HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN 17-86 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE e � REPORT File # Res. # By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: FEBRUARY 17 1986 REPORT #: ADMIN. 17 - 86 FILE #: SUBJECT: STAI'US REPORT - TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PROMOTION RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . That Administrator's report ADMIN. 17 - 86 be received for information. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: As part of the budget discussion , mention was made of the development of a promotional strategy for the Town, both from a tourism perspective and industrial investment opportunities. Staff have also been requested to report on the feasibility of employing an Industrial Development Officer. It is the intention of staff to report on these two items after Council has had an opportunity to dialogue with the Industrial Development Commissioner for the Regin of Durham, Mr. Pat Olive. In the meantime, this report has been generated to keep Council Members abreast of the various promotional activities that the Town is currently involved in. In accordance with Council 's earlier direction, the advertisement on the side of the Moving Van is proceeding. The art work has been completed and the van is currently being painted. The revisions as approved by Council have been incorporated into the advertisement. In accordance with Council 's wishes the owners of the vehicle have ADMIN. 17 - 86 solicited private advertising to augment the cost of the painting of the van . The total anticipated cost of the painting of the van is in the neighbourhood of $3,700.00 of which the Town's portion is $2,000.00. The owners of the van will be conveying to the Town an agreement with respect to the longevity of the painting. The anticipated term of the arrangement would be five years. When this agreement is completed a separate report will be made. The second matter involves the Town's participation in the Go-Transit issue of Business & Finance. With the co-operation of officials with the magazine the advertisement is proceeding. Unfortunately owing to the limited time between the Gdvertising opportunity being made available to the Town and the printing of the magazine it was not possible to have the advertisement or the editorial script presented to Council in advance of the printing. Copies of the advertisement will be distributed by separate memorandum as soon as it is available. Respectfully submited, David S. ,,J�ohnston, M.C.I .P. , Chief��dfninistrative Officer DSJ:nof i