HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-51-95 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITYOF CLARINGTON XX REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File# Date: NOVEMBER 6, 1995 Res. #2A-ovq_s. Report#: File#: -R-7-0--o-3- By-Law# Subject: PROPOSED REVERSION FROM THE JURISDICTION OF THE REGION OF DURHAM TO THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON OF REGIONAL ROAD NO. 14 (LIBERTY STREET) , FROM TAUNTON ROAD TO REGIONAL ROAD 20 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-51-95 be received; 2 . THAT the Municipality of Clarington enter into an agreement with the Region of Durham for the reversion to the Municipality of Clarington of Regional Road 14 (Liberty Street) , from Taunton Road northerly to Regional Road 20, satisfactory to the Director of Public Works; 3. THAT the By-law attached to Report WD-51-95 be passed authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to execute the Agreement; and 4 . THAT Mr. T. Prevedel, Director of Transportation, Region of Durham, and Mr. Shael Gwartz, Municipal Engineer, Ministry of Transportation, be advised of Council's decision. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. 1: Key Map 1004 REPORT NO. : WD-51-95 PAGE 2 No. 2 : Correspondence, dated April 12, 1995, from the Region of Durham No. 3: Correspondence, dated February 20, 1995, from Shael E. Gwartz, Municipal Engineer, Ministry of Transportation No. 4 : Correspondence, dated October 19, 1995, from the Region of Durham No. 5: Proposed By-law authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the Agreement 2.0 BACKGROUND 2 . 1 The Region of Durham, in correspondence dated April 12, 1995 j (Attachment No. 2) , proposed the reversion of Regional Road No. 14 (Liberty Street) , Taunton Road to Regional Road No. 20, from the jurisdiction of the Region of Durham to the Municipality of Clarington. 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENTS 3. 1 The Public Works Department reviewed the proposal and inspected the subject portion of Liberty Street. The proposal, as confirmed in the correspondence dated October 19, 1995 (Attachment No. 2 ) , is satisfactory. The subject portion of Liberty Street was upgraded in 1994, and should require only routine maintenance. 3.2 In correspondence dated October 19, 1995 (Attachment No. 4 ) , assuming endorsement, the Region is proposing to provide a lump sum settlement of $111,500 to the Municipality, representing 50% of the five (5) year maintenance costs. This payment is calculated on the estimate of annual operating costs based on Regional averages and Regional levels of service for this section of road. I 1005 i REPORT NO. : WD-51-95 PAGE 3 3.3 In correspondence dated February 20, 1995 (Attachment No. 3) , the Ministry of Transportation confirmed that, upon assumption of this portion of road by the Municipality of Clarington, this section will be eligible for subsidy as part of the Municipality's annual maintenance and construction allocation. 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS i 4. 1 That the Municipality accept the Region's proposal, and that the Municipality of Clarington enter into an agreement with the Regional Municipality of Durham for the reversion to the Municipality of Clarington of Regional Road 14 (Liberty Street) , from Regional Road 4 to Regional Road 20, satisfactory to the Director of Public Works. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, Stephen A. Vokes, P.Eng. W. H. Stockwell Director of Public Works Chief Administrative Officer SAV*JCO*ph October 27 , 1995 Attachments Mr. Tony Prevedel Director of Transportation The Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department 105 Consumers Drive Whitby, Ontario L1N 1C4 Mr. Shael Gwartz Municipal Engineer Ministry of Transportation 6th Floor, Atrium Tower 1201 Wilson Avenue Downsview, Ontario M3M 1J8 i 1006 Rk4inal R ad 120 LE ❑ H Conc ss on o d m � m N F-10:'Y O E ss o Ro d 0 qt U �u c ' o cv c 'm0 0 m c o ces io oa 6 o � B 0 me TO 4 T un on oa - R gi nal o d 4 Road 20 Region I ENxsxa� r� N DO m O � � a m c 0 TYRONE Fo 0 IT ESE m C:\ATTACHS\DARL\14-4to20.DWG Re Ion R d i,7-ul-,,Lolf _._.__..__.....__ CLAR DRAWN BY: JM DATE: MAY 1995 TT M, I k,°° ATTACHMENT N0, 1 KEY MAP WD-51-95 I 1007 t[ITIQ()? Pt;. a+Pl,'_I i' OF arc �i,a y (995 )- ... _..............April 12, 1995 The Regional The Municipality of Clarington Municipality ' 40 Temperance Street of Durham Bowmanville, Ontario Works L1C 3A6 , Department Attention: W.A. Evans, . P.Eng. Box 623 Director of Public Works 105-Consumers Dr. Whitby, Ontario Canada L1 N 6A3. Dear Sir: (905) 668-7721 Fax:(905) 668-2051 RE: ` •Proposed Reversion of. Regional Road No. 14 V.A. siigailis,P.En9. .(Liberty Street) from Taunton Road to Commissioner Regional Road NO 20 of Works Please quote our ref: . RR14-2, Over the past year, there have been several -discussions regarding the proposed.reversion of this. subject section of roadway., In anticipation,' the Region of Durham upgraded the* total* length of roadway at a total cost. of $1.2 million in 1994. As this roadway,- in reality, does not serve as a functional link within the Regional road network, it- would be in the best interest of the .Region and. Clarington to have this road under local control.. As a 'condition of the above noted reversion, we would. be prepared to recommend- that the Municipality of Clarington be reimbursed *50% - of its 5 year maintenance -costs attributable to the subject section. This arrangement is based upon. the premise that once Clarington assumes the road and consolidates it within its road system, the municipality. .w.ould then be eligible for . the normal Provincial maintenance subsidy based upon the new length.. This has been confirmed by correspondence dated February 20, 1995; from Shael Gwartz of the Ministry of Transportation (copy attached)... Attached is our estimate of annual operating costs based on Regional averages and Regional levels of. service. On -the basis of our . conservative' . estimate, we would recommend providing a lump sum settlement of $111, 500 . 00. to ' the municipality in conjunction with the' reversion of this roadway. ATTACHMENT N0. 2 WD-51-95 100%Post Consumer - 2 - We trust this will meet with: y'our favourable consideration and look forward to discussing this with you in the •near future. Yours truly /Ps T. Prevedel, P.Eng. Attach. . Director of .Transportation• cc: V.A. Silgailis., P.Eng. J.R. McCorkell, P.Eng. i 1009 ROAD 14 FROM ROAD 4 TO ROAD 20 1995 MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS COSTS Shoulder Grading $ 72, 900 Culvert Cleaning 39, 000 Weed Control 46, 300 Tree and Brush Removal 78, 900 Litter Pickup 131, 100 Winter Operations 3, 181, 600 Washouts 91, 600 Supervision 249, 100 Summer Road Patrol $ 107, 700 TOTAL $3, 998, 200 - 1, 760 lane km _ $2,272/1nkm/yr Therefore, the cost to maintain Road 14 from Road 4 to Road 20: 9. 8 km x 2 In x 2,272/lnkm/yr = $44, 531/yr or $44, 531 x 5 = $222, 655 for 5 yrs. Because of MTO's subsidy, Region's contribution would be: 50% x 222, 655 = $111,328 *above costs are average only, based on Regional levels of service. Due to recent improvements to roadway, actual costs for this section are expected to be lower. 1010 Ontario Ministry Ministere of des • Transportation Transports Tel: 235-5397 Central Region Operations Fax: 235-5276 Municipal Office 1st Floor, Atrium Tower 1201 Wilson Avenue Downsview, Ontario M3M 1J8 February 20, 1995 Mr. Walter Evans Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 3A6 Dear Mr. Evans: RE: Proposed Reversion of Durham Road No. 4 (Liberty Street)from Taunton Road to.Regional Road No. 20 to the Municipality of Clarington. The Region of Durham has advised the ministry of its plans to transfer the above noted road to your municipality. This is to advise you that upon assumption of this portion of road by your municipality and approval by MTO, this section of roadway will be eligible for subsidy as part of the municipality's annual maintenance and construction allocation. It is therefore anticipated that the addition of this section of road into your Road System Network will change Clarington's proportion of the overall Municipal Road Program budget. However, the degree of change cannot be determined due to similar changes that have and will occur prior to the determination of municipal road allocations. Please note that all assumed roads should be included in your annual needs study update. Yours truly, .m ErmoN DURHAlvt �..- Shael E. Gwartz, P. Eng. ----� - Municipal Engineer Fare Aner?v SG/cl codes MAR TO c.c.: Mr. Tony Prevedel Dan, File: 5502-10-10-01 — _r Diskfile: w:\munvausto\claringtonVetters.95Viberty ATTACHMENT N0. 3 WD-51-95 i October 19, 1995. Municipality of Clarington y . 40 Temperance Street The Regional' Bowmanville, ON 1 Muhicipality L1C 3A6 of Durham Works Attention: Mr. S. Vokes, P. Eng. Department' Director of Public Works Box 623 105 Consumers Dr. Dear Sir: Whitby;Ontario Canada L1 N 6A3 (905) 668-7721 Re:. Proposed Reversion of Regional Road No. 14 (Liberty Fax:.(905) 668-2051 Street) from Taunton Rond to Regional Road No. ' 20 V.A. Silgailis, P.Eng. Commissioner. of works Further to our. most recent telephone conversation Please quote our ref. ' ' concerning the manner •in which the settlement' for the annual• operating costs on the above noted roadway is to be 'settled.. we wish to propose the following scenario. 1 . Assuming endorsement. of the reversion proposal by Clarington Council, Regional staff will. prepare a report and- draft reversion -by-law for approval-by Regional Council and .the Province. 2 . In, conjunction. with the above.. report, the Region will budget a -line item in the amount of $1111-500 in .the 1996 Budget. 3. . Once all- approval processes are completed, a lump -sum payment canbe directly made to the- Municipality of Clarington. * We trust this meets with your satisfaction. Should you have any -additional queries, please. do not hesitate: to contact us . ' ;, ...-.',. _,-ate.» »T�, i. .� ...._- ... 1:�.......y—�.._...._...._..._.............._.» ...� Yours ;very. truly, OcT .� „„• a, �j. i .-l)1:. its•.;'�, ,_' . '.,,i T'. Prevedel P. Eng. _..._... i - : ------ Director ----Director of Transportat'ibn-{--- -- ATTACHMENT NO. 4 rd • WD-51-95 •. c.c. . V.A. Silgailis, P. Eng. J.R. McCorkell,. Eng. . J. Baker 100%Post Consumer. 4 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 95- Being a By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement with the Region of Durham for the reversion to the Municipality of Clarington of Regional Road . 14 (Liberty Street) , from Taunton Road northerly to Regional Road 20. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: THAT the Mayor and the Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of The Corporation of The Municipality of Clarington, and seal with the Corporate Seal, an Agreement between the Region of Durham and said Corporation. BY-LAW read a first and second time this 13th day of November, 1995. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 13th day of November, 1995. MAYOR CLERK ATTACHMENT N0. 5 WD-51-95 1013