HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-17-93 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File C'` Date: APRIL 5, 1993 Res. # Report#: File #: 2 By-Law# Subject: TYRONE SPRING Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-17-93 be received; 2 . THAT Council concur with the request from Harold Robinson, Chief Public Health Inspector, that the Tyrone Spring located on the north side of the 8th Concession Road in the vicinity of Lot 5, former Township of Darlington, be made "inaccessible to the public and that a sign be posted warning the public that the water is unsafe for human consumption" ; and 3 . THAT Mr. Harold Robinson be advised of Council's decision. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. 1: Correspondence dated January 6, 1993, from H. R. Robinson, Chief Public Health Inspector No. 2 : Correspondence dated March 18, 1993, from H. R. Robinson, Chief Public Health Inspector 2.0 BACKGROUND 2 . 1 At a meeting held on January 6, 1993, Council passed Resolution #C-73-93: "THAT the correspondence dated January 6, 1993, from H. R. Robinson, Chief Public Health Inspector, advising that REPORT NO. : WD-17-93 PAGE 2 seven water samples from Tyrone Spring have proven to be bacteriologically unsatisfactory, be received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the Director of Public Works for review and preparation of a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee FORTHWITH; and THAT H. R. Robinson be advised of Council's decision" . 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3 . 1 Following the above direction given by Council, I discussed the issue with Harold Robinson, Chief Public Health Inspector. It was agreed that the . Health Services Department would continue to take water samples from the spring on a weekly basis for about the next two (2) months, after which I would report back to Council on the issue. During this time, the sign at the spring warning the public that the water is unsafe for human consumption was in place. 3.2 Mr. Robinson has enclosed the results of samples taken at the spring from September 18, 1986, to March 9, 1993 . As in his previous correspondence, Mr. Robinson is requesting "that this spring be made inaccessible to the public and that a sign be posted warning the public that the water is unsafe for human consumption" . As in previous reports to Council on this issue, I am recommending that Council concur with Mr. Robinson's request. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, i alter A. Evans, P.Eng. , Lawrence E. Kot�'eff, Director of Public Works Chief Administrative Officer WAE*PH March 25, 1993 Attachments 100 I `� `• COUNCIL DIRECTION D-13 A 3t ;January 61 1993 DURHAM Patti Barrie JAN 11 2 ,Z PM '93 REGION Town Clerk. Corporation of the Town of Newcastle The Regional 40 Temperance Street Municipality Bowmanville, Ontario of Durham DEPARTMENT OF L1C 3A6 ; HEALTH SERVICES HEADQUARTERS Dear Ms. Barrie: 1615 Dundas St.E. Sulte 210 Whitby,Ontario Canada Lt N 20 Re: Tyrone Spring Water for Public Use Fax(4116)72316026 Northside of the 8th Concession Road in the vicinity of Lot 5 (former Township of Darlington) on the Town of Newcastle Road Allowance Now posted as Cameron Spring Your File No.: E05.2084.GE Since improvements were made to this "spring" in November 1992, seven (7) samples have proven to be bacteriologically unsatisfactory, confirming past experience that the water is unsafe for human consumption. Enclosed is a copy of Dr. Kyle's letter to Marie P, Knight, your Deputy Clerk, dated August 28, 1991, requesting that a sign be posted stating that the water is unsafe for consumption and that the spring should remain inaccessible. In view of current findings we once again request that this spring be made inaccessible and that a sign be posted warning the public that the water is unsafe for consumption. Your kind attention to this matter would be appreciated. i" Yours sincerely, i I inson, C. . .1.(C) Chief Public Health Inspector ATTACHMENT NO. 1 HRR/cb WD-17-93, Branch Offices: cc. :Doug Trumbley Dowmanville Office 128 Commercial Av0. .J , -J -� = ❑AJAX,Ont.Li 8 2H8 8ufte 201 suite 301 Oshawa Exec.Cenlr6_ f�oker(ap Sown,Centret (418)883 4e80 200 Klnp 84 E » 2 Campbell Drive n Family Piennlnd 4338801 —Qfemlty Platminr "MANVILLE OM.L1 C 1 P3'.(::: .,UXBRIDGE,48)52 181E LOP 1 He Infant bev.Prop.433-0001 (418)4208781 418)823 2811 March 18, 1993 DURHAM Mr. Walter Evans REGION Director of Public Works Corporation of the Town of Newcastle The Regional 40 Temperance Street of Durhamty Bowmanville, Ontario DEPARTMENT OF L1C 3A6 HEALTH SERVICES HEADQUARTERS Dear Mr. Evans: 1615 Dundas St.E. Suite 210 Whitby,Ontario Canada L1 N 21-1 Re: Tyrone Spring Water for Public Use (416)723-8521 y p g Fax(416)723-6026 Northside of the 8th Concession Road in the vicinity of Lot 5 (former Township of Darlington) on the Town of Newcastle Road Allowances Your File No.: E05.2084.GE Enclosed is a summary of sample results from 1986 to the present. While there have been a considerable number of satisfactory results(Total Coliform- - 0 and Faecal Coliform - 0) there have been a significant number of unsatisfactory results (counts in excess of Total Coliforms - 0 and Faecal Coliforms - 0). For example, the most recent sample of water taken on March 9, 1993, was unsatisfactory - having a Total Coliform count of 18. As can be seen from the summary the quality of this water is inconsistent and therefore is considered to be unsafe for human consumption as it poses a health hazard. As in our previous correspondence we are once again requesting that this spring be made inaccessible to the public and that a sign be posted warning the public that the water is unsafe for human consumption. I consider this to be a reasonable and logical request aimed at protecting the health of the public. Compliance with our request would be appreciated. Yours truly, j ATTACHMENT N0. 2 r WD-17-93 H. R. Robinson, C.P.H.L(C) Chief Public Health Inspector HRR/cb Branch Offices: � ! i ,' �_� /l 126 Commercial Ave. Suite 201 Suite 301 ll Oshawa Exec.Centre Pickering Town Centre AJAX,Ont.Li S 2115 200 King St.E. E] 2 Campbell Drive E] Family Planning 433.8901 E]Family Planning (416)683-4660 BOWMAWLLE,Ont,LiC 1 P3 UXBRIDGE,Ont.L9P 1H6 Infant Dev.Prog.433-0091 (416)420-8781 (416)623-2511 (416)852-9161 SUMMARY OF TYRONE SPRING SAMPLE RESULTS AND EVENTS DATE TOTAL FAECAL COMMENTS COLIFORM COLIFORM dd-mm-yy 18-09-86 8 0 23-09-86 86 0 24-09-86 68 0 25-09-86 24 0 26-09-86 Brian Irwin, By-Law Officer, was contacted re: posting the spring. 29-09-86 Gordon Ough, Director of Public Works, was given written instructions to remove pipe from the spring. H. Robinson's letter was laminated and erected at spring to warn public water is unsafe. 30-09-86 40 0 01-10-86 Roman Malanczyj confirmed that pipe had been removed from spring. 06-10-86 Gordon Ough requested that we continue to monitor the water quality as the Town would like to re-install the pipe when the water is safe. 07-10-86 6 0 08-10-86 36 0 28-10-86 84 0 25-11-86 0 0 - 2 - DATE TOTAL FAECAL COMMENTS COLIFORM COLIFORM 01-12-86 14 0 16-12-86 48 0 29-01-87 Spring cleaned by Lott's Well Cleaning Services. 02-02-87 0 0 04-02-87 0 0 09-02-87 0 0 10-02-87 0 0 11-02-87 0 0 12-02-87 0 0 13-02-87 0 0 16-02-87 0 0 17-02-87 0 0 18-02-87 0 0 12-03-87 0 0 02-04-87 10 0 06-04-87 0 0 07-04-87 0 0 11-05-87 10 0 14-05-87 26 0 19-05-87 Letter of September 29/86 sent to G. Ough to re-confirm the water is unsafe. 01-09-87 0 0 02-09-87 0 0 09-09-87 30 0 06-03-91 0 0 07-03-91 3 0 14-03-91 0 0 i - 3 - DATE TOTAL FAECAL COMMENTS COLIFORM COLIFORM 18-03-91 0 0 24-03-91 0 0 25-03-91 0 0 02-04-91 0 0 05-04-91 0 0 08-04-91 0 0 08-04-91 A make-shift pipe extension placed on system and removed by our inspector. 10-04-91 0 0 12-04-91 0 0 15-04-91 0 0 16-04-91 Copy of letter to Mr. Cameron from Town of Newcastle asking us to mon- itor spring on a frequent basis. H. Robinson sent letter to W. Evans, Director of Public Works, advising that history of spring indicates water is unsafe. 23-04-91 0 0 06-05-91 0 0 08-05-91 0 0 13-05-91 0 0 04-06-91 2 0 Letter sent by Dr. Kyle dated June 27, 1191, to Marie - 4 - DATE TOTAL FAECAL COMMENTS COLIFORM COLIFORM 04-06-91 cont'd. 0 0 Knight, Deputy Clerk for the Town of Newcastle stating that water could be made accessible because of satisfactory bacteriological counts. 06-06-91 0 0 19-06-91 5 0 22-07-91 6 0 13-08-91 25 0 15-08-91 25 3 20-08-91 3 3 22-08-91 14 1 27-08-91 29 0 Dr. Kyle's letter to Marie Knight, Deputy Clerk for the Town of Newcastle dated August 28, 1991, stated that spring should remain inaccessible to public and a sign stating water is unsafe should be posted. 06-09-91 29 1 03-10-91 15 1 28-10-91 42 0 07-11-91 52 3 26-11-91 66 1 1 � . _ 0 - 5 - DATE TOTAL FAECAL COMMENTS COLIFORM COLIFORM dd-mm-yy 03-12-91 16 0 Water inaccessible to the public. 01-01-92 0 0 14-02-92 0 0 06-04-92 0 0 13-05-92 >80 0 04-06-92 0 0 03-07-92 6 0 19-08-92 3 0 15-09-92 2 0 The Town of Newcastle made physical improvements to spring and made water accessible to the public. 21-10-92 10 0 19-11-92 2 0 23-11-92 3 0 26-11-92 43 0 30-11-92 17 0 04-12-92 2 0 07-12-92 12 0 10-12-92 0 0 15-12-92 6 0 04-01-93 0 0 Letter dated Jan. 6, 1993, sent to Patti Barrie, Clerk for Town of Newcastle from H. Robinson stating that water is unsafe and should be made inaccessible i - 6 - DATE TOTAL FAECAL COMMENTS COLIFORM COLIFORM 04-01-93 cont'd. to public, copy of Dr. Kyle's letter of August 28, 1991 enclosed. 15-01-93 0 0 H. Robinson visited site on January 27, 1993 and water is still accessible but sign stating it is unsafe for consumption has been posted. 28-01-93 11 0 04-02-93 1 0 no chlorine 11-02-93 3 0 no chlorine 18-02-93 0 0 no chlorine 01-03-93 1 0 no chlorine 09-03-93 18 0 I 10U � I �