HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN 29-86 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE HAND OUT REPORT File # Res. # By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: APRIL 7 1986 REPORT #: ADMIN. 29-86 FILE #: SUBJECT: LOW-RISE REHABILITATION PROGRAM OF THE MINISTRY OF HOUSING RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . That Administrator's report ADMIN. 29 - 86 be received; 2. That staff forthwith advertise in local newspapers 'having general circulation the potential availability of the program to determine community interest; 3. That should there be a positive response from the community, staff be directed to immediately apply for consideration under the program in accordance with the April 30th 1986 timeframe; 4. That a subsequent report be presented on the ways and means of handling the administration of the program if the response warrants changes in organizational structure and responsibilities. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Staff recently received the attached material from the Assistant Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Housing announcing a low-rise rehabilitation program. Given the extremely tight timeframe, it was decided to bring this matter directly to Committee as opposed to Council. The actions recommended in this report will allow Council to obtain input from the community as to whether there is sufficient interest to warrant participation in the program. ADMIN. 29 - 86 -2- Recommendations will also allow staff to at least indicate to the Ministry of Housing the extent of interest in the program from land owners within the Corporation by the April 30th deadline. Staff have reviewed preliminary the various administrative matters that relate to this particular program. It is felt that the current system is adequate to handle the paperwork and administration required with respect to the Clerk's department and with respect to the Treasury department. However, there may well be some problem with respect to the Planning and Building department depending upon the number and nature of applications that are made. In the attached material you will find asterisks beside those areas where a building inspector is required to inspect the premises. Inspections under this program can take some time and require considerable documentation. This program is similar in nature to others that have been produced by the Ontario Ministry , of Housing and to a certain measure will have the same problem areas. A particular problem area that will require additional staff time is in the area of agreement on the repairs to be undertaken. When the inspector does an inspection on the premises, it must be with respect to the total maintenance and occupancy by-law and deficiencies that were not necessarily of primary importance to the owner of the building may emerge -- as major considerations in the upgrading of the unit. Essentially the program is designed to ensure that the units are upgraded in all respects to meet the maintenance and occupancy by-laws and not just on those particular aspects that may be of concern to the landlord. Hopefully instances of this occurring can be minimized, however, Council should be aware that, depending on the number of such instances , staff time spent on individual applications could be significant. Once we have a handle on the number of applications that might be presented and the number of units involved, we will be in a much better position to determine the extent of administrative change, if any, that must be made to accommodate the program. Respectfully submitted, David Sf: Johnston, M.C.I.P. , Chief Administrative Officer Ministry Community `f Of Housing 777 Bay Street Housing Toronto,Ontario Ontario M5G 2E5 March 27, 1986 war! tr Mr. D.W. Oakes Clerk APR t 1986 Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance St. Bowmanville, Ontario CLEn„ L1C 3A6 Dear Mr. Oakes : Re: Low Rise Rehabilitation Program I am pleased to invite your municipality to consider participating in the Province ' s new Low Rise Re- habilitation Program. Announced last December as part of the Assured Housing Strategy, this program will provide up to $5, 000 per unit to rehabilitate older low rise rental units up to standards set out in your municipality' s Maintenance and Occupancy Bylaw. A total of $88 million has been committed to the program. The Low Rise Rehabilitation Program will help meet the growing conservation needs of an important segment of our older rental stock while still retaining its role as an important source of housing for low and moderate income tenants. The program has been designed with the assistance of municipal officials experienced in rehabilitation programs, in a process coordinated by the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. Based on their input and our previous program experience, the program is designed to be delivered by municipalities on behalf of the Province on a fee for service basis. Program details are attached. Annual allocations of "units" will be made under this program to municipalities who take the opportunity of becoming involved in this important program. Initial allocations for the fiscal year 1986/7 will commence at the beginning of May, 1986 based on proposals received by April 30, 1986 . Further allocations will be made on a first come, first served basis thereafter, subject to availability of units . Municipal application details and evaluation criteria are outlined in the attachment to this letter. 2 - If you have any questions or would like some assistance, please contact Sue Corke ( 585-6520 ) or David Brodati (585-6364 ) of the Ministry' s Housing Conservation Unit. I look forward to enthusiastic take-up by concerned municipalities in this exciting and worthwhile program. Sincerely, 1 � L. F. Pitura, P. Eng. Assistant Deputy Minister Attachments UTION CLERK._ ---------------- � 1 i 4 FILE..... �- LOW-RISE REHABILITATION PROGRAM HIGHLIGHT SUMMARY MINISTRY OF HOUSING MARCH, 1986 INDEX HIGHLIGHT SUMMARY OF LOW-RISE REHABILITATION PROGRAM SECTION I: Background SECTION II: Program Summary SECTION III: Municipal Allocation and First Steps APPENDIX A: Case Study Example APPENDIX B: Municipal Administration Fees APPENDIX C: Process Flow Chart This summary document was prepared to assist municipal officials considering submissions to participate in the Low-Rise Rehabilitation Program