HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN 32-86 (d � %) TOWN OF NEWCASTLE f ss REPORT File # Res. By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: APRIL 21 1986 REPORT #: ADMIN. 32 - 86 FILE #: SUB,ECT: SAFETY COMMITTEES RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . That Administrator's report ADMIN. 32 - 86 be received for information. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Currently the Town of Newcastle has two Safety Committees , one in Public Works and one in the Fire Department. The Safety Committees meet quarterly to discuss worker safety in the work place. The committees are chaired by the department head or his designate and a staff member from each of the facilities operated by that department. For example, the Public Works Safety Committee has represent- ation from each of the depots. Unless otherwise directed by Council , staff will be increasing the number of Safety Committees to four. A separate Safety Committee will be established for Community Services chaired by the department head or his deputy, with representation from each of the facilities owned or directly managed by the Town, i.e. one staff member from Bowmanville Arena, Darlington Arena, the Fitness Centre and cemeteries. The second newly established committee would be for general office workers and wil be chaired by the Clerk or Deputy Clerk and representation at the staff level from the Bell Building, Hampton offices and the Town Hall . ADMIN. 32 - 86 -2- These committees will bring matters of worker safety to the attention of management and as such provide input to the formulation of budgets in terms of workers ' safety. This is a step that should be taken to ensure a safe work environment for all employees of the Corporation. Consideration was given to the formation of one Safety Committee for the entire Town, but was rejected owing to the diversity of functions within the various departments. The formation of these two additional Committees has been discussed with the union president and is supported by organized labour within the Town. Respectfully mit ed, David Johnston, M.C.I .p. , Chief dministrative Officer DSJ:nof