HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-54-95 1 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File# I Cl • =,L----- Date: =Date: DECEMBER 4, 1995 Res. # Report WD-54-95 File#: C.01 .28.19 By-Law# #: REQUEST FOR A THREE-WAY STOP Subject: MILL STREET SOUTH AND CLARKE STREET, NEWCASTLE Recommendations: it It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . THAT Report WD-54-95 be received; 2. THAT the request for a three-way stop at the intersection of Mill Street South and Clarke Street, Newcastle, be denied; and 3. THAT Ken and Jayne Donaldson be advised of Council's decision and provided with a copy of Report WD-54-95. REPORT 1 .0 ATTACHMENTS No. 1 : Key Map No. 2: Correspondence dated July 13, 1995, f rom Ken and Jayne Donaldson 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 At a meeting held on July 17, 1995, Council passed Resolution #C-531 -95: "THAT the correspondence dated July 13, 1995, from Ken and Jayne Donaldson, requesting a three-way stop sign on Mill Street, south of the train bridge, be received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the Director of Public Works for a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee; and THAT Ken and Jayne Donaldson be advised of Council's decision. " PAPLq 10 0 iH 4S IS f'fi:11EO!J RCGYCI EO PhPEII REPORT NO. : WD-54-95 PAGE 2 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3.1 Mill Street Alignment Mill Street runs north and south, but includes an "S" bend just south of Clarke Street. The Key Map (Attachment No. 1 ) , based on an aerial photograph, shows the curve is not as extreme as the sketch attached to the Donaldson's letter. 3.2 Signage and Pavement Markings Signing through this area advises motorists of the regulatory speed of 50 km/hr, advisory speed of 40 km/hr through the subway, and 30 km/hr around the curve and over the one lane bridge. In addition to the signage, there are both white edge lines and a yellow centre line painted from Toronto Street southerly to Metcalf Street. I 3.3 Motor Vehicle Collision History 1995 0 1994 0 1993 1 Lost control on icy curve (93-22409) 1992 0 3.4 VisibilitV from 527 Mill Street This property has a circular driveway, with an abundance of turning area, which eliminates any need for the Donaldsons to back onto Mill Street. Visibility from the driveway was measured at 115 m (374 feet) looking north and 110 m (358 feet) looking south. The following table shows various vehicle speeds and required stopping/sight distances. Vehicle Speed Minimum Stopping/Sight Distances Km/Hr Metres 40 45 50 65 60 85 70 110 80 135 i The area is posted with regulatory speeds of 50 km/hr and advisory speeds of 30 - 40 km/hr. Visibility is acceptable, and only vehicles travelling in excess of 70 km/hr should pose any danger to the Donaldsons exiting their driveway. As a response to the residents' concern, visibility was improved near the bridge by pruning back some of the soft trees on the east side of the road. i 1002 REPORT NO. : WD-54-95 PAGE 3 3.5 School Bus and Pedestrian Activity Visibility from the bus stop at the corner of Mill and Clarke Streets was measured at 138 metres to the north and 130 metres to the south from the driver's height of two (2) cars. The visibility for the driver of a school bus would be farther, due to the extra height of the vehicle. The Waterfront Trail follows Clarke Street and turns south onto Mill Street South. Staff considers the area safe, based on the presence of warning signs, sight distances, low vehicle volumes and observed vehicle speeds. 3.6 Three-way Stop The low traffic volumes at this "T" intersection would not warrant an all- way stop under Provincial Guidelines. An all-way stop is not intended as a speed control device and would be disregarded by many motorists at this location. All-way stops are sometimes installed at intersections with extremely poor visibility which cannot be corrected. Neither the intersection nor the private driveway has a visibility problem to justify the installation of an all-way stop. 3.7 Future Roadway or Structural Improvements The time frame for replacement of the bridge over Graham Creek is classed as "now" in the Road Needs Study. Plans are underway to design a new bridge and road alignment in conjunction with development approvals and agreements being negotiated for the areas south of Clarke Street. The proposed bridge and road elevation will result in improved visibility from the Donaldson's driveway and should alleviate most of their concerns. The Graham Creek Bridge Project is being proposed for 1996. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS 4.1 From the above, it is concluded that visibility from the Donaldsons' circular driveway provides adequate sight distance to drive onto Mill Street and a three-way stop is not required to reduce vehicle speeds. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, I Stephen A. Vokes, P.Eng. W. H. Stockwell Director of Public Works Chief Administrative Officer RB*ph November 28, 1995 Attachments i 110 0 REPORT NO. : WD-54-95 PAGE 4 Ken and Jayne Donaldson 527 Mill Street South Newcastle, Ontario UB 1C1 I i i I i I i i i TORONTO STREET 6,7,9 8,11 AQP Lu Lu E-- 3 3 10 1 3 3 2 5,12,14 K. & J. DONALD 2 J C,gN�D/�N 2 �g 6 1 CLE DRIVEWAY 414T��Ny� CLARKE STREET 13 h' 2,15 9' 4,5,8 151 3,4 3 S�GNACE LEGE 4,5,8 1) Ral "STOP" 2) Rb51 "NO PARKING" 3) Wa33 "HAZARD MARKER" 4) Wa24t "ONE LANE" 5) Wal "ADVISORY 30 KM/HR" 6) Wal "ADVISORY 40 KM/HR" 7) Rbl "MAXIMUM 50 KM/HR" S) Wa24 "NARROW STRUCTURE" 9) Wa26 114.0 M CLEARANCE AHEAD" 10) Wa27 114.0 M CLEARANCE" 11) "ONE LANE ONLY WHEN USED BY TRUCKS" w 12) "WATCH FOR BIKES/ w PREDESTRIANS CROSSING" 13) "WATERFRONT TRAIL DIRECTIONAL SIGN" � 14) "CURVE TO LEFT WITH INTERSECTION ON RIGHT" 15) Wag "CHEVRON ARROW" 1 METCALF STREET C:\ATTACHS\CLARKE\MILLSTH.DWG DRAWN BY: JM DATE: NOV. 1995 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 WD-54-95 1005 07/13/1995 11: 29 9059871103 BASKET CASE PAGE 02 I KEN & JANE DONALDSON 52T rmu.s SOUTH NEVVOMTL orrrAwo LiD 1c1 Fear(606)967.1103 Municip Uty Of Clan gton, ; July 13, 1995 40 Tem oe Street, Bowman Ile,Ontari LIC 3A (905)62 3379 (905)62 $717 Fax I Attend Counselor the I ei vcastle District Dear Daild Scott: i M iname is Jaya Do and 3 years ago ray husband and I bought what we thought uld be our dream h e. A home that we could bring up children where they would a room to and p a . Our home has 31/2 acres of land and is just minutes away fro a school,cr the school bus pick-up and drop off is right at the side of our house. A the time we pure the house my only concern was that the train was too close to me but I nc w belie t this is the least of my worries. house is sitmtod or t ke east side of Mill St.just south of the train tracks and south of'.,,'wy#401.ly ill Stm t uns straight,north and south, from the center of town until it In our property. At uth east end of our property the street then takes a very wicked so as you arethe ti aveling east on Mill Street. At this same point there is a street( C arke Street which n y leads west to an area of houses and the Yacht Club, This a1 to It the in which school buses stop to pick up children for school. I mentione d before d ere is also an old train bridge which allows for 2 cars to go throq i or i truck tt a tim , 's bridge is situated north of the potentially dangerous south ea I:corner of N Al StrutSouth. M concerns this. I sick to death every time 1 hear car tires squealing going around ti Is bend. ObN'ously t1 ty are traveling much to fast for this to take place. I have seen doze of anima skilled let 's corner from cars racing around this wicked bend in the road, Myself Ievery ime I have to drive straight out of our driveway much less if I have back out. cannot you how many times I have wvzit to leave my driveway, looking ways an I panic n I see a car corning around that bend right on my a--. The landthis come is raised n the southeast side and it melees it very difficult to we the cars ing from great enough,distance, giving us enough time to drive out safely. I have also seen accidcj Lts of cas Moing around this bend only to come face to face with another c i r coming ut der the n bridge. 'These cars are going much to fast and suddenly , ize that ' is to en with extreme caution and slowness to enable two ATTACHWNT N0. 2 (10 6 WD-54-95 1 07•/1,3/1995 11:29 9059871103 BASKET CASE PAGE 03 1 cars to fil OKW the trg in bri t the same time. Their only option is to hit the oncomfirmcar or s e and up on my front lawn(where my children may be playing sWVVposed sdely). I wouldlike to to is that Mill street is not a busy enough street to require g,or a train ge which has obviously been here fox many many years. What I d like to st i 3 way stop sign be placed At this corer bend. I feel that it would the a doom d make people more aware of the surroundings and potential rs they may be 'Ming. As well it allows myself time to back out of my driveway,es I will be le to if there is a car at this stop sign. If f cans see a car coming I W11 1 have flu paste nind knowing that when a car does come to this comer it will have stop,IF V11 $Ane ' 11 to pick up to traveling speed,and him time to see me as well.Fm,A this point 4 of stop acar will not have enough time to pick up to racing speed MA will entering tf a bridge a normal and eautionable speed. It will also let the children are wait'ig for us and traveling across this street, wait with ease,as well as parents. 7% . have bw i signs on the road allowances statim that there is a bend in the road to reduce speed b it is quite obvious to see that these signs are disregarded. We need ` take a mo seri Up before something tragic arises. I that the people o are in charge of where signs should be placed cannot know area of th city heir potential danger spots,which is why I am bringing this to yc Attention. It is up W (the people)to notify the city with our concerns and potential lutions. I C on't war t city to be forced to-drastic measures that are et needed a as widen ng the r way and train bridge. Most people who live around here am cauti us,but there areauntil something happens to them it will never matter because a problem i not cl 1 enough to their home. Drastic measures and expenses, as well unwanted b and accidents en be pmented,with simply 3 stop signs an poles,a nimum st that I myself would pay for,just for the peace of mind. I i Yours truly, I Jayne Donaldson i i I i 1007 07/13/1995 11:29 9059871103 BASKET CASE PAGE 04 I 1 I Hwy 8 401' Hwy 8101 Ho sa House Hou e Tmd I(-Girsham Creek i I Hausa Hausa �usJ Hous garage Hausa I � us Sbti Na a MILL ET I I I i I i I 1008 I