HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN 5-86 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # ® Res. # By-Law # (TING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: JANUARY 20 1986 REPORT #: ADMIN. 5 - 86 FILE #: SUBJECT: SHORELINE EROSION RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following; 1 . That Administrator's report ADMIN. 5 - 86 be received for information. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: At the January 6th 1986 General purpose and administration committee meeting, staff were asked to report on the responsibilities of the municipality and other government agencies with respect to flooding in shoreline areas and shoreline erosion. As a result of this inquiry, staff contacted officials in the local Ministry of Natural Resources office. The matter of shoreline erosion and shoreline stability is currently under study by both the Ministry of Natural Resources and Municipal Affairs. It is hoped through this study a more comprehensive approach to problems related to shoreline erosion and stability can be developed. In simple terms , the Ministry of Natural Resources or the Provincial government is responsible and has jurisdiction over all navigable waterways and the waterbeds to such waterways. The individual property owner is responsible for the maintenance of privately owned property. However, currently there are a number of provincial ADMIN. 5 - 86 -2- programs that serve to assist the private property owner in dealing with shoreline erosion. Ministry of Natural Resources officials indicated that it would be in the best interest of a concerned property owner to contact the local conservation authority to obtain specific advice as to what programs may be available and appropriate. The Ministry through the Conservation Authority have funds available to provide for the cost of engaging a consultant to provide technical assistance and recommendations to individual property owners. This does not include the cost of the actual improvements that might be made. The Ministry also provides funding under the Shoreline Property Assistance Program which is administered by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs for loans of up to seventy five percent of the cost of works performed to either repair or protect a shoreline property. These loans must be repaid over a ten year period at eight percent interest. The Shoreline Property Assistance Program is administered by the local municipality. In order to participate in the program the municipality must pass a by-law which is approved by the O.M.B. which authorizes the sale of debentures to the province. Funds under this program are only available uhder this program until March 31st 1986. Ministry of Natural Resources officials indicated that to date there have been no claims processed relative to Lake Ontario. If members of Council are approached by individual ratepayers concerned about shoreline erosion, it is suggested that such individuals be referred to the local Conservation Authority who will be in a position to advise on the property owner's most appropriate course of action. For the information of members of Council , staff have attached a copy of information received from the Ministry of Natural Resources. Respectfully submitted, David S ohnston, M.C.I .P. , Chief Administrative Officer DSJ:ro I i i BACKGROUND High water levels during the spring of 1985 resulted in millions of dollars in damages from shoreline flooding and erosion in areas along southern Lake Huron, the St. Clair River, Lake St. Clair, the Detroit River and Lake Erie. In response to this situation, the Ontario government has initiated a number of short-term programs for emergency assistance, as ' well as programs for long-term remedial action. Assistance is available to eligible property owners and municipalities from the ministries of Natural Resources, Municipal Affairs, Transportation and Communications, and Agriculture and Food. MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES Technical Advisory Service Purpose of the Program - to provide technical advice to property owners who are experiencing critical erosion problems and wish to carry out remedial works Assistance Available - MNR will fund 100 per cent of eligible costs -' - funds available to March 31 , 1986 How to Apply - property owners may apply through their local conservation authority, or , where there is no conservation authority, through the local MNR district office Emergency Shore Protection Plan Purpose of the Program - to identify priority areas and to prepare emergency shore protection plans for areas that have experienced flooding and erosion damage Assistance Available - assistance is available to property owners under regular ministry or conservation authority grant terms - funds available until March 31 , 1986 ( - 2 - How to Apply property owners may apply through their local conservation authority or, where there is no conservation authority, through the local MNR district office Emergency Repair and Maintenance of Conservation Authority Structure Purpose of the Program to carry out emergency repair and maintenance of conservation authority owned shoreline erosion and flood control structures which have been subjected to flooding and erosion damage Assistanc4`Available - assistance is extended to conservation authorities according to the normal grant rate structure. - funds available until March 31 , 1986 How to Apply - conservation authorities may apply to their regional MNR office MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS Shoreline Property Assistance Act (SPAP) Purpose of Program - to provide short-term assistance to private owners of shoreline property to meet the immediate problems of damages caused by flooding and erosion Assistance Available - the program makes available loans to repair or protect shorelines or buildings - the maximum loan for shoreline repair or protection is the lesser of 75 per cent of total cost or $500 per metre of shoreline - the maximum loan for building repairs is the lesser of 75 per cent of total cost or $20,000 - the loan is made to the property owner by the j municipality at an interest rate of eight per cent, and. is repayable through municipal taxes - the province, through the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, finances the loan by purchasing a debenture from the municipality at the same repayment terms - funding is available under this program until - 3 - How to Apply - property owners may apply for a SPAP loan from • their municipality - municipalities may participate in the program only after passing a bylaw approved by the Ontario Municipal Board authorizing the sale of debentures to the province Disaster Relief Purpose of Program to provide assistance for areas designated as disaster areas by the provincial cabinet Assistance Available - will provide funds to pay for damages to principal residence and essential furnishings on a matched province/relief fund dollar basis How to Apply - property owners should apply to their municipality for assistance under this program Unconditional Grants Act Purpose of Program to provide assistance to municipalities where the costs of restoring or protecting essential services damaged by . flooding or erosion- -- including roads, dikes, water and sewer lines -- would place undue burden on local ratepayers Assistance Available - any residual cost to a municipality, after deducting all other available grants, 'may qualify for special assistance How to Apply - interested municipalities should contact the local office of the Field Services Branch of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs more. . .