appropriate that the question of Hydro participation be addressed. At this point it seems from previous funding efforts that certain of the monies should be drawn from the "B" account and other monies provided by the Town either through the current budget or the Industrial Reserve Fund. It should be noted that the Industrial Reserve Fund has a balance of $339,758 (April 1986) . We had budgeted approximately $25,000 in the current year's budget for industrial development. It should also be remembered that the tentative scheduing of the objective is in such a fashion that not all of the monies suggested would be spent in 1986 but rather it would evolve into a two .year program. Council should review the proposed timing of the objectives and assign any changes in priority. Council may wish to consider the matter of an Industrial Development Officer. At the time that Mr. Pat Olive, Industrial Development Commissioner for the Region of Durham met with Council he indicated that the Town had very limited land base resource in terms of designated and zoned industrial land. At that time I believe that Mr. Olive indicated a total of 22 acres of serviced industrial land was available together with approximately 40 - 60 -unserviced industrial acres. Given the limited land base it may be questionable to employ the services of an Industrial Development Officer at this time. Council may wish to forego this until such time as the other objectives outlined in the Economic Development Strategy are put in place, i.e. advertising opportunities, improved brochure, promotional video-tape. However, there will be a need to co-ordinate the Strategy once adopted. Unless Council is prepared to phase the program, and in the absence of a C.A.O. it may be necessary to hire someone to co-ordinate the various activities associated with the program. ADMIN. 33 - 86 Many of the objectives outlined, while related, are severable one from the other in terms of actions that can be taken. It is appropriate to briefly comment on the various objectives that are outlined. The suggestion that the Town should join a number of Development Groups will permit the Mayor, Members of Council , and indeed selected staff members to gain a clearer understanding of some of the broader concerns that such groups face. In conjunction with this particular activity, it is suggested that staff members and Council members attending such meetings should be furnished with a suitable name tag depicting the Town's crest so that people in attendance at the meeting know that the Town is represented. The ;whole question of advertising and the shared responsibilities between the Town and the Region was the focus of considerable discussion in the formulation of the Economic Development Strategy. It is the basic feeling that the Town should co-operate in international markets with the Region of Durham and to a certain extent in national markets. However, the Town should focus its independent efforts on specific targetted journals such as Business & Finance in Ontario. The extra copies printed could be included in our industrial handouts. In order to project the proper image of the Town, it is imperative that the services of a public relations or advertising firm be retained to not only work on the Town's tourism brochure, but also the additional information which should be included in our Industrial Information Kit. If this information is to be provided it must be done so in a comprehensive manner, one that projects a very professional image of the Town. It should be noted under Objective 6 that it is suggested that all maps be colour coded consistent with Regional industrial promotion maps. That is to say if the Region of Durham uses blue for all industrial areas, so too should the Town of Newcastle. This will make our documents and that of the Region 's compatible and ease industrial interests in their efforts to understand land use designations within the Town and the Region. The Economic Development Strategy also focuses on tourism opportunities. It is appropriate through C.O.T.A. and T.A.D.R. to advertise annually. s ADMIN. 33 - 86 -4- This would be consistent with the approach that is being developed through the Region of Durham in their efforts to promote tourism throughout the Region. Development of a five to six minute industrial promotion video tape is appropriate given the advances that have been made in communications. Many municipalities now use such tapes to familiarize industrial clients that are some distance removed from their town with the advantages of locating within their municipality. Such tapes can be shipped to industrial clients and viewed and then returned to the Corporation. A number of firms have indicated a desire to provide such a tape to the Town. Staff are confident with the monies provided that a high quality video promotion tape could be developed for the Town of Newcastle. In the acquisition and development of portable display walls and suitable incLustrial displays , it is important that our equiment and displays be first class and professionally done. It is better not to participate in such shows if we are unprepared to make such an investment. The equipment purchased should be compatible with that of Regional equipment so that it can be utilized as one unit. Such a portable display could also be used in such local events as the Orono Fair and in the Town Hall for any special function. Last year the Town participated with local industries at the Orono Fair. This was generally very well received by individuals. It is hoped that a similar event can be organized for this year's Fall Fair. While perhaps less costly than some of the other activities, the effect of lobbying senior government agencies and governments should not be underestimated. A number of areas under the lobbying section have been identified to further promote the best interests of the Town of Newcastle in attracting and sustaining interest in industrial development. The lobbying of Bell Canada and those bodies affecting legislation with respect to trucking and freight regulations are of particular importance. If we are to project an image of being one Town, it is important that the various communities within the Town be listed in appropriate fashion in the telephone book and that we are not put at a disadvantage in terms of freight rates through arbitrary regulatory bodies. In many instances the lobbying with private interests will serve to clean up the image of the Town particularly as you access the Town via the 401 . -5- ADMIN. 33 - 86 The review of our development processes will ensure that to the greatest extent possible we are handling such applications in a forthright manner. Development of computer links to the Region will not only serve to access information collected by the Region of Durham but through the Region of Durham also access provincial and federal programs that will assist in the securing of background information with respect to industrial clients. Prior to the adoption of this strategy Council may wish to solicit the comments of the Regional Economic Development Commissioner. It should be noted that this is the first Economic Development Strategy that has been introduced at the local level. The Region is currently developing the Regional Economic Development Strategy and 'I believe the local strategy will be compatible with that which is being produced at the Regional level. All of which is respectfully submitted, David Johnston, M.C.I.P. , Chief Administrative Officer DRAFT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY GOAL: To stimulate investor confidence in the tourist, industrial , commercial and residential sectors of the economy within a sound planning framework. OBJECTIVES: To create a positive and progressive image of the Town, one that is responsive to the needs of industry and commerce by adopting the following measures: Promotion and Advertising 1 . Join and regularly attend meetings of the following groups and agencies: Urban Development Institute (Mayor or Mayor's designate) Oshawa and District Builders ' Association (Planning Director) Durham Region Manufacturer's Association (Mayor or Mayor's designate) Local Chamber of Commerce and Development Group (Mayor or Mayor's designate) Region of Durham Economic Development Liaison Committee (Planning Director) Central Ontario Travel Association (Clerk) Tourist Association of Durham Region (Clerk) Eastern Ontario Development Committee (Planning Director) Oshawa and District Real Estate Board Annually (Mayor and Members of Council) ($1 ,000 exclusive of staff time) 2. Co-operate and complement advertising opportunities with the Region of Durham in the national and international markets. ($4,000 - $5,000)' 3. Advertise provincially and to some extent nationally through a targetted journal such as the journal Business and Finance in Ontario , with extra copies being purchased as industrial handouts. ($3,000 - $4,000 annually - 1000 extra copies) i -2- 4. Retain the services of appropriate public relations and advertising firm(s) to rework the Town's tourism brochure to focus on day trip opportunities from Metro Toronto. ($3,000 - $5,000) In the meantime authorize the addition of the Clarke Museum to the brochure, a reprinting of 5,000 copies and their distribution for this year. ($2,000) 5. After the tourism brochure is reworked, distribute same on a much wider basis through Metro Toronto by retaining the services of a pamphlet distribution service. ( 130 locations, annual cost for service $1 ,000) ( 1987) (Printing cost $5,000 - $6,000) ( 1987) 6. Retain the services of appropriate public relations and advertising firm(s) to develop additional material for inclusion in the Industrial Information Kit, such material to include the following components: Civic Data: Education, Medical Services, Churches, Schools, Hotels, etc. Labour Profile: Labour rates, breakdown of nature of labour force. Service Rates: Region sewer and water, public utilities, gas, etc. Available Industrial Land: Cost of land, level of servicing, zoning general requirements. Housing: Nature and type, price ranges. Transportation: Major road network, travel distances and time to major centres. Oshawa Airport, Port Facility. Additional Maps: Showing each industrial area and lots available. All maps should be colour coded consistent with Regional Industrial Promotion Maps. ($12,000 - $16,000) 7. Advertise in the annual publications of C.O.T.A. and T.A.D.R. ($5,000 annually) i i i I a (a) -3- 8. Develop a 5 to 6 minute industrial promotion video tape highlighting the industrial opportunities, lifestyle and tourism opportunities within the Town. Have two dozen copies of the tape made for use with industrial clients. ($5,000) 9. Acquire portable display walls and develop a suitable industrial display that can be used at a variety of functions including local exhibits and trade shows. ($5,000 - $7,000) 10, Participate jointly with Regional officials in any trade shows or exhibitions that the Region attends utilizing where appropriate the revamped printing material , videos and portable industrial display. 11 . Participate with local industries at the Orono Fair. ($1 ,000) Lobbying 12. Seek the participation of the Town's advertising van in the Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade. 13. Organize through the Mayor's office two or three days for Council tours of local industries in June to attempt to organize a local Industrial Promotion week in October. The week would feature afternoon or evening open houses or tours of local industry. The Town would be responsible for the promotion of the week. ($3,000 advertising) 14. Encourage through a letter from the Mayor's office industrial development concerns to keep Town officials informed on their marketing strategy and price lists for properties. 15. Encourage the Energy Park Task Force to establish its priorities and prospects by the end of 1986. 16. During the Industrial Promotion Week in October, sponsor a small reception for major Real Estate firms from Metro and a select and limited number of agents from local firms to acquaint Metro interests with the availability and nature of industrial land available. ($3,000 - $4,000) i i -4- 17. Encourage the continuation of investment nights in conjunction with the Manufacturer's Association. (Showcase) 18. Encourage, through a general letter from the Mayor's office, private industrial land owners and businesses to improve or maintain a standard of signage, landscaping and general property standards. 19. Continue through the Mayor's office to press the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for improved provincial highway signage. 20. Approach the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to see if it is possible to develop rock garden type signage at one or more interchanges along Highway 401 . (Initial cost $10,000 - $15,000 plus ongoing maintenance through Public Works or Community Services) 21 . Lobby Bell Canada to organize its telephone directory so that all of the communities within the Town of Newcastle are listed as communities within the Town and together. 22. In conjunction with the Region, lobby appropriate legislative and regulatory bodies to review and favourably revise the trucking and freight regulations as they apply to the Town of Newcastle. 23. Seek the co-operation of the Region of Durham in providing additional screening and possible berming along the Regional Liberty Street Sewage Treatment Plant. i 24. Request the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to consider the acquisition of the property at the south east corner of the intersection of Liberty Street and Baseline Road. 25. Encourage through a general letter from the Mayor to local industries the utilization of the name Town of Newcastle in company names as well as product packaging. 26. Lobhy at the Regional level to encourage the servicing of industrially designated and zoned lands. i I -5- Technical 27. Hire two co-op students (Geography or Planning background) to develop industrial profiles on select industrial prospects within the Town and Metropolitan Toronto area. (3 to 4 month contracts) . ($20,000) ( 1987) 28. Develop berming on the east and north side of the Bowmanville Public Works Yard. ($5,000 - $10,000) 29. Reconfirm the priority given to the processing of planning applications received of an industrial or commercial nature. 30. Review site plan control procedures and requirements to ensure that both are appropriate for Town needs. 31 . Request the Region of Durham through the Economic Development Office to alter their computer program so that each municipality can be provided on a quarterly basis a separate municipally based computer listing of manufacturers. If this is not possible, design in our new computer system the ability to access this information. 32. Develop, in conjunction with the Region, computer links so that the Regional information base on industrial development can be accessed at the local level. ($25,000 - $30,000) 33. Review departmental and administrative procedures to ensure the expeditious treatment of industrial applications. 34. Have an appraisal done on our industrial land on Cemetery Road and thereafter list the southern most nine acres for sale as industrial land. 35. Develop, in conjunction with the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board, a loose leaf handbook on industrial development opportunities facts and figures. ( 1987) 36. Establish a policy that all new commercial or industrial interests coming to the Town or expanding their operations are given proper recognition through a letter from the Mayor on behalf of Council welcoming their business to the Town, and encourage the various Chamber of Commerces to actively participate in the opening or expansion of an industry. -6- 37. Final recommendation: Review the progress of this strategy in the late part of 1986 (November) to establish and define a strategy for 1987 and subsequent years. I i ESTIMATED COSTING AND POSSIBLE FUNDING SOURCES RECOMMENDATIONS TOWN CURRENT HYDRO "B" INDUSTRIAL ACCOUNT RESERVES 1 1 ,000 2 2,000 - 3,000 2,000 - 3,000 3 2,000 - 3,000 2,000 - 3,000 4 2,000 3,000 - 5,000 5 6,000 - 7,000 6 12,000 - 16,000 7 5,000 8 5,000 9 5,000 - 7,000 11 1 ,000 13 3,000 16 3,000 - 4,000 20 10,000 - 15,000 27 20,000 28 5,000 - 10,000 32 25,000 - 30,000 1986 - 1987 19,000 - 22,000 60,000 - 76,000 35,000 - 45,000 TOTAL COST OF STRATEGY 1986 - 1987 $114,000 - $143,000. i i IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE BY THE END BY THE END RECOMMENDATION # IMMEDIATELY OF 1986 OF 1987 1 [----------) 2 [------------------------------------------------] 3 [------------------------------------------------] 4 C-----------------------------------------------) 5 C-----------------� 6 [---------------------------) 7 [-----------------------------------------------) 8 [--------------------------------) 9 [-----------] 10 [-----------------------------------------------] 11 [-----� [-----] 12 [-----) C-----] 13 [----------� C---------) 14 C---------------------------------------------------] 15 [--------------------------------] 16 17 [---------------------------------------------------� 18 [---------------------------------------------------] 19 [---------------------------------------------------) 20 C---------------------------------------------------) 21 [---------------------------------------------------] BY-THE B RECOMMENDATION # IMMEDIATELY OF 1986END 1987HE END 22 [------------------------) 23 [----------------------(] 24 [---------------------------------------------------] 25 [---------------------------------------------------) 26 [---------------------------------------------------] 27 [----------) 28 [-----------------------) 29 [---------------------------------------------------) 30 [---------------------------------------------------] 31 [------------------------) 32 [------------------------) 33 [---------------------------------------------------] 34 [---------------------------------------------------] 35 [---------) 36 [---------------------------------------------------] 37 [------------------------) I