HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-48-95 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARIMGTON xxxwlk:kkffftwkft,qkxTklkxTimIffAibm&:RR)Fxxx REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # Date: OCTOBER 2, 1995 Res. #W LEL< j- 's By-Law# Report#:___WD_,4Z_q_5_ File ff: 01 Subject: EVYLIN STROUD, TRAFFIC CONCERNS, VARIOUS LOCATIONS Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-48-95 be received for information; and 2. THAT Evylin Stroud be provided with a copy of Report WD-48-95. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. 1: Key Map No. 2 : Correspondence dated July 17, 1995 from Evylin Stroud No. 3: Correspondence dated October 13, 1994 from the Region of Durham No. 4 : Sight Triangle Diagram from Zoning By-law 84-63 2.0 BACKGROUND 2 . 1 At a regular meeting held on July 17, 1995 Council passed the following Resolution #C-555-95: 1060 REPORT NO. : WD-48-95 PAGE 2 "THAT the delegation of Evylin Stroud, pertaining to traffic safety concerns, be acknowledged with appreciation; THAT the correspondence which she submitted be referred to the Director of Public Works for the preparation of a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee; and THAT Evylin Stroud be advised of Council's decision. " 2.2 The letter of July 17, 1995 from Evylin Stroud listed a number of traffic concerns which have been reviewed. 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3. 1 Commercial Exit onto Regional Road 57 (Wendy's/Tim Horton's, Bowmanville) This RIGHT ONLY exit onto Regional Road 57 was approved by the Region of Durham on July 20, 1994 . The negotiated agreement stated it would be closed when volumes reached 16,000 vehicles daily or in ten ( 10) years (Attachment No. 2) . The Region of Durham is presently reviewing changes to the design of the island which separates the right in and right out lanes. Some motorists are making left hand turns onto Regional Road 57 , which is contrary to the intended use. The Region will also consider the placement of a STOP sign, rather than a YIELD sign, in its review. 3.2 Commercial Exit onto Highway 2 (Canadian Tire, Bowmanvillej At the time of construction, this RIGHT ONLY exit onto Highway 2 was provided with a YIELD sign as recommended by the 1061 REPORT NO. : WD-48-95 PAGE 3 Ministry of Transportation. Jurisdiction of this roadway was turned over by the Ministry of Transportation to the Region of Durham on January 1, 1995. Staff at the Region of Durham has reviewed this RIGHT ONLY exit for safety, resulting in the YIELD sign being converted to a STOP sign. 3.3 Visibility at the Intersection of Nash and Hancock Roads (Courtice) Evylin Stroud has expressed concern in her correspondence about the placement of the above noted STOP sign, resulting in motorists having to stop twice at this all-way stop. Ms Stroud is under the misconception that vehicles must stop directly at the STOP sign, then edge ahead. The Ontario Drivers Handbook notes: "A stop sign means you must bring your vehicle to a stop before entering the intersection, make sure that it is safe to do so and, before proceeding through the intersection, yield right-of-way to approaching traffic. The correct stopping position is at the edge of the travelled portion of the through street where there is no crosswalk. " A stop sign may legally be placed between 1.5 and 15 metres (5 feet to 49 feet) from the intersection to facilitate the turning radius of larger vehicles, shoulder conditions and snow clearing operations. Based on the above criteria, relocation of the STOP sign at the Nash/Hancock intersection is not required, and motorists only need to stop once at the edge of the through street where they have an unobstructed view. i 1062 REPORT NO. : WD-48-95 PAGE 4 During review of the intersection, some brush was removed from the southwest corner to improve visibility. 3.4 Visibility at the Intersection of Nash and Rundle Roads (Darlington, Visibility in the northwest corner of this all-way stop is partially restricted by a cedar hedge. A view of a "Plan of Survey" , dated February 17, 1986, shows the Municipality obtained a road widening of three (3) metres ( 10 feet) on Nash Road and a sight triangle. The land owner has been advised of the visibility concern and has trimmed the hedge to resolve any safety issues. The property owner on the southwest corner has a mature hedge which he has voluntarily trimmed with a step for many years. 3.5 Municipal Control Over Sight Triangles The by-law which Evylin Stroud questioned in her correspondence of July 17, 1995, is Zoning By-law 84-63 which controls sight triangles and yard requirements (diagram, Attachment No. 4) . This by-law is often unenforceable if the obstruction existed prior to Council's approval of the By-law in 1984 . Most residents, however, will comply with requests from the Municipality or their neighbours when it is a matter of public safety dealing with their hedge or other shrubbery. 3. 6 Safety at All-way Stop Intersection, Liberty and Baseline Road (Bowmanville) Evylin Stroud's experience of a vehicle running the STOP sign at this all-way stop, or any other intersection, is not uncommon. Many accidents are caused by motorists not yielding proper right-of-way and can happen at all-way stops, two-way stops or traffic signals. Jurisdiction of this intersection is being turned over by the Ministry of Transportation to the 1063 REPORT NO. : WD-48-95 PAGE 5 Region of Durham, with traffic signals being installed during i September of 1995. I 4.0 CONCLUSIONS 4 . 1 From the above, it is concluded that Evylin Stroud's various traffic concerns have been addressed. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, Stephen A. Vokes, P.Eng. W. H. Stockwell Director of Public Works Chief Administrative Officer RDB*ph September 27, 1995 Attachments pc: Evylin Stroud 89 Little Avenue Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 1J9 1064 REGIONAL ROAD 34- COURTICE ROAD ^' m co N HANCOCK ROAD y Iw v H a 2 vJ a= In S /�w �O D v/ z m \J N SOLINA R SOLINA ROAD 2LINA ROAD A -ni D m OZ O O N O O O N r _ � N RUNDLE ROAD RUNDLE ROAD—" BLACK a I � N _ A N � � N HOLT ROADHOLT ROAD HOLT ROAD Y O mn y MAPLE GROVE ROAD T 9i L v v GREEN J O Q GREEN ROAD GREEN ROAD U a C? Z co) v ONAL ROAD 57 REGIONAL (n WAVERLY ROA 09C,�5 ~� a c/) y MIDDLE OAD u MIDDLE LIBERTY STREE O REGIONAL ROAD 14 Evylin Stroud 0 ? 89 Little Avenue Bowmanville, Ont. -- JUL 21 1119.5 rage G r�,;�;,�� L1C 1J9 P ,Q DEPT. = File Ju y 17, 1995 When the application for the Wendy's & Tim Horton's was last before this council, there was some concern regarding the exit and entrance to the site. I would like to revisit this issue tonight. My concern is for the exit and entrance directly onto Reg. Rd. 57. I'm sorry that the Town and the Region bowed to pressure from the applicant to allow this exit. 1 feel that the extremely close proximity to the ramp onto the 401 gives this exit the potential for a disastrous accident. Only allowing exit and entrance from Baseline Rd. would have eliminated this potential. Unfortunately,.this exit and entrance onto Reg. Rd. 57 is a reality. 1 would like to be reassured that-the site plan calls for a stop sign for cars proceeding onto Reg. Rd. 57. - not a yield sign. My request is based 'on the dangerous exit onto-eastbound Hwy 2 from the new Canadian Tire Store. I have personally experienced two very close calls there where people pulled out from the Canadian Tire right in front of me. If it hadn't for quick reflexes and an empty lane beside me, I would have been involved •in two nasty smash ups, neither which would have been my fault. I have observed other cars experiencing near misses as well. That exit onto eastbound Hwy 2 is verypoorly designed. "To'begin with, the yield sign is placed.too far back from the highway. Then, because the exit slopes upward, the.black yellow hazard sign which denotes the island partially obscures the vision of.oncoCning traffic for short people.like.myself. And, when you finally make it to the edge of Hwy 2, you have the illusion that you are entering an acceleration lane instead of an actual lane of full speed traffic. After my first near accident there, 1 phoned Norm Kane, the manager of the Canadian Tire, to suggest that the exit be improved from a safety standpoint. He told me that a stop sign could not be put there because it was a provincial road and the provincial standards called for a yield sign. Now that this section of Hwy 2 will no longer be a provincial highway, maybe this safety issued can also be reviewed. So, this is why I wanted to make sure that the exit from the new Wendy's and Tim Horton's had a stop sign, not a yield,sign. Cars travelling southbound on Reg. Rd. 57 heading for the 401 that get the green light at Baseline Rd. could be travelling at least 80 kph. Somebody pulling out from the Wendy's in front of one of these ATTACHMENT N0 . 2 1 O 6 6 WD-48-95 i 2 fast moving cars could cause a real nasty accident. Hopefully, a stop sign can go at least part way to eliminating that possibility. would also like to address another traffic safety issue. I've noticed that one of Walter Evan's parting gifts to the Town has been put into place. The 4 way stop signs have been installed along Nash Rd. I don't have any problem with the fact that the signs were erected. However, the placement of 2 of the signs could be improved. Those being the stop signs at the southwest corners of Hancock Rd. & Nash Rd. and Rundle Rd. & Nash Rd. When you are eastbound along Nash Rd. and stop at those 2 corners where the stop sign indicates you should stop,-your view of northbound traffic is obscured. You can just barely see a northbound car that is stopped. You can not see any car approaching the stop sign. So you have to creep forward in order to get an unobstructed view. From an environmental standpoint, the extra idling that cars must do to make 2 stops a.few feet a part, is bad news. When you multiply that unnecessary idling time by the number of cars that travel that road in a day, then a week, then a year - that's a lot of needless poisonous gases. Emissions from cars are a major source of our air.pollution. But the safety issue is of great concern to me as well. It is imperative that you have a clear view of all traffic at an intersection. If you are driving defensively, you cannot assume that everybody will obey the signs. A recent personal experience brought this home to me quite vividly. One night about 2 weeks ago, my husband and I were driving eastbound along-Baseline Rd. When we arrived at the 4 way stop at Liberty and Baseline we came to a complete stop. There were no other cars so we started to continue eastward when we both noticed a car driving,northbound on Liberty.towards`the intersection and approaching very fast. We stopped part way through the intersection and it was a good thing that we did. That car ran that stop sign and went through that intersection without even slowing down. We estimate he was travelling at between 60 and 80 kph. If we had not had a clear view, seen the car coming, and stopped, I would not be here speaking to you tonight. At best, I would be in the hospital. At worst, I would be dead. Please also keep in mind that we had a fatal accident at Solina and Nash Rds. within the last couple of months when a driver ran a stop sign. Solina Rd. is in between Hancock Rd. and Rundle Rd. So, for the safety of your citizens I would ask that either you move the stop signs at the southwest corners of the intersections of Hancock and Rundle Rds. or you cut down the-trees and shrubs that are blocking the clear view that is needed. I was under the impression that the Town had a bylaw dealing with corner lots and obstruction of the view of traffic that would allow this to be dealt with. 1067 October 13, 1994 i 10 S41010nal The tMunicipality of Clarington Durham 40 Temperance Street apartment Bomnanville, Ontario. 623 LIC 3A6 )Y, ' )5 Consumers Or, hitby,Ontario A.ttri: Mr. Franklin Wu anada U N 693 )5.668-7721 Director of PlanninS tcsimile 75-668-2051 A.;iugnlua Dena; Sir: Eng omnissioner f•, s Re: Access to Tim Horton Donuts/Wendy's Restaurant • lease quoto our ref; Waved Road The Municipality o1"Clarinatt n On July 20, 1994, Regional Council passed the following resolution: a) That aright-in and right-out traffic access to Waverly Road.(Regional Road#57) from the Tim Horton Donuts/Wendy's Fast Food Restaurant site, be approved. b) That the applicant enterinto a, agreement with the Region of Durham that the right-in be closed when the volume of traffic on Waverly Road reaches 16;000 (A..A.D.T,) or 1,0 years from the date of opening, which ever comes first; and c'i That staff review this after one year of operation. The direction noted in part (o) above is intended to ensure that the operation of the combined donut/fast food restaurant establishment would not negatively impact t-raflic operations on Regional Road 57. In the event of future traffiC problem caused by the Tim Horton Donuts/Wendy's Restaurant site,'we will close the right-in access prior to consideration of the construction of a median or other solutions. /...2 ATTACHMENT N0 . 3 WD-48-95 f 0096 Pact Coneumpt x '068 As you are aware, the site plan agreement is currently being prepared between the T.D.L. Group and Durham Region. This condition noted above will be incorporated within the body of the subject Site Plan Agreement. We t-rust thio will meet with your satisfaction. t. yours truly • f T. Prevedel, P.Eng. Director of Engineering - i TPiih cc: V.A. Silgailis, P.Eng. C.R. Curtis, P.Eng. I t 1069 Add a new Condition No. 5 to Recommendations in Report PD-120-94 5. That site plan approval will be granted at such time the Director of Planning and Development receives written assurance from Regional staff that, in the event of future traffic problem experienced on Regional Road No. 57 between Baseline Road and Highway No. 401, that the Region will close the right-in entrance to the proposed Tim Horton Donut/Wendy Restaurant prior to the consideration of constructing a median. ti- CC�_ � G� J z�� 1070 STREET . 7.5 m� PROPERTY LINE �., ...w}:a i«ir:gr/a+.:•r/sr• > -'-3S .'%Yv' tiSi`f'��'r:4?-vneC.}:••n;c9f: fes, <•. r)` r•'+ S` `���fkk��::�rii;•r'ri '� s+ btZ :��• �rf v<!�'jy�•��s'� J�`"'�r r •%.fr:'..�Y ..%yY;ic>•: .V„fy..:uau.`��,5.9:: "''>�:. }' n.` '"s-":'<l: <• ..�.%�l __ .__ to '>?<<>r:`• SIGHT'TRIANGLES (DAY LIGHTING TRIANGLE) Zoning By-law Section 3.20 on a corner lot no building or structure (including fences, hedges, shrubs) which would obstruct the vision of drivers shall be permitted in excess of 0.75 metres in height, within a 7.5 metre triangle as shown. LU Q_ Q { 1 W PROPERTY LINE a:..•t.}ti .:: t• YARD REQOIREMENTS :i K•:J>:rvvv:• zoning By-law Section 3.1 i(v) Fences, freestanding walls,- hedges, trees and - ' shrubs are permitted, but in the use of a f}.V ff:f-:: fA residential interior lot line, no structure >. (including a fence), hedge or obstruction that is >.< i €�- more than 0.75 metres in height is permitted .4.1 within 3 metres of any street, where such < ;? structure will impede vision. Beyond this point, a maximum height of 1.8 metres is permitted. �h t!!�!@<rf v.�.n�vJ >' F"-\.<.'A^^\+'.•�[V^v<`.•.+}�'•`•'�e::C•i}':..r\\ Y \'.}]'f+'}� h. ./y�„M�L.,,i�:�• :i�x.••.:.c\•}s•..1°,Sk.�i<, i�..?:{.Lfs6y:/.µ,:?r.oai<i;.t �:. h,`���'.�-?� CCJ � :F v.�.�C�•\ t D •.Yi:;>,�:�.•4 :Y`CS;i�' S.•.4 9,'9'•r <: 2'sh<(>: a"fs.`E:fp> STREET ATTACHMENT N0 . 4 0 7 ]WD-48-95