HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN 15-86 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE J rtti REPORT File # ._ 21 Res. # �1 - _ - By-Law # hETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: MARCH 3 1986 REPORT #: ADMIN. 15-86 FILE #I: SUB.IECT: TOURISM AND INDUSTRIAL PROMOTION BUDGET RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee receive Administrator's report ADMIN, 15 - 86 for consideration in conjunction with the 1986 budget process . BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: At an earlier meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee staff were asked to review the amount budgeted for industrial and tourism promotion as outlined on page 128 of the current budget. The proposed budget for tourism and development at the time cf presentation totalled $15,000. Through the budget deliberations , an additional $10,000 has been transferred from the Mayor's budget under Expenses of Office. As such the total budget for page 128 is now $25,000. In accordance with the Committee's wishes , staff contacted other municipalities in the area to ascertain their budgets for both industrial and tourism promotion. I have attached for the information of Council a summary cf the budgets for the surrounding municipalities. Currently the money in our budget is comparable with other municipalities that have a re-active industrial development strategy. It is substantially below levels of municipalities that have pro-active industrial development strategy. ADMIN. 15 - 86 -2- At this point in time it would seem appropriate to budget $25,000 and to work with the Region of Durham to refine both the Region's role in industrial development and that of the Town's. By adopting this approach we can avoid duplication of service. As 6irected by Council staff will be reporting on an Industrial Development Strategy at the end of May. It is staff's intention to also report on Resolution #GPA-95-86, which requested staff to address the possible addition of a Tourism and Industrial Development Person at the same time. As members of Council will recall , it was included in the motion that should such a position be established, the monies would be drawn from the Industrial Reserve Account. It would be premature to establish such a person without refining our role and that of the Region 's in Industrial Development. The development of an Industrial Development Strategy should address the need for and the nature of such a position. Respectfully submitted, David Johnston, M.C.I .P. , Chief Administrative Officer DSJ:nof att. TOWN OF AJAX - ]INDUSTRIAL In January 1986 they hired a full-time Industrial Development Co-ordinator. No budget has been set for 1986. Project will be partially funded by developers in the area and general taxes. i TOWN OF AJAX - TOURISM The Mayor's office handles any tourism enquiries . Promotional material is extremely limited. Enquirers receive a recreation brochure, a bus route and an article that was printed in "Business and Finance" recently. They had an " Ajax Day" at the CNE last year and are hoping to participate again this year. No budget has been set for Tourism. COBOURG - INDUSTRIAL Cobourg is involved with three other municipalities: Port Hope, Hope Township and Hamilton Township making an Economic Development Commission called the Diamond Triangle. Cobourg contributes the largest portion of $48,000 to the Commission. COBOURG - TOURISM i They give a grant to the Chamber of Commerce for brochures and general information. 1986 budget - $15,000 Funded through general taxes i i I OSHAWA - INDUSTRIAL BOB NICOL is their Industrial Officer Total Industrial program including salary, information brochures etc. $175,000 OSHAWA - TOURISM The City prepares brochures , information for convention packages , Oshawa pins , etc. The Chamber of Commerce distributes the info, makes up packages and then charges the City for their staff salary. Contribution to the Chamber of Commerce - $20,000. Funded thrcugh taxes . i TOWN OF PICKERING Presently forming a committee of departments to promote the Town. 1985 had a budget of $10,000 1986 budgeted for $15,000 Last year had "Pickering Day" at Exhibition This year are participating in Site Selection '86 Funded through general taxes Tourism/industry combined TOWN OF WHITBY Economic Development Department 1 full-time Officer and 1 full-time Assistant 1985 budget $150,000 Tourist Information centre 1 full-time staff member 1985 budget $51 ,000 The Information Centre is part of the Economic Development Department Funded through general taxation