HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN 7-86 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE HAND OUT J REPORT File 7 Res. # _ B - - y-Law # ( TIN,: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: JANUARY 20 1986 REPORT #: ADMTN_ 7 - 86 FILE #: SUB,ECT: ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITY, BUSINESS & FINANCE IN ONTARIO RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . That Administrator's report ADMIN. 7 - 86 be received; 2. That Council authorize the placing of a one-page advertisement in the February edition of Business & Finance in Ontario at an approximate cost of $2,100.00; 3. That the monies be provided through Contingency Account # 7007-298-X-9; and 4. That Mr. Michael H. Davey of Business & Finance in Ontario be advised of Council 's action. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: The magazine Business & Finance in Ontario has a monthly circulation of approximately 40,000. As indicated by the attached correspondence, a special report is being prepared on Go Transit which is scheduled to appear as an issue in mid-February 1986. Officials from Business & Finance in Ontario have been meeting with municipalities that are directly affected by the Go Transit system to see if such municipalities are interested in advertising in the February issue. ADMIN. 7 - 86 -2- Mr. Lou Parsons , Chairman of Go Transit, is encouraging local municipalities along the line to participate in the issue. Members of staff have met with Mr. Michael H. Davey of Business & Finance in Ontario. Mr. Davey has indicated that should the Town purchase a full page ad in the magazine, the publication would also provide a full page of editorial space for the Town of Newcastle which could be centred on the benefits of industrial location within the Town. Mr. Davey further indicated that staff from their magazine would be available to assist representatives of the Town in formulating the advertisement and text that might be presented. The cost of a one-page advertisement in Business & Finance in Ontario is approximately $2,100.00. However, as noted before, if a full-page ad is purchased, there is one free page for text. Given the importance attached to the extension of Go Transit it would seem an opportune time for the Town to participate in this special issue. It should be noted that this particular magazine also sponsors monthly features of cities throughout Ontario. During budget discussions Council might wish to consider the desirability of participating in an extended advertising program. Staff have attached sample publications for Council 's review. Respectfully submitted, i David Johnston, M.C.I .P. , Chie Administrative Officer GO TRANSIT 555 Wilson Avenue, Downsview, Ontario M3H (416) 630.5220 Telex 06-217508 13 December 1985 Dear Sir/Madam: We are pleased to inform you that a special profile on the GO system and organization will be published in February 1986, by Business & Finance in Ontario magazine. The Magazine with its 40,000 circulation throughout Ontario, Quebec and western Canada, will dedicate the issue entirely to this special in-depth report. We would appreciate your participation to ensure a comprehensive report is achieved. Mrs. Cathy Joice, Special Co-ordinator, will contact you in the immediate future to discuss your company's participation. Sincerely, L.H. Parsons Chairman I Business & Fina nce (Publishers Inc.) 205 Riviera Drive,Unit 1, Markham, Ontario L3R 2L6 TEL; (416)477-7757 Re: Spec�at nepon.t on GO TRANSIT zeheduted .to appear a eompte.te,.izzue o6 Bws�nezz 6 F�nanee . n On-tan�o, mid-February 1986. Dean The enctozed te.t.ten 6nom Go Tnanz�t Cha�nman, Ak. Lou Panzonz, zuppon.tz .the neque,6 t made by Go Tnanzi t ,to B" nezz 6 F�nanee . n On.& 4n o ion a spec&t nepon.t. We neque�s.t youA pan-t�c�pa.t�on w�th�n .tUz nepon.t by a .6pec&t pnoUite o� your mun�ce pa&.ty -through a page o{ adven.t�,stng ptu�s an ed. toA&t pno��te. A.s pub. then, I wilt penzonatt y neta-te .to .the muni c pat pan.t�ce pa-t�on, and w�ett eatt you soon. you" z�ncenety, John gu-s, F.Inzt.D. Fd�ton 6 Pub.2 then. JCF/jh r— 0 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE n , WARANDUM n `} M0 t I TO: Mr. D. W. Oakes, A.M.C.T. , Clerk FROM: John Winters, Mayor DATE: January 15th, 1986 SUBJECT: Business & Finance in Ontario - Special Report on GO TRANSIT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I enclose herewith a letter from Mr. John C. Fergus, the Editor and Publisher of Business & Finance in Ontario, which letter is dated January 8th, 1986. I would like to place this letter on the G.P.A. Committee agenda, under Other Business, for discussion on January 20th, 19860 John Winters, Mayor J W/mr Encls. (1 ) BuSine SS & Fina nce (Publishers Inc.) 205 Riviera Drive,Unit 1,Markham,Ontario WR 2L6 TEL:(416)477-7757 8th January 1986 Mayox John WV n.ten/s, Town o{ Newea�stte, 40 Tempenanee Stcee.t, SOWMANVILLE, Ontah�o. L1C 3A6 Re: Spec�at tepoAt on GO TRANSIT zeheduted .to appear ams a eomptete .zzue o{y Buznezz 8 F�nanee �n Ontan�o, mid-Febnuahy 1986. Dewe Mayon Wl nteAz, The enctozed te.tten {ynom Go Tnanz�t Cha�nman, Mn. Lou Pahzons, zuppont's .the heque�st made by Go Txanz�t to Buzz nezz 8 F�nanee �n OntaAio {yon a ,spec&t nepon.t. We nequezt you4 pan.t�c�pat on w�tUn .th�,s nepon.t by a spec&t pnoAy to o{y your munice pati ty .through a page o{y adveAt�,si ng ptus an ed�ton&t pxo{y te. Az pubUzheA, I wUt peAzonatty neta-te to the mun�ce pat paAt�c�pa-t�on, and watt catt you soon. YYouAz zs ncehet y, John guz, F.I vast.D. Fd-.tox 8 Pub. zhm JCF1 h Fnvl. ,_ ■W GO TRANSIT 555 Wilson Avenue, Downsview, Ontario M3H (416) 630-5220 Telex 06-217508 13 December 1985 Dear Sir/Madam: We are pleased to inform you that a special profile on the GO system and organization will be published in February 1986, by Business & Finance in Ontario magazine. The Magazine with its 40,000 circulation throughout Ontario, Quebec and western Canada, will dedicate the issue entirely to this special in-depth report. We would appreciate your participation to ensure a comprehensive report is achieved. Mrs. Cathy Joice, Special Co-ordinator, will contact you in the immediate future to discuss your company's participation. Sincerely, L.H. Parsons Chairman