HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN 6-86 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT f' � x File # Res. # -- _----_-_ - By-Law # MEET ING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: JANUARY 20 1986 REPORT #: ADMIN- h - 86 FILE #: W&JECT: JUNIOR ARCHITECT'S CONTEST, BOWMANVILLE CREEK RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . That Administrator's report ADMIN. 6 - 86 be received; 2. That Mayor's report 1 - 86 be tabled until such time as members of Council have had an opportunity to review the master plan prepared by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority for this area; and the consultant, Rethink have submitted their report on the Arena Feasibility Study. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: At the regularly scheduled meeting of January 13th 1986, the Mayor presented a report with respect to sponsoring a junior architect's contest for a design,of the Bowmanville Creek from Highway #2 to Baseline Road. The matter was referred to staff for a report. Upon reviewing the current circumstances it would appear that any consideration of a junior architect's contest may be premature pending the receipt and consideration of the Arena Feasibility Study_ This study is likely to be available in February of this year and was to specifically address the question of Arena location. ADMIN. 6 - 86 -2- In addition, members of Council not familiar with the C.L.O.C.A. report may wish to review a copy of the documents prepared by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority with respect to valleylands. A copy of the report is available in the Councillors ' library. Thereafter Council could more properly assess the value of a junior architect's contest. If after reviewing the above noted documents, Council wished to consider such a, contest staff would recommend that it be considered only if the Conservation Authority has no objection. It would not seem appropriate to proceed with a contest to design any proposals without the full support of the Conservation Authority, given that the Conservation Authority owns lands in the area and has regulatory control over the valley lands. In the same way that it is perhaps premature to discuss a junior architect's contest, it is also premature to discuss the possible cost implication to the project based on the amount of information available through the sketch which was attached to Mayor's report 1 - 86. Respectfully'/' submitted David S. o nston, M.C.I.P. , Chief Administrative Officer DSJ:nof tt Handout TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # Res. # By-Law # METING: COUNCIL DATE: JANUARY 13th, 1986 REPORT #: Mayor's Report 1-86 FILE #: SUB.ECT: Junior Architecht's Contest Bowmanville Creek - Highway No. 2 to Baseline Road RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: 1 . That this report be received; and 2. That Council approve the Junior Architect' s Contest for submission of proposals by students for architectural models of the Bowmanville Creek area from Highway No. 2 to Baseline Road in Bowmanville; and 3. That municipal funding of this Junior Architect's Contest be limited to the amount of $1 ,000.00 to be taken from the Unclassified Administration account; and 4. That the area Secondary Schools be advised of this contest. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: At the January 7th, 1986 meeting of the Bowmanville Business Improvement area, the development of the Eowmanville Creek from Highway No. 2 to Baseline Road was discussed and there appeared to be interest in a proposal to develop this parkland area. Attached hereto is a copy of a proposal to initiate a contest among students in the local secondary schools to submit architectural models of this proposal . I believe that it would be appropriate for Council to support this contest. p, c fully submitted, �v, INTERS, Mayor JW/mr (Att. ) �` Proposal for Mayor's "Jr. Architechts Contest" Site Plan: Bowmanville Creek Hwy #2 to Baseline Road Project: To prepare an architectual model of the enclosed proposed site plan (max. size 4'x8') incorporating all items in the key. Funding: $250.00 per school is available for materials only. Eligible Contestants: Bowmanville High School Clarke High School Courtice High School Durham Christian High School The project must be completed by art and drafting students under the supervision of staff. Only one project per school is permitted for the final contest judging. Project Deadlines: Each contestant must complete their site plan and present it to the Mayor's Office no later than February 28, 1986. Judging will take place on or before March 14, 1986 and the winner announced. 140TE: All projects will be displayed for public viewing. Prize: The school with the winning site plan model will be awarded $500.00. Judges: A panel of judges will be selected from local architect, real estate and consulting firms. All ♦ Z t In �moi►1.• ; \ z•` R��ta; � 1 1 t ,' 11w .� Z .e- or Aiwfotncr 57 1 f ,1} 1 t1,1 �Z,l�.' ,f.air � ����•, yt. aM,ft_ fF 1 . CL R ALN!full ,\ JL_ �. CA A"UTMh 9 ►- - C4 0or '6 ', �++►� s irk IRK ROADmamma '1 i PROPOSED BOWMANVILLE RECREATIONAL FACILITY S 1 T E PLAN �= 5v '00 ,50 2,70 2 S� -500 M. KEY 1. NATURE TRAIL 2_ GARDEN 3. TRACK AND FIELD 4. PARKING 5. ARENA 0. CHILDREN"S AREA 7. BASEBALL 8_ TENNIS 9, REST ROOMS 10. PICNIC AREA 11. SGC C.�(� Roberts Duncan Caunter