HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-30-95 THE COR IR IO OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON %J XX ik'kXI *1 XX REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File #` i b C-1-5 Date: July 10, 1995 Res. #--(:a. ._._.-- Report#:_ WD-30-95 File#: D.02 . 31.03 Dy-Law# Subject: REQUESTS FOR FOUR ADULT CROSSING GUARDS CONCESSION STREET/LIBERTY STREET, BOWMANVILLE MEARNS AVENUE/SOPER CREEK DRIVE, BOWMANVILLE BEAVER STREET/ROBERT STREET, NEWCASTLE SANDRINGHAM DRIVE/DR. EMILY STOWE SCHOOL COURTICE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-30-95 be received; 2 . THAT requests for adult crossing guards which have not met the warrants at the following locations be denied: Beaver Street at Robert Street, Newcastle Mearns Avenue at Soper Creek Drive, Bowmanville Sandringham Drive at Dr. Emily Stowe School, Courtice; 3 . THAT an adult guard be placed at the intersection of Concession Street and Liberty Street, Bowmanville, commencing September 1995; 4 . THAT Council allocate funding from the Contingency Account for I the new location in the amount of $2210 for the period September to December 1995; 5 . THAT the request for an all-way stop near Dr. Emily Stowe School on Sandringham Drive be denied; and I 1001 PAYER PAPER E IN6 IS'WED ES4 RECYCLED PAPER REPORT NO. : WD-30-95 PAGE 2 6 . THAT Paul Brace of the Northumberland-Clarington Board of Education, Donna Cartier, Lora Henderson and Carol Mitchell be advised of Council's decision and provided with a copy of this report. j REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. 1: Key Maps - lA Concession Street/Liberty Street, Bowmanville, and Mearns Avenue/Soper Creek Drive, Bowmanville - 1B Beaver Street/Robert Street, Newcastle - 1C Sandringham Drive at Dr. Emily Stowe School, Courtice No. 2 : Correspondence Dated May 16, 1995 from Northumberland-Clarington Board of Education Regarding Beaver Street, Newcastle No. 3: Correspondence Dated April 20, 1995 from Northumberland-Clarington Board of Education Regarding Concession Street/Liberty Street, Bowmanville No. 4: Correspondence dated May 26, 1995 from Donna Cartier Regarding crossing on Sandringham Drive, Courtice No. 5: Existing Adult Guard Locations 2.0 BACKGROUND 2 . 1 At a regular meeting held on June 12, 1995, Council passed the I following resolution #C-430-95: "THAT the correspondence received from Donna Cartier requesting the placement of an adult crossing guard and /or a stop sign on Sandringham Drive, be received; j 1002 I REPORT NO. : WD-30-95 PAGE 3 THAT the correspondence be referred to the Director of Public Works for review and preparation of a report to the General Purpose and Administration Committee; and THAT Donna Cartier be advised of Council 's decision. " Correspondence from the Northumberland-Clarington Board of Education dated April 20, 1995 and May 16, 1995 requested a permanent guard at the Concession Street/Liberty Street intersection in Bowmanville and a guard for one year on Beaver Street at Robert Street in Newcastle during construction of the new school. i Phone calls were received from Lora Henderson of 36 Strathmanor Drive and Carol Mitchell of 33 Soper Creek Drive requesting an adult guard on Mearns Avenue at Soper Creek Drive. I 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3 . 1 Adult School Crossing Guard Policy: C Council's Policy on the placement of adult school crossing guards, as contained in Report PD-47-91, was approved by Council on February 25, 1991. In essence, Council Policy requires a minimum of only 50% delay time or difficulty in crossing before placement of an adult school crossing guard will be considered. This is more lenient than the provincial guidelines. i I 3 .2 Concession Street / Liberty Street Crossing, Bowmanville During 1994, a sidewalk was completed along the east side of Liberty Street connecting King Street to Concession Street. As a result of the new sidewalk installation, the School Board can fulfill a commitment to eliminate busing those students within a 1 .6 km walking distance of the school. The Board has i 1003 REPORT NO. : WD-30-95 PAGE 4 improved bus efficiency with double or triple runs, but can save approximately $27,000 per year for each bus it can eliminate. The School Board estimates 50 students from Vincent Massey Public School and 20 from Bowmanville Senior Public School will be crossing Concession Street at the beginning of September, 1995. The Concession Street/Liberty Street intersection is a warranted and busy all-way stop intersection which has more volume than the all-way stop intersection of Nash Road and Trulls Road, Courtice, which presently has an adult guard. When the crossing study periods were reviewed and pro-rated to an hourly comparison, the results are as follows: (Vehicles per hour) Period Liberty / Concession Nash / Trulls am 894 984 PM 1044 600 Total 1938 1584 Paul Brace, Manager of Transportation and Planning of the P g Northumberland-Clarington Board of Education, has indicated that this is their top priority request for an adult guard. A study of traffic crossing Concession Street and passing through the pedestrian area on the east side of Liberty Street produced a warrant of 53 .9% which is above the 50% level approved by Council as the point to consider implementation of an adult guard. This intersection has experienced 10 motor vehicle accidents during the past three years. 3 . 3 Mearns Avenue / Soper Creek Drive Crossing, Bowmanville A guard is being requested at this uncontrolled intersection by two parents, Lora Henderson and Carol Mitchell, not by the i 1004 REPORT NO. : WD-30-95 PAGE 5 School Board. Some of the students on the east side of Mearns Avenue are presently inside the 1.6 km walking distance and will have their busing discontinued in September of 1995. The School Board has advised parents that students should walk southerly from the intersection to the traffic lights at Mearns Avenue and King Street, then to Vincent Massey School, a distance of 1.27 km. The parents would like the Municipality to provide a crossing guard on Mearns Avenue at Soper Creek Drive combined with the Board building and maintaining a sidewalk on school property which connects Galbraith Court to Vincent Massey School. These two j expenditures would reduce the walking distance by approximately 300 meters . Paul Brace, from the School Board, has advised that funds are not available for a sidewalk on school property to properly facilitate this short cut for the students. Mr Brace also notes that if the sidewalk and guard were provided, the 1.6 km walking distance would be extended 300 m and eliminate busing for more students in the subdivision east of Mearns Avenue. The crossing guard study produced a warrant of only 35%, whereas Council 's policy is not to consider an adult guard unless 50% of the warrant is met. The traffic volumes exiting and entering Mearns Avenue at King Street are relatively light and would not require an adult guard in addition to the traffic signals . 3.4 Beaver Street / Robert Street Crossing, Newcastle The School Board is requesting an adult guard at this location for a one year duration only. The Board is constructing a new school behind the existing Newcastle Public School and is concerned about extra congestion and confusion created by construction traffic . This uncontrolled intersection is i 1005 REPORT NO. : WD-30-95 PAGE 6 presently supervised by student patrollers and requests for adult guards have been turned down in the past due to very low results on the warrant studies . As an alternative to an adult guard, it would be beneficial for the School Board to require the contractor building the school to direct all construction traffic to use Robert Street, proceeding south to the construction entrance, to keep unwanted traffic away from Beaver Street. The written warnings to the contractors could also be supplemented with roadside signs at Robert Street and James Street stating "No construction traffic of any type beyond this point. Use Mill Street and Robert Street. " 3.5 Sandringham Drive Crossing at Dr. Emily Stowe School, Courtice Council reviewed Report WD-22-94 dated April 18, 1994 which showed low crossing guard warrant study results of only 26% and turned down this request because it was well below the 50% I requirement. The mid block crossing location at the school is presently monitored by student patrollers . Traffic studies have shown that the speeds and volume of traffic on Sandringham Drive are considerably less than those on Glenabbey Drive. Stop sign requests near schools are common, but this location does not meet provincial guidelines . Alternatives will be reviewed by the Clarington Traffic Committee which is presently investigating school safety as part of the Nash Road Study. 3. 6 Existing Crossing Guards The Municipality presently employs 18 adult crossing guards at an annual cost of approximately $5,590.00 each per school year, with two rovers to fill in during periods of absence. No funding has been allocated for expansion of the program. A list of existing locations is shown as Attachment No.5 . 1006 REPORT NO. : WD-30-95 PAGE 7 4.0 CONCLUSIONS 4 . 1 From the above, it is concluded: That the request for a crossing guard at Mearns Avenue/Soper Creek Drive be denied, as a guard is not warranted and students can safely cross at the traffic signals at Mearns Avenue and King Street. 4.2 That the request for an adult crossing guard on Sandringham Drive and/or an all-way stop be denied, as the student patrollers are capable of assisting the younger students across with the existing traffic volumes. 4. 3 That the request for an adult crossing guard on Beaver Street for the 1995/96 school year be denied, as construction traffic should be diverted away from the crossing location. 4 .4 That an adult guard be placed at the busy intersection of Concession Street and Liberty Street, which meets the warrant for an adult crossing guard. i Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, i Stephen A. Vokes, P.Eng. W.H. Stockwell Director of Public Works Chief Administrative Officer RDB/SV/wc July 4, 1995 See following page for list of persons to be provided with copies of this report. i 1007 i REPORT NO. : WD-30-95 PAGE 8 pc: Mr. P. Brace Manager of Transportation, Planning and Assessment The Northumberland-Clarington Board of Education 834 D'Arcy Street North Box 470 Cobourg, ON. , K9A 4L2 Donna Cartier 74 Sandringham Drive Courtice, ON. , LlE 1W7 Lora Henderson 36 Strathmanor Drive Bowmanville, ON. , L1C 4L3 Carol Mitchell 33 Soper Creek Drive Bowmanville, ON. , L1C 4G3 i 1 i I i I. 1008 i i ' CONC SION ST EET S ER PEACHTREE CRES. �- 0 � w a •' a o •' •' cn -- z ' a o a w CHURCH S t9 H KING STRE Lu i J E E BOWMANVILLE REQUESTED GUARDS REPORT NO. WD-30-95 VINCENT MASSEY SCHOOL ATTACHMENT NO. 1A m PROPOSED SIDEWALK ON DATE:JUNE 29, 1995 SCHOOL PROPERTY FILE: C:\DATA\MAPDATA\SW\VMCRGRD 1009 KING STREET H LU w dEE i V-ARD 0 STRE T I- w J F- a U) z O Lu � a w m OBE ST. HIGHWAY NO. 40ir LEGEND NEWCASTLE REQUESTED GUARD + REPORT NO. WD-30-95 NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL ATTACHMENT NO. 1B NEW SCHOOL IN 95-96 DATE:JUNE 29, 1995 . . . . . . . PROPOSED TRUCK ROUTE ACCESS FILE: C:\DATA\MAPDATA\SW\NPCRGRD i 1010 i HIGHWAY NO' Z D co z STRATHAL N RIVE Fit U) J J ROAD 1 DHAM SCENT LEGE N COURTI CE ,♦ REQUESTED GUARD REPORT NO. WD-30-95 �. DR. EMILY STOWE SCHOOL ATTACHMENT NO. 1C DATE:JUNE 30, 1995 FILE: C:\DATA\MAPDATA\SW\ESCRGRD 1011 The Northumberland-Clarington ��� Board of Education 9 n95 Leaders ii7 Learning AAI won- 11 831 n'Arcy St. North, PLANNN�a p_ 'I-nPIPJGT0- Box 470, Cohourg. Ontario CPAr�17V1ENT K9A AL2 Tel (905)372-68-1 Fax(905)372-1133 16 May 1995 Franklin Wu # Director of Planning Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Dear Frank Re: Crossing Guard Request This request is in regards to Newcastle Public School in the village of Newcastle . When Beaver Street was converted from a one-way to a two-way street in 1992, traffic congestion in front of Newcastle Public School increased. A request for a crossing guard was made (see attached) but was denied since the criteria for the placement of a guard were not present . As you are aware, the Board is constructing a new school on the eastern edge of the current school property. Construction is scheduled to begin this summer and continue throughout the 1995-96 school year. A temporary construction access is planned for the southern extremity of the current site from the south end of Beaver Street to the new school site . This will result in heavy truck traffic and increased traffic volume on Beaver Street during the construction period. Therefore, to facilitate the safe passage of students, we are requesting the placement of a crossing guard in front of Newcastle Public School during the 1995-96 school year only. I appreciate your careful consideration in this matter and look Yi rwar to your response . ncere y Paul Br ce w Manager of Transportation, Planning and Assessment PC Sue Medd, Principal Newcastle P.S . 1 0 1 2 ATTACHMENT N0. 2 WD-30-95 R. C. Sudds, Superintendent of Business and Treasurer ): {4 i t �u ..}7.. ttSy S, r 1 ti+ A e '� ��, i a' 0"fc ,n..7 ��d �`�, � .r.� 3)�`, � it. k.7� 1t;t{�+�'� .k�,� 1 >'xaS ��:,1,;; ,1� �,t� ICY. ii. shit lf.i7lf.�kn��pJi�l,lil,. The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education 834 D'Arcy Street, P.O. Box 470 Cobourg, Ontario. K9A 4L2 Telephone 416 372-6871 Fax 416 372-1133 11 November, 1992 Franklin Wu Director of Planning Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 Dear Frank This is in reference to a crossing guard request. The recent conversion of Beaver Street from a one-way to a two- way street near Newcastle Public School has caused some concerns. Traffic now has easier access to this area, causing some amount of confusion before and after school. Due to the added congestion, I wish to request the placement of a crossing guuard on Beaver Street in front of Newcastle Public School to facilitate the safe passage of our students. Please advise as to the outcome of your analysis. Sincerely a.'—V L'_'_ I Paul Brace Manager of Transportation and Planning PC Susan Medd, Principal Newcastle P. S. 1013 Tie North r berlan.d-CLar_i;n: ton te _ - Board of Education ' 834 D'Arcy Street, P.O. Box 470 Cobourg, Ontario. K9A 41-2 Telephone 905 372-6871 Fax 905 372-1133 20 April 1995 Franklin Wu Director Planning Municip ity of Clarington A FI't; " 4Za perance Street Bville, Ontario MUNICIPALIT,'GF 'L6PLANNING DLP' i i';i�NT Dear Frank Re: Crossing Guard Request , This request refers to an area in north Bowmanville affecting students attending Vincent Massey Public School and Bowmanville Senior Public School . Currently, students who live north and south of Concession Street between Liberty Street and Mearns Avenue are bussed to school . Since continuous sidewalks have been installed on the east side of Liberty Street, we have reviewed the area and discovered that many of the children are within the walking zone and can now walk to school using the sidewalk system. However, the students north of Concession Street (Apple Blossom area) will have to cross Concession Street enroute to school . The Principal of Vincent Massey Public School and this office feels that a crossing guard would assist the safe passage of younger students at the intersection of Concession and Liberty Streets . I request that a crossing guard be placed at the intersection of Concession and Liberty Streets to facilitate the safe passage of students, effective September 1995 . Please advise as to the outcome of your analysis . Sincere I aul Brace Manager of Transportation and Planning PC Warren Medd, Principal Vincent Massey P.S . Hilary Walt, Principal Bowmanville Senior P. S . ATTACHMENT N0. 3 1014 WD-30-95 I JUN 0 7 ik9'S '_ ._:. ._.. JUN 11995 r-�MUN{C1pw'ir6F CLARINGTON MAY'OR'S OFFICE M�it7t' r Dia.xte- Harare 40 TeurE)erance Street . f3c,wniarsvi]_le . 17ntario .LIC 3A6 AGENDA Dear Mayor Harare: t am writing, this letter to you out of* concern for the Bafet\r of al). the. children attending Dr. L'trlily Stowe Public C hoo1 on Sandringham Drive in Courtice. . I have lived on this street for si..x .years and have noticed how increasingly busv the trgffl.<, ti•�.r, become . I also know several studies have been done , a.n(j yt -t()e present time, we do not warrant an adult crossing uu.�ird andior a 6toP sign on Sandri.ngitam Drive . 1 believe this r•ulinw ehould be; ,:!hanged . KV �ommuliity is part_icular.l .v incensed t)iat the rr6iden1_,s of Abbey Drive demanded and renel.ved BOTH an adul.'r., ct•osr�i).li� guard and FIVE stop signs , I unders tatid that the street ie. busy as it is a direct link to the 4014 hi�ilway. )la;ve .si.udi.es been deme oil Sandringham Drive linking the school hour. (Peak t times ) all the number of cars entering and exiting the -school parking lot? T hate to he cynical , Mavor Hamre. butone wonder6 If the r'ea,6on we cannot get protection for our children is :polj.tloal . Is it he—C,Ruse we supf'Dort• the 1.''ubl.i.c School Board and not ti)e Ca.ti)<.jii<::I Hoard of. Edue-ation or is it because our bojrjer ar•e ncjt F,e e.--.Pensive as those on Glen Abbey Drive? Mayor.' Hamr•e we are notasking f(-)r' the impossible - .suet ,i little t =6ie t and Y. i.il for tii , ilt3_firvtl ill our '.g1n11)l)riity C)u.r ;,h..i ldren are ,iu..'t ar: iPPDOrtant, aF= the cU l.dr.en cwhc- li-ve t-)n Abbey Drive . r'7. <.iE;F �1 ) 'fl-ot irjak: the nelglibourf-foo� ttin_:j llj'_ in 9rins and have ja)U)ittce atter (�nrmittee fi0-Lt the T�'%(- i c ! tI t;1 arington over ii ir,yu.e - H q much will. it �'ej : t. � ..n.ION1) , vl'V:-CliT,,,< aly t1 :_ ?:d`i fr311:1 c ?(.�urring Cz -:a t'S . ACK. BY _ ORIGINAL. _ a C , i S T0: J)ortii C*0u r't j..7e . Oi)t , ATTACHMENT N0. 4 WD-30-95 } • � - 1015