HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-22-01 ~ DN: TR-22-01 < , THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT #2 REPORT Meeting: Council File # Date: April 30th, 2001 Res. # Report #: TR-22-01 FILE#: By-law # Subject: CL2001-11, CENTRE STREET, AND GRANT LANE RECONSTRUCTION I LOWE STREET AND BEECH AVENUE STORM SEWERS, BOWMANVILLE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recornrnended to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-22-01 be received; 2. THAT Ron Robinson Lirnited., Bowmanville, Ontario, with a total bid in the arnount of $824,725.39 (including G.S.T.), being the lowest responsible bidder rneeting all terrns, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2001-11, be awarded the contract for the Centre Street and Grant Lane Reconstruction / Lowe Street and Beech Avenue Storm Sewers, Bowmanville as required by the Department of Public Works; 3. THAT funds required in the amount of $265,000.00 for Centre Street and Grant Lane Reconstruction be drawn frorn the Public Works Account #7205-00005-0261; and 4. THAT funds in the amount of $130,000.00 required for Centre Street and Grant Lane Reconstruction be drawn from the carried over 2000 Public Works budget; and 5. THAT funds in the amount of $63,000.00 required for the Lowe Street and Beech Avenue Storrn Sewers be drawn frorn the Public Works Account #7205-01005-0261; and 6. THAT the additional funds required for Centre Street and Grant Lane, Reconstruction, in the amount of $37,000.00 be re-allocated frorn Lowe Street and Beech Avenue Storrn Sewers Account #7205-01005-0261; and 7. THAT the attached By-law rnarked Schedule "A" authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the agreement be approved. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT Tender specifications were provided by Totten Sirns Hubicki Associates for the Centre Street and Grant Lane Reconstruction / Lowe Street and Beech Avenue Storm Sewers, Bowrnanville, as required by the Departrnent of Public Works. REPORT NO.: TR-22-01 PAGE 2 Tenders were advertised in the local papers, as well as the Daily Cornrnercial News. Subsequently, tenders were received and tabulated as per Schedule "B" attached. The Municipality of Clarington's portion of the total project cost, including Project Administration, as detailed in the letter from Totten Sirns Hubicki Associates, rnarked Schedule "C" is estirnated at $495,000.00. Included in the total tendered price is work to be cornpleted on behalf of the Region of Durham for which they will be invoiced separately. Funds in the amount of $265,000.00 required for the Centre Street and Grant Lane Reconstruction will be drawn from the 2001 Public Works Capital Budget Account #7205- 00005-0261, as identified on page 124, with $130,000.00 being provided from the Public Works 2000 Capital Budget carry over for the project. Funds in the arnount of $63,000.00 required for the Lowe Street and Beech Avenue Storrn Sewers will be drawn frorn the Public Works Account #7205-01005-0261 as reflected on page 126 of the 2001 Capital Budget. As the arnount is below the $100,000.00 allocated, it is recomrnended that the rernaining funds of $37,000.00 be re- allocated to Centre Street and Grant Lane Reconstruction. Public Works have obtained a cost estirnated of $75,000.00 for placing duct work to accornmodate a possible future underground hydro supply. Recognizing that Public Works and Treasury Staff are not recomrnending that conversion to underground services be undertaken, the $75,000.00 for placement of duct work is not included in the amount of this contract. Although the duct work is not presently included, it has been identified in the tender such that the work can be incurred in the later project stages if Veridian deerns that the early placernent of these ducts would be beneficial toward the future conversion of the existing overhead hydro distribution systern to an underground system. The cost breakdown and overrun is addressed in the attached letter frorn Totten Sirns Hubicki Associates. REPORT NO.: TR-22-01 PAGE 3 The low bidder has previously perforrned satisfactorily for the Municipality of Clarington in recent years. The Treasurer has reviewed the funding requirernents and concurs with the recornrnendation. Queries with respect to departrnent needs, specifications, etc., should be referred to the Director of Public Works. After further review and analysis of the bids by Public Works, Totten Sims Hubicki Associates and Purchasing, it was mutually agreed that the low bidder, Ron Robinson Lirnited, Bowrnanville, Ontario, be recornmended for the contract for the Centre Street, and Grant Lane Reconstruction and Low Street and Beech Avenue Storrn Sewers, Bowrnanville. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, o ~~-e:;t~ arie Marano, H.BSc., AMCT., Treasurer Frank Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Chief Administrative Officer ~~ Stephen A. Vokes, P. Eng. Director of Public Works MM*LB*km Schedule "A" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2001- Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Ron Robinson Lirnited, Bowrnanville, Ontario, to enter into an agreernent for the Centre Street, and Grant Lane Reconstruction and Low Street and Beech Avenue Storm Sewers, Bowrnanville. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington with the Corporation Seal, a contract between Ron Robinson Lirnited, Bowrnanville, Ontario, and said Corporation; and 2. THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule "An form part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second tirne this day of . , 2001. By-law read a third tirne and finally passed this day of 2001. John Mutton, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk ~- SCHEDULE lOB" BID SUMMARY CL2001-11, CENTRE STEET, GRANT LANE AND LOWE STREET RECONSTRUCTION Bidder Total Bid Amount Ron Robinson Lirnited $824,725.39* Bowrnanville, ON Miwel Construction Lirnited $847,136.97* Stouffville, ON Balterre Contracting Lirnited $912,748.89 Peterborough, ON Hardco Construction Ltd. $983,876.91* Whitby, ON B.N. Fenton Construction $997,839.20* Courtice, ON Pachino Construction Co. Ltd. $1,050,002.14* Stouffville, ON Elirpa Construction & Materials Ltd. $1,059,544.57 Pickering, ON * Bid amended - Extension Error ON:WP510ATAlBIOSUMMICL01-11 ....- .' '. lilt Schedule "C" . - .- - - - - . - " II Totten Sims Hubicki Associates engineers 513 Division Street, Cobourg, Ontario, Canada K9A 5G6 architects 19051372-2121 Fax: (9051372-3621 planners E-mail: cobourg@tsh.ca www.tsh.ca April 19, 2001 Ms. Lou Ann Birkett, CPP, AMCT JlEalIW][ij Purchasing Manager Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street APR 2 3 2001 BOWMANVILLE, Ontario. L1C 3A6 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OEPARTMENT Dear Ms. Birkett: Re: Contract No. CL2001-11, Centre Street and Grant Lane Reconstruction and Lowe Street and Beech Avenne Storm Sewers, Bowrnanville Tenders for the above project were opened at the municipal offices on Wednesday, March 28,2001, at 2:00:00 p.m. The bids received inclusive of GST are summarized as follows: Bidder Total Bid Amount Ron Robinson Limited, Bowmanville, ant. $824,725.39 * Miwel Construction Limited, Stouffville, ant. $847,136.97 * Balterre Contractin~ Limited, Peterborou~h, ant. $912,748.89 Hardco Construction Ltd., Whitbv, ant. $983,876.91 * B.N. Fenton Construction, Courtice, ant. $997,839.20 * Pachino Construction Co. Ltd., Stouffville, ant. $1,050,002.14 * Eliroa Construction & Materials Ltd., Pickerin~, ant. $1,059,544.57 * Bid amended - Extension Error The low bidders submitted tender has been reviewed and is in order. Ron Robinson Limited reconstructed Trulls Road for the Municipality of Clarington in 1995. They performed to an acceptable standard. In 2000 they completed a number of contracts for the Region of Durham and private developers. These projects were similar in nature to the subject contract and references contacted indicated their performance was acceptable. We, therefore, recommend acceptance of the low bid on this Contract. ~ A cost apportionment is attached which summarizes estimated project costs based on the low bid. Overall the project is on budget. The Centre Street and Grant Lane portion of the project is estimated to be approximately $37,000 over budget while the Lowe Street and Beech Avenue Storm Sewer section is $37,000 under budget. As both project components are to be funded by the tax levy, budget should be transferred between the two accounts to account for the revised project allocation. Municipality of Clarington April 19, 2001 Schedule "C" 2 In addition to the above noted project components we have also included in the cost apportionment estimated costs for placing duct work to accommodate a possible future underground hydro supply. These works estimated at $75,000 were not included in the original project budget but may be incurred if V eridian deems that the early placement of these ducts would be beneficial toward the future conversion of the existing overhead hydro distribution system to an underground system. Deposit cheques may be returned to all contractors except the low and second low bidders. Should you require any further information, please contact the undersigned. Yours truly, :if! .' .-----J .'1 /- / /' ,,/. -: ,'- / /;~ /;tl. " / William McCrae, P.Eng. r Senior Project Engineer WMc/jg PI29040/Corrcsp/l8S83J24/2 pc: S.A. Vokes, P.Eng. A.S. Cannella, CET K. Rand .... 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