HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-27-95 �I THE XCORf XXXIC� TY CGTON REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File# Date: JUNE 19, 1995 Res. # ,;t� f Report#:_ WD-27-95- File#: ur o 3 10 By-Law# Subject: APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURE ON CONCESSION ROAD 7 CULVERT Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-27-95 be received; 2 . THAT Council approve funding in the amount of $49,898 . 19 from the Lot Levy Reserve Fund to provide for the overexpenditure on the Concession Road 7 Culvert. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. 1: Key Map No. 2 : 1993 Capital Budget Project Detail Page No. 3: Correspondence dated August 15, 1994 , from the Ministry of Natural Resources No. 4 : Memo dated June 5, 1995, from Nancy Taylor 2.0 BACKGROUND 2 . 1 Road Failure on Concession Road 7 On April 24, 1992, part of Concession Road 7, just west of Regional Road 57, slid away into the ditch at which time the road was closed to vehicular traffic. I � I 53 RECYCLED PaoEA P RECYCLt Ri4S B PRJtMD M RECYCLED PAPER REPORT NO. : WD-27-95 PAGE 2 2 .2 Provision in 1993 Capital Budget Provision was made in the 1993 Capital Budget for $50,000 to replace the culvert under Concession Road 7, realign the creek and provide erosion protection and slope stabilization. $41,638. 19 was spent on the project in 1993. i 2.3 Project Delaved i The work done in 1993 did not complete the project because of concerns of adjacent property owners and lack of approval from the Ministry of Natural Resources. 2.4 Approval from the Ministry of Natural Resources Approval for the project was received on August 15, 1994 (Attachment No. 3) . It is worth noting on page 1 of the approval, that the project could only be done between July 1, 1994, and September 30, 1994. This was a pretty short window of opportunity in light of the approval not being received until August 15, 1994. 2 .5 No Provision in 1994 Budget Sometime during the construction time in 1994, it was discovered that no provision had been made in the 1994 Budget to complete the project. However, the project could not be delayed because of the window of opportunity. The project was substantially completed by September 30, 1994. 2 .6 Approval of Council At this point in time there should have been a report to Council explaining the circumstances and obtaining approval for the necessary funding to complete the project. However, this did not happen. i I 1054 REPORT NO. : WD-27-95 PAGE 3 3.0 RECOMMENDATION 3. 1 It is, therefore, recommended that Council approve the funding of $49,898. 19 to cover the overexpenditure and that the funds be obtained from the Lot Levy Reserve Fund. 3.2 The Treasurer concurs with the recommendation. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, Walter Evans, P.Eng. W. H. Stockwell Director of Public Works Chief Administrative Officer WAE*ph June 9, 1995 Attachments I i I i I 1055 i I I LOT 18 I LOT 17 LOT 16 LOCA TV N OF CONI VII ONCE BON ROAD L VERT REPI.,4CEMENi ( ° a I CONCESS N ROAD 7 U .� N CO VI Z _O O 0 R ciaa a o 8 3 I �� ( 'v' II as � ow a I � I I uao Hvi g C:\ATTACHS DARL\CON7CULV.DWG s ro A DRAWN BY; JM mjg[m o ti aEa wao . J ATTACHMENT N0, 1 KEY MAP WD-27-95 1056 C 0 R P 0 R A T I O N O F T H E T 0 W N O F N E W C A S T L E PAGE 1:40 1993 CAPITAL BUDGET AND FOUR YEAR FORECAST DEPARTMENT: T PROJECT DETAIL DIV. PAGE REF.#: 12 I P R O J E C T / L O C A T I O N M A P I P R O J E C T C 0 S T / F I N A N C I N G I I I C 0 S T Division: A. ROADS AND STRUCTURES (RECONSTRUCTION) Account 0: 7204-93001-X Account Name: CONCESSION ROAD 7 CULVERT REPLACEMENT AND CREEK REALIGNMENT I I I I Description: CONCESSION ROAD 7 CULVERT REPLACEMENT AND CREEK REALIGNMENT I Location: Lot 17, Concession 6 and 7, Darlington I I I I Details/Needs: This project involves the replacement of a road cross culvert, I-Construction I 44,000 creek realignment, erosion protection and slope stabilization. I I This project is necessary to correct existing maintenance concerns. I-Design and Construction Administration I 6,000 I I I I I I of I I Lfl I I TOTAL I $50,000 " I DAR L NGTON I I.................... F I N A N C I N G : I � LOT 17 U I Account Name CZ ON VII q I-Ree./Ree. Funds I o I I �-� CONCESSION ROAD 7 I-Other: I -A C-) t a I I U1 m Ll - I-Subsidy 1 40,000 CON VI w I zo a I-Debenture I I I I N ]-Tax Levy 1 10,000 I I TOTAL I $50,000 ----------------- P.O. Box 7400 Pef: D-WP-004-94/95 10401 Dufferin Street Maple, Ontario L6A IS9 August 15, 1994 RECEIVED AUG 1 9 1994 Corporation of Municipality of Clarington W TTEN 9IMs HU BICKI 40 Temperance Street ASSO-CIATES Bowmanville, Ontario LIN 3A6 C81361JRG - ONTARtO Attention: D.R. Bourne Dear Sir: SUBJECT: Work Permit for Proposed Stream Realignment of Bowmanville Creek., Parts of_.Lot 17, Concession 6 and 7, Seventh Line Road, :---,Kunicipa3ity of Clarington, lformerly Darlington Twin Enclosed is a Work Permit and schedule "F" for the above subject work,k, per your application dated March 17, 1994. Please review all 'the conditions on the Work Permit and Schedule "F" before construction begins. Note the timing for this project is from July 1 to September 30, 1994. If you have any questions, please contact Greg Bales (905) 832-7293, or Tim Rance (905) 832-7203 of this office. Yours truly, DlacDo%na' A/Area.Supervisor, Durham Greater Toronto Area District Maple GB/js Enclosures cc: Totten Sims Hubicki Associates; Attn: Rudi Warme, P. Eng. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Municipality of Clarington; Attn: E. Chiu, Eng. Supervisor Conservation Officer, Durham Area ATTEid T 10^! fARHNlCIT11-.?TY OF Nose Y-,F + Aft 10 ATTACHMENT N0. 3 WD-27-95 Natural Richesses Resources naturell6s 'Pe.rmj&AeAravai) D—WP.7:00.7. .-94/95 This permit is issued under the authority 8nd provisiofti'S of the following indicated Provincial Acts and their regulations;and is subject to the limita- tions and provisions thereof and is also subject to thd terms and conditions herein. Ce permis est emis conform6ment aux dispositions des lots provinciales ci-apres et des reglements y aff6rents et est sujet aux restrictions et disposi- tions de ces lois et r6glements ainsi qu'aux conditiofls_cWnonc6es.- ❑ Forest Fires Prevention Act/Loi sur la prevention des incendies de forst 50 Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act/Lol stir 1'am6nagement des lacs et des rivieres O Section 13,Public Lands Act as amended/Loi sur les terres pubiiques,article 13,tel quo modifie O Section 13a,Public Lands Act as amended/Loi sur les terres publiques,article 13a,tel que.modiW, Note:The Issuance of this permit does not relieve the applicant from the responsibility of acquiring any other agency,board, government,etc:,approval as may be required nor does it relieve the permittee from the requirements of any legislation. Remarque: La dalivrance d'un permis n'eiconare pas Is demandeur de I'obligatlon d'obtenlr Pautorisation de tout autre organisme,commission,gouliemement;etc.qul pourralt Etre exigae,nonplus qu'elie exempte le d6tenteur des dispositions des lois. This Permit is Issued to:/Ce permis est deilvr8' ' Name of Permtttee/Nom du d6tenteufY" CORPORATION F UNI IP.AL.ITY".":OF CLARINGTON ATTN: D. BOURNE' Post Office Address/Adresse postale 40 TEMPERANC-E - STREET.. BO MA VILLE ,.ON:TAR10•.. I,1N:«•3A6.•.; To conduct an operation from the: :. :.day of : " 19 to and including the" day Pour effectuer des travaux du 1st" Jour de -JULY 19 9 4 jusqu'au 3 0th jour of ,19' on the fdliowing work permit area: de SEPTEMBER- 19' 94-...• "ausiteobjetdupresentpermis- LOT 17 , CONCESSION 6' & :7 , SEVENTH LINE;' MUNIC"IPALITY OF CLARINGTON (Former.ly ,.Parl.ington T wP. ) - as per your application dated:/c onformement A la domande de permis en date du,:, MARCH 17 , 1994 FOr the purpose of:/Aux fins de 'P�ROP,O5fiD STREAM REALIGNMENT OF B OWMANV ILLE. GREEK i i Subject to the following conditions:/Et sous les conditions'suivantes: 1. The Permittee shall keep this permit or-a true copy thereof on the work permit area. Le d6tenteur conservera ce permis ou une cople conforme sur les deux des travaux. 2. The person in charge-of the operation conducted under this permit shall produce and show this permit or the true copy kept on the work permit area to any officer whenever requested by the officer. Le responsable des travaux couverts par ce permis dolt produire le permis ou sa copse conforme si un agent le lui demande.. a Other conditions as listed on the reverse side of this permit as well as those contained in Schedule(s) "F" attached. Autres conditions 6nonc6es au verso de ce permis ainsi quo celles apparaissant aux annexes suivantes Place of Issue/Emis 6 Da /Date de d6lNrance Sign of Issuing Officer/Signature du d6IK1reue.: Durham Area Office / GTA District, Maple 05 �. . i _CH&DULE 'F' CONDITIONS SUBJECT: Application for Work Permit Under the Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act for' Approval of the Proposed Realignment of Bowmanville Creek at the 7th Concession - Municipality of Clarington The location, plans and specifications for the realignment of Bowmanville Creek in. Lot 17, Concession 6/7, Municipality of Clarington, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, have been approved under Sections 14 (1) (a) and 14 (5) of the Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act subject to the .following conditions: 1. This, approval is "given to 'the proposed works, shown on the following documents prepared by Totten Sims Hubicki Limited: Totten Sims Hubicki Limited - Fish Habitat Mitigation Measures - Plan and Details - Project 12-10180 - Dwg. No. 1. 2. All instream/bank. work shall be carried out during low flow periods and ' .: between July 1, 1994 and September 30, 1994. 3. Minimum- diameter 300 mm river run stone will be used for the rock clusters and vortex weirs where these materials are specified. 4. The construction of the new channel shall be done in dry conditions with no flow directed to the new channel until all stabilization measures are in place. 5. Prior to any construction; land tenure must be obtained from the property owner(s) for the lands (not owned by the applicant) on which the proposed works will be constructed. 6. The applicant and his successors or assigns shall be responsible for periodic and regular inspection, maintenance, operation and repair of the works in accordance. with the approved plans and specifications to ensure structural integrity and functional performance. 7. A siltation control device must be installed and properly maintained downstream of the site during the construction period. After construction, accumulated sediment must be removed from the streambed and placed . . .2 1060 Page 2 Schedule 'F' - Conditions outside the limits of the floodplain followed by removal of the siltation control device. If excessive 'siltation results from the construction activities, the Ministry of Natural Resources reserves the right to request additional siltation control(s) to be installed prior to further construction activities. Please be advised that straw bales are not to be used for instream siltation control since they tend to separate-. when subjected to a continuous. flow of water. 8. The applicant shall not allow any. deleterious material, (as defined within the Canada Fisheries Act) caused by his/her activity, to enter or re-enter the waterbody. 9. The construction of the aforementioned work shall be inspected by the design engineer, Totten Sims Hubicki Limited or his/her representative as frequently as may be required to ensure compliance with the plans and specifications and conditions of approval. If erosion and sediment control measures are ineffective or not in place, the design engineer shall immediately notify the Area Supervisor, Durham Area Office, GTA District, Maple, and take action to ensure appropriate control are installed. Upon completion of construction, the design engineer shall, in writing, certify to the Area Supervisor, Durham, that the work was completed in accordance with the approved plans or identify aspects of the work which were modified and provide a set of as- constructed drawings. 10. The applicant shall contact Greg Bales (905) 832-7293 or Tim Rance (905) 832-7203 at the Durham Area Office forty-eight hours prior to commencement of the works in order that inspections may-be arranged. Approved Approved Under Section 14 (1) (a) Under Section 14 (5) Za Supervisor Engineer under the Act Durham Area Office Southern Region GTA District, Maple Aurora Attachments 1061 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Memorandum To: Walter Evans, Director of Public Works From: Nancy Taylor, Deputy Treasurer Date: June 5, 1995 Subject: Concession Rd. 7 Culvert ------------------------------------------------------------------ During the course of our year end analysis, it was brought to my attention that the 1993 capital project for Concession Road 7 culvert had 1994 expenditures of $58,259.81. There was no 1994 budget provided for this item. This project was budgetted in 1993 for $50,000 and $41,638 . 38 was spent in 1993. This results in a total overexpenditure of $49,898. 19 . This item should have been brought to Council for authorization of the overexpenditure and approval of tax levy financing. Our auditors did not take exception to this particular item, but this is one of the areas that they routinely investigate. In future, please ensure that a report goes to Council for approval of financing on significant overexpenditures in order to avoid problems with our auditors. Thank ou, iX ncy aylor CC. Bill Stockwell, C.A.O. Marie Marano, Treasurer Don Patterson, Manager of Operations ATTACHMENT N0. 4 WD-27-95 i 1062 i