HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-40-95 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File# U Date: SEPTEMBER 18, 1995 Res. # " e _S- Report#: WD-40-95 File #: B.01 .12.02 By-Law# AMENDMENTS TO TRAFFIC BY-LAW 91-58, PARKING CHANGES RESULTING Subject: FROM DISCUSSIONS WITH TRINITY UNITED CHURCH RecofirnVaPPWictfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . THAT Report WD-40-95 be received; 2. THAT parking be permitted during weekday evenings and weekends on the north side of Church Street from George Street to 90 metres westerly; 3. THAT "Free Public Parking Lots" be included in Schedule VIII "Off-Street Parking Meter Zones" of By-law 91 -58, with no fee required and a three (3) hour limit; 4. THAT the Clarington By-law Office and/or the Director of Public Works be authorized to allocate temporary reserved parking areas for organizations requiring special parking privileges in any municipal parking lot; 5. THAT the proposed By-law attached to Report WD-40-95 be passed by Council; and 6. THAT Trinity United Church, as well as the Bowmanville Business Improvement Area, be advised of Council's decision. REPORT 1 .0 ATTACHMENTS No. 1 : Key Map No. 2: Correspondence dated April 18, 1995, to Church Street Residents No. 3: Proposed By-law to amend By-law 91 -58 1013 T1 i5PR-ON REOYCLEO PAPER REPORT NO. : WD-40-95 PAGE 2 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 At a regular meeting held on March 6, 1995, Council passed the following Resolution #C-145-95: "THAT Report ADMIN-5-95 be received; THAT the appropriate staff continue to meet with the representatives of Trinity United Church in an attempt to solve the need for on-street parking for special events such as weddings, funerals, etc. ; THAT Council declare the east and west court house/firehall parking lots "Public Parking" with the consideration of the installation of meters left for future discussions with the Bowmanville B.I.A. ; THAT the Chief Administrative Officer be directed to instigate a search to lease an appropriate sized lot in a two or three block radius of the Municipal Administrative Centre in Bowmanville for the purpose of municipal staff parking; and THAT the delegation from Trinity United Church, as well as the Bowmanville B.I.A. , be advised of Council's decision. " It was also noted that, to allow room for members of the public to park in the parking lots east and west of the Court House/Fire Hall, staff now has a choice of parking in one of the following four (4) parking lots: - Parking lot east of the Court House/Fire Hall, - Parking lot west of the Court House/Fire Hall, - Parking lot on the south side of Church Street at Division Street, and - The Silver Street parking lot (during Church Street reconstruction only) . 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3.1 Use of #132 Church Street Parking Lots by the Public The Council declaration of March 6, 1995, that both the east and west parking lots at 132 Church Street become "Public Parking" necessitates a change to Traffic By-law 91 -58. Section 9 (7) (A - E) specifies areas and uses of these lots as employee parking, Fire Department parking, 1014 REPORT NO. : WD-40-95 PAGE 3 Provincial Court staff and police parking. The proposed By-law (Attachment No. 2) under items (a) and (b) would provide the following amendments: a) Eliminate the previously described uses; b) Allow for parking of Probation Office staff whose lease agreement presently specifies three (3) designated spaces and are posted as such; C) Allow for designated parking of other tenants if it is negotiated in a future lease agreement and posted as such; d) Allow for designated parking of municipally owned vehicle(s) (to facilitate the use of engine block heaters) and posted as such; e) Allow for employees with authorization tags to park in designated parking lots or other areas; and f) Allow for temporary reserved parking in municipal parking lots. 3.2 Parkins Restrictions on Church Street During public consultation meetings held in 1994 for the Church Street reconstruction, it was agreed to ban the parking on both sides of Church Street, from Liberty Street to Division Street. By-law 94-109 provided this change and the parking on Church Street, including the area in front of Trinity United Church was eliminated. Discussions with Trinity Church officials during 1995 suggested a compromise could be reached to satisfy both residents and Trinity United Church. The attached proposed By-law under item (D) would establish a "No Parking, Monday to Friday 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. " zone on the north side of Church Street from George Street to 90 metres westerly, which is just east of Trinity Church's main entrance. This would permit parking of six (6) vehicles for Trinity's peak periods during weekends and evenings. The reconstruction of Church Street, from George Street to Division Street, provided a pavement width of 4.80 m (15' 9") to accommodate the parking area. 1015 REPORT NO. : WD-40-95 PAGE 4 The area from 90 metres west of George Street to 110 metres west of George Street, listed under item (D) of the attached by-law, is directly in front of Trinity United Church and will be posted "No Parking Anytime" which will keep the area free of parked vehicles but will still permit up to three (3) motorists to stop to discharge passengers. The area west of the front of the church will be posted "No Stopping" to keep vehicles away from the fire hydrant and intersection. The proposed weekend and evening parking zone will begin 30 metres east of Division Street and should not present a visibility problem for motorists stopped southbound on Division Street. 3.3 On-Street Special Event Parking Privileges Another concern of Trinity officials was special occasions during Monday to Friday when parking may be required on the north side of Church Street, between George Street and 90 metres westerly. The existing traffic By-law 91 -58, Section 26 (2) (c) , provides an exemption for vehicles actually forming part of a funeral procession. The municipal parking lot at 132 Church Street, previously used exclusively for employee parking, now provides abundant free parking for church use. Other on-street exemptions were reviewed and denied in report WD-28-95 dealing with the complicated issues of parking permits and the three (3) hour on-street parking limit. The proposed By-law amendment under item "B" will allow for temporary reserved parking in the municipal parking lots which will address Trinity United Church's concerns. i 3.4 Free Public Lots To Be Listed With Off-Street Metered Zones The Municipality has three (3) free public parking lots: Mill Street, Newcastle 132 Church Street, east lot, Bowmanville 132 Church Street, west lot, Bowmanville Staff recommends that the free public parking lots be listed in Traffic By-law 91 -58, Schedule VIII, "Off-Street Parking Meter Zones" with no fee being required and a three (3) hour time limit during business hours to discourage abuse. This change will provide better control of the lots' use and is included in the attached By-law as item (E) . Consideration for the installation of meters will be left for future discussions with members of the Business Improvement Area and will be presented to Council if an hourly fee is to be recommended. 016 REPORT NO. : WD-40-95 PAGE 5 3.5 A letter was delivered to each residence along Church Street, from Division Street to Liberty Street, advising them of the proposed changes to the parking on Church Street (Attachment No. 2) . Public Works has received several positive responses with no objections to the proposed changes. 3.6 It is the opinion of the Public Works' staff that giving Municipal staff the choice of parking in one (1 ) of the three (3) parking lots (Firehall East, Firehall West and Church/Division Street) is acceptable to the Municipality and the Bowmanville Business Improvement Area. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS 4.1 From the above, it is concluded that the attached By-law will address the concerns of Trinity United Church and recognize the changes to parking lot usage as directed by Council. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, { 2 Steph n A. Vokes, P.Eng. W. H. Stockwell Director of Public Works Chief Administrative Officer SAV*RDB*ph September 13, 1995 Trinity United Church Bowmanville Business Centre 116 Church Street P.O. Box 365 Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 1T2 Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3L1 i 1017 i ET WE ��c [PASRKIN P K <<� , LOT 11 T 0 TRINITY Al UNITED URC H ST �Al R��T O iriy� � cy��cy Al s sTR��T Al E N o� N P KING ANYTIME ■----■ NO OP G 0 -�■- NO PARK G ON-FRI A -6PM a ❑�❑ o m O a D❑ (� � Uot� ❑ a N o00��❑ � O 5sm lc:\ATTACHS\B0WMAN\CHRCHPRK.D G O O DRAWN BY. JM DATE: JUNE 1995 ❑❑ ATTACHMENT N0, 1 KEY MAP WD-40-95 1018 (aMUNICIPALITY OF plaringto,n ONTARIO April 18, 1995 Dear Resident: RE: Proposed Changes to Parking Regulations Church Street, Bowmanville, During the 1994 public consultation meetings for Church Street reconstruction, the Municipality agreed to ban the parking on both sides of Church. Street, f rom Liberty Street to Division Street. By-law 94-109 provided this change and the parking on Church Street, including the area in front of Trinity United Church. At a regular meeting held on March 6, 1995, Council passed the following resolution: "THAT Report ADMIN-5-95 be received; THAT the appropriate staff continue to meet with the representatives of Trinity United Church in an attempt to solve the need for on-street parking for special events such as weddings, funerals, etcetera. " Discussions with representatives of Trinity United Church have resulted in the following proposed changes: 1 . The north side of Church Street, from George Street to 90 metres (300 ft. ) westerly, could become "No Parking, Monday to Friday, 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. " to allow weekend and evening parking. The area directly in front of Trinity United Church would remain "No Parking Anytime", but would still permit the stopping of vehicles to board or discharge passengers. The area west from the main entrance to Division Street would be posted "No Stopping" to keep motorists away from the corner and causing a sight obstruction. 2. The Church has requested that Reserved On-Street Parking be available for special occasions. This may allow for the proposed parking area on Church Street to be barricaded or coned off at any time to allow exclusive use for Church functions, such as weddings or funerals. 3. Sections of the municipal parking lot located at 132 Church Street may also be barricaded as Reserved Parking for special occasions. Your comments would be appreciated to determine if anyone will be adversely affected by these proposals. Please complete and return the attached form or contact Ron Baker, Traffic Coordinator, Public Works Department, Telephone 263- 2292 or 623-3379 Extension 247, between 7:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. on or before May 1 , 1995. Yours very truly, Walter A. Evans, P.Eng. Director of Public Works AITACHVENT N0. 2 WD-40-95 WAE:ph i 11 nn 9 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPAL "OF CLARINGTON J 40 TEMPERANCE STREET - BOWMANVILLE -ONTARIO - L/C 3A6 - (905) 623-3379 - FAX 623.4169 eecrcirnra:=: po: W. H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Offioer Patti Barrie, Clerk Don Patterson, Manager of Operations, Public Works Ron Baker, Traffio Coordinator 7020 PROPOSED PARKING CHANGES CHURCH STREET, BOWMANVILLE Discussions with representatives of Trinity United Church have resulted in the following proposed changes: 1 . The north side of Church Street from George Street to 90 metres (300 ft. ) westerly, could become "No Parking, Monday to Friday, 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. " to allow weekend and evening parking. The area directly in front of Trinity United Church would remain "No Parking Anytime", but would still permit the stopping of vehicles to board or discharge passengers. The area west from the main entrance to Division Street would be posted "No Stopping" to keep motorists away from the corner and causing a sight obstruction. 2. The Church has requested that Reserved On-Street Parking be available for special occasions. This may allow for the proposed parking area on Church Street to be barricaded or coned off at any time to allow exclusive use for Church functions, such as weddings or funerals. 3. Sections of the municipal parking lot located at 132 Church Street. may also be barricaded as Reserved Parking for special occasions. Your comments are requested to determine if anyone will be adversely affected by these proposals. I support the proposed changes I have no objection to the proposed changes I have the following comments to offer: Please return this comment section or contact before May 1 , 1995: Ron Baker Traffic Coordinator 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 3A6 Telephone: 263-2292 or 623-3379 Extension 247 Between 7:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. 1021 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 95- Being a By-law to amend By-law 91-58 as amended, being a By-law to Regulate Traffic on Highways, Municipal and Private Property in the Municipality of Clarington WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it desirable to amend By-law 91-58; NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. By-law 91-58 is amended by: A) Deleting Section 9 (7) , (A) , (B) , (C) , (D) , and (E) . and B) Substituting the following: Section 9 (7) Parking lots under the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Clarington located at 132 Church Street, Bowmanville, shall be used for public parking of motor vehicles except: (a) The space(s) which form part of a negotiated lease agreement between the Municipality of Clarington and the tenant(s) of 132 Church Street, bowmanville, and have been posted as such. (b) The number of spaces required for municipally owned vehicle(s) and have been posted as such. (c) Municipality of Clarington employees issued authorization tags by the Municipality of Clarington may park in any Municipal Parking Lot or other designated areas as specified under the terms of the Employee Parking Agreement. (d) The Director of Public Works or the By-law Enforcement Officer is authorized to allocate temporary reserved parking in any municipal parking lot. (e) Vehicles not authorized or in contravention of this by-law or posted signs at any Municipal Parking Lot will be deemed to have been parked or left without consent and are subject to the penalties pursuant to this By-law. and C) Deleting the following reference from Schedule II "NO PARKING": Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Prohibited Highway Side Between Times or Days Church Street Both Temperance and Anytime (Bowmanville) Sides Liberty Street ATTACFMENT N0. 3 - WD-40-95 1022 2 - D) Adding the following reference to Schedule II "NO PARKING": Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Prohibited Highway Side Between Times or Days Church Street Both Temperance Anytime (Bowmanville) Sides Street and Division Street Church Street South Division Anytime (Bowmanville) Street and George Street Church Street North George Monday - Friday (Bowmanville Street and 6 a.m. - 6 p.m. 90 m westerly Church Street North 90 m and Anytime (Bowmanville) 110 west of George Street Church Street Both George Anytime (Bowmanville) Sides Street and Liberty Street and E) Adding the following reference to Schedule VII "OFF- STREET PARKING METER ZONES": Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 Maximum Municipal Days & Column 3 Permissible Address Hours - Rate Parking 132 Church 0900 to 1800 no hourly 3 hours Street, east hours Monday fee lot to Friday (Bowmanville) Except Public Holidays 132 Church 0900 to 1800 no hourly 3 hours Street, west hours Monday fee lot to Friday (Bowmanville) Except Public Holidays I Mill Street 0900 to 1800 no hourly 3 hours 3-13-054 hours Monday fee lot to Friday (Newcastle) Except Public Holidays 2. This By-law shall come into force on the date that it is approved and when signs to the effect are erected. BY-LAW read a first and second time this 25th day of September, 1995. 102. 3 i 3 - BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 25th day of September, 1995. MAYOR CLERK 1024